Lesson one


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1. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the following words:

vacuum [‘vxkjuqm] — вакуум, TV-set [‘ti:’vi:’set] — телевізор, southern[‘sADqn] — південний, process ['prousqs] — процес, routine [ru’ti:n] —рутина, refrigerator [ri’friGqreitq]- холодильник.

2. Words and expressions necessary to comprehend the text:

obedient — слухняний, to turn a switch — повернути вимикач, to operate — приводити в pyx, fan —вентилятор, razor — бритва, appliance — прилад, kitchen unit — кухня, to amalgamate — об'єднувати, to affect — впливати, production control — управління виробництвом, to automate— автоматизувати, electroslag — електроокалення, service life of bearing — термін роботи підшипника, evaluation— оцінка, Geiger counter—лічильник Гейгера, to run — приводити в дію, flaw — тріщина, брак, available — наявний, all-round — всебічний.


All around us — in the factory shop, or laboratory and at home — we find an obedient force ready to serve us in some way. It is electricity.

Electricity (electric power) has become so much a part of our daily life that we seldom think of its importance. All you have to do is turn a switch and electric devices will be doing their job for you. Electric motors operate washing machines, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, electric razors and many other electric appliances. The range of household electric appliances is growing. Today an increasingly greater number of people are using TV-sets, refrigerators, washing machines, electric cookers, and kitchen units, as well as air-conditioners in the southern regions of the country.

Electricity made possible the engineering progress of today. Electricity serves as the basis of modernizing industry, amalgamating capacities, increasing equipment efficiency, mechanizing and automating processes and concentrating production.

Electricity not only tremendously increases man's power but it becomes an inseparable part of technology. Not long ago, electricity affected the objects of labour mainly indirectly. It was a motive force, provided favourable conditions for processing or machining. Now it is becoming a processing or machining element itself as well as the basis of automatic production control.

For instance, the service life of bearings made by electroslag remelting method extends almost three times as compared with the same bearings made of conventional steel.

And think of the role of electricity for communication or automation! It is used to transmit and process information. It is the basis of the comprehensive automation of all production process — technology, management, regulation, control and evaluation. Electricity does not merely make work easier: it changes it completely. Electricity is the basis of electronics, which is doing much of the routine brain work.

Little could be done in modern research laboratory without the aid of electricity. Nearly all the measuring devices used in developing nuclear power are electrically operated. Geiger counters, which detect the presence of uranium ores in the earth are run with batteries. X-ray machines, which depend upon electricity, are used in industry to detect flaws in metal.

Much of today's scientific research depends on the solution of difficult mathematical problems, some of which would require days and months to solve by the usual methods. Electrically operated computers now make the answer to these problems available in seconds.

Thus, electrification is not only a means to achieve the highest productivity of labour. It is also directly responsible for freeing man's spiritual and physical energy, which will be used for his all-round harmonious development.


I. Read the text and carry out the following assignments:

a) Read and give Ukrainian equivalents of the following internationalisms:

electricity, motor, modern, refrigerator, to modernize, to mechanize, to automate, process, to concentrate, production, element, control, role, information, regulation, routine, battery, metal, computer, second, harmonious.

b) Find the sentence telling about the use of electricity in the solution of mathematical problems.

c) Find in the text the sentence where the noun with foreign plural is used.

d) Find all the examples of electricity terms.

II. What is the method of counting by electrical means? Can you operate a computer without electricity?
III. Try to explain the "electroslag remelting method".
IV. Give your own example of the so-called "routine brain work".
V. Suggest some other title of the text.
VI. Suggest subtitles for each paragraph of the text.
VII. Express the main idea of the text in the shortest possible way.

1. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the following words:

hydrogen, thermal, excellent, component, acetylene, graphite, efficient, petrol, vehicle, enthusiastic, furnace, worthwhile, environment.

2. Read and memorize:

thermal calorie (calorie) — теплова калорія, gasoline— бензин, unlike — неподібний, non-existent — неіснуючий, burner — форсунка, valuable — цінний, to split — розщеплювати, to heat up — підігрівати, harsh frost — різкий (сильний) мороз, to adapt — пристосовуватися, in terms of — з погляду, two-fold — подвійний, to cope with (smth.) — справлятися (з чим-н.).


Many scientists call hydrogen the fuel of the future. It is the lightest of all gases and contains two times as many thermal calories as the same amount of gasoline. It is an excellent, ecologically clean fuel. But unlike the conventional fuels — firewood, coal, oil and natural gas — it is practically non-existent in its pure forms on Earth.

Scientists have developed a highly effective technological method of obtaining hydrogen from gas. Before gas reaches the burners in the boilers of power stations, valuable components such as acetylene, carbon black, graphite and hydrogen are extracted from it.

Hydrogen can also be obtained from water. For this water has to be split.

Hydrogen can very effectively be used as a fuel by power stations. It is widely used in the petrochemical and metallurgical industries. Extensive tests have been made with motor vehicles using hydrogen as fuel. The engines worked perfectly, more efficiently than on petrol, and they did not heat up as much. Drivers in the Arctic were very enthusiastic, because liquid hydrogen is not affected by harsh frost, and so engines start easily. Hydrogen also seems very promising as a fuel in aviation. All the engines furnaces, heating systems, as well as a mass of other devices, now operating on oil, oil products, natural gas or coal can be adapted to hydrogen fuel.

Hydrogen as a source of energy is becoming increasingly important. It offers advantages not only in terms of ecological cleanliness and high-heating power, but also in terms of ease of transportation. Even if hydrogen were the only component extracted from natural gas, it would still be economically worthwhile to process gas. The advantages are twofold — economic and environmental.

Experts say that in the 21st century hydrogen will be obtained by thermochemical decomposition of water. But up to the year 2000, natural gas will probably remain the main source of hydrogen."

At present, here there are such problems as how to obtain cheap, commercially profitable hydrogen from water, or how to store hydrogen in a frozen, i. e. liquid state. But present-day technology, and even more so, the technology of the future, are capable of coping with these problems.


1. Read the text and answer the following questions:

1. What kind of fuel is hydrogen? 2. Does hydrogen exist in its pure form on Earth? 3. How many sorts of conventional fuels do you know? 4. What are the main methods of obtaining hydrogen? 5. Where is hydrogen widely and effectively used? 6. What advantages does hydrogen offer in terms of ecological cleanliness? 7. Is it economical to extract hydrogen from water? 8. By what method will hydrogen be obtained in the next century? 9. Is present- day technology capable of storing hydrogen in a liquid state? 10. What other highly effective sources of energy do you know?

II. Make a plan and render the text.

  1. Курашвили Е.И. Английский язык. Пособие по чтению и устной речи для технических вузов: Учеб. пособие. – М.: Высшая школа, 1991г.

  2. Ятель Г.П. Князевський Б.М., Кузик Ф.К.Англійська мова для студентів технічних вузів: Підручник.- 2-е вид., перероб. і допов. - К.:Вища школа, 1993г.

  3. Хомутова Е.В., Метицкая В.Л.книга для чтения по физике на английском языке. М.:Издательство МГУ 1980г.

  4. Курнецов Б.В. Рус.-англ. словарь научно- технической лексики. М.:Рус.яз. 1986г.

  5. Кузьмин Ю.А. и др. Краткий англо-русский технический словарь. М.:ММПШ, 1992г.

  6. 1999 Macmillan Magazines Ltd. Nature/Vol 401/ 21 October 1999/www.nature.com.

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(для студентів і, іі курсів спеціальності „фізика”)

Т.М. Руденко

Техн. редактор Т.М. Дроговоз

Редактор Л.В. Бугакова

Оригінал-макет Г.Є. Федорова

Підписано до друку 09.03.06

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