Main event of the decade

  иЮль–2013  Профессиональная ПсихотераПевтическая Газета

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иЮль–2013  Профессиональная ПсихотераПевтическая Газета 

IV. Conclusion. The future of transpersonal psychotherapy. On the way to 

the consolidated integral spiritual psychotherapy, not separated from the 

complex therapy of the whole personality. Possible ways of integration of 

modalities, their interconnection and complementarity 



Tatyana ginzburg – PhD

In postmodernistic epoch there are available many variants of worldview.

Humanity of the frontier of western culture, almost fed up with quantity 

of stories (narratives) and still continue to create more and more.

In this interactive talk the author will make an attempt to observe 

evolution of worldviews and create the structure of them. Also she will 

seek for correlation between worldview and effectiveness of psychotherapy.

Looking on differenent ontology basis’s (monotheism, polytheism, 

animism, postmodern) author will be seeking for the best foundations for 

effective path to the wholeness. Also there will be presented the model of 

worlview’s evolution and found new step in onthology – Daism together 

with Game’s Mastery as new methodology of integration.



Jakov Marshak – the author of the Marshak method, the head of the Marshak 


The appearance of pathological addictions is the result of a person’s search 

for surrogate methods to meet the needs of happiness reached in creative 

and spiritual experiences. Many of the discovered, effectively influencing, 

aggressive methods of artificial receipt of such pleasure appear to be 

“harmful, able to destroy the regulation system of a person’s mood. Such 

a person has to suffer and again use the discovered method of immediate 

mood improvement. This method becomes favorite and necessary. Thus the 

pathological addiction appears.

The Marshak method is aimed at fighting with unbearable internal 

discomfort and in particular includes the complex of special exercises 

to consolidate the feeling of happiness which were worked out by the 

author of the method himself basing on hatha and kundalini yoga. These 

exercises coincide with the unique way of achieving the highest aim, which 

is expressed by the Sanskrit word “Satchidananda. The root “Sat means the 

same as the Russian word “essence – experiencing the internal truth of life. 

“Chid reflects understanding of cause-and-effect connections in the Russian 

language and corresponds to the root used in such words as: “reading, 

“combination, “report. “Ananda means “pleasure . This way the patients of 

the clinic instead of surrogate fulfillment of the need of pleasure get access 

to high level of internal comfort which allows stabilizing neurochemical 

processes of mood regulation at a higher level. At the same time a 

psychological program is undertaken which helps the patient to transform 

his/her personality in the rehabilitation process.


strekalov sergey  – MD, PhD, Professor, Grand Doctor of psychology, 

corresponding member of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences 

(MAPN), a certified European transpersonal psychotherapist, Founder and 

President of the International Transpersonal Association «Wholeworld»

Jung’ archetype theory is justly believed to be one of the most prominent 

in the psychological world. It is used in all spheres of life and has a lot of 

interpretations and commentaries. However, up till now arguments about what 

archetypes are don’t stop. It is known that Jung went in his works from images. In 

the report another point of view on archetypes is given. It is more characteristic 

for the spiritual culture of most countries and traditions. The solar circle is taken 

as a basis. It is also called “A magic wheel. It is known that ancient people endued 

the circle with special features. Maybe it is connected with its symbolization which 

include space and time. The symbolism of circle points helps to better understand 

the logic of ancient people and single out the primary characteristics which are 

demonstrated since birth forming psyche and peculiarities of a person’s life.



Pier Luigi Lattuada  – Medical Doctor Ph.D in Clinical Psychology, Certified 

European Transpersonal Psychotherapist, President of Transpersonal Medicine 

and Psychotherapy Association (Italy), European Transpersonal Association 

Board Member.

Biotransenergetics is a poetic act, a new Transpersonal Psychotherapy 

Methodology conceived since 1982 in Milan by P.L.Lattuada in more than 

thirty thousand hours of clinical works and presented in twelve published 

books. It wants to learn to recognize the sacred creative yearning of life and 

to honor its laws, to “master the Trance. When we master the Trance, we can 

«make one from two», which means to create the condition to overcome any 

conflict, that is just the contraposition between two opposite forces. When 

we master the Trance, we become able to transform any enemy into an ally, 

any symptom into a message, any force into our own force. We can get to 

know the forces of the earth, of the water, of the air, of the fire, and then 

harmonize with them. We can consider every event: an emotion or a wish, an 

obsessing thought or a guardian angel as a field which it is possible to enter 

the Trance with. When we master the Trance, we can contact the source and 

we are able to embody the force of the forests and the ocean, the animals 

and the stones, the waterfalls and the moon, as a manifestation of Divine.


Dr. Hans Peter Weidinger  – Certified European Psychotherapist, Certified 

European Transpersonal Psychotherapist, supervisor and coach, trainer and 

teacher for Gestalt-therapy (Institute Gestalt Vienna, Sigmund Freud University 

Vienna), transpersonal psychotherapy and holotropic breathwork, chairman of 

the Austrian Association for Transpersonal Psychology and Psychotherapy (ÖATP)

Which steps are necessary for a healing process in psychotherapy? In the 

humanistic as well as in the transpersonal approach, healing is a process of 

self-knowledge and self-awareness. Healing also means to move towards 

„wholeness through integrating the dissociative parts of our personality. 

First we have to realize that there is something „not in order“, and we have 

to take responsibility for ourselves and our actions. In the next step we need 

compassionate understanding of our patterns of behavior and the internal 

psychological processes which cause the suffering in our life. To accept and 

„embrace“ radically the wounded parts of our soul and to confront ourselves 

with our „shadows“ and weaknesses, which we normally want to get rid of, 

is the most important step in healing. In this moment when integration is 

happening, we reconnect to our self and realize that deep within there is a 

creative force which provides vitality, wisdom and love.



gennady Brevde  – PhD, psychologist, Certified European Transpersonal 

Psychotherapist, teacher, trainer and the Dean of East-European Faculty of 

the International Institute of Exploration of Consciousness and Psychotherapy 

(Freiburg, Germany), member of the Boards of Russian and European 

Transpersonal Associations.

Working with a conflict situation in the context of deep meanings and 

personal boundaries of the participants of the social system (a family, a 

group), synergetic processes of appearance and development of this system.



Irina Kuris – Grand PhD in psychology, PhD in Pedagogy, Professor 

The paper is devoted to unconventional breathing practices which 

are widely used in psychomotor transpersonal technology called “Yoga 

Dance. The report considers breathing practices which allow slipping into 

trance state and which are at the same time the tool of the psychological 

development. These techniques are as close to the natural breathing as 

possible and simultaneously are the condition for slipping into Altered States 

of Consciousness, provide curative effect on the one hand and develop 

psychological abilities of a person, transfer to the other level of thinking. 

Thus the paper considers the following: 

1.  the breathing techniques as they are, their development inside the 

exercise, integration with other components of “Yoga Dance called 

mantras, variations in working with sound and movement including 

exercises of manual dexterity. New coordination possibilities of 

combination of short breathing with conscious movement and its impact 

on a person. 

2.  energy influence (at the level of centers and chakras)

3.  Psychotherapeutic transpersonal aspect of the impact 

4.  The solution of the problems of psychosomatic character


Boris Prilenskiy  – the head of the department of medical psychology and 

psychotherapy of Tumen State Medical Academy, professor, Doctor of medical 

Science, Academician of International Academy of Psychological Sciences

The condition and the perspectives of the development of transpersonal 

psychotherapy amid the social-psychological crisis in the modern Russia 

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