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"When we move so far forward that we can give the mechanics of the ether, then, of course, there will come too many things in it that are now as necessary assigned to physics"

Friedrich Engels
From all the preceding it follows that the overcoming of the crisis provoked by pseudoscientists in natural science and philosophy is impossible without a return to the views of Faraday and Maxwell on the mechanics of the ether, based on the principles of dialectical materialism.

It was on the critique of the ether that the fans of the quantum-relativistic pseudo-scientific fashion "went crazy into idealism."

"New physics - wrote V.I. Lenin - gone mad in idealism, mainly because the physicists did not know dialectics. "

Summarizing the deplorable results of the antiscientific activity of pseudo-scientific fraudsters that led to the collapse in theoretical thinking provoked by the quantum-relativistic subconscious, Nobel Prize winner W. Heisenberg, expressing the opinion of outstanding scientists, states that "... it would be desirable to return to the notion of the reality of classical physics, or , Speaking in a more general form, to the ontology of materialism, in other words, to the idea of ​​an objective real world ...

A unified field theory could be an object of speculation for Einstein. For our days, it is absolutely necessary for theoretical physics. Of course, one can ask whether this theory will be a unified field theory or some other mathematical apparatus more suitable for describing experiments. But this future theory should be single, encompassing a set of empirical fields. With the current state of physics, we are still far from completely solving all problems. But this program has maintained its philosophical strength in spite of, or rather, thanks to all the new experimental data on elementary particles and the program opens, perhaps the most exciting area of research of our time. "

The way out of the crisis was predetermined by Academician V.F. Mitkevich: "... the creation of a physical theory covering the widest range of phenomena is difficult and probably completely impossible on the grounds of denying the primary meaning of the environment and on the basis of objectifying action at a distance as a primary physical phenomenon. Until now, the general physical theory does not yet exist in a complete form. But one can rightfully state that in the future physical thought will return to the fundamental views of Faraday and Maxwell, develop them by taking into account all new achievements and complete the construction of a general physical theory ... in any case, the Faraday-Maxwellian point of view on the question of direct Participation of the environment in all physical processes is the only conceivable guiding thread for the further successful development of modern physics ... "

4.1 On the cyclic evolutionary development of objects
Material systems on Example Evolution Galaxies

For more than a hundred years now, the attention of scientists from resolving the fundamental problem of natural science and philosophy about the physical essence of the interaction of material objects has been abstracted by Einstein's treatment of interaction, as a result of the manifestation of the geometric properties of the curvature of space-time.

"The most advanced hypothesis - apologists Einstein wrote - this explanation of the origin of the universe Big Bang theory. In accordance with this theory, ~ 15 billion years ago, our universe was compressed into a ball, billions of times smaller than a pinhead. According to mathematical calculations, its diameter was zero, and the density was close to infinity. This condition is called singular - infinite density in a point scale. The unstable initial state of the substance led to an explosion that gave rise to a jumplike transition to the expanding universe.

The earliest stage in the development of the universe is called

inflationary - its period to 10 -33 seconds after the explosion. As a result, space and time arise. The size of the universe is several times higher than the size of modern, no substance.

The next stage - is hot. The release of heat is associated with the released energy in the Great Explosion. Radiation heated the universe to 1027 K. Then came the period of cooling the universe for ~ 500 thousand years. As a result, a homogeneous universe emerged. The transition from homogeneous to structural took place from 1 to 3 billion years ". /ecos.org.ua/

Denying the achievements of outstanding scientists of all time and peoples in the field of cognition of the structure and mechanics of the motion of matter, pseudoscientific scammers and reactionary obscurantists agreed to the "top of the absurdity", the cosmology of the "big bang".

Unmasking the antiscientific nature of modern ideas about the "creation of the universe" in accordance with Einstein's speculations, Nobel Prize winner H. Alven wrote: "The less scientific evidence exists, the more fanatical is the belief in this myth. As you know, this cosmological theory is the height of the absurd - it claims that the entire universe arose at some particular point, like an exploding atomic bomb measuring (more or less) a pinhead. It seems that in the present intellectual atmosphere the enormous advantage of the cosmology of the "big bang" is that it is an insult to common sense: credo, quia absurdum ("I believe, for it is absurd")! When scientists fight against astrological nonsense outside the "temples of science," it would be nice to remember that even worse nonsense is sometimes cultivated within these walls. "

Namely, "pseudoscientific scammers" such as Einstein, Ioffe, Ginsburg, Alekasndrov, Osipov, Fortov, Sadkov, Kruglyakovs and other newly-discovered inquisitors of the 20th and 21st centuries are trying to substitute true scientific knowledge with religious opium and obscurantism by "insulting common sense, top of absurdity and worst nonsense".

In connection with this, for the purposes of the present study, "a return to the ontology of materialism, to the idea of ​​an objective real world," a return to the concepts of the reality of classical physics and, first of all, to the teaching of dialectical materialism rejected by pseudoscientists as "not on modern Level "of their" stupidity and absurdity, "by definition Isaac Newton, and, therefore, naturally, not representing for them any interest.

In his fundamental work, Dialectics of Nature, Engels expounded a materialist view of the structure and motion of matter in its development and interaction. According to these views: "All available to us nature forms a certain system, a kind of aggregate connection of bodies, and we understand here under the word body all material realities, from the star to the atom and even a particle of the ether. In the circumstance that these bodies are in mutual connection, it is already that they act on each other and this is their mutual influence on each other and is precisely the movement ...

A new outlook on nature was ready in its basic features: everything frozen became current, all motionless became mobile, all that special that was considered eternal turned out to be rolling, it was proved that all nature moves in eternal stream and cycle.

And now we again returned to the view of the great founders of Greek philosophy that all nature, from the smallest particles of it to the greatest bodies, from grains of sand and ending with the sun, from protists to man, is in eternal appearance and disappearance, in a continuous Flow, in relentless motion and change. With the only significant difference that what the Greeks had a brilliant guess is our result of rigorous scientific research based on experience, and therefore has a much more definite and clear form. True, the empirical evidence of this cycle is not yet completely free from gaps, but the latter are insignificant compared to what has already been firmly established; Moreover, they are more and more filled every year.

From the vortex-rotating glowing gaseous nebulae, whose laws of motion may be discovered by us only after observations for several centuries give us a clear idea of ​​our own movement of the stars-have evolved through the compression and cooling of the countless suns and solar systems of our world The island, bounded by the most extreme star rings of the Milky Way. Evolution was evidently not everywhere at the same speed. Astronomy is more and more forced to recognize the existence in our star system of dark, not only planetary bodies, hence, extinct suns (Medler); On the other hand (according to Seki), part of gaseous foggy spots belongs, as still unready suns, in our stellar system, which does not exclude the fact that other nebulae, as Medler argues, are distant independent world islands, the relative degree of development of which must be established spectroscope.

Laplace showed a detailed and not yet surpassed image of how the solar system develops from a separate foggy mass; Later science more and more confirms the course of his thoughts ...

But "everything that arises deserves to perish" ... The Earth - a dead, cooled ball like the Moon - will circulate in deep darkness over ever shorter orbits around the dying Sun, too, to which it eventually falls. Some planets will experience this fate earlier, others later on Earth. And the same fate that befalls our solar system must comprehend the systems of all the other countless world islands, even those whose light will never reach the Earth ...

Now they begin to recognize more and more the possibility of such a transformation. They come to the conclusion that the ultimate fate of celestial bodies is to fall on each other, and even calculate the amount of heat that should develop in such collisions. The sudden appearance of new stars, the sudden increase in the brightness of long-known stars, which astronomy tells us, is most easily explained by such collisions. Moreover, one must bear in mind that not only our planet group revolves around the Sun, but our Sun moves inside our world island, but that the whole of our world island is moving in the world space, being in temporary relative equilibrium with other world islands, because Even the relative equilibrium of freely soaring bodies can exist only under mutually conditioned motion ... We come, therefore, to the conclusion that the heat emitted into the world space ... should turn into another form of motion in which It can again concentrate and begin to function actively. This eliminates the main difficulty that stood on the way to recognizing the reverse transformation of obsolete suns into a hot nebula.

In addition, the ever-repeated successive change of worlds in infinite time is only a logical addition to the simultaneous co-existence of countless worlds in infinite space: a situation whose compulsory necessity was forced to recognize even the anti-theoretical brain of the Yankee Draper. " But they do not want to recognize the anti-theoretical brains of the pseudo-scientific fraudsters of the RAS who defend the "stupidity and absurdity" of the cosmological mystification of the "big bang", which is "the height of absurdity and an insult to common sense."

"Here is the eternal cycle in which matter moves," Engels concludes.

"We have the confidence that matter in all its transformations," he continues, "remains forever the same, that none of its attributes can ever be lost and that therefore with the same iron necessity as when it Will exterminate on earth its highest color - the thinking spirit, it will have to spawn it again somewhere else and at another time. "

So, the idea of ​​the cyclic evolutionary sequence of the development of material objects, which is most clearly traced on the example of galactic-level structures, was born, at least, still in the ancient Greeks. But it was only thanks to F. Engels, who applied the dialectical laws of the development of nature and society: the unity and struggle of opposites, the transition of quantitative changes to qualitative and denial of negation, was a brilliant guess, the result of rigorous scientific research based on experience and therefore acquired a much more definite and clear Shape.

The scientist remained to "prove this cycle," only to eliminate some gaps that were insignificant compared to what had already been firmly established.

"Now let me return to the problem that was so worrisome for Hubble," writes Halton Arp in his article "The Evolution of Galaxies": Is not the difference in the appearance of galaxies the key to the riddle of their development? ... In Fig. 4.1.1, Arp continues, Hubble's famous "tuning fork" is given, in which galaxies of various sizes are located in a morphological sequence corresponding to a decrease in the mass of galaxies. On the left are spherical type EO, followed by more and more flat elliptical galaxies, with the notation E1 and up to E7. Passing type SO (lens-shaped form without spiral arms). The diagram is divided into two classes, which Hubble called normal spiral and intersected spirals.
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Fig. 4.1.1

The smoothness of the transition from one form to another while moving along the tuning fork pattern inspired astronomers to think that it represented an evolutionary sequence ... Thornton Page of Wesley University found that spheroids and ellipsoids have a mass about 30 times larger than that of medium spiral galaxies ...

Solving the problem of the birth and evolution of galaxies may help us understand why some galaxies are strong sources of radio waves. For example, the Soviet astronomer I.S. Shklovsky suggested that some elliptical galaxies are strong radio sources because the substance is still flowing into them. This does not contradict the views developed here, according to which a substance can stream into spiral galaxies. If the latter situation is possible, it would appear that more and more new masses of matter are added to the core of the spiral galaxy, until it eventually turns into an elliptical or spherical galaxy. "

The latest astronomical observations, in particular the Newerian group, established that the so-called all-absorbing "black holes" are located in the centers of galaxies. It was also found that giant explosions occur in the central regions of some galaxies, for example, in the galaxy M 82.

Now, in more detail, let us return to the problem so worrisome to Hubble: "Is not the difference in the appearance of galaxies the key to the riddle of their development?"

Dialectical Engels analysis of the available astronomical observations and Faraday-Maxwellian views that the interaction of material objects is due to radiation and absorption of matter, as well as the results obtained in this study, allow us to trace the cyclic evolutionary sequence of the development of the material objects of the universe by modifying the Hubble's tuning fork shown in Fig. 4.1.2

To do this, we transform the Hubble's tuning fork according to the above arguments. Remove the connection between the galaxies and and introduce two additional connections between galaxies and , as well as between galaxies and .

Based on the above, we come to the conclusion that the sources, emitting streams of matter and ether particles, lose their mass, while the drains increase it. The intensity of absorption by galaxies - effluents of matter and ether particles at the initial stage from increases. At this stage, an active synthesis of increasingly heavy chemical elements occurs. Then the galaxies - drains - gradually lose their absorbing activity due to saturation. Star-planetary structures of these galaxies lose their rotation speed under the action of axial forces arising from the impact of the oncoming ether stream, as shown in Study 3.7 (Equations 3.8.9 and 3.8.10). In this case, star-planetary systems under the influence of gravitational forces are increasingly approaching the center of galaxies. As a result of the galaxy from , Bypassing the steps , , , , , acquire an increasingly pronounced spherical shape . Galaxy has a minimal absorbing and radiating activity and in fact becomes a neutral galaxy. Further synthesis leads to a significant increase in radioactive substances in the galaxy, which acquire a critical mass and spontaneously explode. Neutral galaxy transforms into a powerful galaxy - the source . At the same time, a huge amount of energy is released, which is erupted by the stream of hot gases, dust and ether particles, turning into a red-hot nebula surrounding the central body - the "black hole". It has been found in the study 3.6, the outer gas-dust layer loses its rotation speed, in accordance with the law of conservation of angular momentum. At the initial stage of emission substances and ether particles takes place substantially perpendicularly to its surface to form a so-called "jumper". This type of galaxies Hubble called the "crossed by spiral galaxies." It is at this stage is mainly formed stars and protoplanet like sparks giant fireworks disgorged central body galaxies. "From swirls rotating incandescent gaseous nebulae, developed countless sun and the solar system due to compression and cooling - indicates Engels."

Further, the loss of weight as a result of radiation sources at the stages , and , More and more lose their radiant activity and transition from  to converted into drains.

Then cycles interconversion sources in drains and drains to the sources repeated countless times on all structural levels of the immense universe.

"We thus arrive at the conclusion, - says Engels - that radiated into space the heat should be transformed into another form of motion, in which it can re-focus and begin to function actively. Thus, there is no major difficulty standing in the way of the recognition of reconverting obsolete suns in the fiery nebula.

In addition, the ever-repeating succession of worlds in infinite time is only a logical addition to the simultaneous co-existence of innumerable worlds in infinite space: the position, forced the need for which was forced to admit even anti theoretical Yankee brain of Draper. " But do not want to recognize antitheoretical brains pseudoscientific scams RAS.

According to the concepts of Faraday and Maxwell ether is an elastic incompressible medium. Therefore, the amount of the emitted and absorbed in the ether unit of time in space remains unchanged. If you look closely at the chart, we find that the number and mass of the galactic waste far exceeds the number and mass of the galactic sources. Compensation seemingly missing emission is due to the radiation of stars, galaxies - sources and galaxies - drains.

It should be noted that the life cycle of stars and planetary systems is significantly less than that of the galactic formations.

Indeed, the less massive obsolete sun and planets, as a result of the synthesis of radioactive substances, acquire a critical mass much sooner. Therefore, accidental explosions, the formation of new stars and planetary systems with satellites occur more frequently than in the galaxies. As a result, spontaneous explosion occur prominence eruptions - incandescent nebulae, moving away from the central body, compressed and twisted in a fast-rotating vortices - prototypes of future planets. Obviously, the vortices will twist in the opposite direction of rotation of the central body.


Fig. 4.1.2

Summarizing the materialist views of the scientists on the structure and motion of matter, Engels taught: "Any motion includes mechanical motion, change of large and tiny pieces of matter, knowledge of this mechanical movement is the first (highlighted by Engels) the task of science. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate before the rest of ...

Whatever the look or adhere to concerning the structure of matter, there is no doubt that it is split into a number of large, well-delineated groups with respect to different sizes of the masses, so that the members closest to them groups are treated as infinitely large or infinitely small quantities in terms of mathematics... and nothing prevents each assume that in nature and must also be similar to d 3 x, d 4 x, and so forth. "

Indeed, going to the micro world, we can draw an analogy. For example: proton, is actively absorbing the powerful streams - micro-galaxy series ,,,,; neutrons are passive neutral micro-type galaxies . Therefore, neutrons are not deflected by the magnetic field. Antiprotons - the micro-galaxies have large radiating activity of a number of , and ; electrons, this micro-sources star systems (e.g. spherical clusters near the vagus galaxies); and positrons - micro-drains -. "obsolete Sun"

Thus, a plurality of types and kinds of micro particles corresponds to a plurality of types and kinds of galactic structures - objects of material of higher order systems.

"When mathematics operates with real values ​​- Engels warned - it is also without further ado accepts this view. But as soon as mathematics will hide in his impregnable fortress of abstraction, the so-called pure mathematics, all these analogies are forgotten ... Those stupidity and absurdity that mathematics not only explained how this excused his method, resulting in a strange way always to correct results, exceed the most the worst, the real and imaginary fantasy natural philosophy ... They forget that all so-called pure mathematics deals with abstractions, that all of its value, strictly speaking, the value of the imaginary and that all abstractions, The behavior to extremes are transformed into nonsense or into their opposite. "

But the teaching for the future relativists - pseudoscientific swindlers are not talking. All these tricks, falsification and deception - is a natural process of fooling the masses, science-based classics of Marxism:

- obscurantism and religious opium of the flock - the lot of the mentally retarded, passive, and not socially protected segments of the population;

- scientific atheism - a devastating weapon in the struggle for social equality and justice.

Therefore, those in power, according to the classics of dialectical materialism, do not need a fundamental science. They desirably have uncomplaining most compliant and obscurantism and religion as nothing but provides zombiing voters.

That is why the "graduated flunkeys of clericalism", so hard trying to replace a true scientific knowledge and religious obscurantism planting opium for the people, as well as in secondary and higher education institutions to befuddle fledgling young minds for the purpose of withdrawal from the struggle for social equality and justice.

The results of this study make it possible to expose the scientific failure and reject the "height of absurdity" of Einstein's cosmological "Big Bang" theory. And also substantiate transformation with fork Hubble diagrams previously unknown, the cyclic sequence evolutionary development of countless hierarchies material objects systems in full accordance with the dialectic views Engels.

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