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Shenk, Wilbert R.

The Missionary and Politics: Henry Venn’s Guidelines, 24: 525-34.

Shepard, John W., Jr.

American Freedom and the Christian Faith, 4: 16-32.

European Background of American Freedom, The, 1: 4-18.

Shepherd, Allen L.

The Christian-Marxist Dialogue in Post­war Yugoslavia, 22: 315-23.

Shepherd, Michael S.

Home Schooling: Dimensions of Controversy, 1970-1984, 31: 101-14.

Sherwin, David

The Institutionalization of Benevolence in the Eighteenth-Century Social Welfare State: The Great Charity Debate in Samuel Richardson’s Clarissa, 42: 539-59.

Shirakashi, Sanshiro

Religious Attitudes and Ways of Life of the World’s Youth: The 1972 Interna­tional Youth Survey of the Office of the Prime Minister of Japan, 18: 523-36.

Shishkin, A. F.

The Challenge of Current Ideologies to Religious Freedom, 6: 154-68.

Shterin, Marat S. and James T. Richardson

Effects of the Western AntiCult Movement on Development of Laws Concerning Religion in Post-Communist Russia, 42: 24771.

Local Laws Restricting Religion in Russia: Precursors of Russia’s New National Law, 40: 319-41.

Sider, Ronald J. and Heidi Rolland Unruh

Evangelicalism and Church-State Partnerships, 43: 267-98.

Siegel, Seymour

Contemporary Jewish Theology: Four Major Voices, 13: 257-70.

Rabbinic Foundations of Modern Jewish Thought, 13: 245-56.

Sigall, Michael W., and Milton D. Ottensoser

Church-State Relations and Civil Liber­ties: A Collegiate Interpretation, 16: 493-508.

Silverman, Adam L.

Just War, Jihad, and Terrorism: A Comparison of Western and Islamic Norms for the Use of Political Violence, 44: 73-92.

Simmons, Benjamin F.

Implications of Court Decisions on Peyote for the Users of LSD, 11: 83-91.

Simmons, Paul D.

Religious Liberty and Abortion Policy: Casey as Catch-22, 42: 69-88.

Religious Liberty and the Abortion Debate, 32: 567-84.

Singer, David G.

One Nation Completely Under God? The American Jewish Congress and the Catholic Church in the United States, 1945-1977, 26: 473-90.

Singerman, Robert

American-Jewish Reactions to the Spanish Civil War, 19: 261-78.

Singleton, Marvin K.

Colonial Virginia as First Amendment Matrix: Henry, Madison, and the Establishment Clause, 8: 344-64.

Sirico, Louis J., Jr.

Inclusive Law, Inclusive Religion, and the Shakers, 34: 563-74.

Slack, Reed D.

The Mormon Belief of an Inspired Constitution, 36: 35-56.

Sloat, James M.

The Subtle Significance of Sincere Belief: Tocqueville’s Account of Religious Belief and Democratic Stability, 42: 759-80.

Smith, Chuck

The Persecution of West Virginia Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Expansion of Legal Protection for Religious Liberty, 43: 539-77.

Smith, Jeffrey A.

Sunday Newspapers and Lived Religion in Late Nineteenth-Century America, 48: 127-52.

Smith, Phillip T.

London Police and the Holy War, The: Ritualism and St. George’s-in-the-East, 1859-60, 28: 107-19.

Smith, R. Drew

Missionaries, Church Movements, and the Shifting Religious Significance of the State in Zambia, 41: 525-50.

Slavery, Secession, and Southern Protestant Shifts on the Authority of the State, 36: 261-76.

Smith, Robert O.

Between Restoration and Liberation: Theopolitical Contributions & Responses to U.S. Foreign Policy in Israel/Palestine, 46: 833-60.

Smith, Ronald A.

Freedom of Religion and the Land Ordinance of 1785, 24: 589-602.

Smylie, James H.

American Religious Bodies, Just War and Vietnam, 11: 383-408.

Mackay and McCarthyism, 1953-1954, 6: 352-65

President as Republican Prophet and King, The: Clerical Reflections on the Death of Washington, 18: 233-52.

Snapp, Harry F.

Church and State Relations in Early Caroline England, 9: 332-48.

Church and State Relations in Early Eighteenth-Century England, 15: 83-96.

Snyder, David C.

John Locke and the Freedom of Belief, 30: 227-43.

Sontag, Frederick

Liberation Theology and Its View of Political Violence, 31: 269-86.

Southgate, Herbert S., and C. Stanley Lowell

POAU Position on Church-State Relations, 5: 41-60.

Spall, Richard Francis, Jr.

The Anti-Corn-Law League’s Opposition to English Church Establishment, 32: 97-123.

Speller, John L.

Churches and Radical Politics in Early Nineteenth-Century England: A Study of the Reform Movement in Birmingham, 1815-19, The, 28: 305­-20.

Spencer, Leon P.

Church and State in Colonial Africa: Influences Governing the Political Activity of Christian Missions in Kenya, 31: 115-32.

Spivey, Robert A.

New Shape for Religion and Public Education in Changing Times, A, 14: 441-56.

Religion and Public School Education: A Plan for the Future, 10: 193-205.

Stagg, Frank

Rendering to Caesar What Belongs to Caesar: Christian Engagement with the World, 18: 95-113.

Rendering to God What Belongs to God: Christian Disengagement from the World, 18: 217-32.

Statement of 165 Catholic Laymen on Religious Liberty, The, 2: 161-62.

Steeves, Paul D.

Amendment of Soviet Law concerning Religious Groups, 19: 37-52.

June Plenum and the Post-Brezhnev Antireligious Campaign, The, 28: 439­-57.

Stanley, Timothy

From Habermas to Barth and Back Again, 48: 101-26.

Stehlin, Stewart A.

The French Constitutional Church and Christian Renewal, 1795-1801, 13: 493-515.

Stein, Jay W.

Isaiah and Statesmanship, 27: 83-97.

Steinberg, Gerald M.

Interpretations of Jewish Tradition on Democracy, Land, and Peace, 43: 93-113.

Steinel, James H.

Balmes’ Ideas on Religious Toleration, 13: 69-77.

Stevens, John V., Sr. and John G. Tulio

Casenote: United States v. Lee, a Second Look, 26: 455-72.

Stephens, Robert J.

Sites of Conflict in the Indian Secular State: Secularism, Caste and Religious Conversion, 49: 251-76.

Stuart, Reginald C.

“For the Lord Is a Man of Warr”: The Colonial New England View of War and the American Revolution, 23: 519-32.

Sullivan, Robert R.

The Politics of Altruism: The America Church-State Conflict in the Food-for-Peace Program, 11: 47-61.

Sullivan, Robert R., and Alfred J. DiMaio

Jacques Ellul: Toward Understanding His Political Thinking, 24: 13-28.

Susser, Bernard and Asher Cohen

From Accommodation to Decision: Transformations in Israel’s Religio-Political Life, 38: 817-38.

Swaine, Lucas A.

Principled Separation: Liberal Governance and Religious Free Exercise, 38: 595-619.

Swartz, Thomas R. and Frank J. Bonello

What Happened to the Catholic School Crisis?, 19: 241-60.

Tabory, Ephraim

Jewish Identity, Israeli Nationality, and Soviet Jewish Migration, 33: 287-300.

Tabory, Ephraim and Theodore Sasson

A House Divided: Grassroots National Religious Perspectives on the Gaza Disengagement and Future of the West Bank, 49: 423-43.

Takayama, K. Peter

Enshrinement and Persistency of Japanese Religion, 32: 527-47.

Takizawa, Nobuhiko

Religion and the State in Japan, 30: 89-108.

Tamm, Rudra

Religion Sans Ultimate: A Re-Examination of Church-State Law, 41: 253-84.

Tamney, Joseph B.

Religion and the State in Singapore, 30: 109-28.

Taouk, Youssef

“We Are Alienating the Splendid Irish Race”: British Catholic Response to the

Irish Conscription Controversy of 1918, 48: 601-22.

Taub, David and Joseph Klein

State Religious Education—Religion v. State, 42: 345-63.

Tays, Dwight L.

Church Participation in Referenda and the First Amendment, 32: 391-409.

Terrar, Edward

Was There a Separation between Church and State in Mid-Seventeenth-Century England and Colonial Maryland?, 35: 61-82.

Text of Law of USSR

On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organisations, 33: 192-201.

Theisen, Gerald

The Case of Camilo Torres Restrepo, 16: 301-15.

Theological Declaration on Freedom and Dignity for Greek People from Greek Orthodox Theologians, 16: 173-75.

Theriault, Barbara

A Land of Opportunity? Ecclesiastical Strategies and Social Regulation in the New German Lander, 40: 603-17.

Thigpen, Robert B. and Lyle A. Downing

Rawls and the Challenge of Theocracy to Freedom, 40: 757-73.

Thomas, J. Douglas

American Catholic Interpretations of Church and State: John Gilmary Shea, Peter Guilday, Thomas T. McAvoy, and John Tracy Ellis, 27: 267-83.

Thomas, Norman E.

Church and State in Zimbabwe, 27: 113-33.

Thomas, Samuel J.

The American Press and the Encyclical Longinqua Oceani, 22: 475-85.

Thompson, Dennis L

The Basic Doctrines and Concepts of Reinhold Niebuhr’s Political Thought, 17: 275-99.

Thompson, Kenneth W.

Human Rights: The Role of the State and the Churches, 28: 483-94.

Thorp, Malcolm R.

The British Government and the Mor­mon Question, 1910-1922, 21: 305-23.

Tibory, Ephraim

State and Religion: Religious Conflict Among Jews in Israel, 23: 275-83.

Tinnemann, Ethel Mary

The Silence of Pope Pius XII, 21: 265-85.

Tortolani, Paul

Political Participation of Native and For­eign Catholic Clergy in Guatemala, 15: 407-18.

Toulouse, Mark G.

Christianity Today and American Public Life: A Case Study, 35: 241-84.

Pat Robertson: Apocalyptic Theology and American Foreign Policy, 31: 73-99.

Tudesco, James P.

The Christian Intellectual and Social Reform: Charles Gore and the Founding of the Christian Social Union, 18: 273-88.

Tyler, Aaron

Preserving the Moral Compass: House of Worship Speech Protection Act Is Defeated, 45: 717-38.

Ugalde, Antonio, and Hubert Schwan

Orientations of the Bishops of Colombia Toward Social Development, 1930-1970, 16: 473-92.

United Nations Proposed Code on Religious Liberty, The, 2: 61-64.

U.S. Congress

Text of Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, 36: 451-53.

U.S. Supreme Court, text of decisions

Abington School District v. Schempp, 5: 280-90.

Aguilar v. Felton, 27: 629-42.

Board of Education of Kiryas Joel Village School District v. Louis Grumet, et al., 36: 656-92.

Board of Education of the Westside Community Schools, et al., The, v. Bridget C. Mergens, et al., 32: 935-69.

Bob Jones University v. United States, 25 : 605-28.

Bowen v. Kendrick, 30: 651-69.

Capitol Square Review Board, et al. v. Vincent J. Pinette,et. al., 37: 949-78.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints v. Amos, 29: 635-45.

Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye v. City of Hialeah, 35: 668-95.

City of Boerne v. P.F. Flores, Archbishop of San Antonio, and United States, 39: 646-72.

Committee for Public Education and Religious Liberty v. Nyquist, 16: 373-88.

Committee for Public Education and Religious Liberty v. Regan, 22: 379-96.

County of Allegheny v. American Civil Liberties Union, et al., 31: 644-83.

Cutter et al. v. Wilkinson, Director, Ohio Department of Rehabilitations and Correction, et al., 47: 673-90.

Earley v. DiCenso, 13: 564-74.

Edwards v. Aguillard, 29: 607-34.

Employment Division, Department of Human Resources of Oregon, et al., v. Alfred L. Smith, 32: 691-718.

Engel v. Vitale, 4: 245-50.

Flast v. Cohen, 10: 504-14.

Frazee v. Illinois Department of Employment Security, 31: 353-56.

Grand Rapids School District v. Ball 27: 615-28.

Harris v. McRae, 22: 575-95.

Heffron v. International Society for Krishna Consciousness, Inc., 23: 385-99.

Hernandez v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 32: 230-47.

Hobbie v. Unemployment Appeals Commission of Florida, 30: 379­-84.

Horace Mann League v. Board of Public Works of Maryland, 8: 507-24.

Jay F. Hein, Director, White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, et al. v. Freedom from Religion Foundation, Inc., et al., 49: 603-35.

Jimmy Swaggart Ministries v. Board of Equalization of California, 32: 467-77.

Lemon v. Kurtzman, 13: 564-74.

Locke, Governor of Washington, et al. v. Davey, 46: 199-210.

Lynch v. Donnelly, 27: 175-204.

McCreary County, Kentucky et al. v. ACLU of Kentucky, et al., 47: 961-1005.

Mitchell v. Helms, 42: 620-80.

Mueller v. Allen, 26: 171-84.

Murray v. Curlett, 5: 280-90.

Rachel Agostini v. Betty Louise Felton, et al., 40: 237-62.

Robinson v. DiCenso, 13: 564-74.

Ronald W. Rosenburger v. Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, et al., 37: 690-727.

St. Martin Evangelical Lutheran Church v. South Dakota, 24: 205-16.

Santa Fe Independent School District v. Jane Doe, et al., 42: 895-13.

Stone v. Graham, 23: 185-89.

Webster v. Reproductive Health Services, 32: 187-229.

Texas Monthly v. Bob Bullock, Comptroller of Public Accounts, 31: 624-43.

Van Orden v. Perry, et al., 47: 915-60.

Wallace v. Jaffree, 27: 579-614.

Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., v. Village of Stratton, 44: 867-85.

Widmar v. Vincent, 24: 433-42.

Witters v. Washington Department QJ Services for the Blind, 28: 167-72.

Zelman v. Simmons-Harris, 44: 618-43.

Zobrest v. Catalina Foothills School District, 35: 945-56.

Valaik, J. David

American Catholics and the Second Spanish Republic, 1911-1936, 10: 13-28.

In the Days Before Ecumenism: Ameri­can Catholics, Anti-Semitism, and the Spanish Civil War, 13: 465-77.

VanderMolen, Ronald

Political Calvinism, 11: 457-63.

Van Der Slik, Jack and Stephen Schwark

Clinton and the New Covenant: Theology Shaping a New Politics or Old Politics in Religious Dress?, 40: 873-90.

VanDrunen, David

Context of Natural Law, The: John Calvin’s Doctrine of the Two Kingdoms, 46: 503-25.

Two Kingdoms Doctrine and the Relationship of Church and State in the Early Reformed Tradition, The, 49: 743-63.

Vardaman, James W.

Lord Baltimore, Parliament, and Crom­well: A Problem of Church and State in Seventeenth-Century England, 4: 31-46.

Vatican Council II

De Lihertate Religiosa: A Declaration of Religious Freedom, 8: 16-29.

Vermaat, J.A. Emerson

The Polish Secret Police and the Popieluszko Case, 28: 249-67.

Vess, David M.

T. S. Eliot on Society, Church, and State, 3: 183-93.

Villa-Vincencio, Charles

Burden of Moral Guilt, The: Its Theological and Political Implications, 39: 237-52.

Towards a Theology of Nation Building: Church and State in Africa Today, 32: 851-67.

Vinz, Warren L.

The Politics of Protestant Fundamental­ism in the 1950s and 1960s, 14: 235-60.

Vogeler, Albert R.

Disestablishmentarianism at Flood Tide, 1877, 22: 295-306.

Wah, Carolyn R.

Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Empire of the Sun: A Clash of Faith and Religion during World War II, 44: 45-72.

Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Responsibility of Religious Freedom: The European Experience, 43: 579-601.

Restrictions on Religious Training and Exposure in Child Custody and Visitation Orders: Do They Protect or Harm the Child?, 45: 765-85.

Wald, Kenneth D.

The Religious Dimension of American Anti-Communism, 36: 483-506.

Walker, J. Brent

“A Primer on Governmental Accommodation of Religion, 49: 409-21.

Wall, Donald D.

The Confessing Church and the Second World War, 23: 15-34.

Walsh, David

The Role of the Church in the Modern World, 29: 63-77.

Walshe, Peter

Church versus State in South Africa: The Christian Institute and the Resurgence of African Nationalism, 19: 457-79.

Wardin, Albert W., Jr.

Jacob J. Wiens: Mission Champion it Freedom and Repression, 28: 495-51.

Ware, Allen Reeves and Perry L. Glanzer

God on Stage? Religious Themes in Public Educational Theatre, 47: 563-582.

Warhola, James W.

Central vs. Local Authority in Soviet Religious Affairs, 1964-89, 34: 15-37.

Religion and Politics Under the Putin Administration: Accommodation and Confrontation within “Managed Pluralism,” 49: 75-95.

Warr, Kevin

The Normative Promise of Religious Organizations in Global Civil Society, 41: 499-523.

Watt, Alan J.

Which Approach? Late Twentieth-Century Interpretations of Augustine’s Views on War, 46: 99-113.

Watts, John T.

Robert N. Bellah’s Theory of America’s Eschatological Hope, 22: 5-22.

Way, H. Frank

Death of the Christian Nation: The Judiciary and Church-State Relations, 29: 509-29.

Weber, Francis J.

American Church-State Relations: A Catholic View, 7: 30-34.

Weber, Paul J.

The First Amendment and the Military Chaplaincy: The Process of Reform, 22: 459-74.

Weber, Theodore R.

Political Order in Ordo Salutis: A Wesleyan Theory of Political Institutions, 37: 537-54.

Theological Symbols of International Order, 29: 79-99.

Weeks, David L.

Carl F.H. Henry’s Moral Arguments for Evangelical Political Discourse, 40: 83-106.

Wellborn, Charles

Marsilius of Padua: A Modern Look, 4: 191-204.

Public versus Private Morality: Where and How Do We Draw the Line, 20: 491-505.

West, Elliott

Thomas Prince and New England His­tory, 16: 435-551.

West, Ellis M.

Proposed Neutral Definition of Civil Religion, A, 22: 23-40.

Supreme Court and Religious Lib­erty in the Public Schools, The, 25: 87-112.

Westerlund, David

Freedom of Religion under Socialist Rule in Tanzania, 1961-1977, 24: 87-103.

Westmoreland-White, Michael

Contributions to Human Rights in Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Ethics, 39: 67-83.

White, O. Kendall, Jr.

Mormonism and the Equal Rights Amendment, 31: 249-67.

Wiarda, Howard J.

Changing Political Orientation of the Catholic Church in the Dominican Republic, The, 7: 238-54.

Corporatist Theory and Ideology: A Latin American Development Para­digm, 20: 29-56.

Wiarda, Howard J., and Iêda Siqueira Wiarda

The Churches and Rapid Social Change: Observations on the Differences and Sim­ilarities Between Protestants and Catho­lics in Brazil, 12: 13-39.

Wiktorowicz, Quintan

State Power and the Regulation of Islam in Jordan, 41: 677-96.

Wilcox, Clyde

Public Attitudes Toward Church-State Issues: Elite-Mass Differences, 34: 259-77.

Wilkie, James W.

Meaning of the Cristero Religious War Against the Mexican Revolution, The, 8: 214-33.

Statistical Indicators of the Impact of National Revolution on the Catholic Church in Mexico, 1910-1967, 12: 89-106.

Williams, George Huntston

Four Modalities of Violence, With Spe­cial Reference to the Writings of Georges Sorel: Part One, 16: 11-30; Parts Two and Three, 16: 237-61.

John Paul II’s Concepts of Church, State, and Society, 24: 463-96.

John Paul II’s Relations with Non-Cath­olic States and Current Political Move­ments, 25: 13-55.

Thirty Years of Journal of Church and State, 32: 261-80.

Williams, John Hoyt

Dictatorship and the Church: Doctor Francia in Paraguay, 15: 419-36.

Williams, Margaret Todaro

Church and State in Vargas’s Brazil: The Politics of Cooperation, 18: 443-62.

Williams, Philip J. and Anna L. Peterson

Evangelicals and Catholics in El Salvador: Evolving Religious Responses to Social Change, 38: 873-97.

Williams, Philip J. and Vilma Fuentes

Catholic Responses to the Crisis of Everyday Life in Lima, Peru, 42: 89-114.

Williams, Robert E.

Christian Realism and “The Bomb”: Reinhold Neibuhr on the Dilemmas of the Nuclear Age, 28: 289-304.

Williman, John B.

Adalberto Tejeda and the Third Phase of the Anticlerical Conflict in Twentieth Century Mexico, 15: 437-54.

Wilson, Charles Reagan

American Heavens: Apollo and the Civil Religion, 26: 209-26.

Wilson, John K.

Religion Under the State Constitutions, 1776-1800, 32: 753-73.

Winn, Wilkins B.

Reports of British Diplomats Concern­ing the Status of Protestantism in Latin America in 1851, 10: 437-44.

Witheridge, David E.

No Freedom of Religion for American Indians, 18: 5-19.

Witte, John, Jr.

A Most Mild and Equitable Establishment of Religion,: John Adams and the Massachusetts Experiment, 41: 213-52.

Facts and Fictions About the History of Separation of Church and State, 48: 15-45.

Wogaman, Philip

The Changing Role of Government and the Myth of Separation, 5: 61-76.

Wolfe, Donald

The Unitary Theory of Church-State Relations, 4: 47-65.

Wolfe, James. S.

Exclusion, Fusion, or Dialogue: How Should Religion and Politics Relate?, 22: 89-105.

Wood, James E., Jr.

Abridging the Free Exercise Clause, 32: 741-52.

Basis of Freedom, The, 3: 123-29

Battle Over Religious Freedom in Russia, The, 35: 491-502.

Battle Over the Public Schools, The, 28: 5-13.

Bicentennial of the Bill of Rights, The, 33: 443-52.

Branch Davidian Standoff, The: An American Tragedy, 35: 233-40.

Budapest International Consultation on Religious Liberty, Religious Rights, and Ethnic Identity, The, 34: 465-73.

Christian Reconciliation and Religious Freedom: A Theological Inquiry, 12: 273­-87.

Christian State, The, 6: 277-87.

Church and State in England, 9: 305-16.

Church and State in Latin America, 8: 173-85.

Churches and Tax Exemption, 11: 197-­204.

Church Lobbying and Public Policy, 28: 183-92.

Church Schools and Public Funds, 13: 5­22.

Church, State, and Missions, 7: 317-29.

Church-State Legacy of John F. Kennedy, The, 6: 5-14.

Church-State Relations in the Modern WorId, 6: 121-31.

Civil Disobedience, 12: 373-84.

Conscientious Objection and the State, 11: 373-81.

Dedication of the J. M. Dawson Church-­State Research Center, 10: 189-92.

Editorial, 1: 2-3; 2: 5-6; 2: 94-99.

Encyclical on Birth Control, The, 11: 5-8

Equal Access: A New Direction in American Public Education, 27: 5­-17.

Free Church in a Free Society, A, 10: 5-11.

Impermissibility of Public Funds and Parochial Schools, The, 15: 181-91.

Interfaith Dialogue, 4: 5-10.

International Year for Human Rights, 10: 343-48.

Jewish-Christian Relations in Historical Perspective, 13: 193-208.

Journal of Church and State: After Twenty-five Years, 26: 5-15.

Journal of Church and State: Fifteen Years in Retrospect, 15: 355-61.

Kenneth Scott Latourette (1884-1968): Historian, Ecumenicist, and Friend, 11: 9-15.

Legacy of Joseph Martin Dawson (1879-1973), The, 15: 363-66.

Legislating Prayer in the Public School 23: 205-13.

Liberty of Conscience, 5: 157-64.

Making a Nation’s Flag a Sacred Symbol, 31: 375-80.

Minority Right vs. Majority Might, 5: 5-14.

New Religions and the First Amendment, 24: 455-62.

“No Religious Test Shall Ever Be Required”: Reflections on the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution, 29: 199-208.

Nuclear Arms Race and the Churches, The, 25: 219-29.

Parochiaid and the U.S. Supreme Court, 13: 401-12.

Place of Church-State Studies in the University, The, 35: 131-51.

Problem of Freedom, The, 3: 1-5.

Problem of Nationalism in Church-State Relationships, The, 10: 249-64.

Prophetic Role of Religion in Society, The, 30: 219-25.

Proposed United Nations Declaration on Religious Liberty, The, 23: 413-22.

Public Religion vis à vis the Prophetic Role of Religion, 41: 51-76.

Religion and America’s Public Schools, 9: 5-16.

Religion and Education in American Church-State Relations, 26: 31-54.

Religion and Freedom, 8: 5-15.

Religion and National Interests, 32: 7-16.

Religion and Politics-1984, 26: 401­-11.

Religion and Public Education in Historical Perspective, 14: 397-414.

Religion and Religious Liberty, 33: 225-30.

Religion and the State in China: Winter is Past, 28: 393-407.

Religion and the U.S. Presidential Election of 1992, 34: 709-16.

Religious Human Rights and a Democratic State, 46: 739-65.

Religion, Revolution, and Nationalism in Asia, 14: 5-17.

Religion Sponsored by the State, 4: l-49.

Religion, the State, and Sexual Morality, 30: 431-39.

Religious Censorship and Public School Textbooks, 29: 401-10.

Religious Discrimination in Employment and the Churches, 30: 7-13.

Religious Encounter in a Religiously Plural World, 25: 5-11.

Religious Freedom Restoration Act, The, 33: 673-79.

Religious Fundamentalism and the New Right, 22: 409-21.

Religious Fundamentalism and the Public Schools, 29: 7-17.

Religious Liberty in Ecumenical and International Perspective, 10: 421-36.

Religious Pluralism and American Society, 27: 393-401.

Religious Pluralism and Religious Freedom, 31: 7-14.

Remembering Robert F. Drinan, S.J.: Ardent Voice for Social Justice and Human Rights, 49: 185-90.

Restoration of the Free Exercise Clause, The, 35: 715-22.

Rise and Growth of Religious Pluralism in Latin America, The, 12: 1-11.

Rising Expectations for Religious Rights in Eastern Europe, 33: 1-15.

Role of Religion in Public Education, The, 10: 183-89.

Roman Catholicism and the State, 7: 5.

“Scientific Creationism” and the Public Schools, 24: 231-43.

Secular State, The, 7: 169-80.

Selected and Annotated Bibliography on Jewish-Christian Relations, A, 13: 3-40.

Separation vis-à-vis Accommodation: A New Direction in American Church-State Relations?, 31: 197-206.

Theological and Historical Foundation of Religious Liberty, 15: 241-58.

Theology of Power, A, 14: 107-24.

Thirty-Five Years of Journal of Church and State in Retrospect, 5-12.

Tolerance and Truth in Religion, 24: 5-11.

Tuition Tax Credits for Nonpublic Schools?, 23: 5-14.

Tribute to Dean M. Kelley (1926-1997), A, 39: 643-44.

Tribute to Leo Pfeffer (1909-1993), A, 35: 605-06.

United States as a Pluralistic Society, The, 8: 333-43.

U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican, 26: 197-207.

Voices for Religious Liberty, 34: 221-28.

World Council of Churches Human Rights and Religious Liberty, 7: 440-42.

Towards Justice and Peace in International Affairs, 11: 253-64.

WorId Council of Churches on Religious Liberty, The, 5: 243-45.

World Religions and World Community, 27: 217-22.

Wood, John Halsey, Jr.

The 1861 Spring Resolutions: Charles Hodge, the American Union, and the Dissolution of the Old School Church, 47: 371-87.

Worthen, Edward H.

A Mexican Historian Comes Home, 15: 455-63.

Worthing, Sharon L.

Government Surveillance of Religious Organizations, 23: 551-63.

State and the Church School, The: TI Conflict Over Social Policy, 26: 91­-104.

Wozniuk, Vladimir

Contemporary Christian Debate over America’s “Mission” in World Affairs, The, 30: 493-514.

In Pursuit of a Politics of Holiness: Reconciling Hellenic and Hebraic Political Wisdom in the Acts of the Apostles, 45: 283-304.

Vladimir S. Soloviev and the Politics of Human Rights, 41: 33-50.

Wisdom of Solomon as Political Theology, The, 39: 657-80.

Wright, Chris and Steve Bruce

Law, Social Change, and Religious Toleration, 37: 103-20.

Wright, Thomas C.

The Investiture of Bishops and Archbi­shops in Spanish America: Protocol and Church-State Conflict in the Late 1700s, 25: 279-97.

Wynot, Edward D., Jr.

Catholic Church and the Polish State, 1935-1939. The, 15: 223-40.

Prisoner of History: The Eastern Orthodox Church in Poland, 39: 319-38.

Yarborough, Tinsley E.

Church, State, and the Rehnquist Court: A Brief for Lemon, 38: 59-85.

Yarnold, Barbara M.

The U.S. Supreme Court in Religious Freedom Cases, 1970-1990: Champion to the Anti-Religion Forces, 40: 661-72.

Yonan, Gabriele

Spiritual Resistance of Christian Conviction in Nazi Germany: The Case of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, 41: 307-22.

Young, Chester Raymond

American Missionary Influence on the Union of Church and State in Hawaii During the Regency of Kaahumanu, 9: 165-79.

Yun-Shik, Chang

The Progressive Christian Church and Democracy in South Korea, 40: 437-65.

Zahn, Gordon C.

Catholic Opposition to Hitler: The Perils of Ambiguity, 13: 413-25.

Zalot, Jozef D.

Lessons for Today? The Church-State Relationship in Twentieth-Century Ecumenical Thought, 45: 59-80.

Zigarelli, Michael A.

Legal Pitfalls in Compensating Employees Based on Their Family Need, The, 37: 813-30.

Zwier, Robert

The Power and Potential of Religious Interest Groups, 33: 271-86.
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