parts of South India. Denovan published Natural
History of Insects which was the first
contribution on the insects of Asia and was
revised in 1842 by West Wood.
1875 - Foundation of the
Indian Museum at Calcutta
1883 -
Bombay Natural History Society was started. After the foundation of these two
organisations scientific studies received greater attention in India. Numerous contributions of
Indian insects were published in the
Journal of the Bombay Natural History .
1892 - Hampson issued four volumes on
months of India
1893 - Rothney published on
Indian Ants (earliest record of
biological pest control in India) i.e.
White ants attach on
stationary items was kept free by
red ants .
Government of India commenced the publication of the
Fauna of British India series
Insect Morphology and Systematics
1897 - Bingham's issued volumes on
"Hymenoptera' (Ants, bees and wasps). Since than
volumes on other groups of insects like Coleoptera (beetles), Hemiptera (bugs), Odonata
(dragenfly and damselfly), etc., were published.