Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

HC addendum Source: Valeriy A Kukushkin, Yaroslavl UFO Group

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HC addendum

Source: Valeriy A Kukushkin, Yaroslavl UFO Group

Chimeras of The X Location”, Anton Anfalov

Type: B


Location. Near High Bridge New Jersey

Date: 1932

Time: afternoon

In a quiet wooded area, 10-year old Howard Menger encountered, sitting on a rock, “the most exquisite woman he had ever seen.” She had golden hair and eyes, and wore a shiny nylon-like seamless outfit similar to what a skier would wear. She said, “I have come a long way to see you, Howard…and talk to you.” She knew where I had come from and what my purpose would be on Earth. She said her people had been watching him for a long time and “we are contacting our own.” The woman was able to answer questions before he could ask them; she seemed to read all his thoughts. She told him they would meet again and warned of future wars and destructions.
HC addition # 3050

Source: Howard Menger, From Outer Space

Type: E


Location. San Pedro Mountains, Wyoming

Date: 1932

Time: afternoon

Two men, Cecil Main and Frank Carr, spent a few weeks digging for gold in the mountains. After working a rich vein, which seemed to keep continuing into the rock, they decided to use dynamite and save some time getting at more of the gold. After the dust from the blast cleared, they found that the mountainside had been chipping away at led to a small cavern about 15 ft long and 4 ft high. It had been totally sealed off form the outside world with no visible entrance or even small crack leading into it. Inside the cave was a small ledge on which a pixie like creature sat, cross-legged. It turned out to be a tiny mummy about 7” high (18 cm). It’s face looked like an old man’s and it had a flat head, huge eyes and a very wide mouth. It was so well preserved that the fingernails could still be seen on the hands. The top of its head was covered in a dark jelly-like substance. The prospectors carefully took their find to Casper, Wyoming where many prominent scientists, sure of a hoax went to have a look at it. X-rays showed that the mummy had inside him a perfectly formed man-like skeleton with a complete set of human-like ribs. Also shown was a damage spine, a broken collarbone and that the skull had been smashed by a heavy blow. It seems that the “mummy” had met with a violent death. The gelatinous substance on his head was exposed brain tissue and congealed blood. The fontanels---the soft spots in the skull that mesh to a solid plates as a baby matures to childhood---were closed, proving that this had been an adult. It had a full set of adult teeth but overly pointed canines. The overall estimate was that the being had been about 65 at the time of death and dated “far back into history”. Sometime in the 50’s the mummy vanished and his location today is unknown. The Shoshone Nation of Wyoming have legends of the “Nimerigar”, a small race of people who it is said would attack them with tiny bows and poisoned arrows. It was also said they used to kill their own kind with a blow to the head when they became ill.
HC addendum

Source: Anomalies unlimited

Type: H


Location. Near Killdeer, North Dakota

Date: 1932

Time: evening

Leo Dworshak and his brother were playing in an isolated area reported seeing a strange craft landing nearby. An invisible force field apparently kept him and his brother from approaching the craft. They watched the strange machine rotate “in a complicated way.” It had flashing colored lights on an outer shell, like a band or a belt that circled the vehicle at its widest point. The inner shell seemed to be standing still, or perhaps turning the opposite way. It was totally silent and produced no cloud of exhaust fumes or smoke. The ship left but returned the next night. On this night the aliens, which Dworshak described, as very much resembling humans but looking very much like each other almost like twins invited the brothers onboard the object. After being disinfected the aliens gave them a tour of the craft. They also showed them the future, one that foretold of the home computer and the rise of Nazi Germany. The aliens told the boys that humanity would shun their experience. They also told Dworshak that they hailed from the “12th galaxy” and that they kept 12 of their kind on earth at all times. Inside the spacecraft Dworshak remember seeing chairs that would move to accommodate guests at the pointing of an alien finger. The ship itself had a force field, allowing it to go invisible when needed. Leo again reiterated, “One alien looked very much like the next”.
HC addendum

Source: Martin Kidston, Independent Record, Helena Montana

Type: G


Location. Zhitomir Province, Russia

Date: 1932

Time: sunset

Local residents reported encountering strange entities that usually appeared after dawn. The strangers resembled humans, but their legs were directly connected up to their waists, and the upper part of the bodies was fiery like a flame and pulsated. The locals called these aliens “lights”. It was noted that in the places where these humanoids were seen people soon died afterwards and many left the region never to return.
HC addendum

Source: Yaroslav Sochka, UFODOS

Type: E


Location. Portel, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France

Date: 1932

Time: night

The young witness was returning home late at night along an alleyway when he noticed walking in his direction at about 3-4 meters away a very short humanoid figure. Thinking it was a lost child he attempted to approach it, but was stunned to realize that it was some kind of humanoid wearing a light colored tight-fitting coverall and an opaque helmet that covered its features. The figure was extremely thin, and it had longer than normal arms, as it came to within 3 ft of the witness it suddenly stopped and bends his head down, at the same time stooping his arms and shoulders towards the ground. The figure was completely featureless and was about 3 ft tall. Terrified the witness screamed and ran away from the area. He did not see the humanoid depart.
HC addendum

Source: M Figuet & J L Ruchon, Raoul Robe

Type: E


Location. Near Cadiz, Andalusia, Spain

Date: March 1932

Time: afternoon

Manuel Gimenez Junquera, a goat shepherd, and other men of the same occupation, were out in the hills of the city, when they suddenly felt a strong wind and a loud noise. It was mid-day and the weather was good, but it seemed to them that a whirlwind was approaching. The goats panicked and the men crouched down in the grass. Over their heads there passed “a round object, made of something like glass, which emitted strong jets of air from underneath,” sending the dust of the ground up in swirls as it moved. The object looked like two soup plates stuck together with many windows around the edge. It was around 15 meters in diameter. After flying over the young men it landed near to where Manuel was hiding. Two beings of great stature came out of the object. After 15 minutes, which passed very slowly for the witnesses, the beings returned to their craft. The object lifted off the ground and flew away.
HC addendum

Source: Chris Aubeck, Return To Magonia

Type: B


Location. 150 miles W of Toronto Ontario Canada

Date: May 4 1932

Time: night

During a period of personal crises of his theology, the witness, now a retired pastor, found himself in a city of 16-17 thousand 150 miles west of Toronto, in a street lit up by a brilliant white light. Looking up, he saw the light came from a round cloud with a scalloped edge, about 200 yards overhead; from it streamed down a light like a laser beam. Standing beside him, he saw a young man with golden hair, dressed in a suit of a similar color; he had radiant blue eyes, and was about 5.5 feet tall. He smiled at the man and told him that his work would be in that city, and reminded him “the cottage in the rear of the mansion are as important as those who dwell in the mansions.” He said the witness would be there for 6 years and would work his way to the west coast. According to the man’s account, the prophecies were fulfilled.
Humcat 1932-1

Source: John Musgrave & Ted Bloecher

Type: C?


Location. Joliette Quebec Canada

Date: October 1932

Time: 1800

Five witnesses saw a giant eight-foot tall man dressed in white that appeared to be walking in slow motion like the modern “astronauts” on the moon. The witnesses drove by the entity in a car and left the area without stopping.
HC addition # 36

Source: John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants & Critters

Type: E


Location. Frederick Maryland

Date: November 1932

Time: night

A young woman and her boyfriend were driving near the Mt Olivet cemetery when they saw a creature they described as “dark, bulky, and frightful.” The beast ran off into the woods as the couple swerved their car to the left.
HC addition # 3267

Source: Mark Opsasnick

Type: E


Location. Beauraing, Belgium

Date: December 8 1932

Time: evening

Several persons standing on a railway embankment claimed to have seen a vision of “a whitish light having a human form.” When questioned the next day they were in a frightened and emotionally upset state, and some said they had seen something like Our Lady of Lourdes, but others gave different accounts.
HC addendum


Type: E or F


Location. Beauraing, Belgium

Date: December 21 1932

Time: evening

Our Lady appeared to five children at this location: Fernande, Gilberte, Albert, Andrew and Gilbert. There were a total of 32 apparitions. On the above date an entity that identify herself as “I am the Immaculate Virgin” appeared to the children. They saw a golden heart in the center of Mary’s chest. On a later appearance she identified herself as” “The Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven” and told them to pray always.
HC addendum

Source: Catholic Apparitions of Mary

Type: E or F?

1933 Humanoid Reports.


Location. Near Mirny, Yakutia, Russia

Date: 1933

Time: unknown

In an isolated area called “The Valley of the Dead” an elderly nomad reported entering “a metallic cave” where he encountered very thin, one-eyed men in metallic clothing. No other information.
HC addendum

Source: Valeriy Uvarov, FSR Vol. 42 # 1

Type: E?


Location. Discovery Well Western Australia

Date: 1933

Time: daytime

An aboriginal woman claimed her tribe had been frightened off the area when a large egg shaped object landed in broad daylight. Several beings, described as strange gray skinned, and man-like came out. The woman said she was stunned and carried by one of the beings inside the object. Inside, the object was glowing. She was then strapped to a shiny table and apparently “experimented with.”
HC addition # 2740

Source: Rex Gilroy

Type: G


Location. Nizhegorodskaya Province Russia

Date: 1933

Time: night

Seven-year old Alexander V Zolotov (who later became a well known Russian scientist) was alone in his room when a being suddenly appeared. The being was described as humanoid of average height with a high forehead and large head with large pointed ears. Its skin was wrinkled and it had large intelligent eyes. The humanoid stood on all fours and was jumping around like a frog. He was about 7 meters away from Zolotov. The alien had a calm and penetrating gaze completely emotionless. The witness ran from the room and did not see how the being left. The second source indicates the year was 1935 in the Gorkovskaya region.
HC addition # 576

Source: Jacques Vallee, UFO Chronicles of The Soviet Union Alexander B Petukhov and Anton Anfalov


Location. Favorino Reggio Calabria Italy

Date: March 1933

Time: unknown

A man that dragged him then slapped him took a peasant from his home. The witness then found himself on top of a tall tree, where the being was holding him by his hair. The witness crossed himself and the entity suddenly vanished. He was unable to speak for several hours afterward.
HC addition # 133

Source: Paolo Fiorino, UFO Universe Oct/Nov 1991

Type: G?


Location. Not given

Date: May 1933

Time: afternoon

A five and a half year old child, the daughter of a farmer, was playing alone on a steep hill not far from her house. As she wandered around a ravine in the bottom of a hill the child was confronted by what she describes as a “big round silver platform” with four people on it. They raised a ladder so the girl could board the craft, and then put her through some kind of physical examination.
HC addendum

Source: Whitley Strieber, The Communion Letters, and Chris Aubeck, Return to Magonia

Type: G


Location. Langtrask Sweden

Date: Summer 1933

Time: unknown

A witness observed a strange object resembling a “monoplane” descend over the area on several occasions. One time the object descended very close to the ground and two men were seen in the cabin.
HC addition # 1754

Source: Peter Rogerson, Mufob Vol. 6 # 1

Type: A


Location. Chrysville, Pennsylvania

Date: Summer 1933

Time: 0230A

A witness, Y, who desired no publicity, claimed that as he was on his way to Nazareth, his car had a flat tire. As he was fixing it, he noticed a faint violet glow in a field to his right. Curious, he walked toward it and soon found himself facing a ball shaped craft 10 ft in diameter and six ft high. The light was coming from a slit in a circular opening that on close examination proved to be slightly ajar. With he a push, Y opened it and put his head through the one-foot circle to observe the inside. The violet light, emanating, he thought, from the ceiling, made it difficult for him to see, but as his eyes adjusted, he discerned dials, tubing, and walls seemingly of a marble-like material as well as a kind of “console” in the center. There were no windows. An ammonia scent permeated the room, which was notably chilly; Y then walked around the object and felt the outside surface, which was slick, metallic, and cold. At no time did y see the craft’s occupants. After 10 minutes he returned to his car, fixed the tire, and drove home. Technically a type G event.
HC addendum

Source: Jerome Clark, The UFO Book, Encyclopedia of The extraterrestrial

Type: G


Location. Near Nipawin Saskatchewan Canada

Date: Summer 1933

Time: midnight

Following a week of reported lights in the area, a Nipawin woman and two men decided to investigate. Around midnight they drove out toward Lake Tobin, going as far as they could in their pickup truck; they set on foot toward a light on the ground in a boggy area and, at a distance of under a quarter mile, saw a large oval on legs, domed and brightly luminous giving off an orange glow that lit up the area. There was an open hatch and they saw about a dozen humanoid figures, less than 5 feet, moving up and down the ladder and engaged in a repair operation. They wore silvery suits and helmets like a ski mask. The 3 witnesses watched for about a half an hour, then left. Several days later they located the landing site and found traces, including four apparent landing gear marks, around a circle of scorched ground. A photograph was taken of the traces, but is no longer available.
Humcat 1933-1

Source: John B Musgrave

Type: B


Location. Near Cudworth Saskatchewan

Date: Summer 1933

Time: afternoon

The witness was alone in a field beside a pond that was located on the farm where she lived. Across the pond, she observe a number of “little green men” that were about 4 ft tall, and wearing silvery suits. The witness could not remember what happened next.
HC addendum

Source: Unidentified in Saskatchewan

Type: E

1934 Humanoid Reports.


Location. Near Campbell Lake South Dakota

Date: 1934

Time: unknown

A local farmer claimed that a giant, four-legged reptile forced his tractor off the road before disappearing into the nearby lake. Huge tracks were found on the shore. Prior to this incident sheep & other small animals had been disappearing mysteriously in the area.
HC addition # 3241

Source: Jerome Clark, The Unexplained

Type: E


Location. Mayaguez Puerto Rico

Date: 1934

Time: morning

A young man Juan Rivera Feliberti was flying a kite in a field outside of town when suddenly he felt something pulling on the kite, looking up he now could see a silvery sphere, about 20 ft in diameter, hovering over him. A beam of light was directed at the witness from the sphere, he then floated up and entered the sphere through an opening on its top. Inside he saw a man wearing a dark green tight fitting outfit sitting at a control panel, which had a shiny crystal resembling an emerald. Next to him stood a blond girl with rosy skin and wearing a silvery outfit, she looked very young. She was holding the witness’s kite. He was then taken into another room by the girl and shown a box that emitted certain images. He attempted to get his kite back but was unable to. The little girl then showed the witness a little box, full of colored buttons and asked him if he wanted to play with it. The girl then pressed some buttons on the box and suddenly a cloud of spiraling smoke came out. The smoke took the form of a monkey-like creature; soon several “monkeys” had come out of the box. The girl then asked Juan if he wanted to trade the kite for the box and he agreed. He was finally deposited at the same spot from where he was picked up; he twisted an ankle in the process. According to Juan he kept the strange box for a long time, and even entertained his little friends with the “monkey trick.” Oddly enough, however, grown ups could not see the monkeys only the children. In the end the monkeys caused him great problems because he could not control them and later he ended up burying the machine (box) on a nearby mountain. (However he feels that some of the monkey like creatures had escaped and are probably still roaming the Puerto Rican brush.) In later life, according to Juan Rivera, he had other strange experiences, including encounters with alien women who enticed him to making love with them. He also claims to have received a telepathic message during one of his encounters: “The hour of the new harvest is approaching.” Unsure as to what the meaning is.
HC addition # 277

Source: Robiou Lamarche, Manifesto Ovni en Puerto Rico Santo Domingo Y Cuba, also Chris Aubeck, Return to Magonia

Type: G


Location. Fiambala, Catamarca, Argentina

Date: 1934

Time: afternoon

Several girls playing in a fig field were surprised to see a very small human-like “person” resembling a “gnome” staring at them from behind some vines. Terrified they screamed and ran away from the area. Others in this town had reported a similar entity.

HC addendum

Source: Proyecto CATENT, Argentina

Type: E


Location. Singapore

Date: circa 1934

Time: afternoon

A young girl was walking down a road in the countryside when she began to feel very tired. She wanted to rest but there wasn’t anywhere available to sit. Then out of nowhere there came a short large headed dwarf that offered his head for her to sit on. After much bickering she agreed. Then the dwarf followed her home, telling her that it would protect her as long as it lives. Apparently she had additional encounters with the dwarf.
HC addendum

Source: Singapore Paranormal Investigations

Type: E


Location. Near Chattanooga Tennessee

Date: January 1934

Time: night

A giant kangaroo-like creature was seen running and leaping across fields. Witnesses also alleged that it attacked or killed dogs, geese, and ducks. Other animal mutilations were also reported in the area.
HC addendum

Source: Jerome Clark, Unexplained!

Type: E


Location. Tromso Norway

Date: January 23 1934

Time: unknown

The captain and crew of the freighter “Tordenskiold” observed a large gray colored object resembling an aeroplane maneuvering low over the area. It projected a blinding beam of light towards the freighter. A man wearing an “anorak” and goggles was seen in the cabin of the object.
HC addition # 1755

Source: Peter Rogerson, Mufob Vol. 6 # 1

Type: A


Location. Dollis Hill London England

Date: February 1934

Time: evening

On a cold rainy evening a married couple observed a metallic cylindrical object on the ground with two men wearing peaked caps standing near it. The couple approached but the object moved quickly away and the two men with peaked caps had vanished.
HC addition # 1756

Source: Peter Rogerson, Mufob Vol. 6 # 1

Type: C


Location. Malselv Norway

Date: February 5 1934

Time: evening

An unknown aeroplane was seen by “reliable people” in Malselv to crash or make an emergency landing on Fager Mountain. The next morning it was still to be seen there, with 2 men apparently clearing away the snow; it “made 2 attempts to take off, but without success,” the engine noise being heard in the valley. 8 men “struggled up the mountainside” on 2/6 without finding the craft; at 2200 that night, 4 persons saw an aeroplane pass over Malselv. The next day 3 more search parties climbed the mountain, and one “discovered 2 parallel traces in the snow, about 75 meters in length; also, footprints of people around the traces.”
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