Education of the republic of uzbekistan state university of world languages

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cognitive linguistics edited 2

Language system: Language is the phonological, lexical, and grammatical structure that underpins all communication. It is the source from which every speaker and writer must draw if he is to be understood by other language speakers. Language is viewed as a collection of elements (or: signs, units) such as sounds, words, and so on. A complicated thing is described as a system when it is made up of independent elements (e.g. the system of sounds). Language is an organizational system. Structure refers to the hierarchical layering of pieces that make up the whole. There are four major structural stages in language structure: phonological, morphological, syntactical, and super syntactical. The matching level units reflect the levels. Language, as a system, is divided into three core subsystems, each of which is a system in its own right. The phonetical (phonological), lexical, and grammatical systems are the three. The phonetical system encompasses the building blocks of language: sounds, phonemes, intonation models, and accent models. Phonology is a discipline of linguistics that studies the phonetic system of language. All nominative (naming) tools of language - words and stable word-combinations - are included in the lexical system. Lexicology is the study of the lexical system. The norms and regularities of using lingual units in the construction of utterances in the process of human communication are included in the grammatical system. Grammar is a field of linguistics that describes the grammatical system.
Any given language user's linguistic system, whether spoken or written, permits access to knowledge representation—concepts—in the conceptual system, which serves this ideational function. In broad terms, “the human ability for meaning-making is supported by two distinct, but tightly related, representational systems: the conceptual system and the language system”. Each system makes a qualitatively distinct contribution to meaning creation. This brings us to the first design feature: because the two systems are representational—they are populated by semantic representations—the nature and function of the representations differ fundamentally. Vyvyan said that, “language adapts to the conceptual system—the semantic potential—that it marshals in the process of meaning production”. As a result, a linguistic system reveals a split in terms of the symbolic resources available to it.
The ideational function of language—its communicative potential—is largely determined by how it adapts to and interacts with the conceptual framework. Language, rather than being a separate module or faculty of mind, serves meaning formation through a close and symbiotic relationship with the conceptual system: it has evolved and is structured to exploit non-linguistic representations for the purposes of linguistically mediated communication. To accomplish this, according to Vyvyan, “it appears to have evolved a method of word-to-word symbolic reference—a grammatical capacity—that appears to be a species-specific attribute. And it is the parametric knowledge units, which are related with morpho syntax and lexical items, that allow our species to harness the otherwise quiet semantic potential of concepts to express meaning”.
Each system contributes to meaning production in a qualitatively separate way. Vyvyan mentioned that, “considering that the two systems are representational—that is, that semantic representations inhabit them—the nature and function of the representations differ dramatically”. Because a language system serves a different purpose than a conceptual system, which has a far longer evolutionary history, the semantic representations are complimentary and hence qualitatively different, reflecting the functional distinctions of the two systems in collectively constructing meaning.

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