Ministry of education and science of ukraine

The Nomenclature of Terms "Educational Service"

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The Nomenclature of Terms "Educational Service"


Content of Definitions


V. Aleksandrov

Educational service – is an organized study process for obtaining the necessary knowledge, ability and skills. It is a special intellectual product provided by a party that organizes and carries out the study process, and received by the other party, which may be a student, a controller of the service quality and the one who pays for it [1].


T. Obolenska

Educational service – is a specific product that meets a person’s need for acquiring certain knowledge, abilities and skills to use them for the future professional activity [8].


S. Nikolaienko

Educational services – are not material but social values, a system of knowledge, information, skills and practices of a person, meeting his diverse educational needs and realization of personal abilities of the consumer [7].


I. Kaleniuk

Educational services, or the product of educational activity, are the result of the multifarious (pedagogical, educational, scientific, organizational and managerial) activities of education professionals to meet the educational needs of individuals and the society on the whole [6].


S. Trubytch,
T. Maikovych

Educational service – is a special kind of intangible services as an area of ​​human activity that creates the efficient resultant effect, non-embodied in the material and real forms, its qualification and professional qualities [16].


V. Ogarenko

Educational service – is an educational product that is a determined activity carried out by a performer, and in the process of which the needs of the consumer in education are met [9].


S. Kadachnykov

Educational service – is an economic value that has benefit in terms of its consumers and requires production expenses [5].


D. Plynokos

Educational service – is a set of

educational activities in the course of which a certain amount of knowledge, information, abilities, and skills of the owner (producer of knowledge) is transmitted to the receiver (knowledge customer). It is carried out on a compensation basis at the expense of the party interested in gaining knowledge [11].


O. Bosak

Professional education service – is the final result of actions aimed at meeting the expected and unexpected needs of customers in the field of training for professional activity, covering the whole range of measures to create favorable conditions for the service consumption and conforming to the requirements of educational standards. It includes several components: the professional component directed towards the needs of the labor market and associated with the reproduction of labor force; the social component, the mission of which is to meet the requirements of social development; the socio-cultural component aimed at satisfying the needs of the individual [2].


A. Dmytriv

Educational service – is a set of efficient features that are to meet the consumer needs in terms of acquiring a qualification. Educational services satisfy personal (the end user), group (the employer enterprises) and public (the state and society) needs [3].

Conceptual and terminological analysis of the concept "educational service" is displayed in Table 2.

Table 2

The Structure for Defining the Term "Educational Service"

Elements of Definitions

of the definition in table 1

The Generalized Elements











an organized study process for obtaining the necessary knowledge, ability and skills


the result of a process, action or activity

the result of the multifarious (pedagogical, educational, scientific, organizational and managerial) activities of education professionals


a set of educational activities in the course of which a certain amount of knowledge, information, abilities, and skills of the owner is transmitted to the receiver


the final result of actions


Extension of Table 2

an educational product


a special, specific product

a specific product


special intellectual product


meets a person’s need for acquiring certain knowledge, abilities and skills





meets the need for education

meets the consumers' needs in terms of acquiring a qualification


meeting the expected and unexpected needs of customers in the field of training for professional activity


satisfies personal (the end user), group (the employer enterprises) and public (the state and society) needs


not material but social value



not material but social value that has benefit for consumers

a set of efficient features


has benefit in terms of its consumers


Thus, the generalized elements of the different definitions of "educational service" give an idea of educational service as a special, specific product, non-material, social value that is the result of a process, action or activity in the field of education that is beneficial for consumers in meeting educational needs both of an individual and the society on the whole.

Therefore, we will give the definition of “educational service” on the basis of the analysis of its interpretations given above. In our opinion, educational service is an intangible result of interaction between the provider – an educational institution (CEIs, universities, etc.) and the user (a pupil, student, etc.) that is achieved through the implementation of a set of interrelated activities (academic, educational, scientific and methodological, management, etc.) creating additional values that can meet educational needs of not only direct consumers (customers), but also the state and society on the whole.

According to the classical theory of marketing, services are distinguished from goods by the following features that are most frequently met: intangibility, inseparability from the source; quality volatility; nonconservation [18, p. 39].

For the further analysis of the category of “educational service”, we will consider how these features of services are manifested in comprehensive secondary education. The intangibility of educational service is conditioned by the fact that it is impossible to be demonstrated, i.e. it is impossible to see, to taste, touch, or hear it in corpore neither during the process nor at the time of the final receipt of the service. Inseparability of educational service is the inability to separate the service from the sources of knowledge – the teacher. Volatility (or variability) of the quality of educational service is determined by its ability to change significantly depending on who, when, how and where provides it. Nonconservation (or fragility) of educational service means that it cannot be stored for future sale or use. On the other hand, nonconservation of educational service is conditioned by the human’s ability to forget the gained knowledge and by the moral obsolescence of knowledge in some disciplines due to continuous technological development, which therefore requires constant updating of knowledge. These challenges contribute to promoting such a phenomenon as life-long education throughout the world, i.e. the continuity of the educational process [3].

The summary of the features of educational services of secondary education and ways to overcome them can be represented as a scheme (Figure 1).

It is fair to assume that educational services of comprehensive secondary education are specific services with mixed characteristics.

Understanding their nature and features is a prerequisite for the development of an effective quality management system of educational services at the CEI that aims at meeting the needs and expectations of educational services consumers and continuous improvement of the educational institution.

1. Features of Educational Services of Comprehensive Secondary Education and Ways to Overcome Them


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UDC 378. 005

N. Sas,

Associate professor

(Poltava V. G. Korolenko National

Pedagogical University)

Problem statement. The analysis of the ways and methods of practical application of theory is one of the most relevant problems of the future leaders` training for innovative management at educational institutions. It is so because the question elaboration connected with the implementation of the innovative management presupposes the exact awareness of the specific character of practical application of the new management forms at the educational institution. The question of general terms is a constituent of the problem of comprehension. Comprehension is an aspect of cognitive activity directed towards something special. “Comprehension is not based on finding definitions of a logical notion only, it tends to learn specific logic of a specific object” [7]. The ability of applying theoretical knowledge in the “specific” practical and cognitive situation is regarded as a criterion of comprehension.

According to the national Frame of skills competence is a person`s ability to perform particular kind of activity via knowledge, comprehension, skills, values and other personal qualities. In other words it is a dynamic combination of knowledge, comprehension, skills, values and other personal qualities [9]. From this it can be concluded that comprehension alongside knowledge, skills and values is the component of innovative management competence.

Researches and publications. The place of comprehension in cognitive experience is considered by E. Bistritski, values and senses as the components of competence are studied by Т. Antonenko, J. Baranovska; innovation as one of the principles of pedagogy is described by G. Lavrentjev, N. Lavrentjeva, N. Usufbekova: comprehension as a result of mental activity is mentioned by S. Maksimenko, V. Solovienko; the main categories of “comprehensive sociology” are analysed by M. Weber; comprehension in hermeneutics is investigated by І. Sulima; the leader`s management skill is analysed by М. Grinyova; some aspects of professional competence in innovative management of the educational institution are described by the author of the article [13,14].

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