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Famous People of the World

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Famous People of the World
The Rock
Dwayne Johnson, known as The Rock, is the most famous person in the world. He became popular during his days as a WWE champion wrestler until he moved on to become a Hollywood movie star.
In 2017, he was the second highest-paid actor in the biz! His Instagram is full of workout videos, diet tips, and funny posts that keep him connected with fans of all ages.

Will Smith

Will Smith has been on everyone’s radar since The Fresh Prince, but his launch to superstardom really began when he starred in big budget blockbusters like Independence Day and Men in Black.

Donald Trump

Donald Trump was elected President of the United States in 2017 after the 8-year term of Barack Obama. But before he tried to make America great again, he was already one of the richest and most famous men in the world!
Whether you like him or not, he has the biggest net worth on the list. You may know Trump from The Apprentice, but he’s also famous for his billion-dollar real estate companies and his controversial tweets.

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson tragically passed away 12 years ago, but his legacy lives on! He is undoubtedly part of music royalty and is often hailed as one of the best singers and performers in history.
From child star to King of Pop, his albums topped the charts with hits like ‘Thriller’, ‘Beat It’, and ‘Billie Jean’. Another big contribution to his fame is the controversy surrounding his sexual abuse allegations.
Famous Scientists of Uzbekistan
According to law enforcement agencies in many countries, our compatriots are considered the most law-abiding.They operate in government agencies, business, aviation and medicine, banking, science and education. For example, in the United States, more than 20,000 ethnic Uzbeks are citizens or full residents of the United States. Back in 1970, Sylvia Nazar (the Uzbek name Zulfiya is an economist, writer and journalist, based on her book about the American mathematician, Nobel Prize winner Nash Jr., the famous film “A Beautiful Mind” was shot, which won the Oscar) and Timur Khoja defended their doctoral dissertations at Columbia University, and Nazif Shahroniy, Khairulla Ismatullayev became professors at American universities.
Gulnora Aminova is the first Uzbek woman to receive her PhD from the prestigious Harvard University. Numerous diasporas of our compatriots live in Russia, Turkey, China, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.
By the will of fate, academicians Marat Yunusov, Rakhim Khaitov, (we recently talked about Rakhim Khaitov on our website), diplomats Pulat Abdullaev, Anvar Azimov, Bakhtiyor Khakimov, who worked as ambassadors extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the USSR and the Russian Federation, in different countries of the world, ended up in Russia.
Another guest of our studio "Gurung" - Nabi Saidkarimovich Ziyadullaev - Chief Researcher of the Institute of Market Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, Professor.
Nabi Saidkarimovich was born in Tashkent, graduated from the Tashkent Institute of National Economy, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan. He worked at the Institute of Cybernetics of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan.

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