Wheatgrass Amy Graham Kaplan University

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  • Amy Graham

  • Kaplan University

  • HW499: Bachelors Capstone in Health and Wellness Prof:  Kristin Henningsen

What is Wheatgrass?

  • Hello everyone,

  • My name is Amy Graham and I would like to discuss the benefits of wheatgrass! Many of you may have never heard of this wonderful plant. Although, most people think grass is only to be eaten by animals, humans may consume it as well, and, some people say, thrive on it just like any other mammal or animal. However, wheatgrass is different than regular grasses. It is also different than wheat because wheat is a grain.

  • Wheatgrass (scientifically known as Triticum aestivum) is harvested before the wheat becomes allowed to sprout and grow. It has many different properties than the wheat grain. Humans should be careful of eating wheat and things with wheat in them due to health complications such as celiac disease and many others.

  • Wheatgrass is different than regular grass one sees in yards. For example, “grasses that fall under the family Poaceae include rye grass and Kentucky Bluegrass that grace modern lawns, as well as wheat, rye, barley, corn, oats, rice and other ‘grains’ ”(Davis, 2014).

  • “There is evidence that humans are incapable of digesting grasses, i.e., plants from the biological family Poaceae. Edible plants, such as spinach and broccoli, are not members of this family. (Spinach is from the family Amaranthaceae and broccoli is from the family Brassicaceae)” (Davis, 2014).

  • If one does consume these grasses, Dr. Davis says it “causes cramps, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other peculiar effects. Should [one] pass it out through the usual digestive path, it comes out whole: completely undigested” (2014).

  • Ruminants, such as cows, sheep, and goats, have a digestive system that allows them to process grasses, unlike humans, primates, or other mammals.

  • Although in a juice form, powder, or supplement this would be better than eating it whole in a salad. Until I learned this information, I would sprinkle chopped wheatgrass on my salads…I will refrain from now on!

  • One important factor in wheatgrass is the amount of chlorophyll it has.

  • “Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in plants which absorbs energy from light in the process of photosynthesis. This harnessed energy is what allows plants to grow and flourish” (Horwitch, 2013).

  • Leafy greens are very important vegetables as chlorophyll is found in them. The darker the green, the more nutrition they contain. The USDA recommends that the vegetables one eats needs to be mostly whole foods, not juice, because research indicates the importance of vegetable fiber for colon health and the prevention of degenerative disease.

  • Juice has its place, but whole foods are what humans are designed to eat. There is no reason why one cannot consume both vegetable juice and whole food vegetables as well. In fact, the more chlorophyll-rich detoxifying antioxidant foods in your system the better.

  • Drinking just 2 ounces is equilivlant to eating 4 pounds of green vegetables! But that does not mean one should rely solely on the juice. Eating fruit and vegetables along with the juice is recommended.

There are many things chlorophyll in wheatgrass and other plants can do. For example, it can help control cravings and reduce hunger, it detoxifies, so it cleanses the body from the inside out, getting rid of bad body odors such as fecal, halitosis, underarm, or other unwanted smells. “Chlorophyll is antibacterial and can be used inside and outside the body as a natural healer. The United States Army exposed guinea pigs to lethal doses of radiation. The guinea pigs fed chlorophyll-rich vegetables such as cabbage and broccoli had half the mortality rate as those fed a non-chlorophyll diet” (Hall, 2013).

  • There are many things chlorophyll in wheatgrass and other plants can do. For example, it can help control cravings and reduce hunger, it detoxifies, so it cleanses the body from the inside out, getting rid of bad body odors such as fecal, halitosis, underarm, or other unwanted smells. “Chlorophyll is antibacterial and can be used inside and outside the body as a natural healer. The United States Army exposed guinea pigs to lethal doses of radiation. The guinea pigs fed chlorophyll-rich vegetables such as cabbage and broccoli had half the mortality rate as those fed a non-chlorophyll diet” (Hall, 2013).

  • Environmental pollutants such as toxic metals can quickly destroy the health. Chlorophyll binds with toxic metals to hamper absorption, and research has shown it can do the same with some carcinogens. Fried foods aren’t just bad for your waistline, they also contain chemicals known to damage colon tissue and the DNA of colon cells. In one study, participants who ate fried foods coupled with protective foods, including chlorophyll, were observed to have less DNA damage of colon cells” (Group, 2014). It speeds up

  • the healing process by providing oxygen to the

  • cells.

  • Chlorophyll’s status as a super-food is due to its nutritional and potent antioxidant properties. It protects cells from oxidative damage by eliminating free radicals. One plant known for its high chlorophyll levels, Conyza triloba, showed very active superoxide scavenging behavior”(Group, 2014).

  • “Wheatgrass juice contains up to 70% chlorophyll, which is an important blood builder. The chlorophyll molecules closely resemble that of the hemin molecule, the pigment which combines with protein to form hemoglobin. The major difference is the chlorophyll molecule contains magnesium at its central atom, and the hemin molecule contains iron. The molecular structure of these two substances is almost identical in all other respects” (Hall, 2013).

  • “Chlorophyll contains enzymes and super- oxide dismutase, a copper-containing protein found in mature red blood cells. This enzyme decomposes superoxide radicals in the body into a more manageable form, thereby helping to slow down the aging process” (Hall, 2013).

  • “Chlorophyll is the first product of light and, therefore, contains more light energy than any other food element” (Hall, 2013).

  • “Wheatgrass contains at least 13 different vitamins (several are antioxidants), including B12, many minerals and trace elements, including selenium, and all 20 amino acids. It also contains the hormone abscisic acid (also called dormin), the antioxidant enzyme SOD (Superoxide Dismutase) and over 30 other enzymes, the antioxidant enzyme cytochrome oxidase, laetrile [found in apricot kernels], and a whole lot of other nutrients” (Kehr, 2016).

  • “Superoxide dismutase (SOD) – which converts two superoxide anions into a molecule of hydrogen peroxide and one of oxygen” (Kehr, 2016)

  • “In other words, SOD converts one of the most dangerous free radicals: Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), into a hydrogen peroxide molecule (which has an extra oxygen molecule to kill cancer cells) and an oxygen molecule.

  • This means wheatgrass shows some promise for curing cancer”(Kehr, 2016).

  • “In 1938, the great cancer scientist and researcher Paul Gerhardt Seeger, M.D., revealed that the true cause of the cancerous degeneration of a cell results from the destruction of a specific respiratory enzyme, cytochrome oxidase. In other words, cancer in the cell is caused by disturbance of oxygen utilization, or cell respiration” (Kehr, 2016)

  • But it may be that chlorophyll is the best part of wheatgrass.

  • “In a study reported in the journal Mutation Research comparing the anticancer effect of chlorophyll to beta-carotene, and vitamins A, C and E, chlorophyll was proven to be a more effective antimutagen than any of them” (Kehr,2016)

Before her death, Dr. Virginia Livingston-Wheeler had a clinic that cured cancer patients. Her vaccine was based on abscisic acid. This is a quote about her clinic.

  • Before her death, Dr. Virginia Livingston-Wheeler had a clinic that cured cancer patients. Her vaccine was based on abscisic acid. This is a quote about her clinic.

  • “Abscisic acid is a supplement you will not find in a health food store. Based on her research, Dr. Livingston-Wheeler determined that abscisic acid neutralizes the effect of chorionic gonadotropin, the hormone that protects the fetus from being rejected, and she classed it as her prime supplement in treating cancer. Livingston-Wheeler discovered that cancer cells (or the microbes associated with them) produce a substance very similar to chorionic gonadotropin. Abscisic acid is a close relative of Vitamin A. In her book, The Conquest of Cancer; Livingston-Wheeler describes how you can make abscisic acid.” (Kehr, 2016)

Here is a link to show all of the nutritional values in wheatgrass:

  • Here is a link to show all of the nutritional values in wheatgrass:

  • http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/custom/900675/2

  • The information is to much to fit on this slide!

  • “Chlorophyll can be extracted from many plants, but wheatgrass is superior because it has been found to have over 100 elements needed by man. If grown in organic soil, it absorbs 92 of the known 115 minerals from the soil” (Hall, 2013).

  • Liquid chlorophyll has the ability to get into the tissue, where it

  • can actually filter and renew them. (Hall, 2013)

“Wheatgrass juice contains crude chlorophyll (as opposed to pure) and can be taken orally and as a colon implant without side effects. In addition, scientists have never found wheatgrass to be toxic in any amount when given to either animals or humans

  • “Wheatgrass juice contains crude chlorophyll (as opposed to pure) and can be taken orally and as a colon implant without side effects. In addition, scientists have never found wheatgrass to be toxic in any amount when given to either animals or humans

  • The bland soothing effect of chlorophyll (wheatgrass) ointments are very beneficial to the treatment of various skin diseases involving the outer and underlying layers of the skin, including: itching and burning of the rectum; ivy poisoning; weeping and dry eczema and even in conditions caused by insect bites or infection.

  • Doctors R. Redpath and J. C. Davis found chlorophyll packs inserted into the sinuses had a drying effect, clearing up congestion, and giving immediate relief. Congested head colds were cleared up within 24 hours.

  • Liquid chlorophyll washes drug deposits from the body.

  • Chlorophyll neutralizes toxins in the body.

  • Chlorophyll helps purify the liver.

  • Chlorophyll improves blood sugar problems” (Hall, 2013)

“Many alternative health practitioners believe in wheatgrass as being highly beneficial. The Hippocrates Health Institute, for example, has a long list of purported benefits of wheatgrass, including the following (for the full list, please see the HHI web site):

  • “Many alternative health practitioners believe in wheatgrass as being highly beneficial. The Hippocrates Health Institute, for example, has a long list of purported benefits of wheatgrass, including the following (for the full list, please see the HHI web site):

  • Increases red blood-cell count; cleanses the blood, organs and gastrointestinal tract; simulates metabolism

  • Stimulates the thyroid gland

  • Reduces over-acidity in the blood and relieve peptic ulcers, ulcerative colitis, constipation, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal complaints

  • Detoxifies the liver and blood and chemically neutralizes environmental pollutants

  • Its high chlorophyll content may help oxygenate the blood. Keeping a tray of live wheatgrass near a bed may also enhance the oxygen in the air and generate healthful negative ions to help improve your sleep” (Mercola, 2013).

Chlorophyll from wheatgrass can help with Candida Albicans. “This infection is a big problem for many individuals and can lead to fatigue, depression, and digestive problems; just to name a few. Research has shown that isolated chlorophyll solutions stop Candida Albicans growth” (Group, 2014).

  • Chlorophyll from wheatgrass can help with Candida Albicans. “This infection is a big problem for many individuals and can lead to fatigue, depression, and digestive problems; just to name a few. Research has shown that isolated chlorophyll solutions stop Candida Albicans growth” (Group, 2014).

  • “Traditional medicine has long used green leaves for infections. With modern approaches that have limited effectiveness and a long list of side effects, natural remedies are getting another look” (Group, 2014).

  • The ancient remedies may have lead some doctors of the last century to witness the benefits of plants.

  • For example, “In the American Journal of Surgery (1940), Benjamin Gruskin, M.D. recommends chlorophyll for its antiseptic benefits. The article suggests the following clinical uses for chlorophyll: to clear up foul smelling odors, neutralize Strep infections, heal wounds, hasten skin grafting, to cure chronic sinusitis, overcome chronic inner ear inflammation and infection, reduce varicose veins and heal leg ulcers, eliminate impetigo and other scabby eruptions, heal rectal sores, successfully treat inflammation of the uterine cervix, get rid of parasitic vaginal infections, reduce typhoid fever, and cure advanced pyorrhea in many cases” (Hall, 2013).

“Dr. Birscher, a research scientist, called chlorophyll “concentrated sun power.” He said, “chlorophyll increases the function of the heart, affects the vascular system, the intestines, the uterus, and the lungs.”

  • “Dr. Birscher, a research scientist, called chlorophyll “concentrated sun power.” He said, “chlorophyll increases the function of the heart, affects the vascular system, the intestines, the uterus, and the lungs.”

  • Wheatgrass juice can dissolve the scars that are formed in the lungs from breathing acid gasses. The effect of carbon monoxide is minimized since chlorophyll increases hemoglobin production.

  • Wheatgrass is high in oxygen like all green plants that contain chlorophyll. This is beneficial because the brain and all body tissues function at an optimal level in a highly- oxygenated environment.

  • It is a nutritionally complete food which will sustain the growth and development of laboratory animals and humans alike. Wheatgrass has what is called the grass-juice factor, which has been shown to keep herbivorous animals alive practically indefinitely.

  • Wheatgrass juice is a superior detoxification agent compared to carrot juice and other fruits and vegetables” (Hall, 2013).

“Wheatgrass juice held in the mouth for 5 minutes will help eliminate toothaches. It pulls poisons from the gums.

  • “Wheatgrass juice held in the mouth for 5 minutes will help eliminate toothaches. It pulls poisons from the gums.

  • Gargle wheatgrass juice for a sore throat.

  • Drink wheatgrass juice for skin problems such as eczema or psoriasis

  • Because 1 ounce of juice equals 2 pounds of produce nutritionally, it naturally shuts off the appestat in the brain.

  • Farmers in the Midwest who have sterile cows and bulls put them on wheatgrass to restore fertility. (The high magnesium content in chlorophyll builds enzymes that restore the sex hormones.)

  • Wheatgrass juice cures acne and even help to remove scars after it has been ingested for seven to eight months. The diet must be improved at the same time.

  • Wheatgrass juice acts as a detergent in the body and can be used as a body deodorant.

  • A small amount of wheatgrass juice in the human diet help prevent tooth decay” (Hall, 2013)

  • .

“The starch of the wheat berry is stored energy which when converted to simpler sugars is a quick energy source. It is especially good for athletes because it is a juice and is assimilated in 20 minutes or less, and uses very little of the body’s energy to extract the nutrients…

  • “The starch of the wheat berry is stored energy which when converted to simpler sugars is a quick energy source. It is especially good for athletes because it is a juice and is assimilated in 20 minutes or less, and uses very little of the body’s energy to extract the nutrients…

  • Wheatgrass juice helps to keep the hair from graying.

  • Pyorrhea of the mouth: lay pulp of wheatgrass soaked in juice on diseased area in mouth or chew wheatgrass, spitting out the pulp.

  • Wheatgrass juice improves the digestion.

  • Wheatgrass juice is an excellent skin cleanser and can be absorbed through the skin for nutrition. Pour green juice over your body in a tub of warm water and soak for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse off with cold water” (Hall, 2013).

Wheatgrass implants (enemas) are great for healing and detoxifying the colon walls. The implants also heal and cleanse the internal organs. After an enema is evacuated, implant 4 ounces of wheatgrass juice. Retain for 20 minutes.

  • Wheatgrass implants (enemas) are great for healing and detoxifying the colon walls. The implants also heal and cleanse the internal organs. After an enema is evacuated, implant 4 ounces of wheatgrass juice. Retain for 20 minutes.

  • Wheatgrass juice improves arthritis. Soak a cotton sock with 6 ounces and place on affected area, cover with plastic bag.

  • For minor eye irritation apply strained wheatgrass juice mixed with half pure water in an eye cup for 15 – 30 seconds.

  • Massage 6 ounces into the scalp and cover with shower cap for 15 minutes to help eliminate dandruff.

  • Wheatgrass juice can be used as a douche for many feminine complications.

  • Wheatgrass juice is great for constipation and keeping the bowels open because it is high in magnesium.

  • Wheatgrass juice reduces high blood pressure and enhances the capillaries.

  • .

“Wheatgrass juice can remove heavy metals from the body.

  • “Wheatgrass juice can remove heavy metals from the body.

  • Wheatgrass juice is great for blood disorders of all kinds.

  • Another benefit of wheatgrass is you can grow it in just about a week, right in your own home.

  • Wheatgrass is gluten-free because it’s cut before the grain forms

  • Dr. Earp Thomas said, “Wheat is the king of all grain foods”. He found that an ounce of wheatgrass in a gallon of fluoridated water would turn the fluorine into harmless calcium-phosphate-fluoride compound. Used in wash water it adds softness to the face and hands. In the bath, it is most soothing. It stops bleeding, eases itching, and helps sores and pimples to heal. Dr. Thomas further discovered that fruits and vegetables contaminated by sprays were thoroughly cleaned and the negative food transformed by wash water with a wisp of wheatgrass placed in the water” (Hall, 2013).

After drinking wheatgrass juice, one may feel an increase in strength and endurance, renewed health and spirituality, and experience an overall sense of well-being.

  • After drinking wheatgrass juice, one may feel an increase in strength and endurance, renewed health and spirituality, and experience an overall sense of well-being.

  • Another study has found that raw vegan food that included wheatgrass helped to relieve the pancreas of the task of digesting cooked food.

  • This could improve insulin production. Liver toxicity is also linked to diabetes and eating wheatgrass as part of a vegan diet can help detoxify the liver and colon and clear them of harmful toxins, therefore indirectly helping with diabetes.

  • Patients with type 1 diabetes often suffer from foot ulcers, which can cause disability. Healing can take a long time and very often these ulcers keep recurring. Some doctors have recommended the use of wheatgrass spray on these ulcers and then wrapping them with a soft gauze dressing.

“As reported in the featured article by the Chicago Tribune:

  • “As reported in the featured article by the Chicago Tribune:

  • "Its health benefits and curative powers were promoted in the 1940s by Ann Wigmore, a Lithuanian immigrant to Boston and holistic health practitioner.

  • Wigmore believed humans could benefit by following the practice of dogs and cats by eating grass and regurgitating to feel better.

  • She developed the wheatgrass diet, a program which, in addition to consuming wheat grass juice, avoids all meats, dairy products and cooked foods, and focuses on 'live' foods such as sprouts, raw produce, nuts and seeds.

  • The diet and its many touted health and curative claims -- detoxification of the body, controlling diabetes, prevention of bacterial infections, the common cold and fever; and protection against ailments like skin problems, gout and even cancer -- took off and continues to be alive and well today” (Mercola, 2013)


  • Davis, W. (2014). Cut your grass . . . then eat the clippings. Retrieved June 2016 from, http://www.wheatbellyblog.com/2014/09/cut-grass-eat-clippings/

  • Group, E. (2014). 10 Amazing Benefits of Chlorophyll. Retrieved June 2016 from, http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/10-amazing-benefits-of-chlorophyll/

  • Horwitch, K. (2013). Superfood Spotlight: Chlorophyll. Retreived June 2016, from, http://thechalkboardmag.com/superfood-spotlight-chlorophyll

  • Kehr, W. (2016). Ann Wigmore Wheatgrass Treatment For Cancer. Retrieved June 2016 from, https://www.cancertutor.com/wheatgrass/

  • Mercola, J. (2013). Better Than Wheatgrass: Raw Veggie Juice and Sprouts. Retrieved June 2016 from, http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/05/20/wheatgrass.aspx

  • Pines, The Wheatgrass People. (2016). Myths about Wheatgrass. Retrieved June 2016 from, https://wheatgrass.com/myths-about-wheatgrass/


  • I was unable to find any information on wheatgrass or chlorophyll at the recommended site for this assignment: http://www.healthandwellness.kaplan.edu/articles/cam/Herbal%20Alternative%20Medicine.html or at this site, https://nccih.nih.gov/health/herbsataglance.htm

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