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Study reports for which the full-text could not be assessed

Abdus S (2007) Obesity: The role of economic incentive in an individual's body weight choice [Doctoral dissertation]. Minneapolis, MN, United States: University of Minnesota.

Adeniyi AF, Chedi H (2010) Levels and predictors of physical activity in a sample of pre-retirement and retired civil servants in Nigeria. East African Journal of Public Health 7: 140-143.

Agbola FW (2005) Estimating demand elasticities with the Linear Approximate Almost Ideal Demand System (LA/AIDS): Some empirical evidence from India. Empirical Economics Letters 4: 1-12.

Ahmed AU, Bouis HE, Gutner T, Lofgren H (2002) The Egyptian food subsidy system: Structure, performance, and options for reform. Food & Nutrition Bulletin 23: 423-424.

Ahmed AU, Gutner T, Lofgren H, Bouis HE (2001) The Egyptian food subsidy system: Structure, performance, and options for reform. Washington, D.C: International Food Policy Research Institute.

Akpan JO, Gingerich RL (1991) Association of hyperglycemia with dietary cyanogen and socio-economic level: The study of rural communities in south-east Nigeria. Acta Diabetologica Latina 28: 29-37.

Akpinar MG, Ozkan B, Sayin C, Ceylan RF (2010) Consumer risk perceptions towards food supply chain preferences: The case of the supermarket. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment 8: 256-260.

Akpinar MG, Aykin SM, Sayin C, Ozkan B (2009) The role of demographic variables in purchasing decisions on fresh fruit and vegetables. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment 7: 106-110.

Alarcon JA, Immink MD (1990) Elasticidad ingreso de la demanda de alimentos y otros bienes en grupos de poblacion marginal urbana de la ciudad de Guatemala [Stretching the income in the demand for food and other goods in marginal urban populations in the city of Guatemala]. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutricion 40: 518-532.

al-Awadi F, Amine EK (1989) Overweight and obesity in Kuwait. Journal of the Royal Society of Health 109: 175-177.

Albu A, Cucu AI, Malaimare A, Indrei LL (2010) Relatia venitul familiei--alimentatie la un lot de prescolari din orasul Negresti judetul vaslui [Family income--nutrition correlation in a group of Negresti Vaslui preschool children]. Revista medico-chirurgicala a Societatii de Medici si Naturalisti din Iasi 114: 841-844.

Alderman H (1988) Food subsidies in Egypt: Benefit distribution and nutritional effects. In: Pinstrup-Andersen P, editor. Food subsidies in developing countries: Costs, benefits, and policy options. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press for the International Food Policy Research Institute. pp. 171-182.

al-Isa AN (1999a) Obesity among Kuwait University students: An explorative study. Journal of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health 119: 223-227.

al-Isa AN, Moussa MA (1999b) Factors associated with overweight and obesity among Kuwaiti kindergarten children aged 3-5 years. Nutrition and health (Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire) 13: 125-139.

al-Isa AN (1998) Factors associated with overweight and obesity among Kuwaiti college women. Nutrition and health (Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire) 12: 227-233.

Al-Mannai A, Dickerson JWT, Morgan JB, Khalfan H (1996) Obesity in Bahraini adults. Journal of the Royal Society of Health 116: 30-32,37.

Aloia CR, Gasevic D, Yusuf S, Teo K, Chockalingam A, et al. (2011) Differences in fast food consumption between individuals of high and low socio-economic status in Chandigarh, India. Canadian Journal of Diabetes 35 156.

Alvarez CF, Diaz MJJ, Riano G, Perez S, Venta O, et al. (2011) Factores de riesgo cardiovascular clasicos y emergentes en escolares asturianos [Classic and emergent cardiovascular risk factors in schoolchildren in Asturias]. Anales de Pediatria 74: 388-395.

Ambrosius WT, Newman SA, Pratt JH (2001) Rates of change in measures of body size vary by ethnicity and gender. Ethnicity & Disease 11: 303-310.

Angulo AM, Mtimet N, Gil JM (2008) Analisis de la demanda de alimentos en Espana considerando el impacto de la dieta sobre la salud [Spanish food demand analysis taking into account the impact of diet on health. With English summary]. Economia Agraria y Recursos Naturales 8: 3-30.

Antonio MA, Ribeiro JD, Toro AA, Piedrabuena AE, Morcillo AM (2003) Avaliacao do estado nutricional de criancas e adolescentes com asma [Evaluation of the nutritional status of children and adolescents with asthma]. Revista da Associacao Medica Brasileira 49: 367-371.

Arabi M (2010) Linking tortilla price policies to household food consumption and child nutritional intake: Potential outcomes of globalization in rural Mexico [Doctoral dissertation]. Ithica, NY, United States: Cornell University.

Aro A (2003) Laskiverolla ja sensuurillako lihavuuden kimppuun? [Should obesity be attacked by tax for overweight and censure?]. Duodecim: Laaketieteellinen aikakauskirja 119: 1202-1203.

Arroyo P, Mendez O (2007) [Energetic density, diversity of diets and familial income in rural and urban households of Mexico]. Gaceta Medica de Mexico 143: 301-307.

Asfaw A (2006) The role of food price policy in determining the prevalence of obesity: Evidence from Egypt. Review of Agricultural Economics 28: 305-312.

Ashe MC, Miller WC, Eng JJ, Noreau L, Physical Activity and Chronic Conditions Research Team (2009) Older adults, chronic disease and leisure-time physical activity. Gerontology 55: 64-72.

Assarsson B, Edgerton D (1996) The consumption of food in the Nordic countries. In: Edgerton DL, Assarsson B, Hummelmose A, Laurila IP, Rickertsen K et al., editors. The econometrics of demand systems: With applications to food demand in the Nordic countries. Dordrecht, Boston and London: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 7-53.

Bacchieri G, Gigante DP, Assuncao MC (2005) Determinantes e padrões de utilização da bicicleta e acidentes de trânsito sofridos por ciclistas trabalhadores da cidade de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil [Determinants and patterns of bicycle use and traffic accidents among bicycling workers in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil]. Cadernos de Saude Publica 21: 1499-1508.

Bahl R, Bird R, Walker MB (2003) The uneasy case against discriminatory excise taxation: Soft drink taxes in Ireland. Public Finance Review 31: 510-533.

Baretta E, Baretta M, Peres KG (2007) Nivel de atividade fisica e fatores associados em adultos no Municipio de Joacaba, Santa Catarina, Brasil [Physical activity and associated factors among adults in Joacaba, Santa Catarina, Brazil]. Cadernos de Saude Publica 23: 1595-1602.

Barrett JE, Plotnikoff RC, Courneya KS, Raine KD (2007) Physical activity and type 2 diabetes: Exploring the role of gender and income. The Diabetes Educator 33: 128-143.

Barretto SA, Cyrillo DC (2001) Análise da composição dos gastos com alimentação no Município de São Paulo (Brasil) na década de 1990 [Analysis of household expenditures with food in the city of S. Paulo in the 1990's]. Revista de Saude Publica 35: 52-59.

Bauman A, Owen N, Rushworth RL (1990) Recent trends and socio-demographic determinants of exercise participation in Australia. Community Health Studies 14: 19-26.

Benedetti TR, Goncalves LHT, Petroski EL, Nassar SM, Schwingel A, et al. (2008) Aging in Brazil: Physical activity, socioeconomic conditions and diseases among older adults in Southern Brazil. Journal of Applied Gerontology 27: 631-640.

Bergstrom JC, Cordell HK (1991) An analysis of the demand for and value of outdoor recreation in the United States. Journal of Leisure Research 23: 67-86.

Bhargava A (2006a) Estimating short and long run income elasticities of foods and nutrients for rural south India. In: Bhargava A, editor. Econometrics, statistics and computational approaches in food and health sciences. Hackensack, N.J. and Singapore: World Scientific. pp. 81-98.

Bhargava A (2006b) Socio-economic and behavioural factors are predictors of food use in the National Food Stamp Program Survey. In: Bhargava A, editor. Econometrics, Statistics and Computational Approaches in Food and Health Sciences. Hackensack, N.J. and Singapore: World Scientific. pp. 363-372.

Blaine TW, Mohammad G (1991) An empirical assessment of U.S. consumer expenditures for recreation-related goods and services: 1946-1988. Leisure Sciences 13: 111-122.

Boizot-Szantai C, Etile F (2009) Le prix des aliments et la distribution de l'indice de masse corporelle des Francais [Food prices and the distribution of body mass index in France]. Revue Economique 60: 413-440.

Bowley AL (1945) Family income and expenditure on food. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 3: 32-39.

Brail RK, Chapin F (1973) Activity patterns of urban residents. Environment and Behavior 5: 163-190.

Bridges E, Briesch RA (2006) The 'nag factor' and children's product categories. International Journal of Advertising: The Quarterly Review of Marketing Communications 25: 157-187.

Brooks C (1988) A causal modeling analysis of sociodemographics and moderate to vigorous physical activity behavior of American adults. Research quarterly for exercise and sport 59: 328-338.

Brown A, Siahpush M (2006) Socioeconomic predictors of a sedentary lifestyle: Results from the 2001 National Health Survey. Journal of Physical Activity & Health 3: 90-101.

Brown DR, Yore MM, Ham SA, Macera CA (2005) Physical activity among adults > or = 50 yr with and without disabilities, BRFSS 2001. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 37: 620-629.

Browning C, Sims J, Kendig H, Teshuva K (2009) Predictors of physical activity behavior in older community-dwelling adults. Journal of Allied Health 38: 8-17.

Bryan SN, Katzmarzyk PT (2009) Are Canadians meeting the guidelines for moderate and vigorous leisure-time physical activity? Applied Physiology, Nutrition, & Metabolism- Physiologie Appliquee, Nutrition et Metabolisme 34: 707-715.

Burk MC (1994) A study of recent relationships between income and food expenditures. Journal of Agricultural Economics Research 45: 21-31.

Butler JS, Raymond JE (1996) The effect of the Food Stamp Program on nutrient intake. Economic Inquiry 34: 781-798.

Campos LDA, Leite AJM, De Almeida PC (2006a) Nivel socioeconomico e sua influencia sobre a prevalencia de sobrepeso e obesidade em escolares adolescentes do municipio de Fortaleza [Socioeconomic status and its influence on the prevalence of overweight and obesity among adolescent school children in the city of Fortaleza, Brazil]. Revista de Nutricao 19: 531-538.

Campos MAG, Pedroso ERP, Lamounier JA, Colosimo EA, Abrantes MM (2006b) Estado nutricional e fatores associados em idosos [Nutritional status and related factors among elderly Brazilians]. Revista Da Associacao Medica Brasileira 52: 214-221.

Cantarero Prieto D, Pascual Saez M (2006) El Problema De La Obesidad: El Caso De Las Regiones Espanolas [The Obesity Problem: The Case of Spanish Regions. With English summary]. Estudios de Economia Aplicada 24: 837-859.

Carter KSF (1997) Correlates of health behaviors of community living older adults [Doctoral dissertation]. Charlottesville, VA, United States: University of Virginia.

Casper J (2004) Explaining adult tennis participants' participation frequency and purchase intention with the sport commitment model [Doctoral dissertation]. Greeley, CO, United States: University of Northern Colorado.

Castanheira M, Olinto MT, Gigante DP (2003) Associacao de variaveis socio-demograficas e comportamentais com a gordura abdominal em adultos: estudo de base populacional no Sul do Brasil [Socio-demographic and lifestyle factors associated with abdominal fat distribution in adults: a population-based survey in Southern Brazi]. Cadernos de Saude Publica 19 s55-s65.

Cavalcante JW, Daza CM, Pessoa C, Pacheco WS, de Menezes MG, et al. (1995) [Prevalence and sociocultural and economic aspects of hypertension in a health center of the northern area of Manaus]. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia 65: 493-496.

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Chand R, Kumar P (2002) Long-term changes in coarse cereal consumption in India: Causes and implications. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 57: 316-325.

Chen J-L, Kennedy C, Yeh C-H, Kools S (2005) Risk factors for childhood obesity in elementary school-age Taiwanese children. Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing 20: 96-103.

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Chyun D, Lacey KO, Katten DM, Talley S, Price WJ, et al. (2006) Glucose and cardiac risk factor control in individuals with type 2 diabetes: Implications for patients and providers. Diabetes Educator 32: 925-939.

Cicek B, Ozturk A, Mazicioglu MM, Elmali F, Turp N, et al. (2009) The risk analysis of arm fat area in Turkish children and adolescents. Annals of Human Biology 36: 28-37.

Claro RM, Levy RB, Bandoni DH (2009) Influencia da renda sobre as despesas com alimentacao fora do domicilio, no Brasil, 2002-2003 [Influence of income on food expenditures away from home among Brazilian families, 2002-2003]. Cadernos de Saude Publica 25: 2489-2496.

Clausen J, Jensen G (1990) Are blood pressure levels increasing in Denmark? Journal of Internal Medicine 228: 443-450.

Coalter F (1993) Sports participation: Price or priorities? Leisure Studies 12: 171-182.

Colchero MA (2007) The economics of obesity in developing countries: The case of Cebu, Philippines 1983-2002 [Doctoral Dissertation]. Baltimore, MD, United States: John Hopkins University.

Collins AE, Pakiz B, Rock CL (2008) Factors associated with obesity in Indonesian adolescents. International Journal of Pediatric Obesity 3: 58-64.

Crespo CJ, Ainsworth BE, Keteyian SJ, Heath GW, Smit E (1999) Prevalence of physical inactivity and its relation to social class in U.S. adults: Results from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988-1994. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 31: 1821-1827.

Cui Z, Huxley R, Wu Y, Dibley MJ (2010) Temporal trends in overweight and obesity of children and adolescents from nine Provinces in China from 1991-2006. International Journal of Pediatric Obesity 5: 365-374.

Dalla Costa MC, Cordoni LJ, Matsuo T (2007) Habito alimentar de escolares adolescentes de um municipio do oeste do Parana [Food habits of adolescent students from a municipality in western Parana, Brazil]. Revista de Nutricao 20: 461-471.

Dardis R, Soberon-Ferrer H, Patro D (1994) Analysis of leisure expenditures in the United States. Journal of Leisure Research 26: 309-321.

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Dhehibi B, Gil JM, Khaldi R (2002) Relation entre developpement economique, niveau des prix et ingestion de calories: Cas de la Tunisie [Relationship between economic development, price level and calorie intake: The case of Tunisia]. New Medit: Mediterranean Journal of Economics, Agriculture and Environment 1: 3-11.

Dhurandhar NV, Kulkarni PR (1992) Prevalence of obesity in Bombay. International Journal of Obesity 16: 367-375.

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