Mirzo ulug’bek nomidagi o’zbekiston milliy universiteti jurnalistika fakulteti 2-kurs magistri yo’ldosheva kamolaning ingliz tilidan tayyorlagan taqdimoti

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Нistory of Tashkent

Museum of History of Temurids
The State Museum of Timurids was opened in Tashkent on October 18, 1996 after the 660th anniversary of the birth of a great statesman and commander Amir Temur.
The museum, as an unusual form of construction of a luxury dome is a masterpiece of architecture, which blends with modern and ancient traditions. The decor of the building presented graceful white columns and carved wooden doors, a huge mural. The interiors of the museum in marble, domed ceiling is painted and covered with gold leaf in the best traditions of Uzbek ornamental art on the walls and halls are made murals in the style of oriental miniature painting, depicting the life of Amir Temur and the stages of the country's history from antiquity to the present day. All of this brings the visitor into the world created by the great Amir Temir, which develops science, arts and crafts, erected magnificent buildings, thriving state.
Since its inception, the museum became a center of scientific thought and education. It stores jewelry, arms, clothing, military commanders and ordinary soldiers, musical instruments, manuscripts of Amir Temur, Babur, astronomical instruments of Ulugbek. The museum also contains valuable documents such as letters of Amir Temur and his descendants with the monarchs of Europe, skilled miniature copies of paintings by Amir Temur, written by European masters of the time. The originals of these paintings are in the National Library of France. These and many other cultural treasures dating back to the Timurid era, and reflecting the history of Uzbekistan from the XIV century. Have great historical value.
Today Tashkent is a large industrial center with about 300 companies producing almost everything which contemporary person needs: from aircraft and tractors to TV sets and toys for children. Here the images of old times join the modern skyscrapers made of glass and metal, multilevel overbridges, parks, museums, fountains. Tashkent is rapidly becoming a modern developed international megapolis.
After 1991 year
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