Midterm exam paper

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Task 1. Listening.
Listen to a radio program called “Brighter Futures”. The guest, Nicole Clarke, a professor in energy technology, talks about the future energy. Do the energy quiz-test and find correct answer.

Answer key:

1.A 2.B 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. B
Task 2. Reading.

For questions 1-6, decide if each sentence is TRUE, FALSE or NOT GIVEN.

One of Berlin's most popular museums is the Museum of Technology. The

building itself is of historical interest, as part of it used to belong to the local railway.
Apart from transport, the museum examines a mix of technology through the ages.You can explore rooms full of historic printing presses, old TVs, radios, cameras, scientific instruments, telephones and much more. There's a fine collection of
planes through the ages and a model of one of the world's first computers.The original was built by Konrad Zuse in 1938. The museum is divided into fourteen departments, which currently only exhibit about a quarter of the things they own. Almost every department has demonstrations and activities that make learning about technology fun. Visitors can use a printing press, make paper, or watch how a suitcase is made.

Children can even take a sailing lesson without leaving the museum!


Next to the Museum of Technology is the science center called The Spectrum,

which is definitely worth a visit. At the center, visitors can take part in around 250
experiments in chemistry and physics, and can learn all about electricity and
sound. It's a fun educational experience for people of all ages.


The Space Museum is the oldest and largest public space museum in Germany, and

was set up in 1896. You can see one of the longest telescopes in the world and
learn about the history of astronomy and about space, the stars and the planets. A
visit to these museums will take at least a day and many people come back a
second time. There is also a restaurant and gift shop.

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