Ernest hemingway the writer of the lost generation course work

CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................... 40

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CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................... 40 
REFERENCES ...................................................................................................... 41 

This study aims to the evaluation of the features of the group of writers 
who chose Paris as their new home to produce their works and the overall 
dominant atmosphere in that specific time in the generation that has already 
experienced war through comparative research methods. As a result, writers 
of this group tried to find new approaches to report different contexts of modern 
life. As a conclusion, regardless of every member of the lost generation 
bohemian and wild lifestyles, the range, creativity, and influence of works 
produced by this community of American expatriates in Paris are remarkable. 
Key words: 
Lost Generation, Ernest Hemingway 

American literature is the literature written or produced in the area of the 
United States and its preceding colonies. Although its history is noticeably shorter 
than the history of the literature of European and Asian countries, since the second 
half of the 19th century, American literature has gained wide development and 
distinctive significance. The United States gave the world literature such classics 
as Mark Twain, Edgar Poe, Ernest Hemingway, Ray Bradbury and many others. 
The first half of the 20th century is known for artistic experiments. 
Literature tries new pictorial means, destroys canonical forms and rhythms. Further 
development is given to modernism - at the stage of avant-gardism. Paraliterature 
becomes qualitatively new, the so-called «Mass», popular or commercial that is in 
fact alternative to art. In the first half of the 20th century happen two world wars 
1914-1918 and 1939-1945, the Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman empires and royal 
Russia crumble. On the world map new states are formed: they gain independence, 
restore the statehood of the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Poland, the state of 
Writers react to all these historical events, including in America. New styles 
and works that demonstrate them are the product of the influence of these historical 
events. They try to analyze the experience, draw conclusions. 
Lost Generation is known as a term attributed to the group of writers who 
were born between 1883 and 1900 and experienced many striking events which 
happened in the first half of the twentieth century, especially the two World 
Wars and the different social and political changes afterward. The term is coined 
by Gertrude Stein and Hemingway (1964) made it popular by mentioning it in 
his The SunAlso Rises as an epigraph. Later on, Hemingway (1964) included 
thisphrase in his A Moveable Feast, All of you young people who servedin the 
war. You are a lost generation, he claimed Stein happened tohear this term in a 
garage while having her car serviced. Most of thewriters who are known to be 
BEACH, S. 1991. Shakespeare and Company. University of Nebraska Press. p. 116. USA

under this title are exiled Americanwriters that found Paris suitable for their 
Avant-guard activities.Puritan America was not a proper place for writers who 
wanted to find freedom of existence and freshness of thought in a way they could 
find anywhere else in the world. Paris got more freedom, it was cheaper and 
sprightlier city which was entitled city of lights (Chandler, 1981). In the last 
years of his life in his A Moveable Feast which was only published 
posthumously, the American author Chandler describes Paris in this way: 
There is never any ending to Paris and the memory of each person who 
has lived in it differs from that of any other. We always returned to it no matter 
who we were, nor how it was changed, nor with what difficulties now what ease, 
it could be reached. It was always worth it and we received a return for 
whatever we brought to it (1981: 236). 
These writers were disillusioned by World Wars and lost faithin any 
social, political and religious institutions. They believed ahuman being is no 
longer capable of finding prosperity in the aforementioned concepts. Lost 
Generation is not only a term which contains well-known writers but also a 
modernist movement that influenced so many authors who never met these 
writers, so it can be broadened to a term which can be defined as a 
movement with traceable elements in the majority of post-war writers and 
pioneers of modernism. This term includes existential and psychological leftovers 
of the Great War. Like other modernists, the writers of this movement tried to 
seek sense in the world that lost its last traces of social,spiritual and 
religious entities in a war that brought about theviciousness and devastation. 
To find this meaning in the new era, theyturned their trend from exterior 
elements to interior ones and fromVictorian values, which were social and 
moral, to existential and mental qualities of life. The experience of the war and 
its brutality shattered their belief in the existence of a spiritual supremacy who 
governs the world and a single absolute pathway to reach prosperity if it exists at 

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