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To provide students with guidance and assistance in using English effectively as a medium of communication and sharing regular and irregular verbs in English.
By the end of the course students will get practice in the language skills specific to sharing regular and irregular verbs;
be able to use English as a means of instruction, elicitation, and class organization to promote a meaningful language practice;
have a basis for deciding on the use of the target language and the mother tongue in class;
practice the appropriate use of body language and voice projection.

Examiner: Can you tell me a little about your family?
Candidate: Well, I have a brother and a sister. I am the eldest, my brother is the youngest and my sister is the second child.
Alternative answers:
I have a large family. I have three brothers and two sisters. I am the youngest. One of my brothers still lives with my parents. My other siblings have all married and moved to their own homes.
I come from a big family of six children. I have three brothers and two sisters. I'm the youngest. I come from a relatively large family. I have an elder brother and three younger sisters. Well, there are five of us altogether including my grandparents. I have one brother and one sister. I'm the middle child. I'm an only child. I live with my parents.
Examiner: Do you get on with your brother/sister well?
Candidate: Oh, that's for sure. My brother/sister and I get along so well. We are mentally very much alike. I usually share my secrets with my brother/sister.
Alternative answers: Although my brother/sister and I are characteristically kind of different, we get along very well.
Oh, yes, totally. My brother/sister and I are so like-minded. We have a lot of things in common.
Yes, so well. Although there is a ten year age gap between me and my brother/sister, we get along very well. We spend most of our time together. .. we share the same interests and have lots of fun together.
Alternative answers:
In tenns of appearance, I look more like my mother, but in character, I'm more similar to my father.

Your answer: ......................................................................................... .

Examiner: Who are you closer to, your mother or your father?
Candidate: Um ... It's a difficult question, in fact, I adore both of them. Er. .. but maybe I'm more compatible with my mother. We are mentally very close.
Alternative answers:
Despite the fact that we are from different generations, and age gap exists between us, I get on with them very well. So I can't say which one I am closer to, as I love both of them.
Examiner: Do you often argue with your mother or father?
Candidate: To tell the truth, sometimes I do. Of course, after arguing, I ask them to make up with me.
Alternative answers:
Not really. My parents are so understanding and I have the greatest regard for them. Our parents love us, that's what. .. er. .. called 'unconditional love' and we should always respect them.
Examiner: Are you going to bring up your children any differently to the way your parents did? Why?
Candidate: Yes and no. Let me explain, I believe my parents raised me well, and gave me a good education. If I could do the same for my children I would be happy. Maybe I would be a little more flexible. For example, I believe my parents were unreasonably strict at times. I would try to keep a balance between discipline and flexibility.
Alternative answers:
I intend to raise my children in the same way I was brought up.
Examiner: Do you get on with your brother/sister well?
Candidate: Oh, that's for sure. My brother/sister and I get along so well. We are mentally ver)' much alike. I usually share my secrets with my brother/sister.
Alternative answers:
Although my brother/sister and I are characteristically kind of different, we get along vet') well.
Oh, yes, totally. My brother/sister and I are so like-minded. We have a lot of things common.
Yes, so well. Although there is a ten year age gap between me and my brother/sister, we go along very well. We spend most of our time together. .. we share the same interest and have lots of fun together.
FAMILY Questions
1. Do you live in a nuclear family or an extended family? 2. Do you have any siblings?
3. Have you got any twins brothers/ sisters? 4. How close and warm is your family? 5. How much do you remember from your grandparents? 6. How many aunts and uncles do you have? How many first cousins do you have? 7. Is there anyone in your family who is not related but considered part of the family any way? 8. Have you got any members of the family living with you? 9. How many children do you have/want to have? What hope or fears do you have for them? 10. Do you have any 'black sheep' in your family? (A person who is strongly disapproved) 1 l. What do you like best about your family? 12. How would you describe your relationship with your parents? 13. Do you think your parents understand you? 14. How was your relationship with your parents while you were growing up? 15. Did your mother or father ever tell you what their childhood was like? 16. How is your relationship with your siblings? 17. Do you share your personal secrets with your family? 18. Who do you usually speak to when you have a problem? 19. How much influence do you have on your family? 20. Who is the breadwinner in your family? 21. Who takes the greatest responsibility for bringing up the children in your family? 22. Who does most of the household chores in your family? 23. What job do you least enjoy doing in the house? 24. Do you have any particular rules in your family? 25. Do you enjoy spending time with your family? 26. How much time do you usually spend with the members of your family? 27. How often do you have a family get together? 28. Have you ever had a big family reunion? On what occasions does your family get together? 29. Which of your relatives do you spend the most time with? 30. Do you have much contact with your distant relatives? If so, when? 31. Are there any special times in the year that you spend with your relatives? Do you socialise with them at other times? 32. Tell me about one of your family's important traditions. 33. In what ways are you proud of your ancestry? 34. Do you have any in-laws? Do you get along well with them? 35. How did you meet your spouse and what attracted you? 36. What kind of person do you want to get married to?

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