Approved Robert Redfern, President Kim Sullivan, vice President


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Parents wishing to speak to their children during the school day shall register first with the office.
If there is any question concerning the legal custody of the student, the custodial parent shall present documentation to the principal or his/her designee establishing the parent’s custody of the student. It shall be the responsibility of the custodial parent to make any court ordered “no contact” or other restrictions regarding the non-custodial parent known to the principal by presenting a copy of a file-marked court order. Without such a court order on file, the school will release the child to either of his/her parents. Non-custodial parents who file with the principal a date-stamped copy of current court orders granting visitation may eat lunch, volunteer in their child’s classroom, or otherwise have contact with their child during school hours and the prior approval of the school’s principal. Such contact is subject to the limitation as outlined in Policy 4.16, Policy 6.5 and any other policies that may apply.
Unless prior arrangements have been made with the school’s principal, Arkansas law provides that the transfer of a child between his/her custodial parent and non-custodial parent, when both parents are present, shall not take place on the school’s property on normal school days during normal hours of school operation.
State Law requires that Department of Human Services employees, local law enforcement, or agents of the Crimes Against Children Division of the Department of Arkansas State Police, may interview students without a court order for the purpose of investigating suspected child abuse. In instances where the interviewers deem it necessary, they may exercise a “72-hour hold” without first obtaining a court order. Other questioning of students by non-school personnel shall be granted only with a court order directing such questioning, with permission of the parents of a student (or the student if above eighteen

(18) years of age), or in response to a subpoena or arrest warrant.

If the district makes a report to any law enforcement agency concerning student misconduct or if access to a student is granted to a law enforcement agency due to a court order, the principal or the principal’s designee shall make a good faith effort to contact the student’s parent, legal guardian, or other person having lawful control by court order, or person acting in loco parentis identified on student enrollment forms. The principal or the principal’s designee shall not attempt to make such contact if presented documentation by the investigator that notification is prohibited because a parent, guardian custodian, or person standing in loco parentis is named as an alleged offender of the suspected child maltreatment. This exception applies only to interview requests made by a law enforcement officer, an investigator of the Crimes Against Children Division of the Department of Arkansas State Police, or an investigator or employee of the Department of Human Services.
In instances other than those related to cases of suspected child abuse, principals must release a student to either a police officer who presents a subpoena for the student, or a warrant for arrest, or to an agent of state social services or an agent of a court with jurisdiction over a child with a court order signed by a judge. Upon release of the student, the principal or designee shall give the student’s parent, legal guardian, or other person having lawful control by court order, or person acting in loco parentis notice that the student has been taken into custody by law enforcement personnel or a state’s social services agency. If the principal or designee is unable to reach the parent, he or she shall make a reasonable, good faith effort to get a message to the parent to call the principal or designee, and leave both a day and an after-hours telephone number.
Legal References: A.C.A. § 6-18-513 A.C.A. § 9-13-104 A.C.A. § 12-18-609,610,613

A.C.A. § 12-18-1001, 1005

Date Adopted: Last Revised:
The Danville School Board strongly believes that the purpose of school is for learning. Social visitors, generally, disrupt the school day and interfere with learning that should be taking place. Therefore, visiting with students at school is strongly discouraged, unless approved by the principal. This includes visits made by former students and friends and all visitors must first register at each school’s office.
Cross References: For adult visits see Policy 4.15-CONTACT WITH STUDENTS WHILE AT SCHOOL
Date Adopted: 09-11-06; Last Revised: 5/30/15

The Danville Board of Education has a responsibility to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the District’s students and employees. To help maintain a safe environment conducive to high student achievement, the Board establishes policies necessary to regulate student behavior to promote an orderly school environment that is respectful of the rights of others and ensures the uniform enforcement of student discipline. Students are responsible for their conduct that occurs: at any time on the school grounds; off school grounds at a school sponsored function, activity, or event; going to and from school or a school activity.
The District’s administrators may also take disciplinary action against a student for off- campus conduct occurring at any time that would have a detrimental impact on school discipline, the educational environment, or the welfare of the students and/or staff. A student who has committed a criminal act while off campus and whose presence on campus could cause a substantial disruption to school or endanger the welfare of other students or staff is subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Such acts could include, but are not limited to a felony or an act that would be considered a felony if committed by an adult, an assault or battery, drug law violations, or sexual misconduct of a serious nature. Any disciplinary action pursued by the District shall be in accordance with the student’s appropriate due process rights.
The District’s licensed personnel policy committee shall review the student discipline policies annually and may recommend changes in the policies to the Danville School Board. The Board has the responsibility of determining whether to approve any recommended changes to student discipline policies.
It is required by law that the principal or the person in charge report to the police any incidents the person has personal knowledge of or has received information leading to a reasonable belief that a person has committed or threatened to commit an act of violence or any crime involving a deadly weapon on school property or while under school supervision. If the person making the report is not the Superintendent, that person shall also inform the Superintendent of the incident. Additionally, the principal shall inform any school employee or other person who initially reported the incident that a report has been made to the appropriate law enforcement agency. The Superintendent or designee shall inform the Board of Directors of any such report made to law enforcement.
Legal References: A.C.A. § 6-18-502 A.C.A. § 6-17-113
Date Adopted:; Last Revised: 5/30/15
Behavior Rules for Kindergarten:

All students are expected to:

1. Follow teacher directions at all times.

2. Keep your hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.

3. Take turns.

4. Be kind.

5. Use quiet voices when indoors.
Behavior Rules for Grades 1-4

All students are expected to:

1. Follow teacher/paraprofessional/substitute teacher’s directions at all times.

2. Keep hands feet, and other objects to self.

3. Refrain from rude gestures or put-downs (verbal and non-verbal).

4. Have necessary supplies and assignments for class.

5. Raise hand for permission before speaking.
Consequences for K-4
K-4 classrooms will use a Clip Up Clip Down Chart. Teachers will provide students and parents with behavior expectations and consequences the first day of school.
Elementary Saturday School
Students assigned to Saturday School in Grades K-5 should be dropped off at the elementary office at 8:00 a.m. and picked up there at 11:00 a.m. Failure to attend Saturday School will result in reassignment to Saturday School or In-School Suspension.
Student Discipline Information K-4
Teachers will include information on behavior and work habits in student journals. Students with unacceptable behavior at the times of school sponsored trips and activities after school may not be allowed to participate.
Severe Disruption

This includes, but is not limited to, fighting, inflicting injury upon another person, threatening to inflict injury, abusive language, stealing and sexual harassment as defined under the “Student Conduct Behavior Code.” Under these circumstances, a student will be immediately removed from the situation and appropriate discipline will be administered.

Further or repeated offenses will mandate a conference between the parent/guardian and school administrator.


Various misbehaviors may be disciplined with various degrees of punishment ranging from, but not limited to, verbal warning, in school or out of school suspension, expulsion or having the behavior reported to law enforcement.

Date Adopted: Last Revised: 5/30/15


Students and staff require a safe and orderly learning environment that is conducive to high student achievement. Certain student behaviors are unacceptable in such an environment and are hereby prohibited by the Danville School Board. Prohibited behaviors include, but shall not be limited to the following:

  1. Disrespect for school employees and failing to comply with their reasonable directions or otherwise demonstrating insubordination,

  2. Disruptive behavior that interferes with orderly school operations,

  3. Willfully and intentionally assaulting or threatening to assault or physically abusing any student or school employee,

  4. Possession of any weapon that can reasonably be considered capable of causing bodily harm to another individual,

  5. Possession or use of tobacco in any form on any property owned or leased by any public school,

  6. Willfully or intentionally damaging, destroying, or stealing school property.

  7. Possession of any paging device, beeper, or similar electronic communication devices, on the school campus during normal school hours unless specifically exempted by the administration for health or other compelling reasons,

  8. Possession, selling distributing, or being under the influence of an alcoholic beverage, any illegal drug, unauthorized inhalants, or the inappropriate use or sharing of prescription or over the counter drugs, or other intoxicants, or anything represented to be a drug,

  9. Sharing, diverting, transferring, applying to others (such as needles or lancets), or in any way misusing medication or any medical supplies in their possession,

  10. Cheating, copying, or claiming another person’s work to be his/her own.

  11. Gambling,

  12. Inappropriate student dress,

  13. Use of vulgar, profane, or obscene language or gestures,

  14. Truancy,

  15. Excessive tardiness,

  16. Engaging in behavior designed to taunt, degrade, or ridicule another person on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, or disability,

  17. Hazing, or aiding in the hazing of another student,

  18. Gangs or gang-related activities, including belonging to secret societies of any kind, are forbidden on school property. Gang insignias, clothing, “throwing signs” or other gestures associated with gangs are prohibited,

  19. Sexual harassment,

  20. Bullying, and

  21. Inappropriate public displays of affection.

The Board directs each school in the District to develop implementation regulations for

prohibited student conduct consistent with applicable Board policy, State and Federal laws, and judicial decisions.

*When a student is sent to the principal or his designee for misbehavior at school or a school activity see the Discipline Classifications. 4.18.1

Legal References: A.C.A. § 6-18-502; A.C.A. § 6-18-707; A.C.A. § 6-15-1005

A.C.A. § 6-21-609; A.C.A. § 6-18-506; A.C.A. § 6-18-222

A.C.A. § 6-5-201; A.C.A. § 6-18-514
Cross-References: Prohibited Conduct #1—Policy 3.17; Prohibited Conduct #2— Policy 4.20

Prohibited Conduct #3— Policy 4.21, 4.26; Prohibited Conduct #4— Policy 4.22

Prohibited Conduct #5— Policy 4.23; Prohibited Conduct #7—Policy 4.47

Prohibited Conduct #8— Policy 4.24; Prohibited Conduct #13— Policy 4.25

Prohibited Conduct #14— Policy 4.21; Prohibited Conduct #15— Policy 4.7

Prohibited Conduct #16 — Policy 4.9; Prohibited Conduct #17— Policy 4.43

Prohibited Conduct #19— Policy 4.12; Prohibited Conduct #20— Policy 4.26

Prohibited Conduct #21—Policy 4.27; Prohibited Conduct # 22—Policy 4.43

Date Adopted: 09-11-06; Last Revised:6/14/16
The following groups apply to both elementary school and high school:
Truancy – A student shall not be absent from school without parent and/or school authorities’ prior knowledge and consent, which can be a doctor’s note, parent’s note or a phone call to the school by the parent. After arrival on campus, a student absent from his/her assigned learning situation without permission from school authorities shall be considered truant. Skipping a class will be considered as truancy. Excessive tardiness is difined as truancy.

Leaving Closed Campus – After arrival on the school campus, a student shall not leave campus without permission from school authorities and parents.

First Offense – Shall be parent contact, one (1) in-school suspension.

Second Offense or more – Shall be parent contact, two (2) days in-school suspenion or three (3) days OSS out of school suspension.


Smoking and Smokeless Tobacco – The use or possession of any tobacco product (cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes, chewing tobacco, Skoal, etc.) by students while on school grounds or school property, in vehicles,and in school activities are strictly prohibited.


First Offense – Student must give up material, parental contact, and corporal punishment or as assigned one (1) day in-school, and review a film on the effects of smoking and smokeless tobacco and write a report.

Second Offense – Student must give up material, parental contact, and up to three (3) days ISS, and student will not be eligible for extra school activities (trips or parties) for twenty-one (21) days.

Third Offense – Student must give up material, parent contact, two (2) days OSS without makeup work, student will not be eligible for extra school activities (trips or parties) for twenty-one (21) days, and will be put under a behavior contract.


Disregard of Directions or Commands (insubordination) – All students shall comply with reasonable directions or commands of teachers, substitute teachers, teacher’s assistants, principals, administrative personnel, school bus drivers, or any other authorized personnel. Disorderly Conduct – A student shall not engage in behavior which produces situations in which instruction or activities of other students are adversely affected.

Profanity, Verbal Abuse, Obscene Gestures – A student shall not use profane, violent, abusive, or insulting language at any time. A student shall not use physical gestures that convey a connotation of obscene or highly disrespectful act, infringe upon the rights of others, or cause or begin an overt and immediate disruption of the educational process.
Gambling – A student shall not engage in any game of chance on school premises at any time.
Public Display of Affection – Inappropriate public displays of affection are not acceptable behavior at school.
Cafeteria Use – Violation of any of the cafeteria rules in this handbook.
Playground Use – Violation of any of the platyground rules in this handbook.
Student inappropriate/misuse of the internet or any electronic device will be disciplined according to the Group III disciplinary actions.

First Offense – Conference with principal and parent contact, two (2) days Lunch Detention or 2 days of in-school suspension.

Second Offense – Conference with principal, parent contact, and three (3) Lunch Detention or 4 days of in-school suspension or suspension.

Third Offense – Additional offenses will be dealt with by the principal.


Damage, Destruction, or Theft of School Property – A student shall not cause or attempt to cause damage to school or student property or steal or attempt to steal school or student property. The Danville School District will attempt to recover damages from the student for theft or damages to school property. This includes damage from graffiti or writing on school property. Parents of any minor student under the age of eighteen (18) will be liable for damages caused by said minor.

Treatment of School Personnel – Students will not be allowed to behave in a hateful, discourteous, or degrading manner toward any school employee.
Forging Signatures – Students will not forge his/her parent’s signature on any item turned in at school.
Indecent Exposure and Sexual Advances – A student shall not deliberately commit indecent exposure in school, nor shall a student make improper sexual advances toward another person.
False Alarms – Students shall not report false alarms.
Physical Abuse or Assault by a Student on another Student – A student shall not threaten or attempt to cause injury or physical harm to another student nor shall a student strike or beat another student. Fighting will be defined as a physical conflict involving two or more parties where there is a physical exchange of blows. A student will not be subject to disciplinary action when it can be determined that the student was acting in self-defense. All instances of physical abuse or assault will be reported to the local law enforcement authorities.

First Offense – Include but not limited to parent contact and up to three (3) days of ISS and/or 1 day OSS.

Second Offense- Include but not limited to parent contact and up to three (3) days of OSS.

Third Offense – Include but not limited to parent contact and five (5) days of OSS or expelled


Academic Dishonesty-Academic Dishonesty is considered a form of cheating and is serious misconduct and will be dealt with in such a way that the student is fully informed of its seriousness. Instances of Academic Dishonesty will be referred to the Prinicpal. After an investigation and conference with the student, If the incident is substantiated by the principal, parents and the teachers willinformed of the Academic Dishonesty incident. A record of the incident will reamin a part of the student’s discipline record. Academic Dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:

1. An unfair advantage before or during an assignment/test

2. Plagiarism

3. Helping another student gain an unfair advantage.

During an academic school year if a student incident is substantiated as Academic Dishonesty the following consequences will be administrated.

First Offense – The student(s) will take a zero on the assignment and will serve 2 days of ISS – classroom work will be given to the student(s) during ISS.
Second Offense – The student(s) will take a zero on the assignment and will serve 4 days of ISS – classroom work will be given to the student(s) during ISS.
Third Offense – The student(s) will take a zero on the assignment and will serve 1 day of OSS – without the opportunity of making up any work missed.
*** Additional offenses will be dealt with by the principal.

It is the responsibility of the student to pick up assignments in the office to complete during the suspension period. All work will be due on the first day back from suspension. If student missed a test(s) during suspension, the student will make arrangement with the teacher to take the test(s) before school within the next five school days upon returning from suspension. If suspension work is not turned in on first day back, then missed test will not be given and the student will receive a zero for work and test.

Date Adopted: 06-18-13; Last Revised: 6/14/16
Students are subject to the same rules of conduct while traveling to and from school as they are while on school grounds. Appropriate disciplinary actions may be taken against commuting students who violate student code of conduct rules.
The preceding paragraph also applies to student conduct while on school buses. Students shall be instructed in safe riding practices. The transportation manager will oversee instructing students in safe riding practices. The driver of a school bus shall not operate the school bus until every passenger is seated. Disciplinary measures for problems related to bus behavior shall include suspension or expulsion from school, or suspending or terminating the student’s bus transportation privileges. Transporting students to and from school who have lost their bus transportation privileges shall become the responsibility of the student’s parent or legal guardian.
Students are eligible to receive district bus transportation if they meet the following requirements:
For students that live within the district, public transportation by the school bus will be furnished of two or more miles from school. Students living closer than two miles, but on the bus routes, may ride if there is sufficient space on the bus.
Transportation will be furnished for all school sponsored activities and field trips. Misconduct of students/athletes is subject to disciplinary action under 4.18.1. Buses will be driven and students supervised by authorized personnel.
Liability insurance is carried on all school buses, and any child injured while in transit on a school bus should file a report at the office as soon as possible.
This is a privilege we grant to students not a right.

  1. Be at the bus stop at the scheduled time. Stand back about ten feet from the bus and wait until the door is opened before moving closer to the bus. Do not play on the highway.

  2. Remain in a safe place, away from the traffic, while waiting for the bus.

  3. While loading or unloading, enter or leave the bus orderly and quickly.

  4. While on the bus, obey the driver at all times for he is in charge.

  5. Conduct yourself in a manner that will not distract the attention of the driver or disturb other riders on the bus.

  6. Don’t change seats while the bus is in motion. If someone leaves the bus and you wish to change seats, do so while the bus is stopped.

  7. Do not tamper with any of the safety devices on the bus.

  8. Remain seated while the bus in motion. Do not put your hands, arms, head or body out of the window.

  9. Do not deface the bus or any other school property. Do not write on the bus or cut the seats. Do not throw paper, food, or other objects on the floor of the bus. No smoking while riding a bus. Keep aisles clear of books, lunches, coats, etc.

  10. Do not ask the driver to let you off the bus in town, at the store, or to get mail out of the box.

  11. If you must cross the highway to enter the bus, wait until the bus has come to a complete stop and the driver has signaled for you to cross in front of the bus.

  12. Do not damage road signs or warning signals placed on the highway by the Highway Department.

Legal Reference: A.C.A. § 6-19-119 (b)

Ark. Division of Academic Facilities and Transportation Rules Governing

Maintenance and Operations of Ark. Public School Buses and Physical

Examinations of School Bus Drivers 4.0
Date Adopted: 09-11-06; Last Revised: 5/30/15
School buses will unload on East Ninth Street, north of the building. IT IS A VIOLATION OF ARKANSAS LAW TO PASS A BUS WHEN STUDENTS ARE LOADING OR UNLOADING, EVEN THOUGH THE CHILDREN ARE NOT CROSSING THE STREET. Parents who bring their children to school may let them out of the car in the bus unloading zone if they do not block the area for an extended period of time.

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