Children & youth ministry

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How Do We Become Thirsty? Sometimes we are thirsty because of our circumstances. Take ______ (the student who just ran) for example. Because he was exerting physical energy he needed water. Let’s look at Psalm 143:1-6. David is obviously in great need of the Lord based on his circumstances. There is nothing wrong with this kind of need and thirst. We experience this often in our personal lives, family, friends, and school. However, we must move to a deeper area of thirst. It is better that we have a genuine, all-the-time thirst—despite our circumstances.

**Can you remain thirsty even though your circumstances don’t require it??
Now let’s take a look at three guys were thirsty beyond belief, but each experienced the situation slightly different. (Show the entire “Three Amigos” canteen scene video clip)

Let’s look at the first guy. He was thirsty, genuinely thirsty, but he was not replenished. He did not have enough water. It was not a matter of whether or not the was enough water. Jesus will always have enough for us. It was an issue of tapping into that source. You cannot complain about not being filled if you are not doing the necessary things to be filled.

Hosea 2:2-3 says something very fierce about thirst! The adulterous woman’s “necessary thing” to be filled was give up her adulterous ways. We too must realize that although we may say that we are thirsty we will show that we are thirsty by our actions—by the issues in our life that we deal with and take control of.

Watch what happens when the second guy is forced to deal with his thirst. (show just this portion of the “Three Amigos” video clip). The second guy that we looked at was also very thirsty. There is definitely no denying his thirst. His problem, however, is that he filled his canteen with the wrong substance. Proverbs 25:21 says that “If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink.” Keep in mind that this passage is not talking about the substance so much as the action. But, in simple observation one can clearly see that this Proverb is directing the individual to give the right substance to the person in need. A candy bar will not do the job in satisfying a parched mouth. A desire for sex will not fill the void that should be a desire for Jesus. We must know what substance to fill up with. That substance is Jesus Christ!

Finally, the third amigo. (Show this portion of video clip). This individual had plenty of water but he wasted it. He then he addressed the wrong need. He took a small drink to satisfy his thirst because, yes, he too was sincerely thirsty. His fatal mistake, however, was that he did not share his full canteen with anyone else. In our case, he did not share Jesus with those in need. Rather than realizing the need at hand—water, he ignored them and instead addressed the wrong need by offering them lip balm. Rather than wasting the knowledge, love, blessings, etc. that the Lord has given us WE MUST POUR OUT TO OTHERS!! The Great Commission given by Jesus tells us that we need to do this.

Let us read Isaiah 55:1, “Come, all who are thirsty, come to the waters.” Then in John 4:14 Jesus says that those who drink from his waters will never thirst. Wouldn’t it be horrible if the Lord beckoned everyone to the waters but there was no water?! We can rest assured that when we become TRULY thirsty for God and take care of the necessary things so we are open to be filled, God will fill us. Similarly, once we are filled we must be ready to pour into other as the Lord beckons people to us.

So instead of acting one way at times and another way at other times, let’s decide to be thirst ALL OF THE TIME! Only then will we show people the difference in what is real, and what is just a movie.

**Now everyone get ready for the world premier of “Your Crazy Movies!

Works Cited Internet. Accessed on 4/15/03, 4/16/03, and 4/17/03. Internet. Accessed on 4/15/03, 4/16/03, and 4/17/03.

Allen Keys

“Stuck in a Pickle”

“The central focus of this game night will be to help students understand what to do when they are stuck in compromising/tempting situations. Coined from the phase ‘stuck in a pickle,’ this interactive lesson will teach students how to get out of compromising situations and how to avoid being stuck in a pickle”


Ice-Breaker 1:

Everybody Say “Pickle”

The night will begin by giving every one of the students 10 slips of paper with their name on it. Throughout the night the students will be required to give up a slip of their paper every time they use the word “pickle” in a sentence. The person who catches them saying it will be the one to receive the slip of paper. At the end of the night, the person with the most slips of paper will win a small prize. (Personal Idea)

Ice-Breaker 2:

Pickled Pretzel

Just like when we are stuck in a pickle, we have to figure out and work with others to get out of the situation. The whole group of teens will assemble in a circle with each person clasping a hand of someone different. (In other words, they will be holding one person's hand with their left hand and someone else's with their right hand) IMPORTANT! It cannot be the person next to them. Now that they are in a complete jumble, blow the whistle and give them one minute to get untangled without letting go of each other's hands. There is no prize, but the mayhem is a lot of fun to watch ( [Modified]

Ice-Breaker 3:

Hot Pickle

You play this just like Hot Potato but with a little twist. First you play this game with a large slimy pickle instead of a potato. Secondly, when the music stops and someone is caught with the pickle the first person to holler that person’s name is exempt from the next round. This encourages people to learn names and have fun while doing it. (Personal Idea)

Ice-Breaker 4:

Who Likes Pickles?

In this game you will use the included form on page 7. You will give every student this form and tell them to go around to their fellow students and have them write-out not initial their sheets if the statement or question applies to them. You will also give every student a plastic baggy with a small dill pickle in it. Students cannot sign their own sheet and may only sign someone else’s sheet once. The first player to have their sheet completed wins. (Personal Idea)

Ice-Breaker 5:

Pickle Find

Each student will have a piece of paper taped to their back with a type of pickle printed on it. (See bottom for a list of pickles). All students will then have to figure out what kind of pickle they are by asking questions to their fellow students. They will then have to group together with everyone else that represents that same kind of pickle. The first “pickle group” to have all of its members together wins (Personal Idea).

Types of Pickles: Baby Dill Pickles, Bread n Butter Slices, Dill Pickles, Dill Pickle Slices, Genuine Dill Gherkins, Good n Garlic Deli Dills, Good n Spicy Dill Spears, Fresh Pack Kosher Style Pickle Spears, Hoagie Pickle Slices, Hamburger Dills, Kosher Dill Pickle Slices, Kosher Dill Chips, Kosher Dill Spears, Old Fashioned Bread n Butter Pickles, Old Fashioned Bread n Butter Chunks, Old Fashioned Kosher Dill Halves, Old Fashioned Kosher Dill Chunks, Old Fashioned Kosher Baby Dills, Old Fashioned Sweet Gherkins, Old Fashioned Sweet Mixed Pickles, Polish Dills, Polish Dill Spears, Processed Dill Pickles, Sweet Salad Cubes, Sweet Gherkins, Sweet Midget Gherkins, Sweet Cucumber Slices, Sweet Baby Gherkins, Sweet Slices, Sweet Pickles, Sweet Pickle Slices, Sweet Mixed Pickles

Game 1:

Cream, Cream, Pickle

Choose 5-10 volunteers (can be done with more, but it gets a little gross after a while).  Sit them in a circle.  Place a pan full of whip-cream and about 10 - 12 small pickles.  Pick one of the participants as "it".  "It" goes around the circle saying "Cream, cream, cream, etc." (Like Duck, duck, goose) until they pick one of those who are sitting.  When they pick this person, they tap them on the head and say "pickle".  They become "It #2".  The first one to get a pickle out of the pan, eat it (or spit it out into an empty pan), and sit in the open spot, wins! The loser is then "It #1" and must repeat the process. (

Game 2:

Apple / Pickle Bob

This game begins just like the regular bobbing for apples.  However, this game adds a new twist.  Immediately after bobbing for apples, the person bobs for marshmallows in a bowl of flour.  You can just imagine the results.  The game is quite messy so make sure the floor is covered with plastic for quick and easy clean up. ( [Originally named “Apple/Marshmallow Bob”]

Game 3:

Baseball Pickle (Best played outside)

In baseball when a base-runner gets caught between bases and the opposing team is running him down, the term that is most often used is “caught in a pickle.” Therefore, this game works a lot like this. Before the game you will need to mark off about a 60ft long and 10 ft wide path for each group. If you are limited in playing space you can always send the students in rotations. You will break the students into groups of three. Tell each group that the most athletic person needs to be in the middle. The other two students will stand at opposite ends of the 60 ft area. You will then give one of the students on the ends a large cucumber. When you say go the students will begin chasing down the middle person. That’s person’s objective is to get to one end of the 60 foot area without being tagged by one of the two players while they have the cucumber in their hands. They are allowed to pass the cucumber, throw the cucumber, whatever it takes to tag the middle person while the cucumber is in their hands. Whichever, middle-man reaches his destination the quickest or stays in the longest if no-one reaches their destination wins. (Personal Idea)

Game 4:

Steal the Pickle

This is a variation of the popular game, “Steal the Bacon.” Break the students into two groups have them go to opposite ends of a large marked off area. A half gym floor works great. Each group will then number off from one to the number of people in the group. Each groups needs to be even. You will then place a large pickle in the exact middle of the playing area. You will then call out a number that is between the numbers of players. (For example if each team has 12 players on it, you will call out a number between 1 and 12). The players from each team that correspond with the number you call will run out and try to grab the pickle. The object is to get the pickle back across their starting line without being tagged. Once you pick up a pickle you may drop it. You may also kick the pickle. But you must be carrying it when you cross your home line to get a point. If you are tagged the other team gets a point. The players must also stay in the side bounds during play. If the pickle goes out of bounds you must throw it back in at random spots. Play till one team has 10 points. Too make it a little more interesting, call out multiple numbers or just say “everyone!” (If this is done they may pass the pickle around, but must still carry it across their home line) ( [Modified]

Game 5:

The Great Pickle Catch

Pick two fairly athletic and/or skilled teens to compete against the clock. Bring them to the front of the room as you open up the night. Put one teen behind a line of tape stretched across the floor, with a bowl full of miniature pickles. The other teen is five feet away, behind a second stretch of tape with a large funnel in his mouth. When you say "go", the throwing teen will try to toss pickles into the funnel of the catching teen. Remember, the funnel stays in the mouth of the teen and no hands are allowed to help! The time limit is one minute. As soon as one catch is made, the referee pulls out the pickle and puts it aside; noting the catch...this keeps the funnel clear for the next catch. Have about three teams compete in this funny competition.

For added fun, keep the pickles in the funnel as the minute continues. It's great fun trying to see the teen balance five or six pickles in the funnel while trying to catch another one! ( [Modified]

Game 6:

Pickle Relay

Before this game you will need to cover 5 cucumbers with Vaseline. For this game you will need to break the students into five groups. Each group should form a single file line facing front to back and should not have more than 10 people in each one. If you have a larger group you will need to break into more groups and have more cucumbers ready to go. When the students are ready the first person in each line will be given one of the prepared cucumbers. When you say go the first student will pass the cucumber over his head to the person behind him. That person will then pass the cucumber between their legs to the person behind them. The game will continue by alternating this with each person. When the cucumber reaches the last person in line, they will run to the front and start the relay again. When the person who was originally second in line is the lead person they will pass the cucumber on one final relay. The first team to accomplish this wins. (Personal Idea)

“Who Likes Pickles”

  1. Someone who does not like pickles.


  1. Someone who did not know cucumbers were pickles.


  1. Someone who eats relish on hot dogs.


  1. Knows someone who has eaten pickles and ice cream.


  1. Someone who does not eat pickles on their hamburger.


  1. Someone who has drank pickle juice.


  1. Someone who likes sweet pickles.


  1. Someone who has picked cucumbers.


  1. Someone has eaten a pickle before service today.


  1. Someone who will eat your pickle.



1 Corinthians 10:12-13 (NIV)

12 – So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!

13 – No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

Ever been “caught in a pickle?” Do you even know what this phrase means? One of the most common places this phrase is used is in baseball. Let’s take a look at an article from a newspaper describing a baseball game: After Haderlein's single, Tony Steele (2-for-3) added a single of his own. Steele did, however, get caught in a pickle after rounding first. The first baseman let Steele off the hook, though, by throwing the ball into the outfield, allowing Haderlein to score and Steele to advance to second. Steele scored the fourth run of the inning on another Reavis error ( 113sd2.htm). In baseball when someone is caught in a pickle they are basically in a bad spot. They are in-between two bases and can’t get to either one because there are defenders in their way. These defenders keep passing the ball back and forth with the goal of tagging the runner out before he reaches a base. Usually, if a base-runner gets caught in a pickle the coach will get pretty upset because it most often causes and unneeded out. And most of the time base-runners get into pickles without realizing it until it has already happened. However, like in the story above baseball runners can make it out. The ball was thrown away and the runner advanced to second while another run scored. Even though the runner was caught in a pickle he still had a way out and eventually became victorious. Let’s look at how Paul addresses the scenario of being caught in a pickle in our everyday lives.


In 1 Corinthians 10:12-13 Paul is warning the Corinthians of the mistakes that the Israelites had made. He talks of their idolatry, their sexual immorality, and even about them testing the Lord which led to them being killed by snakes. From first look, these sins sound like pretty gross sins and you are probably sitting their saying, “Well, that’s great, but what idiot is going to do all of that.” This is the issue that Paul addresses in our scripture for today. He basically gets in the Corinthians face with his statement in verse 12. He tells them that if they think that they are ok and not in danger of sinning, then they need to take a second look and realize how vulnerable they really are. He goes on in verse 13 to tell them that we all face temptations. These temptations are normal. It is when we find ourselves in temptation that we are “caught in a pickle.” However, he doesn’t leave them hanging for answer. Right there in verse 13 he tells the Corinthians that there is no temptation that is not common to all men, and even greater than that God will always provide us a way out. You see, Paul was telling them that they don’t have to give into sin and they shouldn’t become so proud that they don’t realize how great temptation can be, because if they don’t they will end up like the Israelites and bring God’s judgment on them. He wanted them to realize that God loves them enough to give them a way out of the temptation so that they won’t sin.


So what does that mean for you guys and for me? There are many times when we may get caught in a pickle of temptation. We may be hanging out with our friends and all of a sudden one of them hands us a cigarette and tells us to take a puff. Or maybe we are sitting at home surfing the net and an interesting site pops up on our screen. Or maybe we’re hanging out at the mall with our friends and that girl that everybody hates walks by, and the gossip begins. What do we do? We are caught in a pickle. Paul has given us the answer! He has told us that God will always give us a way out of sin. But we must realize that we can’t make it out of the sin or temptation by ourselves. We have to realize that we are helpless in and of ourselves. Only by the grace of God are we able to walk away from temptation unharmed. Maybe it’s your parents walking in just when you found that site, or your friends realizing it’s time to go before you have a chance to say yes or no to the puff, or the mall starts closing before you have a chance to gossip. But what happens when the way of escape isn’t made clear. This is when we must rely on God to give us strength to overcome. Jesus Christ died on the cross in order to give us that way out of sin. You might need to take a time-out and stand and say a prayer, call someone who you trust, or grab your Bible and read 1 Corinthians 10:12-13. What you must realize is that temptation will come and there will be times when you are “caught in a pickle.” The temptation is not what is bad it is what the temptation causes you to do that is bad. So take the first step and rely on God to pull you through and become victorious and get to second base.


Everyday we face temptation. So for the next week this is what I want you to do. Every time that you face temptation and feel yourself “caught in a pickle” I want you to write down what steps you took to avoid giving in to that temptation. If God provides you with a vivid way of escape be sure to write that down also. Just take time every day to thank God for giving you a way out and record at least two instances a day of when God helped you get out of a pickle.


Collins, Dave and Kristy. Apple/Marshmallow Bob. Pg. 3. April 14, 2003.

Icebreaker: Grape Expecations. April 14, 2003.

Matzke, Matthew. Cream, Cream, Pickle. Pg. 10. April 14, 2003.

O’Reilly, Tim. Prep Baseball: H-F Does the Hustle. southtown/dssports/pro/113sd2.htm. April 11, 2003.

Roberts, JD. Extreme Steal the Bacon. cfm?G=98. June 23, 1998.

Youth Worker’s Idea Station. April 14, 2003.

Gretchen Linsenbigler

THEME: Movie Madness


1. Blind Prince Shoe Grab(Cinderella)- Divide teams into guys and girls. Have princess crowns for the girls and plastic swords for the guys. Each girl takes a seat in a chair and removes her shoes. She passes her right shoe to her left twice. The girls then throw the shoes far from the princes. The only form of communication the princesses and princes can use is each other’s names. After the shoes are thrown, the princes try to retrieve and fit the correct shoes to their princess. The first prince to correctly match the shoes of their princess wins(McGill, 19).

2. Wedding Shoe Box Relay(The Wedding Planner). Make a chapel shaped figure on one wall out of masking tape. Choose four brides, four grooms, four ring bearers and four flower girls. The grooms should be positioned half way between the two walls, ring bearers and flower girls start at the wall opposite the chapel wall. The brides are waiting at the altar because the grooms were late. The grooms, ring bearers and flower girls are wearing shoe boxes on their feet, as the flower girls run from wall to wall throwing Kleenexes along the way. After they touch the wall, the ring bearers who are blindfolded hurry towards the groom with a Ring Pop and the groom runs to the bride and puts the Ring Pop on her finger. (Rice, 36)

3. Pumpkin Patch Pluck (Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin) Paint ten ping-pong balls orange. Mark off half of the floor as the pumpkin patch. Each person needs a partner. One person is the plucker, and the other is the guide. Have at least two hundred ping-pong balls on the floor, plus the ten orange ones. Blindfold the pluckers and have them get on their knees.

Before they start, have the partners tell each other their favorite vegetables. Those are the only words they can use to communicate. The first pair to pluck and place an orange pin-pong ball (pumpkin) wins.

4. Twinkle- Twinkle Little Tinsel(A Christmas Story) Divide the group into pairs and give each pair a piece of tinsel. Have the pair share their favorite Christmas carols with each other.

The first person holds the piece of tinsel over the head of the other person. On the jingle of the jingle bells, the first person drops the tinsel and the second person tries to blow the tinsel upwards and towards the finish line. While the other person is blowing the tinsel across the room, the first person is singing the tinsel blower’s favorite carol(McGill, 45).

5. Car Crazy(Gone in 60 Seconds). Have the group make teams of four. They each share with the group their dream car, and try to find another group of four with the same four dream cars by color or kind(sports car, SUV, truck, Hummer, etc…) The first four to find another group similar to theirs wins.

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