Azərbaycan futbolu 100 100 years of football in azerbaijan

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The second stage of Azeri football started from 1950 and was 
completed in 1971. 
Players; Alakbar Mammadov, Fuad Tagizadeh, Kamil Eynul la­
yev,Yuri Kuznetsov, Vladimir Mikuchadze, Ali Abilzadeh, Ana­
toliy Terentyev, Chingiz Ismayilov, Ahmad Alasgarov, Zeydulla 
Suleymanov, Tevekkul Huseynov, Tofig Akhundov and Vladimir 
Kosenkov became well known names in Azerbaijan. Their per­
formances were memorable and full of pride. The greatest ac­
hievements during this time were Alakbar Mammadov winning 
four championship medals and Yuri Kuznetsov, who played for 
Moscow’s “Dinamo” club winning two championship medals, as 
well as their numerous nominations to the 33 best football pla­
yers list. In 1960 the USSR United Team with one of our own 
players – Alakbar Mammadov became the European cham­
pions. The same year, the USSR Sport Committee sanctioned 
the participation of all republican teams in the Premier League. 
Another great achievement was the “Neftyanik” team winning 
the bronze medal at the USSR Championships. The names of 
Anatoliy Banishevski, Kazbek Tuayev, Eduard Makarov, Valrery 
Hajiyev, Yashar Babayev, Rustam Abdullayev, Sergey Krama­
renko, Adil Babayev, Mubariz Zeynalov, Rustam Abdullayev, 
Vacheslav Semiglazov, Vladimir Brukhti, Anatoliy Qrazyev were 
written in the history of Azeri football with the gold letters. 
At the same time our coaches A. Namazov, B. Hajiyev, A. Alas­
garov worked away from the Republic in Tunisia, Algeria, Bur­
kina Faso, Iran and other countries and represented Azerbaijan 
at a high level. 
In 1955 our excellent football player Alakbar Mammadov 
played for “Dinamo” Moscow and became a four times cham­
pionship winner. Whilst he was playing for the USSR national 
team they became champions of Europe. At the same time, 
he scored the fourth goal of the game against the best team 
of the year ­ “Milan”. This game finished with a score of 4­1 – 
“Dinamo” won. 
In the same year Anatoliy Banishevsky played in the USSR uni­
ted team and recieved a bronze medal at the World Champi­
onship. Tofiq Bahramov was one of the referees of the fa­
mous 1966 World Cup Final between England and Germany. 
Tofig Bahramov became an English national hero after this 
Her majesty the Queen of England presented the “Gold 
Whistle” to Tofig Bahramov for his great referee work during 
that final game of the World Cup in 1966 and she also spoke 
somewonderful words about him. The British Prime Minister­
Margaret Thatcher, who came to Baku on a non official visit 
required the presence of a great Azeri (as she said) at the offi­
cial reception,Tofig Bahramov. Honored President of FIFA Jovo 
Avelanj also said some warm words to Tofig Bahramov: “This 
person saved the reputation and honour of football!”. Today, 
a tournament in England, for young football players is named 
in honor of Tofig Bahramov. Many teams compete for the op­
portunity to particpate in it.
The first mini football game in USSR took place in 1968 in Baku.


“Dinamo” (Moskva). Soldan birinci Ələkbər Məmmədov, 1956
“Dinamo” Moscow. The first from left: Alakbar Mammadov, 1956 

“Dinamo” (Moskva). Sırada yeddinci Ələkbər Məmmədov, 1958
“Dinamo” Moscow. Seventh in the row: Alakbar Mammadov, 1958

“Dinamo” (Moskva). Oturanlar arasında dördüncü Yuri Kuznetsov, ayaq üstə duranlar arasında sağdan üçüncü Ələkbər Məmmədov, 1956
Fourth in the row between the sitting players: Yuri Kuznetsov, third in the standing players row: Alakbar Mammadov, 1956

“Neftyanik”: I sıra: Çingiz İsmayılov, Vladimir Kosenko; II sıra: İsaq Zülqərniyev, Vladimir Qalkin, Kamil Eynullayev, Əhməd Ələsgərov, Marsel Çvaxyan, Viktor Smirnov; 
III sıra: Şirəli Şirəliyev (komandanın rəisi), Vladimir Mikuçadze, Turan Məmmədov, Vladimir Denisov, Anatoli Terentyev, Şamil Əmirov, Əli Əbilzadə, Oleq Timakov (baş 
məşqçi), İsay Abramaşvili (məşqçi), IV sıra: Klim Xaçaturov, Nağı Babayev, Zahid Əsgərov, Aleksey Zinin, Valeri Dikayev, 1957
“Neftyanik” first row: Chingiz Ismayilov, Vladimir Kosenko; Second road: Isag Zulgarniyev, Vladimir Galkin, Kamil Eynullayev, Ahmad Alasgarov, Marsel Chvekhyan, Vic­
tor Smirnov: third row: Shirali Shiraliyev (leader of the team), Vladimir Mikuchadze, Turan Mammadov, Vldimir Denisov, Anatoliy Terentyev, Shamil Amirov, Ali Abilzadeh, 
Oleg Timakov (Chief coach), Isay Abramashvili (chief coach): Fourth row: Klim Khachaturov, Nagi Babayev, Zahid Asgarov, Aleksey Zinin, Valeriy Dikayev, 1957

“Neftyanik” (soldan sağa): Vladimir Kosenkov, Tofiq Axundov, Viktor Smirnov, Kamil Eynullayev, Marsel Çavaxyan, Əli Əbilzadə, 
Nağı Babayev, Eduard Avakov, Vladimir Qalkin, İsaq Zülqərniyev, 1958
“Neftyanik” (from the left): Vladimir Kosenkov, Tofig Akhundov, Victor Smirnov, Kamil Eynullayev, Marsel Chavakhyan, Ali Abilzadeh, Nagi Babayev, Eduard Avakov, 
Vladimir Galkin, Isag Zulgarniyev, 1958

Kirovabadın “Dinamo” komandası.  
I sıra: Müzəffər Qasımov, Lev Lyubarski, Vyaçeslav Filatov, Nizami Salahov, Ramiz Muritov, Aleksey Spikin;  
II sıra: Zahid Hüseynov, Nürəddin Əliyev, Ruslan Abdullayev, Yusif Məhərrəmov, Yuri Trembaç, Hafiz Namazov, Nadir Eynullayev, Yuri Çistoxvalov (baş məşqçi), Eduard 
Kadoyev, Boris Falkovski, Zakir Süleymanov, 1968
“Dinamo” Kirovabad team.  
First row: Muzaffar Gasimov, Lev Lubarsky, Vacheslav Filatov, Nizami Salahov, Ramiz Muritov, Aleksey Spikin:  
Second row: Zahid Huseynov, Nuraddin Aliyev, Ruslan Abdullayev, Yusif Maharramov, Yuri Trembach, Hafiz Namazov, Nadir Eynullayev, Yuri Chistoxvalov (chief coach), 
Eduard Kadoyev, Boris Falkovski, Zakir Suleymanov, 1968 

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