Conus cabraloi Cossignani, 2014 Pictures

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Conus clarus f. segravei Gatliff, J. H., 1891
Picture Link: Holotype in NMVM Mike Filmer
Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Radula Picture: Manuel Tenorio

Published in: Vict. Nat. vii, p. 179, pl.
Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: Near Shoreham, Victoria, Australia.
Type Data: Holotype in NMVM deposited and catalogued
Type Size :33 x 16.8 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: Synonym form of Conus clarus Smith, 1881
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Austroconus Species:-clarus segravei forma
There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-Victoria, Australia
Habitat:-In 7-80 m; on sand substrate
Description:-Source Living Conidae C.clarus
Moderately small to medium-sized, moderately light to moderately solid. Last whorl ventricosely conical, outline moderately convex adapically and less so toward base. Shoulder usually carinate, rarely angulate. Spire of moderate height to high, often stepped; outline straight to slightly concave. Larval shell of 2-2.25 whorls, maximum diameter 1-1.2 mm. Postnuclear spire whorls carinate except for first 2-3 whorls. Teleoconch sutural ramps flat, with 2-3 increasing to 4-8 variably arranged spiral grooves, often weaker and with spiral striae in latest whorls. Last whorl smooth, except distinct spiral ribs on basal third, paired and grading to ribbons toward centre.
Ground colour white to pale pink. Last whorl with fusing pale violet-brown or orange-brown clouds concentrated on both sides of a subcentral spiral ground-colour band. Larval whorls white. Postnuclear sutural ramps with radial streaks matching last whorl pattern in colour. Aperture pink, violet, or orange-brown.
Shell Morphometry
L 27-54 mm
RW 0.06-0.26 g/mm
RD 0.57-0.67
PMD 0.80-0.85
RSH 0.15-0.32
Specimens with strong pink flammules were named segravei.
Gatliff states that shell is orange brown with irregular tent shaped white reticulations and encircled with many dotted lines of darker colour; narrow white band at shoulder and midbody.
Discussion:-No Data
Conus claudiae Tenorio, M. J. and Afonso, M. L., 2004
Picture Link: Holotype in MNCM Manuel Tenorio

Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Radula Picture: Manuel Tenorio
Published in: Visaya 1 (2), p. 27
Ocean geography: East Atlantic and West Africa
Type Locality: Praia Real, North coast of Maio Island, Cape Verde Is.
Type Data: Holotype in MNCM deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 17 x 9 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Africonus Species:-claudiae
There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-N. Maio, Cape Verde
Habitat:-Found at 1-2 m in rocks and coral slabs
Description:-Source Original description
Small to moderately small shell. The profile is conical to broadly conical, with a moderate spire and a subangulated shoulder. Outline of the last whorl convex. Spire most often eroded, concave with flat or slightly convex sutural ramps presenting fine striae.
The ground color of the shell varies from pale yellow-green to light bluish grey. There is a reticulated pattern of white flecks and dark brown dots forming bands which are variable in number and width, usually three: a thin one on the shoulder, another at the height of the maximum diameter of the shell, and another broader one slightly below the midbody. The base is dark, often covered by reticulated pattern of white flecks and dark brown dots forming bands which are variable in number and width, usually three: a thin one on the shoulder, another at the height of the maximum diameter of the shell, and another broader one slightly below the midbody. The base is dark, often covered by reticulated pattern. In some cases, only white dots and flecks are present, with no traces of dark brown dots. The aperture is purplish brown, with two white bands, one in the middle portion and another one in the upper part. The inner lip is white, showing traces of the yellow near the edge.
Conus clenchi Martins, 1943
Picture Link: Holotype in MNRJ Mike Filmer

Published in: Bol. Mus. Nac.. Rio de Janeiro, Nova Serie. Zool., n p. 2 & 3, text f.
Ocean geography: West Atlantic and Caribbean
Type Locality: Barra do Furado, Municipio de Campos, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; At shore line.
Type Data: Holotype in MNRJ deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 36 x 19.5 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: Synonym form of Conus lemniscatus Reeve, 1849
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Lamniconus Species:-lemniscatus clenchi forma
There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-Urauguay, Argentina
Habitat:-No Data
Description:-Source Vink
C. lemniscatus closely resembles c. clerii, but in general is somewhat smaller, length up to 50 mm. Typical specimens are more slender with a more straight-sided spire. The body whorl is straight to convex with spiral ridges near the base, which in some spcimens may cover the body whorl. Shoulder roundly angulate, early spire whorls convex, later spire whorls flat to slightly concave and not stepped in typical C. lemniscatus. Nucleus: 1.5 whorls. The first 2 postnuclear whorls, normally smooth, may show irregular coronation (but not the regular axial sculpture of c. clerii). The colour pattern is like that of C. clerii; in most specimens of typical C. lemniscatus the axial flames are lighter coloured and cover larger areas so that the spiral lines of dark squares become prominent. However, there are specimens of c. clerii with the same colour pattern, and the only way to distinguish the two species without any doubt is by comparing the early spire whorls
For many years C. lemniscatus was used erroneously for Indian Ocean shell now recognised as C. dictator. C clenchi was used for the Brasil specimens now known to be C. lemniscatus.
The type specimen of C. clenchi is orange with reduced white areas and distinctive bands of orange/brown.

Discussion:-No Data
Conus clerii Reeve, 1844
Picture Link: Holotype in NHMUK Mike Filmer
Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Radula Picture: Manuel Tenorio

Published in: Conc h. Icon. I, Conus, pl. 43, sp. 229
Ocean geography: West Atlantic and Caribbean
Type Locality: Cape St. Thomas, Brazil
Type Data: Holotype in NHMUK deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 31.9 x 15.7 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Lamniconus Species:-clerii
tostesi Petuch, 1986
Geographic Range:-Brazil - N Argentina
Description:-Source Vink
A relatively light but strong shell, 30 to 60 mm, with low to moderate concave-sided spire. Body whorl rather straight with slightly pinched-in waist, and smooth except for faint spiral ridges near the base. Shoulder angulate to carinate, early spire whorls stepped and sharply angulate, later spire whorls, concave above and more roundly angulate. Nucleus: 11/2 whorls; first 3 to 4 postnuclear whorls with axial sculpture on the sides crossed by 2 spiral striae.Body whorl white variegated with dark brown or yellow brown axial flames (of- ten interrupted at mid-body) and spiral lines of small dark squares at regular intervals. The dark squares often coincide with the axial flames, making the pattern of flames predominant.
Petuch described C. tostesi now considered a form or synonym. Conus tostesi, is closest to the sympatric C. clerii Reeve, 1844, but differs in being a much smaller, more elongate shell, by having a higher, scalariform spire, by being of a violet color instead of white, and by having a much larger, mamillate protoconch.

Conus clerii f. tostesi Petuch, 1986
Picture Link: Holotype in MOFU Paulo Màrcio Costa

Picture Link: Mike Filmer

Published in: Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. xcix. no. 1, p. 11, f. 9 & 10
Ocean geography: West Atlantic and Caribbean
Type Locality: Cabo Frio, Rio de Janiero, Brazil; trawled in 100 m.
Type Data: Holotype in MOFU deposited and catalogued
Type Size : 35 x 18 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: A valid species or a synonym form of Conus clerii Reeve, 1844
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Lamniconus Species:- tostesi
There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-Brazil
Habitat:-Found at depths of 15-100 m
Description:-Source Original description
Shell elongate, thin fragile; spire protracted, slightly scalariform; body whorl shiny, with anterior one-third covered with numerous fine spiral threads; shoulder produced but slightly rounded; color pale violet to darker violet with three wide bands of reddish-brown, one just below shoulder, one around mid-body, and one around anterior end; banded color pattern overlaid by 10-14 rows of brown dots; anterior tip darker violet on some specimens; spire white with numerous crescent-shaped flammules; protoconch large, mamillate; periostracum thin, smooth translucent yellow.
Conus tostesi, is closest to the sympatric C. clerii Reeve, 1844, but differs in being a much smaller, more elongate shell, by having a higher, scalariform spire, by being of a violet color instead of white, and by having a much larger, mamillate protoconch.
This new Brazilian species actually shows a closer affinity to some of the rare Paolinian-Submagellanic species such as C. carcellesi Martins, 1945 and C. platenesis Frenguelli, 1946 from the Mar del Plata, (Frenguelli 1946). Conus tostesi differs from both of these species, however, by having a three-banded color pattern, finer body sculpture, and by lacking spiral grooves on the spire.
Discussion:-No Data
Conus cloveri Walls, 1978
Picture Link: Holotype in DMNH Mike Filmer
Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Radula Picture: Manuel Tenorio & Emilio Rolán

Published in: Pariah no. 2, p. 2, pl. (on p. 5)
Ocean geography:East Atlantic and West Africa
Type Locality: Harbor near Anse Bernard, Dakar, Senegal
Type Data: Holotype in DMNH deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 25.7 x 13 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Lautoconus Species:-cloveri
soaresi Trovao, 1978
Geographic Range:-Senegal
Habitat:-Shallow Water
Description:-Source Walls
Moderately heavy, with a low/good gloss; low conical, the posterior sides strongly convex; basal ridges; shoulder broad rounded, convex at top; spire moderately tall, sharply pointed, tip mucronate; side of spire convex anteriorly, concave posteriorly; body whorl creamy white covered with wavy brown narrow axial lines that overlap to produce fine tents; base white to pale tan; a distinct broad lighted midbody band with sharp edges, formed by lines being narrower and widely spaced; a broad white band below shoulder; spire white, without pattern or with short fine brown lines on later whorls; early whorls eroded white; aperture moderately wide, slightly wider anteriorly; outer lip thin, sharp, evenly convex; anal notch shallow or obsolete; mouth white with violet tones; columella very narrow.
Discussion:-Similar to C. mercator but has a more mucronate spire, tip set off from spire, pattern with colorless band below shoulder, and absence of spire pattern;
C. cloveri is very close to certain forms of C. mercator, but can be distinguished by its relatively less wide shoulder, its more regular and not mucronate spire, the straighter sides not narrowing at the base as in mercator. Moreover, the web of crossing creamy lines is always in the axial sense, while in C. mercator it is in the spiral direction.
Conus clytospira Melvill & Standen, 1899
Picture Link: Lectotype in NHMUK Mike Filmer
Picture Link: Paul Kersten
Published in: Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 7, p. 461, 45 f.
Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: Arabian Sea, about 125 miles W. S-W of Bombay, 45 fathoms
Type Data: Lectotype in NHMUK deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 180 x 33 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: Subspecies of Conus milneedwardsi Jousseaume, 1894
Current Group Names:-
Family:-CONIDAE SubFamily:-CONINAE
Genus:-Leptoconus Species:-milneedwardsi clytospira subsp.
There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-Pakistan - Sri Lanka
Habitat:-Founds at depths of 50-180 m
Description:-Source Living Conidae
Moderately large to large, moderately solid to solid; Last whorl narrowly conical; outline nearly straight. Shoulder angulate to sharply angulate. Spire stepped and usually high,; outline generally straight. Maximum diameter of larval shell about 0.9 mm. First 6-10 postnuclear whorls tuberculate. Teleoconch sutural ramps slightly concave to concave, with 0-1 increasing to 4-7 spiral grooves; spiral sculpture may be very weak in latest whorls. Last whorl with variably weak, axially striate spiral grooves near base, separated by ribs at anterior end and by ribbons above; spiral grooves sometimes extending to shoulder in C. m. milneedwardsi and C. m. clytospira.
Ground colour white, generally with 2 pink spiral bands on last whorl, just above centre and within basal third; bands most prominent in C. m. clytospira; latest sutural ramps sometimes suffused with pink in C. m. milneedwardsi. Last whorl generally with reddish brown reticulated lines forming small to large triangular, quadrangular and round markings, and with similarly coloured triangular spots to variably shaped blotches concentrated in 2-3 spiral bands, within basal third, just above centre and sometimes somewhat below shoulder. Larval shell white to grey. Teleoconch spire matching last whorl in colour pattern. Aperture pink to orangish pink deep within.
Shell Morphometry
L 60-174 mm
RW 0.15-0.53 g/mm
(L 60-110 mm)
RD -
(-C. m. milneedwardsi and C. m. clytospira 0.42 - 0.46PMD 0.86-0.94)
(C. m. milneedwardsi and C. m. clytospira 0.28 - 0.33)
C. m. clytospira is morphologically very close to the former subspecies, differing in its smaller size (L 65-110 mm) and usually more prominent pink background bands around the last whorl, spiral grooves often extending to shoulder.
Discussion:-No Data
Conus cocceus Reeve, 1844
Picture Link: Lectotype in NHMUK Mike Filmer
Picture Link: Paul Kersten
Published in: Conch. Icon. I, Conus , pl. 42, sp. 228
Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: New Holland (Australia). Later restricted to Geographe Bay, West Australia
Type Data: Lectotype in NHMUK deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 31.2 x 16.2 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Floraconus Species:-cocceus
decrepitus Kiener, 1845
Geographic Range:-W. Australia from Albany area to N. W. Cape
Habitat:-Intertidal to 100 m; a sand-dwelling species also living on limestone platforms, beneath rocks or among granite boulders intertidally and in sand pockets subtidally.
Description:-Source Living Conidae
Moderately small to medium-sized, moderately light to moderately solid. Last whorl ventricosely conical or ovate; outline convex adapically, less so toward base; left side straight to slightly concave or constricted near base. Shoulder rounded. Spire of moderate height, outline convex. Larval shell of 1.75-2 whorls, maximum diameter 1.2-1.5 mm. Teleoconch sutural ramps flat to moderately convex, with 2 increasing to 5-8 spiral grooves. Last whorl with fine and closely spaced spiral ribs; ribs may be obsolete adapically.
Ground colour white or pinkish grey. Last whorl with spiral rows of alternating white and yellow to orangish brown dots, dashes, spots or bars and with confluent yellow to orangish brown flames and clouds that may be concentrated in 2-3 spiral bands. Larval whorls white, violet or pale brown. Postnuclear sutural ramps with yellow to orangish brown radial markings. Pattern elements often weak or absent both on spire and last whorl. Aperture white to light pink.
Shell Morphometry
L 25-54 mm
RW 0.07-0.26 g/mm
RD 0.60-0.71
PMD 0.71-0.85
RSH 0.13-0.22
Conus coccineus Gmelin, 1791
Picture Link: Representation of Lectotype Knorr (1771, pl. 24, fig. 2)

Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Picture Link: Paul kersten

Published in: Syst. Nat. 13th ed. Vol. 1, pt, p. 3390
Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: None, neotype from Samar, Philippines
Type Data: A representative type figure has been recorded as: Knorr (1771, pl. 24, fig. 2)
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Rolaniconus Species:-coccineus
anglicus Gmelin, 1791; solandri Broderip & Sowerby, 1830
Geographic Range:-E. Indonesia, Philippines, Queensland, New Caledonia, Solomon Is., and Vanuatu.
Habitat:-In 1-20 m, at exposed coral reef sites and in coral rubble.
Description:-Source Living Conidae
Moderately small to moderately large, moderately solid. Last whorl ovate to conoid-cylindrical, sometimes cylindrical; outline convex to almost straight and parallel-sided adapically; left side concave basally. Shoulder angulate, undulate to weakly tuberculate. Spire of low to moderate height. Larval shell of about 2 whorls, maximum diameter 0.8-0.9 mm. Early postnuclear whorls tuberculate, late whorls tuberculate to undulate. Teleoconch sutural ramps tlat, with 1-3 increasing to 5-7 spiral grooves. Last whorl with closely spaced, variably granulose spiral ribs.
Colour variable: white, pink, orange, to dark brown. Last whorl with a white central-band, usually containing brown blotches above and spirally arranged dots below. In light coloured specimens. spiral ribs outside the central band occasionally bear dark spiral lines. Larval whorls and first 2-4 postnuclear sutural ramps white to pink; following sutural ramps matching the colour of last whorl, often with darker radial blotches; sutural margins usually darker. Aperture white to violet.
Shell Morphometry
L 30-62 mm
RW 0.11-0.26 g/mm
RD 0.51-0.63
PMD 0.71-0.83
RSH 0.11-0.18
Conus coelinae Crosse, 1858
Picture Link: Holotype in IRSN Mike Filmer
Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Living Animal: David Massemin New Caledonia

Published in: Rev. Mag. Zool. 2, p. 117, pl. 2, f. 1
Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: New Caledonia
Type Data: Holotype in IRSN deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 116 x 57 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Virgiconus Species:-coelinae
spiceri Bartsch & Rehder, 1943; pseudocoelinae Delsaerdt, 1989
Geographic Range:-Hawaii - New Caledonia; Philippines
Habitat:-Intertidal to about 55 m. C. c. coelinae on sand bottoms to about 35 m
Description:-Source Living Conidae
Moderately large to large, solid to heavy. Last whorl conical; outline straight, except convex below shoulder. Shoulder angulate to sharply angulate. Spire usually low, outline slightly sigmoid. Teleoconch sutural ramps flat to sigmoid, with numerous often faint spiral striae in later whorls. Entire last whorl with rather closely spaced spiral threads, usually more prominent basally.
Colour white, variably suffused with yellow. Last whorl ccasionally with a paler spiral band at centre. Base violet or occasionally white in C. c. coelinae , lemon yellow in C. c. spiceri. Larval whorls white. Aperture white.
Discussion:-C. coelinae is similar to C. virgo, C. berdulinus and C. kintoki. C. virgo can be distinguished by the blue violet basal parts of its shell, purplish larval whorls, and its coarser spiral sculpture on the sutural ramps. C. berdulinus has a less angulate shoulder, smoother last whorl with violet, cream or orange shades, and a thin periostracum. The two subspecies we characterize are geographiclly widely separated, yet their shells differ only in that C. c. spiceri attains larger maximum size and its base is lemmon yellow, in contrast to the violet base of C. c. coelinae. RKK do not agree with Delsaerdt's (1989) statement that the holotype of C. coelinae represents a specimen of C. c. spiceri from Hawaii, because its base is white instead of lemon yellow. Specimens of C. c. coelinae with such uncoloured bases are known to occur in New Caledonia.

Conus coelinae spiceri Bartsch & Rehder, 1943
Picture Link: Holotype in USNM Mike Filmer
Picture Link: Paul Kersten
Published in: Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 56, p. 87
Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: Midway Atoll
Type Data: Holotype in USNM deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 67.5 x 41 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
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