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UDC: 378.013.83

М. Hordiienko,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associated Professor

(Mykhailo Ostrogradskyi Kremenchuk National University)
Problem statement. Modeling is one of the key technologies of systems analysis in the study of complex objects, the operation of which is determined by a large number of internal and external factors. Modeling of educational objects and processes provides information compression, so there is an opportunity to make a focus on the most important elements and their interaction. As a result, the model becomes a conceptual tool.

In science, models are used to examine any objects (phenomena, processes) to solve a variety of scientific problems and thus obtain new information. Therefore, the model is defined, of course, as an object (the system), the study of which serves as a means of studying the other object (the original).

The need in andragogical modeling is caused by the necessity of understanding the intrinsic properties of adult education, its expectations, objective and subjective preconditions and effects.

In adult education modeling is particularly important as a necessary element of pedagogical skills. Educational models allow to see and understand the process and result of the outer and inner world, its states and changes. Therefore, the development of educational models in general is relevant for both foreign and domestic researchers in adult education.

The analysis of research and publications. Domestic and foreign philosophers (L. Anisimova, V. Biryukov, L. Valt, B. Glinski, Y. Zhdanov, I. Zeman, G. Klaus, A. Kochergin, K. Morozov, I. Novik, V. Tyuhtyn, I. Frolov and others) have made a large amount of research on methodological and theoretical problems of modeling and models classification. The significant contribution to the generalization of scientific practice of modeling method is made by V. Shtoff, A. Uyomov and K. Batoriyev in the works analysing modeling and analogies. In research of the scientists the modeling is considered from the standpoint of the use of models for the study of certain properties of the original, or the conversion or replacement of the original with models during the activity.

The problem of modeling is covered widely enough in various aspects of the theory of education (A. Anoshkin, P. Archangelskiy, G. Ball, V. Bezrukov, V. Bykov, B. Glinski, S. Goncharenko, B. Gryaznov, O. Dakhin, V. Zahvyazynskiy, V. Krajevskiy, A. Lodatko, V. Mikheev, Y. Nikitin, T. Svetenko, E. Stepanov, L. Friedman and others).

It should be noted that in the context of adult education the problem of modeling isn’t highlighted enough. Although adult education researchers turned to modeling at the stage of developing a theoretical framework of adult education (andragogy) when the theory was in the early stage. Thus, developing the theory of adult education took place through the use of models and their analysis. There are famous andragogical models of P. Freire and scientists of Nottingham Andragogy Group. But the andragogical model of M. Knowles is the most famous and popular.

The analysis of scientific literature [3, 5, 6, 8, 10] gives us reason to believe that modeling is regarded as a reflection of the real system, the method of examination of their models.

Various kinds of models are described in the study of M. Jakubowski [11]: cybernetic, logical, fuzzy, neuronet, descriptive, phenomenological, structural, functional, etc. The study of A. Dakhin [4, p.24] presents the predictive, conceptual, instrumental model, and model of monitoring and reflection.

The purpose of the article. Consider the problem of modeling in professional adult education in terms of andragogical approach.
The methodology of science a model is treated as analogous of a piece of natural or social reality, product of human culture, conceptual and theoretical formation. This analogue can perform a variety of functions: maintain and expand the knowledge about the original, change or control it. From the epistemological point of view, a model is a representative, deputy original in research and practice.

The model contains the most essential features or parameters of the object studied. According to some sources, a model is man-created sample like a scheme, physical structures, iconic forms or formulas, which, being similar to the test object (or phenomenon), reflects and reproduces the structure, properties, and relationships between the elements of the object [4].

The kernel of modeling by definition of S. Goncharenko [3, p. 119] is to establish similarity of effects (analogies), the adequacy of one object to another in certain relations. In other words, a model is an aid which in research and study provides new information about the main object.

We adhere to the view that the common property of all models is their ability to reflect reality. Depending on how, by what means, under which circumstances this common feature is implemented, there is a great variety of models in content, type, purpose, and the nature of the relationship between the model and the original [9, p.22].

By the content a model can be completely or mostly descriptive (usually text that reveals the principles of transformation, its stages and technology links between problem content, methods and results of its transformation), structural, functional or functionally dynamic, heuristic (enables to reveal new relationships and dependencies) and integrative, which includes several components, or all kinds of models . The first three species belong to the cognitive, heuristic type – the models of conversion (pragmatic) that reflect what is necessary to be implemented [5].

Applying cognitive modeling as a basic mechanism in research, for adequate interaction with reality it’s required to remove the information meaningful in the context. Knowledge of reality is not reflected by significant objects, connections and relationships between them, and by constructing subjectively useful models of reality that is fixed contextually meaningful elements and structures [2, p.101] It is necessary to identify the structural elements of the model, but also to define a set of relations between them.

Creating a model is a relatively independent and important step of the investigation and research design. The variety of forms of educational activities develops multiple perspectives, so modeling the educational systems is not a fashion trend, but a way to understand the kernel of the processes and phenomena. Most descriptive and structural models with the most important elements and relationships in the system and their hierarchical arrangement are developed.

When studying the modeling in the context of adult education, we understand reflection leading characteristics of the system (the original) in a specially constructed analogue (model), which is simpler than the original and highlights the hidden sides of the original. This model is similar to the original, it is able to replace it in certain relations and discover new properties of the original, the new features of its perfection. This is heuristic function of a model. The role of model research is to identify the most significant factors and patterns of the development within simpler object. The model in this study is a working tool that allows to see the internal structure of the adult professional education and factors affecting it, resources for its development.

Taking into account the above stated, the andragogical model of M. Knowles [1] can be taken as a conceptual model for designing a model of professional education for adults. It represents the basic principles of adult learning and important provisions for adult learners. The structure of the M. Knowles’ andragogical model has three dimensions: goals and objectives for training; individual and situational differences, the basic principles of adult learning. This approach is conceptually integrates additional impacts to the basic principles of adult learning. Three model’s circles interact, so it can be considered as a three-dimensional model of the process to understand the situation of adult education. The model recognizes the diversity of the student and the learning situation and points to the complexity of learning.

The outer circle of the model, goals and objectives for learning, is portrayed as evolutionary achievements. Goals and purposes for learning of adult provide education learning experiences. In this model the objectives in adult learning are determined by three main categories: individual, institutional, and societal growth. M. Knowles has applied these categories to outline the problems of adult education. The objectives are conceptually separated from the main andragogical principles, but they have a significant impact on the process of learning. Therefore it is important to analyze them with basic principles, as they may determine a compliance with the basic principles of a particular situation. The conceptual separation and separate analysis of the goals and objectives allows to coordinate numerous perspectives on learning outcomes. In addition, only under these conditions the interactions between the goals, philosophy, context and process of adult learning are fully identified and properly defined.

Individual growth. Most scholars and practitioners believe that individual development is the main goal in adult education. Andragogy is well suited to the goals of individual development, because it focuses on individuals.
Institutional growth. Adult equally has a powerful impact on the development of the organization and the individual. Human Resource Development, for example, includes improving the efficiency of the organization as one of the main goals that andragogy does not cover. In terms of human resources development, the ultimate goal is to improve the educational activities of the organization that is sponsoring training activities. Thus, the control objectives and tasks are shared between the organization and the individual. Societal growth. Goals and objectives of training make focus on the social and personal improvement. Learning happens for different reasons and has results beyond the individual level, and it is sponsored or implemented in organizational or social context.

Individual and situational differences in the average range of the andragogical model are portrayed as variables. These variables are grouped into categories: individual differences of students, the differences in subject material and situational differences.

Subject matter differences. Any substantive material may require different strategies for learning. For example, adults may be less able to learn complex technical material by themselves. Or the introduction of unfamiliar material for students requires different strategies in teaching and learning. Not all the material can be taught and learn the same way.

Situational differences. Situational influences cover any unique factors that may arise in a particular learning situation and include several groups. At the macro level: different local situations may require different strategies for teaching or learning. For example, students in remote areas have to be more independent. Or learning in large groups means that training activities do not take into account the specific circumstances of each student. Thus, situational differences that affect the design of adult learning can be: social, cultural, historical, specific and so on.

Individual learner differences. Researchers point to many individual characteristics that affect the learning process of adults. Adults learn in different ways, and the knowledge of individual differences should help to form and adapt andragogical approach to each student.

Six core adult learning principles, which are widely recognized and accepted in the field of adult education, namely:

  1. Learner’s need to know why, what and how.

  2. Self-concept of the learner: autonomous, self-directing.

  3. Prior experience of the learner: resource, mental models.

  4. Readiness to learn: life related, developmental task.

  5. Orientation to learning: problem centered, contextual.

  6. Motivation to learn: intrinsic value, personal payoff.

However, it should be noted that M. Knowles’ andragogical model lacks such an important component of adult education as the relationship between the learners and teachers: the principle of partnership, collaboration, domination of didactic principles, the principle of deep respect for learners, the principle of attitude education [7, p. 40]. Moreover, the model is conceptual for any educational process of adults, so it does not contain explicit component of the educational process, which includes pedagogical tools of communication and information transfer. We can assume that, constructing a concrete model of professional education for adults, these components can be placed in the circle of individual and situational differences.

Conclusions. Thus, having considered the problem of modeling in adult professional education in the context of andragogical approach, we believe that the model of professional adult education should be seen as a systematic multicomponent complex. The main elements of the model of adult professional education should be player of the educational process, the principles of their relationships, the basic principles of adult learning, goals and objectives of adult education, means of teaching communication and information transfer.

Prospects for further research in the direction of research. Taking into account that we consider the model of adult professional education as a systematic multicomponent complex, our study does not exhaust the problem. Especially promising may be its consideration from the position of multidimensionality of educational process for adults.

1. Knowles, M.S., Holton III, E.E., Swanson, R.A. The Adult Learner: The Definitive Classic in Adult Education and Human Resource Development. – 6th edition. – London, New York, etc.: ELSEVIER Butterworth Heinemann, 2005. – 378 p.

2. Аронов, Р. А. Новое в эпистемологии и хорошо забытое старое /
Р. А. Аронов, О. Е. Баксанский // Вопросы философии. – 2004. – № 5.- C. 99-110

3. Гончаренко, С. У. Педагогічні дослідження: Методологічні поради молодим науковцям / С. У. Гончаренко. – К. ; Вінниця : ДОВ “Вінниця”, 2008. – 278 с., с. 119

4. Дахин, А. Н. Педагогическое моделирование: сущность, эффективность и неопределенность / А. Н. Дахин // Педагогика. – 2003. – № 4. – С. 22–27

5. Загвязинский В. И. Методология и методика дидактического иссле­дования.— М.: Педагогика, 1982.- 160 с.

6. Краевский В. В. Общие основы педагогики. / В. В. Краевский. – М.: Академия, 2003. – 256 с.

7. Подобед, В.И. Системные проблемы формиро­вания образования взрослых: образовательные услуги, функ­ции, технологии обучения / В. И. Подобед, М. Д. Махлин – СПб, ИОВ РАО, 2000. – 120 с.

8. Фролов, І. Т. Гносеологічні проблеми моделювання / І.Т. Фролов.- М.:Наука, 1961. – 260 c.

9. Штофф В.А. Моделирование и философия : научное издание / В. А. Штофф ; Акад. наук СССР, Ленинградская каф. философии. – М. ; Л. : Наука, 1966. – 310 с.

10. Штофф В.А. Роль моделей в познании / В.А. Штофф. – Л.: Изд-во Ленинградского ун-та, 1963. – 128 с.

11. Якубовски, М. А. Математическое моделирование профессиональной деятельности учителя : монография / М. А. Якубовски ; под ред. И. М. Козловской. –– Львов : Евросвит, 2003. – 428 с.

UDC 378. 014. 15: 37. 014. 1

O. Grytsayova,


(Berdyansk state pedagogical unuversity)
Statement of the problem. The actuality of the forecasting of effectiveness and efficiency of functioning of higher education system is not in doubt. The researchers consider this problem, first of all, in terms of compliance of prepared specialists to requirements of labour market, analysis of efficiency of investment in the system of higher education, working out and realization of technologies and methods of teaching, that correspond to the modern development of the society [1].

The national strategy of the development of education in Ukraine in 2012-2013 focuses on the necessity of fundamental changes directed to the improvement of quality and competitiveness of education, decision of strategic tasks which facing the national system of education in new economical and sociocultural conditions, and its integration into European and world educational space. After accession of Ukraine to the European higher education the most important problem is the problem of improving the educational quality. It gradually adopted as the main criterion of comparison the effectiveness, sustainability not only educational but social systems. Ukraine based on general European and world approaches to development of educational sphere attaches great importance to the problem of educational quality, declaring it a national priority and prerequisite of national security of the state, compliance with international norms and demands of laws of Ukraine as for realization of citizen’s right for education.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The problem of risks in higher education considerers in works of D. Dzvinchuk, C. Korsak, V. Kremen, V. Kryzhko, V. Lugovoy, N. Nechypor, V. Ognevuk, V. Podshyvalkina, O. Skidin, O. Starokozhko, M. Stepko, D. Shvets.

Researchers consider risks in the system of higher education and professional training of youth as one of types of risks in the process of social formation and development of young personality. We have analyzed risks which arise in the course of reforming of educational field (access to quality education, its cost, objective unequal of status positions at entering the HEE) [3; 4].

The aim of the article is to outline the main risks arising from the reform of the national higher education system, from their further analysis in order to develop efficient ways of prevention and minimization.

The main material. Analyzing this problem we think it is necessary to consider the notion “risk” according to the theory that was launched in the works J. Neyman and O. Morgenshtern [8]. The notion “risk” is defined in the “Encyclopedic dictionary in state management” as a situational characteristic of activity of social subjects which is the uncertainty of its result and occurrence of adverse effects. In “Encyclopedia of education” the notion “risk” is explained as a recognized possibility of unexpected losses expected profits, property, money or social effect in connection with random changes of conditions of economic activity and unpleasant circumstances. Measure the frequency of the potential risk of a level of losses.

Arising risks may apply to all subjects which are “consumers” of results of educational process and professional training: personality, enterprises and employers, state and society.

For solving the complex tasks of management of social and economical process are used scientific methodological approaches which give opportunity to predict results of decisions and reduce the risk and consequences of failures. One of such approach is the systematic approach.

One of the important system characteristics of the theory of risks is the entropy which reflects quantative measure of fluctuations in system. Namely it is considered as a phenomenon in which the emerging field of risk. Entropy is an informational uncertainty of situations. This phenomenon characterizes the relationship of disorganization – organization systems of different nature determine the behaviour of human resources of higher education.

The degree of organization of the system is determined by its resistance to entropy. In this case, as for management of higher education we mean a rational way of influence encourage groups of stakeholders to order, organized behaviour, doing necessary actions and provide qualitative preparation of specialists. At progressive development of institutions of academic environment the entropy retreats or graded. If entropy progresses (not perfect normative-law base, not qualitative resource potential, the law level of information of teachers and students) it means that there is the process of destruction in the system, movement toward disorder, uncertainty and chaos. The system character of higher school reform imposes requirements to managemental activity which must provide the resulted, organizational, scientific and pedagogical, professional orientation of the development of the elements of higher education.

The higher education helps the personality in overcoming of risk situations that arise throughout life, but it also can produce them. Risks are not irrational phenomenon; they can be analyzed, forecasted and controlled. That’s why one of the task for researchers studying mechanisms of improving of higher education quality should be consideration and risk analysis. When you achieve a goal personality, universities, employers are faced with various difficulties and get into risky situations. For young man who gets a higher education in order to take his place in society there can be some risks: there is a risk of “false start”, it means the choice is not relevant abilities and interests; forming of theoretical base, insufficient for successful professional practice activity; lack of sufficient practical experience with theoretical knowledge; there is no increasing in the overall cultural level (erudition, industry interests, education).

As a result of poor training of specialists there can be such risks: a lack of highly qualified specialists in those sectors where they are needed the land, causing significant deformation of the structure of the labour market; impossibility of the system of higher education to provide necessary level of cultural and moral development of graduates; lack of proper participation of universities in strengthening the health of personality; lack of number of qualified specialists able to effectively solve the problems of society.

The company or organization that accepts graduates to work could face the following risks: lack of sufficient theoretical knowledge of graduates; the lack of sufficient practical experience; underdevelopment of personal qualities necessary for the successful execution of professional responsibilities, adherence to labour discipline and work ethic; low motivation and capacity for work graduates.

We think that in higher educational establishment can arise the following risks: lack of qualified teachers able to carry out teaching activity based on fundamental knowledge on the using the advanced information technology training; inability to provide the necessary funding for educational activity and problems in learning to use contemporary literature and scientific information resources; inability to provide modern material and technical base for higher quality training, the initial level is not high enough applicants; inability to create favorable conditions for active academic, practical, social, cultural and sports activities, the presence of gaps in establishing relationship with companies to organize practical training of students and current lack of practical training in the universities; discrepancy applicable university teaching of modern educational process requirements.

Risks which we have considered locate in the plane of resource support, organization of professional training and contacts with employers. But in universities also can be a situation when despite an impeccable system resource support, the result is unsatisfactory. There is a phenomenon of performance inconsistency investment. This largely depends on external uncontrollable factors.

Having analyzed the system of risks arising in functioning of the system of higher education we have concluded that the most risks are connected with quality of training of specialists. It confirms the necessity of further reforming of the field with the purpose of guarantee and providing the high quality of educational products and their competitiveness in global space.

Conclusions. Analyzed risks arising as a result of problem in the functioning of the educational system generated so systemic problem as dynamic process of modernization characteristic of the modern educational system. These risks arising at the junction of the interests of all “consumers” the results of the training. All these risks are interrelated so that the aim of interested party in the field of quality of training specialists also intersects.

Prospects for further research. After the joining the Ukraine to European higher educational space the question about the improving the quality of education has become the most important. Ukraine based on European and global approaches to development educational sphere, pays great attention to the problem of quality of education declaring it as a national priority and prerequisite for national security compliance with international norms and legislation to implement the right to education. That’s why it is necessary to study risks, systematize and search factors which can effect positively on their minimization. One of the main factors, in our opinion is complex solution the problem of efficiency of the higher educational reform reducing threats and risks to group of people involved in this field.


  1. Богомолова А. Подготовка менеджеров для общества риска / А. Богомолова // Высшее образование в России. – 2007. – № 12. – C. 105–110.

  2. Зубков В. Социологическая теория риска / В. И. Зубков. – М., 2009. – 230 с.

  3. Зубок Ю. Управление рисками в сфере образования молодежи / Ю. Зубок, В. Чупров // Высшее образование в России. – 2007. – № 5. – C. 11–22.

  4. Зубок Ю. Риск в сфере образования молодежи: институциональные и саморегуляционные механизмы управления / Ю. А. Зубок, В. И. Чупров // Вопросы образования. – 2008. – № 4. – C. 31–55.

  5. Крижко В. Основи безпекової стратегії вищої освіти України / В. В. Крижко, О. М. Старокожко, О. С. Грицайова // Педагогіка вищої школи: методологія, теорія, технології. – 2012. – 3 (46). – С. 161–170.

  6. Полтерович В. Институциональные ловушки: есть ли выход? / В. М. Полтерович // Общественные науки и современность. – 2004. – № 3. – С. 5–16.

  7. Сабуров Е. Риски вложений корпоративных и частных инвесторов в образование: проблемы идентификации / Е. Сабуров, Н. Родина, Е. Хижнякова // Высшее образование в России. – 2007. – № 5. – C. 3–1.

UDC 371.14:37.014.54

T. Gumennikova,

Doctor of Education Associate Professor

(PrJSC “Higher Educational Institution

“Interregional Academy of

Personnel Management”)
Problem statement. At the present stage of social development, training of professional managers is a topical issue, and it becomes even more urgent for the education sector due to innovations connected with the processes of educational European integration, as well as an innovative and information stage of the society. The lack of professional management education of the majority of education sector managers determines their focus on personal experience only, slowing down the period of manager’s development. Also it is necessary to consider the age of an educational institution manager who does not have enough potential and time possibilities to implement strategic projects and personal management activity plans at the moment of holding a position of manager. Annually increasing demands of educational institutions in strategic management are based on the need to build their own activity on a well-defined strategic aim, adaptation to environmental changes, as well as to constantly refine the structure, programs and variety of educational services.

Also timeliness of solving an issue of training of future educational institution managers for strategic planning of educational institution activity and its development pathway tracing is included into documents of the expert personnel commission for review of activity issues of managers of educational institutions, vocational technical and non-formal educational institutions [9].

The need to develop a strategy of the 21st century educational institution is based on objective laws of the modern stage of education development in Ukraine, namely:

– diversification and differentiation phenomena which determine an increasing demand for kinds, levels, quality of educational services and, at the same time, have to satisfy growing community needs for a wider range of educational services amid market deregulation;

– significant changes in technical, methodological and organizational capabilities of service delivery, such as Internet education, multimedia, distance education which is indicative of innovative changes;

– business struggle of national educational institutions, providing competition for market segments, prospective group of students, growing range of services and increasing advertising activities.

However, analysis of literary and regulatory sources, curricula and syllabi of masters degree program in the speciality of 8.18010020 “Educational Institution Management” by qualification of a manager of an enterprise, institution, organization (in the field of education and industrial training), examination of thesis studies, determination and evaluation of a practical condition have proved that the system of training of educational institution managers insufficiently meets modern requirements and educational standards in the field of postgraduate management pedagogical education, and studying an issue of an educational institution strategic planning is passed by teachers of master’s degree program. The aforesaid is compounded by the fact that an overwhelming majority of school managers improve their qualification at postgraduate pedagogical education institutes as subject teachers, but not as educational institution managers. Traditionally, educational institution managers were not trained under special professional programs, but appointed from among those who, according to regulatory and legal framework, “acquired higher pedagogical education within masters or specialists degree program, have working experience no less than three years and successfully passed attestation of executive educational staff [11].

Many research studies are dedicated to the necessity of continuous qualification improvement of educational institution managers, acquisition of theoretical knowledge in various branches, learning new forms and methods of management activity inclusive of type, specific nature and tasks of a general education institution. In such circumstances, educational institution management significantly depends on qualification level of a manager.

Analysis of studies and publications. Timeliness of the selected study direction is confirmed by a number of scientific papers in theory and practice of postgraduate pedagogical education and qualification improvement of executive staff of educational institutions, written by leading scholars, such as: Yu. Babanskyi, V. Bezpalko, Ye. Berezniak, V. Bondar, M. Vashchenko, Yu. Vasyliev, G. Dmytrenko, L. Danylenko, M. Darmanskyi, G. Yelnykova, M. Kondakov, Yu. Konarzhevskyi, V. Kraievskyi, M. Krasovytskyi, S. Krysiuk, Yu. Kuliutkina, L. Kalinina, V. Maslova, V. Onushkina, V. Oliinyk, V. Pikelna, N. Protasova, V. Putsova, V. Slastionina, M. Suntsova, T. Sushchenko, O. Tonkonoga, G. Fedorova, Ye. Khrykova, P. Khudomynskyi, M. Cherpinskyi, T. Shamova and others.

At the modern stage training of management professionals is conducted by management and pedagogical higher educational institutions and a network of institutions focused on postgraduate pedagogical education and qualification improvement of executive staff. During the last decade, education sector managers are trained under the master’s degree curriculum in the speciality of 8.18010020 “Educational Institution Management” by qualification of a manager of an enterprise, institution, organization in the field of education and industrial training. In 1983, Adam M. Dreyer (USA), an investigator of the education sector, was the first to classify the speciality of an education manager and define it as one of the gnostical and transformative specialities of the future educational system [1, p. 33].

The objective of our article is to study potential opportunities of training of future managers for strategic planning at the stage of master’s degree education.

Fundamental content statement. The crisis state of an economic and political system of the society naturally leads to the crisis of an educational system. Crisis recovery requires an education sector manager having a new strategic vision and decision-making ability who will not only solve operative tasks, but also will be able to work for development prospects. In the context of European integration of an educational system, master’s degree program of management and pedagogical higher educational institutions faces a strategic demand for an educational institution manager of a new breed.

According to education and qualification description, a master’s degree is an educational and qualification level of a professional who acquires advanced special skills and innovative knowledge based on bachelor’s or specialist’s degree, as well as has some experience in their applying and producing new knowledge for solving topical professional tasks in the field of educational institution management. Our research is focused on training of future managers for strategic planning, because strategic management provides the manager’s ability to define problems of an educational institution, to state an objective of expected changes, to develop a strategy of changes and to make adjustments to the selected strategy. According to results of studies by V. Bondar, N. Kolominskyi, S. Frolov, Ye. Orlov, Yu. Volkov, V. Lugovyi [4], a real optimum of an educator’s development and his/her readiness for management activity ranges within two to eight years.

We have undertaken a local study and revealed that readiness of a beginning teacher of a higher educational institution for management activity upon completion of master’s degree program ranges within four to seven years. Besides, 69% of those surveyed, who have entered the speciality of “Educational Institution Management”, had an “above average” level, 13% had a “high” level, and 18% had an “average” level of motivation to management activity.

The analysis of personal files of applicants entering master’s degree program at Prydunaiska Branch of PrJSC “Higher Educational Institution “Interregional Academy of Personnel Management” over the last ten years in the speciality 8.18010020 “Educational Institution Management” suggests that they can be conventionally subdivided into two categories of students: the first of them is represented by the graduates dealing with or planning to commit their professional career to teaching at a higher educational institution and further scientific and research teaching activity. The aforesaid is grounded by the fact that students of master’s degree program are economists, lawyers, mathematicians, physicists, linguists etc. Another category of applicants to master’s degree program consists of beginning teachers planning to develop their future career in the capacity of directors of schools, pre-school educational institutions, sports schools, health and fitness centres, as well as industrial training managers, but having mainly pedagogical education.

Therefore, master’s degree students are conventionally subdivided into those having basic pedagogical education and, at the bachelor’s degree stage, having an idea of professional direction disciplines, such as “School Science” and “School Management”, and those getting acquainted with higher education pedagogics and psychology and education sector management within master’s degree program for the first time, but the very few of them have an idea of educational institution management and strategies.

The issue of training for management of a general education institution or non-formal education institution based on basic pedagogical education is covered in works by Ye. Berezniak, V. Bondar, V. Begei, L. Danylenko, G. Yelnykova, L. Kalinina, L. Karamushka, N. Kolominskyi, Yu. Konarzhevskyi, V. Kryzhko, V. Maslov, N. Ostroverkhova, Ye. Pavliutenkov, V. Pikelna, V. Putsov, M. Potashnyk, T. Sorochan, Ye. Tonkonoga, Ye. Khrykov, T. Shamova and others.

The issue of training of master’s degree students without basic pedagogical education for strategic planning at educational institutions is presented in the very few research studies, among which we would like to underline works by G. Yelnykova, O. Marmaza, S. Reznik.

So far, the issue of training of educational institution managers for strategic planning is presented as development of special courses and curricula, but still it has not been reflected in master’s degree textbooks. Professor G. Yelnykova insists on the importance of mastering strategic planning of an educational institution in view of management competence formation in education [4]. Voron M.V., the author of the special course titled as “Organization and Development of a Socially Active School as a Centre of Community Development” (2010), presents the following interpretation of strategic planning: it is “a process of providing directions and content for everyday activities; it is a way of thinking and a continuous process” [2, p.36]. He underlines that a plan is never perfect and finished. Strategic planning makes an opportunity to check organization values, its current state and environment, factors connected with achievement of desired future.

At the same time, the studies by S.D. Reznik are focused on components of strategic planning and its stages, emphasizing “decomposition of an educational institution management system into large macro sub-systems and designing a strategy in activity directions” [10, p.117]. Strategic planning serves as a process of strategic project development by means of statement of an enterprise goal, analysis of development problems, selection of base line strategies and forecasting of social and economic development aiming to provide an efficient operation of the enterprise in the future [10]. For our study, the conclusion made by professor S.D. Reznik and stating that senior and middle managers unwillingly accept the challenge of solving strategic tasks was important. They spend their working hours on solving immediate issues which lead to short-term outcomes of their activity and corresponding rewards.

The scholar A.P. Yegorshyn underlines that the most valuable ideas of strategic planning were developed by those educational institution employees who have not addressed these issues before. He emphasizes that strategic planning must involve all the staff of an educational institution that allows including the most effective directions into the strategy, connected with extension of educational services, development of new markets and technologies [10, p.119]. The aforementioned scientific idea enforces the assumption of involving all the categories of education sector managers of the given educational institution into strategic planning which allows them to develop strategic thinking and behavior. It is proved by the idea of A.P. Yegorshyn stating that “strategic planning allows involving a wide range of middle managers and professionals into strategic thinking which gives them an opportunity to pass higher level management training” [10, p.118]. Therefore, in the process of training within master’s degree program, future managers should be taught to solve not only immediate issues, but also issues connected with selection of alternative actions considering the aim of an educational institution and statement of strategic tasks.

Among the components of management competence providing strategic planning of activity, it is necessary to consider the issue of adaptiveness as a condition of strategic planning determining the availability of an alternative plan and strategy which can be adopted by an educational institution. It serves as a response to changes in external environment.

A new strategy always breaks mutual relations within an educational institution and sometimes comes into contradiction with governing policy. Managers should consider that implementation of strategic planning leads to the conflict between out-of-date activities (operations management) and new ones. At the initial stage of strategic planning implementation within an educational institution, there is neither corresponding motivation of employees, nor willingness to think strategically.

The training of an educational institution manager within master’s degree program is built upon a competence-based approach providing introduction to the issues of strategic management of educational institutions, development of scientific knowledge based on different methodological levels and scientists’ view of strategic planning. Hence, a master’s degree student is aware and conscious of the issue of strategic planning and the need of its mastering and applying in management activity. Theoretical knowledge of a future manager is being deepened by gaining skills and applying strategic planning in operation of an educational institution. The aforementioned is provided by studying the following pre-requisite disciplines of the curriculum: “Business Management”, “Corporate Theory”, “Educational Institution Manager”, “Educational and Pedagogical Management”, “Human Resources Management”, “Scope Management”, each of them having informative modules developed by teachers and included into the aforementioned disciplines of practical and professional training course. The following methods are used for development of strategic planning ideas: expert evaluation, brainstorming, economic analysis, tree of objectives and criteria, graphic simulation and future scenario method.

The analysis of strategic plans of educational institution development was conducted by means of SWOT-analysis technique aimed at forecasting strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats with subsequent establishment of interrelations between them for prospective development of an educational institution strategy. SWOT–analysis is a strategic management technique involving the analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of educational institution activity.

Hence, strengths are positive internal trends and features of an educational institution which can be used for achievement of strategic goals. They can be also interpreted as internal capabilities and resources able to determine development of a competitive advantage. In the context of general education institution management within subject-oriented training, we suggest considering such educational institution strengths as: competence in key aspects; positive image of students and graduates; position of an acknowledged leader on the market of specific educational services; availability of effective functional strategies; reasonable “strategic set”; availability of advanced educational and pedagogical technologies; system of effective promotional events; available competitive advantages; increase in number of consumer groups; awareness of labour market state and demands; reasonable diversification; well-studied market of educational services and demands of pupils and their parents towards it; effective creative management; ability to implement competent and competitive opportunities of teaching staff; sufficient financial assets.

The notion of weaknesses means internal characteristics of an educational institution having an adverse effect on it or limiting its activity. They include activities, resources and potential opportunities which are not performed in a qualitative manner or in full by an educational institution.

The aforementioned determined a cognitive activity of students in management of an educational institution and planning of its strategy amid the crisis. This is precisely why master’s degree students were acquainted with a method of future scenario which can be pessimistic, realistic and optimistic.

As a next stage, future managers defined a base line strategy for an educational institution where they had been working, planned to work or passed management scientific and research practice. It is common knowledge that selection of a base line strategy is the main stage of strategic planning. An educational institution selects a strategy from several possible options: to reduce service prices, to increase number of branches, to extend the range of services, to create more attractive image of educational services by means of advertising. Let us give an example of base line strategy selection made by master’s degree students:

  • “active innovations by means of new educational technologies” (The student Vlada E. has been working as a deputy director of sports boarding school for three years. Speaking in favour of the aforementioned strategy, she reasons that there is an increasing demand for foreign language fluency among sportsmen and suggests holding sports training in different kinds of sports partially by means of a foreign language, as well as teaching trainers to speak a foreign language using professional sports terminology. During the period of practice, she implemented a complex of trainings, such as “Rugball and English Sports Terminology”, “Sports Commentation of Tennis Tournaments in English”);

  • “an innovative nature of development of the Centre of Non-Formal Education and Children’s Crafts by means of a local element” (The student Petro M. has passed a practice at the Centre of Non-Formal Education and Children’s Crafts. Underlining a multinational nature of the southern part of Odesa region, he developed a suggestion in the strategic plan of the institution focused on promotion of folk art, national kinds of sports, folk dance and craft leading to social and economic development of the institution. In practice, he arranged a workshop in crafting cloth-made dolls of Bulgarian, Moldavian and Gagauz origin);

  • “development of free areas in new education segments” (The student Olena K. is working as a committee member at the Higher Vocational School focused on training professionals for the sea and river field, defining the specifics of location of ports and ship companies on the Danube river which require hotel business professionals, engineers and navigators for passenger shipping. At a staff meeting, she suggested including an additional training of cadets for entertainment activities on passenger ships into the strategic plan of the Higher Vocational School No. 9).

At the same time, we should admit that consistent training of future educational institution managers for strategic planning requires a special or elective course related to the problem under study. The aforementioned discipline was developed by G.V. Yelnykova in 2006 titled as “Strategic Management in Education” and was taught as an elective course [3]. Its analysis confirms that the issue of strategic planning has not been covered in full in this course.

Development of personal resource of a future manager is provided by priority ranking of person-centered approach to the arrangement of professional training process. Content loading related to studying the issue of strategic planning and revealing attitude and evaluation of results is laid upon the discipline titled as “Management Psychology”. Attending practical lessons and completing scientific and research tasks, future managers master the methods of conflict prevention, arising at the initial stage of strategic plan implementation, as well as solving conflicts between those employees who are unwilling to change traditional understanding of education management and those who are willing to think strategically and work in accordance with a strategic plan. Also they try to defend strategic projects of the educational institutions where they are passing a practice or working full-time. Among the exercises tested by us in practice, the most effective were role playing exercises, such as “Strategy in Dialogue”, “Polarity of Ideas”, “My Contribution into Strategic Plan of Institution” etc. Teaching methodology of “Management Psychology” is focused on support and development of professional and personal position, ability to defend it, to hold public debates with opposing parties, to design and implement a strategy and to follow the started task to its logical end.

Summary and prospects for further findings in the given direction. In summary, we have analyzed potential opportunities of the training of future managers for strategic planning within master’s degree program. Further research should be focused on the issue of training of future educational institution managers for strategic planning within scientific and research and teaching practice being mainly of management nature.

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2. Ворон М.В. Організація та розбудова громадсько-активної школи як осередку розвитку громади : спецкурс 6 годин / М. В. Ворон. – К., 2010. – 100 с.

3. Єльникова Г. В. Навчальна програма дисципліни “Стратегічний менеджмент в освіті” (для магістрів) / Г. В. Єльникова. К. : МАУП, 2006. 20 с.

4. Єльникова Г. В Управлінська компетентність / Г. В. Єльникова. − К. : Ред. загальнопед. газ., 2005. − 128 с. Розділ IV.

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