Driver Guide

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1.   Stop even with the vehicle ahead of the parking space about 1½ feet to 
the left of that vehicle.
2.   Turn wheels sharply to the right, and back slowly into the parking space. 
Be sure the front of your vehicle does not block passing or oncoming 
3.   When clear of the front vehicle, turn wheels sharply to the left and 
continue backing.
4.   Turn wheels sharply to the right and pull forward toward the curb.  Park 
in the center of the parking space.

Good driving requires you to be observant and aware of your surroundings.  
You must look down the road, to the sides, and behind your vehicle. Be 
alert for unexpected events.  Many crashes occur because drivers do not 
pay enough attention to their driving.  Do not take your eyes off the road 
for more than a few seconds at any one time.  For example, if you need to 
look at a map, pull safely off the road.  Do not try to read the map while you 
are driving.
When driving on a highway with a total of two lanes (one lane in each 
direction), drive in the right hand lane.  You may cross the center line for 
passing when there are no oncoming vehicles and no solid yellow line.  
On highways with a total of four or more lanes (two or more lanes in each 
direction), always keep to the right unless you are passing slower traffic, 
letting another driver have room to enter safely, or getting ready to make a 
legal left turn. 
The best way to control your speed is to know how fast you are going.  
Check the speedometer often, and pay attention to the posted speed limits.  
This is especially true when you leave high speed roads and begin driving 
on much slower local roads.  For more information on Missouri’s speed 
limits, refer to Chapter 3.
Use the left lane only to pass another vehicle.  You can use the right 
lane when passing a vehicle that is making a left turn.  Never use the 
shoulder or unpaved part of the highway to pass.
Before you pass a vehicle in front 
of you, make sure you are in a safe 
passing zone.  On four-lane 
highways, check the left lane for 
traffic by using your left and inside 
rearview mirrors and briefly looking 
over your left shoulder.  Looking 
over your left shoulder is important 
because it allows you to check for 
“blind spots.”  Blind spots are the 
spaces you cannot see with your 
rearview mirrors.  Do not drive in 
another vehicle’s blind spot.
•   Try to avoid driving on either side and slightly to the rear of another 
vehicle.  Either speed up or drop back so the other driver can see your 
vehicle more easily.

•   When passing another vehicle, get through the other driver’s blind 
spot as quickly as you can without exceeding the speed limit.  The 
longer you stay there, the longer you are in danger of having the vehicle 
collide with your vehicle.
•    Never stay alongside, or immediately behind, a large vehicle such 
as a truck or bus.  These vehicles have large blind spots and it is hard 
for their drivers to see you.  If you cannot see the truck driver’s face in 
the truck’s side mirror, the truck driver cannot see you.  It takes longer to 
pass a truck. After you pass, make sure you can see the cab of the truck 
in your rearview mirror before reentering the lane.  Maintain your speed.  
Do not slow down once you are in front of the truck.
If the way is clear, signal that you are changing lanes.  Pass the other 
vehicle quickly and smoothly, being careful not to exceed the speed limit. 
Give plenty of room to the vehicle you just passed.  Do not turn back into the 
right lane until you see the passed vehicle in your rearview mirror. Remember to 
look over your right shoulder to check your blind spot, and be sure to signal.
If another vehicle begins to pass you, stay in your lane and do not increase 
your speed.  If many vehicles are passing you in the right lane of a multi-
lane roadway, you are probably going slower than the rest of the traffic.  
Unless you will be turning left soon, you should move into the right lane 
when the way is clear.
Vehicles moving in the same direction and lane, and at the same speed 
cannot hit one another.  Traffic crashes involving two or more vehicles often 
happen when drivers go faster or slower than other vehicles on the road.
If you are going faster than traffic, you will have to keep passing others.  
Each time you pass someone, there is a chance for a collision.  The vehicle 
you are passing may change lanes suddenly, or on a two-lane road, an 
oncoming vehicle may appear suddenly.  Slow down, and keep pace with 
other traffic.  Speeding does not save more than a few minutes an hour.
Going much slower than other vehicles can be just as bad as speeding.  
It tends to make vehicles bunch up behind you and drivers then become 
impatient and pass you.  If vehicles are piled up behind you, pull over and 
let them pass when it is safe to do so. 
Check your rearview mirrors every few seconds to keep track of the 
approaching traffic.  Make sure other drivers see you.  Be sure to keep a safe 
distance (refer to Chapter 8) between you and the vehicle in front of you. 
Some vehicles cannot travel very fast, or have trouble keeping up with the 
speed of traffic.  If you spot these vehicles early, you have time to change 
lanes or slow down safely.  Slowing suddenly can cause a traffic crash.

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