Apollonius of Tyre

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Ac þæt mæden hæfde unstille niht, mid þare lufe onæled þara worda and sanga þe heo gehyrde æt Apollonige, and na leng heo ne gebad ðonne hit dæg wæs, ac eode sona swa hit leoht wæs and gesæt beforan hire fæder bedde. Ða cwæð se cyngc: ‘Leofa dohtor, for hwi eart ðu þus ær wacol?’ Ðæt mæden cwæð: ‘Me awehton þa gecnerdnessan þe Ic girstandæg gehyrde. Nu bidde Ic ðe forðam þæt þu befæste me urum cuman Apollonige to lare.’ Ða wearð se cyningc þearle geblissod, and het feccan Apollonium and him to cwæð: ‘Min dohtor girnð þæt heo mote leornian æt ðe ða gesæligan lare ðe þu canst, and gif ðu wilt þisum þingum gehyrsum beon, Ic swerige ðe þurh mines rices mægna þæt swa hwæt swa ðu on sæ forlure Ic ðe þæt on lande gestaðelige.’ Ða ða Apollonius þæt gehyrde, he onfengc þam mædenne to lare, and hire tæhte swa wel swa he silf geleornode.

Hyt gelamp ða æfter þisum binnon feawum tidum þæt Arcestrates se cyngc heold Apollonius hand on handa and eodon swa ut on ðare ceastre stræte. Þa æt nyhstan comon ðar gan ongean hy þry gelærede weras and æþelborene, þa lange ær girndon þæs cyninges dohtor. Hi ða ealle þry togædere anre stæfne gretton þone cyngc. Ða smercode se cyng and heom to beseah and þus cwæð: ‘Hwæt is þæt þæt ge me anre stæfne gretton?’ Ða andswerode heora an and cwæð: ‘We bædon gefirn þynre dohtor, and þu us oft rædlice mid elcunge geswænctest. Forðam we comon hider to dæg þus togædere. We syndon þyne ceastergewaran, of æðelum gebyrdum geborene. Nu bidde we þe þæt þu geceose þe ænne of us þrym hwilcne þu wille þe to aðume habban.’ Ða cwæð se cyngc: ‘Nabbe ge na godne timan aredodne. Min dohtor is nu swiðe bisy ymbe hyre leornunga, ac þe læs þe Ic eow a leng slæce, awritað eowre naman on gewrite and hire morgen-gife; þonne asænde Ic þa gewrita minre dohtor þæt heo sylf geceose hwilcne eowerne heo wille.’ Ða didon ða cnihtas swa, and se cyngc nam ða gewrita and geinseglode hi mid his ringe and sealde Apollonio, þus cweðende: ‘Nim nu, lareow Apolloni, swa hit þe ne mislicyge, and bryng þinum lærincgmædene.’


Ða nam Apollonius þa gewrita and eode to ðare cynelican healle. Mid þam þe þæt mæden geseah Apollonium, þa cwæð heo: ‘Lareow, hwi gæst ðu ana?’ Apollonius cwæð: ‘Hlæfdige, næs git yfel wif! Nim ðas gewrita ðe þin fæder þe sænde and ræd.’ Ðæt mæden nam and rædde þara þreora cnihta naman, ac heo ne funde na þone naman þar on þe heo wolde. Ða heo þa gewrita oferræd hæfde, ða beseah heo to Apollonio and cwæð: ‘Lareow, ne ofþingð hit ðe gif Ic þus wer geceose?’ Apollonius cwæð: ‘Na, ac Ic blissige swiðor þæt þu miht, ðurh ða lare þe þu æt me underfenge, þe silf on gewrite gecyðan hwilcne heora þu wille. Min willa is þæt þu ðe wer geceose þar ðu silf wille.’ Þæt mæden cwæð: ‘Eala, lareow, gif ðu me lufodest þu hit besorgodest.’ Æfter þisum wordum heo, mid modes anrædnesse, awrat oðer gewrit and þæt geinseglode and sealde Apollonio. Apollonius hit þa ut bær on ða stræte and sealde þam cynge. Ðæt gewrit wæs þus gewriten: ‘Þu goda cyngc, and min se leofesta fæder, nu þin mildheortnes me leafe sealde þæt Ic silf moste ceosan hwilcne wer Ic wolde, Ic secge ðe to soðan, þone forlidenan man Ic wille. And gif ðu wundrige þæt swa scamfæst fæmne swa unforwandigendlice ðas word awrat, þonne wite þu þæt Ic hæbbe þurh weax aboden, ðe nane scame, ne can þæt Ic silf ðe for scame secgan ne mihte.’


Ða ða se cyningc hæfde þæt gewrit oferræd, þa niste he hwilcne forlidenne heo nemde. Beseah ða to ðam þrim cnihtum and cwæð: ‘Hwilc eower is forliden?’ Ða cwæð heora an se hatte Ardalius: ‘Ic eom forliden.’ Se oðer him andwirde and cwæð: ‘Swiga ðu; adl þe fornime þæt ðu ne beo hal ne gesund. Mid me þu boccræft leornodest, and ðu næfre buton þare ceastre geate fram me ne come. Hwar gefore ðu forlidennesse?’ Mid ði þe se cyngc ne mihte findan hwilc heora forliden wære, he beseah to Apollonio and cwæð: ‘Nim ðu, Apolloni, þis gewrit and ræd hit. Eaðe mæg gewurðan þæt þu wite þæt Ic nat ðu ðe þar andweard wære.’ Ða nam Apollonius þæt gewrit and rædde, and sona swa he ongeat þæt he gelufod wæs fram ðam mædene his andwlita eal areodode. Ða se cyngc þæt geseah, þa nam he Apollonies hand and hine hwon fram þam cnihtum gewænde, and cwæð: ‘Wast þu þone forlidenan man?’ Apollonius cwæð: ‘Ðu goda cyning, gif þin willa bið, Ic hine wat.’ Ða geseah se cyngc þæt Apollonius mid rosan rude wæs eal oferbræded, þa ongeat he þone cwyde and þus cwæð to him: ‘Blisa, blissa, Apolloni, for ðam þe min dohtor gewilnað þæs ðe min willa is! Ne mæg, soðlice, on þillicon þingon nan þinc gewurðan buton Godes willan.’ Arcestrates beseah to ðam þrym cnihtum and cwæð: ‘Soð is þæt Ic eow ær sæde, þæt ge ne comon on gedafenlicre tide mynre dohtor to biddanne; ac þonne heo mæg hi fram hyre lare geæmtigan, þonne sænde Ic eow word.’ Ða gewændon hie ham mid þissere andsware.

And Arcestrates se cyngc heold for ðon Apollonius hand and hine lædde ham mid him, na swilce he cuma wære, ac swilce he his aðum wære. Ða æt nyxstan forlet se cyng Apollonius hand and eode ana into ðam bure þar his dohtor inne wæs, and þus cwæð: ‘Leofe dohtor, hwæne hafast þu ðe gecoren to gemæccan?’ Ðæt mæden þa feol to hyre fæder fotum and cwæð: ‘Ðu arfæsta fæder, gehyr þinre dohtor willan. Ic lufige þone forlidenan man ðe wæs þurh ungelymp beswicen; ac þi læs þe þe tweonige þare spræce, Apollonium Ic wille, minne lareow, and gif þu me him ne silst þu forlætst ðine dohtor.’ Se cyng ða soðlice ne mihte aræfnian his dohtor tearas, ac arærde hi up and hire to cwæð: ‘Leofe dohtor, ne ondræt þu ðe æniges þinges. Þu hafast gecoren þone wer þe me wel licað.’ Eode ða ut and beseah to Apollonio and cwæð: ‘Lareow Apolloni, Ic smeade minre dohtor modes willan. Ða arehte heo me mid wope betweox oðre spræce þas þingc, þus cweðende: “Þu geswore Apollonio, gif he wolde gehirsumian minum willan on lare, þæt þu woldest him geinnian swa hwæt swa seo sæ him ætbræd. Nu, for ðam þe he gehyrsum wæs þinre hæse and minum willan, Ic for æfter him…”

There are a number of folios missing from the manuscript here. The story proceeds as follows:

Apollonius marries Arcestrate, and discovers that Antiochus, his persecutor, has died, and that he himself has succeeded to the kingdom of Tyre. He sails to Antioch, but on the way, in a storm, Arcestrate gives birth prematurely to a daughter, and appears to die post-labour. Arcestrate’s body is placed in a chest and cast overboard, eventually being washed up in Ephesus. Here, she is found to be alive, and she becomes a priestess in Diana’s temple.

Meanwhile, Apollonius lands at Tarsus and puts Thasia, his daughter, into the safe-keeping of Dionysias and Stranguillo. Years later, Dionysias orders that Thasia be killed as she is more attractive than her own daughter, Philothemia. The steward, who is to execute her, allows her to pray on the beach before her death, at which point, Thasia is captured by pirates and sold to a brothel in Mitylene. Apollonius happens to put in to Mitylene having been informed that his daughter is dead, and Thasia is sent to comfort him. The father and daughter rediscover one another, and Thasia, who has retained her virginity throughout her ordeal, is married to Athenagoras, a prince of Mitylene.

On the way to Tyre, Apollonius and his party are inspired to visit the temple of Diana at Ephesus where they ask to see the priestess.


Ða wæs hyre gecyd, þe ðar ealdor wæs, þæt þar wære cumen sum cyngc mid his aðume and mid his dohtor mid micclum gifum. Mid þam þe heo þæt gehirde, heo hi silfe mid cynelicum reafe gefrætwode and mid purpran gescridde and hire heafod mid golde and mid gimmon geglængde, and, mid micclum fæmnena heape ymbtrimed, com togeanes þam cynge. Heo wæs soðlice þearle wlitig, and for ðare micclan lufe þare clænnesse, hi sædon ealle þæt þar nære nan Dianan swa gecweme swa heo. Mid þam þe Apollonius þæt geseah, he mid his aðume and mid his dohtor to hyre urnon, and feollon ealle to hire fotum, and wende þæt heo Diana wære seo giden for hyre micclan beorhtnesse and wlite. Þæt haliern wearð ða geopenod, and þa lac wæron ingebrohte; and Apollonius ongan ða sprecan and cweðan: ‘Ic fram cildhade wæs Apollonius genemnod, on Tirum geboren. Mid þam þe Ic becom to fullon andgite, þa næs nan cræft ðe wære fram cynegum began oððe fram æðelum mannum þæt Ic nu cuðe. Ic arædde Antiochus rædels þæs cynges to þon þæt Ic his dohtor underfenge me to gemæccan; ac he silfa wæs mid þam fulestan horwe þar to geþeod, and me þa sirwde to ofsleanne. Mid þam þe Ic þæt forfleah, þa wearð Ic on sæ forliden and com to Cyrenense. Ða underfengc me Arcestrates se cyngc mid swa micelre lufe þæt Ic æt nyhstan geearnode þæt he geaf me his acænnedan dohtor to gemæccan. Seo for ða mid me to onfonne minon cynerice; and þas mine dohtor, þe Ic beforan ðe Diana geandweard hæbbe, acænde on sæ, and hire gast alet. Ic þa hi mid cynelican reafe gescridde, and mid golde and gewrite on ciste alegde, þæt se þe hi funde hi wurðlice bebirigde. And þas mine dohtor befæste þam manfullestan mannan to fedanne. For me þa to Egipta lande feowertene gear, on heofe. Ða Ic ongean com, þa sædon hi me þæt min dohtor wære forðfaren, and me wæs min sar eal geedniwod.’

Mid þam þe he ðas þingc eal areht hæfde, Arcestrate, soðlice his wif, up aras and hine ymbclypte. Ða niste na Apollonius ne ne gelifde þæt heo his gemæcca wære, ac sceaf hi fram him. Heo ða micelre stæfne clipode and cwæð mid wope: ‘Ic eom Arcestrate þin gemæcca, Arcestrates dohtor þæs cynges, and þu eart Apollonius, min lareow, þe me lærdest; ðu eart se forlidena man ðe Ic lufode, na for galnesse ac for wisdome. Hwar is min dohtor?’ He bewænde hine þa to Thasian and cwæð: ‘Þis heo is.’ And hig weopon ða ealle and eac blissodon, and þæt word sprang geond eal þæt land þæt Apollonius, se mæra cyngc, hæfde fundon his wif; and þar wearð ormæte blis, and þa organa wæron getogene and þa biman geblawene, and þar wearð bliðe gebeorscipe gegearwod betwux þam cynge and þam folce. And heo gesette hyre gingran þe hire folgode to sacerde; and mid blisse and heofe ealre þare mægðe on Efesum heo for mid hire were and mid hire aðume and mid hire dohtor to Antiochian, þar Apollonio wæs þæt cynerice gehealden.


For ða siððan to Tirum and gesette þar Athenagoras, his aðum, to cynge. For ða soðlice þanon to Tharsum mid his wife and mid his dohtor and mid cynelicre firde, and het sona gelæccan Stranguilionem and Dionisiadem and lædan beforan him þar he sæt on his þrimsetle. Ða ða hi gebrohte wæron, þa cwæð he beforan ealre þare gegaderunge: ‘Ge Tharsysce ceastergewaran, cweðe ge þæt Ic Apollonius eow dide æfre ænigne unþangc?’ Hi ða ealle anre stæfne cwædon: ‘We sædon æfre þæt þu ure cyng and fæder wære and for ðe we woldon lustlice swiltan, forðam þe þu us alysdest of hungre.’ Apollonius þa cwæð: ‘Ic befæste mine dohtor Stranguilionem and Dionisiade, and hi noldon me þa agifan.’ Ðæt yfele wif cwæð: ‘Næs þæt wel, hlaford, þæt þu silf aræddest þa stafas ofer hire birgene?’ Ða clipode Apollonius swiðe hlude and cwæð: ‘Leofe dohtor Thasia, gif ænig andgit sy on helle, læt þu þæt cwicsuslene hus and gehir ðu ðines fæder stæfne.’ Ðæt mæden ða forðeode mid cynelicum reafe ymbscrid and unwreah hire heafod and cwæð hulde to þam yfelan wife: ‘Dionisia, hal wes þu. Ic grete þe nu, of helle geciged.’ Ðæt forscildgode wif þa eallum limon abifode þa ða heo hire onlocode; and ceastergewaru wundrode and blissode. Ða het Thasia beforan gelædan Theophilum, Dionisiades gerefan, and him to cwæð: ‘Theophile, to þon þæt þu ðe gebeorge, sege hluddre stæfne hwa ðe hete me ofslean.’ Se gerefa cwæð: ‘Dionisia, min hlæfdige.’ Hwæt seo burhwaru þa gelæhton Stranguilionem and his wif and læddon ut on ða ceastre, and ofstændon hi to deaðe, and woldon eac Theophilum ofslean, ac Thasia him þingode and cwæð: ‘Buton þes man me þone first forgeafe þæt Ic me to Gode gebæde, þonne ne become Ic to þissere are.’ Heo ræhte þa, soðlice, hire handa him to and het hine gesund faran; and Philothemian, þare forscildgodan dohtor, Thasia nam to hyre.


Apollonius þa soðlice forgeaf þam folce micele gifa to blisse, and heora weallas wurdon geedstaðelode. He wunode þa þar six monðas and for siððan on scipe to Pentapolim þare Cireniscan birig, and com to Arcestrates þam cynge; and se cyng blissode on his ylde þæt he geseah his nefan mid hire were. Hi wunodon togædere an gear fullice and se cyning siððan Arcestrates, fulfremedre ylde, forðferde betwux him eallum, and becwæð healf his rice Apollonio, healf his dohtor.

Ðisum eallum ðus gedonum, eode Apollonius, se mæra cyngc, wið ða sæ. Ða geseah he þone ealdan fiscere þe hine ær nacodne underfengc. Þa het se cyngc hine færlice gelæccan and to ðare cynelican healle gelædan. Ða ða se fiscere þæt geseah þæt hine þa cæmpan woldon niman, þa wende he ærest þæt hine man scolde ofslean; ac mid þam þe he com into ðæs cynges healle, þa het se cyningc hine lædan toforan þare cwene, and þus cwæð: ‘Eala, þu eadige cwen, þis is min tacenbora þe me nacodne underfenc, and me getæhte þæt Ic to þe becom.’ Ða beseah Apollonius se cyng to ðam fiscere and cwæð: ‘Eala, welwillenda ealda, Ic eom Apollonius se Tirisca, þam þu sealdest healfne þinne wæfels.’ Him geaf ða se cyngc twa hund gildenra pænega and hæfde hine to geferan þa hwile þe he lifede. Hellanicus eac þa to him com, se him ær cydde hwæt Antiochus cync be him gedemed hæfde, and he cwæð to þam cynge: ‘Hlaford cyng, gemun Hellanicus, þinne þeow.’ Ða genam hine Apollonius be þare hand and arærde hine up and hine cyste, and hine weligne gedide and sette hine him to geferan.

Æfter eallum þisum, Apollonius se cyngc sunu gestrynde be his gemæccan, þone he sette to cynge on Arcestrates cynerice his ealdefæder. And he sylfa welwillendlice lifede mid his gemæccan seofon and hundseofonti geara, and heold þæt cynerice on Antiochia and on Tyrum and on Cirenense; and he leofode on stilnesse and on blisse ealle þa tid his lifes æfter his earfoðnesse. And twa bec he silf gesette be his fare, and ane asette on ðam temple Diane, oðre on bibliotheca.

Her endað ge wea ge wela Apollonius þæs Tiriscan. Ræde se þe wille. And gif hi hwa ræde, Ic bidde þæt he þas awændednesse ne tæle, ac þæt he hele swa hwæt swa þar on sy to tale.

Apollonius of Tyre
Here begins the story about Antiochus, the wicked king, and about Apollonius the Tyrenian.

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