Bulletin of geography. Socio–economic series

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W. Zhang, B. Derudder, J. Wang, F. Witlox  / Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series / 31 (2016): 145–160


other networks such as Internet backbone and bus 

networks, and studying how data on these infra-

structure operations can be adapted to better reflect 

actual inter-city interactions.


(1) This hypothesis is, of course, implausible in 

any of the transit cities. However, the opera-

tional logic of trains is vested in there being 

round-trip. In this case, the average volumes 

of boarding and alighting in a daily basis will 

be roughly equal. For easy operationalization, 

we adopt an equal weight for boarding passen-

gers and alighting passengers in every transit 

city for a train.

(2) In the Chinese context, HSR refers to train ser-

vices with an average speed of 200 km/h or 

higher, which include D category trains (high-

speed trains in conventional railways), G Cat-

egory trains (high-speed trains in high-speed 

railways), and C Category trains (short in-

ter-city express trains).

(3) The YRD has various boundaries according 

to different definitions and research purpos-

es. Throughout this paper, we adopt the largest 

scope including Shanghai Municipality, Jiangsu 

Province, Zhejiang Province and Anhui Prov-

ince, which is also in conformity with the ad-

ministrative boundary of the Shanghai Railway 


(4) With more than 212 million monthly active us-

ers and 93 million daily active users (see http://

goo.gl/ovGvYO), Weibo is the most mainstream 

social media in China.


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