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Free University Education Essay

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@thompson english IELTS Model Essays

Free University Education Essay
The issue of free university education is an essay topic that comes up in the
IELTS test. This essay therefore provides you with some of the key
arguments about this topic.
The essay is an agree / disagree essay, which means you are given one
opinion and then asked if you agree with it or not.
So remember to make it clear in your essay which side you are on.
University education should be free to everyone, regardless of
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Of course you don't have to firmly come down on one side - you could partly
agree if there are some aspects of the arguments you agree with but some
parts you disagree with.
In this essay, the writer believes free university education is the best policy,
so s/he agrees with the opinion. This is made clear in the conclusion (though
you can put your opinion in the introduction as well if you wish).
The writer presents both sides of the argument. This is a good idea as you
may find it more difficult to come up with a lot of ideas for one side of an
argument. It also shows you are able to see both sides of the argument - a
good academic skill.
Model Answer 
University education should be free to everyone, regardless of income.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Over recent years, more and more people have been attending university and
arguments have persisted as to whether students should pay for this privilege
not. Although there are convincing arguments on both sides, I strongly
believe that it should be free.
One argument put forward in favour of charging students is that education is
becoming more expensive to fund as universities grow in size. Consequently,
making students pay may maintain standards and ensure the quality of the
teaching. In addition, it is argued that most students benefit from university
in terms of higher paid jobs, so it is fair that they pay for at least some of the
cost, especially given that the majority of students attending university are
from the middle classes. Last but not least, in many countries, there is a
shortage of people to do manual jobs such as plumbing and carpentry, so
making university more expensive may encourage people to take up these
However, there are a number of arguments in favour of making university
education free for all. Firstly, it will encourage more people to attend and
this will benefit society. This is because it will lead to a more productive and
educated workforce. Research has generally shown that those countries that
have a better educated population via university have higher levels of
innovation and productivity. In addition, there is the issue of equality of
opportunity. If all students are required to pay, those on a low income may
be dissuaded from attending, thus making it unfair. The reason for this is that
they will likely not be able to secure financial support from their family so
they will be concerned about the debts they will incur in the future.
In conclusion, I am of opinion that all education should remain equally
available to all regardless of income. This is not only fair, but will also
ensure that countries can prosper and develop into the future with a well-
educated workforce.
(326 Words)

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