Vita & publications

34 M 1964t. On the derivation of statistical thermodynamics from purely phenomenological principles. Journal of Mathematical Physics: 5

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34 M 1964t. On the derivation of statistical thermodynamics from purely phenomenological principles. Journal of Mathematical Physics: 5, 164-171.

• Reprint: Thermodynamics, a Unifying Science. Ed George N. Hatsopoulos

& Joseph H. Keenan. Cambridge MA: MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1964.

Summary: Discussion of a paper by Prof. R. E. Collins. Symposium on Critical Review of

(Pittsburgh PA). Ed Edward B. Stuart, Benjamin Gal-Or
& Alan J. Brainard. Baltimore MD: Mono Book Corp., 1970, 32-34.
35 George L. GERSTEIN & M 1964. Random walk models for the spike activity of a single neuron.
The Biophysical Journal: 4, 41-68.
36 E8. M 1964o. Random walks, fire damage amount, and other Paretian risk phenomena.
Operations Research: 12, 582-585.
37 N7. M 1965c. Self-similar error clusters in communications systems and the concept of conditional stationarity. IEEE Transactions on Communications Technology: COM-13, 71-90.
38 AS FEP. H9. M 1965h. Une classe de processus stochastiques homothétiques à soi:
Application à la loi climatologique de H. E. Hurst
. Comptes Rendus. Paris, FR: 260, 3274-3277.
39 M 1965s. Leo Szilard and unique decipherability.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
: IT-11, 455-456.
40 AS. M 1965. Ensembles de multiplicité aléatoires (Jean-Pierre Kahane & M).
Comptes Rendus. Paris, FR: 262, 3931-3933.

N11. English translation.

41 M 1965m. Very long-tailed probability distributions and the empirical distribution of city sizes. Mathematical Explorations in Behavioral Science. Cambria Pines CA, 1964.
Ed Fred Massarik & Philburn Ratoosh. Homewood, Ill.: R. D. Irwin, 322-332.

• Expanded version: Mathematics and Social Sciences

(Menthon-Saint-Bernard, 1960 and Gösing, 1962). The Hague, NL: Mouton 1965, 257-278.
42 M 1965z. Information theory and psycholinguistics. Scientific Psychology: Principles and Approaches. Ed Benjamin B. Wolman & Ernst Nagel. New York NY: Basic Books, 550-562.

• Reprint with new appendices: Information theory and psycholinguistics: a theory of word frequencies. Readings in Mathematical Social Science. Ed Paul Lazarfeld and Neil Henry. Chicago IL: Science Research Associates, 1966 (hard cover);

Cambridge MA, MIT Press, 1968 (paperback), 350-368.

• Reprint: Information theory and psycholinguistics. Language, selected readings.

Ed R. C. Oldfield & J. C. Marshall. London, UK: Penguin Books, 1968, 263-275.

• Russian translation: Teoria informatsii i psikholingvistika: Teoria çastov slov.

Matematiskie metody v sotsial’nykh naukakh. Moskva 1973.
F. FE4. French translation: Aléas du discours.
43 M 1966b. Forecasts of future prices, unbiased markets and “martingale” models.
The Journal of Business of the University of Chicago: 39, 242-255.

• Reprint: Forecasting Financial Markets. Ed Terence C. Mills.

The Int’l Library of Critical Writings in Economics. Series Editor: Mark Blaug, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2002.
44 M 1966r. Nouveaux modèles de la variation des prix (cycles lents et changements instantanés). Cahiers du Séminaire d’Econométrie: 9, 53-66.

• Abstract: Stochastic models of the variation of prices. Working Conf. on Stochastic Processes. Santa Barbara CA, 1967. Ed Mark Kac & Gordon McDonald.

45 N10. M 1967b. Sporadic random functions and conditional spectral analysis; self-similar examples and limits. Proc. of the Fifth (1965) Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability. Ed Lucien LeCam & Jerzy Neyman. Berkeley CA: University of California Press, 3, 155-179.
46 N9. M 1967i. Some noises with 1/f spectrum, a bridge between direct current and white noise. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory: IT-13, 289-298.

• Abstract: Electro-magnetic turbulence in communication systems.

Proc. of the Int’l Conf. on Microwaves, Circuit Theory and Information Theory
(Tokyo, 1964). Ed K. Morita. 1964, 3, 43-53.

• Abstract: Time varying channels, 1/f noises and the infrared catastrophe.

Or: Why does the low frequency energy sometimes seem infinite.
Convention Record of the First IEEE Communications Convention
, 1965.

• Abstract: Sporadic processes and their application to noise theory. Working Conf. on Stochastic Processes (Santa Barbara CA), 1967. Ed Mark Kac & Gordon McDonald.

47 K. M 1967s. How long is the coast of Britain? Statistical self-similarity and fractional dimension. Science: 156, 636-638.

• Italian reprint: with a preface by Giuseppe Gembillo, “La struttura della Natura e la sua ‘misura’”. Followed by a translation by Giusy Inferrera. Messina (Sicilia, IT): Armando Siciliano Editore, 2007.

48 P. E15. M 1967j. The variation of some other speculative prices.
The Journal of Business of the University of Chicago: 40, 393-413.

• Reprint: Classic Futures: Lessons from the Past for the Electronic Age.

Ed Lester Telser. London, UK: Risk Books. 2000, 685-708.
49 N12. M 1967k. Sporadic turbulence. Proc. of the Int’l Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence including Geophysical Applications. Supplement to The Physics of Fluids: 10, S302-3.

• Announcement: Uniformly self-similar sporadic turbulence. Notes on the Summer Study Program in Geophysical Fluid Mechanics (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 1965, 118-121.

50 E21. M & Howard M. TAYLOR 1967. On the distribution of stock price differences.
Operations Research: 15, 1057-1062.

• Variant: Some aspects of the random-walk model of stock market prices: Comment.

Int’l Economic Review: 9, 1968, 258-259.
51 H10. M & James R. WALLIS 1968. Noah, Joseph and operational hydrology. Water Resources Research: 4, 909-918.

• Illustrated variant: Self-similar synthetic hydrology (James R. Wallis & M).

Symposium on the Use of Analog and Digital Computers in Hydrology (Tucson AZ, 1968).
Publication 81 of the Int’l Association of Scientific Hydrology: 2, 1968, 738-755.

• Elaboration: Reply to Professor Quimpo (M & James R. Wallis). Discussion of the 1968 Tucson Symposium, Bulletin of the Int’l Association of Scientific Hydrology: 14, 1969, 58-60.

• Abstract: Self-similar synthetic hydrology (M & James R. Wallis). Summaries of Contributed Papers, European Meetings of IMS, TIMS, ES and IASPS, Amsterdam, NL: Mathematical Center, 1968.
• Elaboration in reply to a published comment: Reply to Mr. Alexander (M & James R. Wallis).
Water Resources Research: 5, 1969, 917-920.

• Elaboration in reply to a published comment: Comment on “Stochastic models in hydrology” by A.E. Scheidegger. Water Resources Research: 6, 1970, 1791.

• Elaboration in reply to an oral comment: Note on the definition and the stationarity of fractional Gaussian noise. Journal of Hydrology: 30, 1976, 407-409.
52 K. H11. M & John W. VAN NESS 1968. Fractional Brownian motions, fractional noises and applications. SIAM Review: 10, 422-437.

• Critique of a would-be improvement: On an eigenfunction expansion and on fractional Brownian motions. Lettere al Nuovo Cimento: 33, 1982, 549-550.

• Photographic reprint: Financial Econometrics. Three volumes edited by Andrew Lo.
Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2006. 1, 173-198.
53 M. N13. M 1969b. On intermittent free turbulence. Turbulence of Fluids and Plasmas.
Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Apr 1968. Ed Ernst Weber. New York NY: Interscience.

• The geometry of turbulence. Conf. on Prospects for Theoretical Turbulence Research,

N. C. A. R., Boulder CO., June 14-20, 1974, 9-12.
54 M 1969e. Long-run linearity, locally Gaussian processes, H-spectra and infinite variances.
Int’l Economic Review: 10, 82-111. [H30]

• Abstract: Intermittency and periodicity, and the problem of long cycles.

: 34, 1966 (Supplement) 152-153.
55 H12,13,14. M & James R. WALLIS 1969. Computer experiments with fractional Gaussian noises. Water Resources Research: 5, 228-267. [Part I Part II Part III]
56 H27. M & James R. WALLIS 1969. Some long-run properties of geophysical records.
Water Resources Research: 5, 321-340.

Edited reprint: Fractal Geometry and its Use in the Earth Sciences.

Ed Christopher C. Barton & Paul R. LaPointe. New York NY: Plenum, 1994, pp. 41-64.
57 K. H25. M & James R. WALLIS 1969. Robustness of the rescaled range R/S in the measurement of noncyclic long-run statistical dependence. Water Resources Research: 5, 967-988.
58 H28. M & Keith MCCAMY 1970. On the secular pole motion and the Chandler wobble.
The Geophysical Journal,
21: 217-232.

• Abstract: On the secular pole motion and the Chandler wobble (M & Keith McCamy).

Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union: 57, 1970, 266.
59 P. M 1970e. Statistical dependence in prices and interest rates. Papers of the
Second World Congress of the Econometric Society
, Cambridge, UK.

• Summary: Analysis of long-run dependence in time series: the R/S technique.

Fiftieth Annual Report of the National Bureau of Economic Research, 1970, 107-108.

• Abstract progress report: Long-run interdependence in price records and other economic time series. Econometrica: 38, 1970, 122-123.

• Reprint of Part I: Statistical dependence in prices and interest rates.
Fifty-first Annual Report of the National Bureau of Economic Research, 1971, 141-142.

• Revised Part II: Analysis of non-periodic long-run dependence using the robust statistic R/S.

Proc. of the 1971 Princeton Conf. on Information Sciences and Systems
, 155-159.

• Analysis of long-run dependence in economics: the R/S technique.

Econometrica: 39, 1971 (July Supplement), 68-69.
60 H15. M 1971f. A fast fractional Gaussian noise generator.

Water Resources Research: 7, 543-553.
61 E20. M 1971e. When can price be arbitraged efficiently? A limit to the validity of the random-walk and martingale models. Review of Economics and Statistics: 53, 225-236.
62 M 1972z. Renewal sets and random cutouts. Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie: 22, 145-157.
63 M 1972d. On Dvoretzky coverings for the circle. Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie:
22, 158-160.

  1. K & (SR). N14. M 1972i. Possible refinement of the lognormal hypothesis concerning the distribution of energy dissipation in intermittent turbulence. Statistical Models and Turbulence.
    La Jolla, CA. (Lecture Notes in Physics 12).
    Ed Murray Rosenblatt & Charles Van Atta. New York NY: Springer, 333-351.

65 M 1972c. Statistical methodology for non-periodic cycles: from the covariance to R/S analysis. Annals of Economic and Social Measurement: 1, 257-288.

Excerpts from M 1972c

• Advance summary: Comment on “Application of linear random models to four annual streamflow series” by Carlson, MacCormick, & Watts. Water Resources Research: 7, 1971, 1360-1362.

66 H16. M 1972w. Broken line process derived as an approximation to fractional noise.
Water Resources Research: 8, 1354-1356.
67 H29. Frederick J. DAMERAU & M 1973. Tests of the degree of word clustering in samples of written English. Linguistics: 102, 58-75.
68 P. M 1973c. Comments on “A subordinated stochastic process model with finite variance for speculative prices.” by Peter K. Clark. Econometrica: 41, 157-160.
69 M 1973f. Formes nouvelles du hasard dans les sciences. Économie Appliquée: 26, 307-319.

• Expanded version: Du hasard bénin au hasard sauvage.

Le hasard (Dossier Pour la Science) Paris, FR: Belin, 1996, 12-17.
70 K. N15. M 1974f. Intermittent turbulence in self-similar cascades; divergence of high moments and dimension of the carrier. Journal of Fluid Mechanics: 62, 331-358.

• Excerpt: The Wolf Prizes for Physics. Singapore, SG: World Scientific, in progress.

71 AS & SR. M 1974c. Multiplications aléatoires itérées et distributions invariantes par moyenne pondérée aléatoire, I & II. Comptes Rendus. Paris, FR: 278A, 289-292 & 355-358.

N16. [ English Translations ]

72 N8. M 1974d. A population birth and mutation process, I: Explicit distributions for the number of mutants in an old culture of bacteria. Journal of Applied Probability: 11, 437-444.

• Complement: A population birth and mutation process, II: Explanations, figures and numerical illustrations. Privately distributed memorandum.

1975 See also book(s) listed early in this document.
73 H26. M 1975z. Limit theorems on the self-normalized range for weakly and strongly dependent processes. Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie: 31, 271-285.
74 AS. M 1975b. Fonctions aléatoires pluri-temporelles: approximation poissonienne du cas brownien et généralisations. Comptes Rendus. Paris, FR: 280A, 1075-1078.

H17. English translation.

75 K. H18. M 1975f. On the geometry of homogeneous turbulence, with stress on the fractal dimension of the isosurfaces of scalars. Journal of Fluid Mechanics: 72, 401-416.
76 K. H19. M 1975w. Stochastic models for the Earth's relief, the shape and the fractal dimension of the coastlines, and the number-area rule for islands.
Proc. of the National Academy of Sciences (USA): 72, 3825-3828.
77 AS M 1975u. Sur un modèle décomposable d'Univers hiérarchisé: déduction des corrélations galactiques sur la sphère céleste. Comptes Rendus. Paris, FR: 280A, 1551-1554.
78 FE 2.2. M 1975m. Hasards et tourbillons (quatre contes à clef). Annales des Mines: 61-66.
79 AS. M 1976c. Géométrie fractale de la turbulence. Dimension de Hausdorff, dispersion et nature des singularités du mouvement des fluides. Comptes Rendus. Paris, FR: 282A, 119-120.

H19. English translation.

80 M N18. M 1976o. Intermittent turbulence and fractal dimension: kurtosis and the spectral exponent 5/3+B. Turbulence and Navier Stokes Equations (Orsay, 1975). Ed Roger Temam (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 565). New York NY: Springer, 121-145.

• Brief variant: Comment on coherent structures: Proc. of the IUTAM Symposium on Turbulence and Chaotic Phenomena in Fluids. Ed Tomomasa Tatsumi, Amsterdam, NL: North-Holland, 1984, 207-208.

1977 See also book(s) listed early in this document.
81 M. 1977b. Fractals and turbulence: attractors and dispersion. Seminar on Turbulence, Berkeley 1976. Organized by Alexandre Chorin, Jerald Marsden & Stephen Smale.

Ed P. Bernard & T. Ratiu (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 615). New York NY: Springer, 83-93.

• Russian translation: Strannye Atraktory (=Strange Attractors). Collection of reprints,
Ed Yakov G. Sinai & L. P. Silnikova. Moscow, RU: Mir Publishers, 1981, 47-57.

• Elaboration of some points: Fractals, attractors, and the fractal dimension.

Bifurcation Theory and Applications in Scientific Disciplines. New York, 1977.
Ed Okan Gürel & Otto Rössler. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences: 316, 1979, 463-464.

  1. M 1978b. The fractal geometry of trees and other natural phenomena.
    Geometrical Probability and Biological Structures: Buffon's 100th Anniversary Conf. (Paris, 1977)
    . Ed Roger Miles & Jean Serra (Lecture Notes in Biomathematics 23). New York NY: Springer, 235-249.

83 M M 1978h. Geometric facets of statistical physics: scaling and fractals.

Statistical Physics 13, Int’l IUPAP Conf.
(Haifa, 1977). Ed D. Cabib, C.G. Kuper & I. Riess.
Annals of the Israel Physical Society. Bristol, UK: Adam Hilger. 2 (1), 225-233.
84 M 1978r. Les objets fractals. La Recherche: 9, 85, 1-13.

• Excerpt: Les facettes fractales de l'anatomie. La morphogenèse, de la biologie aux mathématiques. Textes réunis par Yves Bouligand. Paris, FR: Doin-Maloine, 1980, 83-89.

• Frontispiece with caption: Impact of Science on Technology (UNESCO): 29, July 1979.
85 AS. M 1978c. Colliers aléatoires et une alternative aux promenades au hasard sans boucle:
les cordonnets discrets et fractals
. Comptes Rendus. Paris, FR: 286, 933-936.
86 AS. M 1979u. Corrélations et texture dans un nouveau modèle d'Univers hiérarchisé,
basé sur les ensembles trémas
. Comptes Rendus. Paris, FR: 288, 81-83.
87 M & Murad S. TAQQU 1979. Robust R/S analysis of long-run serial correlation.
Bulletin of the Int’l Statistical Institute: 42nd Session, Manila, PH, 46 (book 2), 79-104.
88 Yuval GEFEN, M, & Amnon AHARONY 1980. Critical phenomena on fractal lattices.
Physical Review Letters: 45, 855-858.

• Abstract: Ising models on fractal lattice (Yuval GEFEN, M, & Amnon AHARONY).

Proc. of the XIVth Int’l Conf. on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
(Statphys 14)
, August 1980, Edmonton, Alberta, CA.

• Variant: Critical phenomena and fractals with dimensionality near 1 (Yuval GEFEN, M, & Amnon AHARONY). Physics in One Dimension. Ed J. Bernasconi & T. Schneider, New York NY: Springer, 1980.

89 K. C3. M 1980n. Fractal aspects of the iteration of z λ z (1−z) for complex λ and z.
Non-Linear Dynamics
(New York, 1979). Ed Robert H. G. Helleman.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences: 357, 249-259.

• Abstract: Non-linear random dynamics and fractal attractors.

Proc. of the XIVth Int’l Conf. on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics (Statphys 14)
August 1980, Edmonton, Alberta, CA.

• Letter to the Editor. Scientific American: July 1982, 8.

• Excerpt: A fractal attractor, and why it may matter. Physics as Natural Philosophy:
A Festschrift for Laszlo Tisza
. Ed Herman Feshbach & Abner Shimony,
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1982, front jacket and pp. 3-6.

• Excerpt: The Wolf Prizes for Physics. Singapore, SG: World Scientific, in progress.

90 M 1981s. Scalebound or scaling shapes: A useful distinction in the visual arts and in the natural sciences. Leonardo: 14, 1981, 45-47.
91 Yuval GEFEN, Amnon AHARONY, M, & Scott KIRKPATRICK 1981. Solvable fractal family, and its possible relation to the backbone at percolation, Physical Review Letters: 47, 1771-1774.

• Early version: Percolation, critical phenomena and fractals (Yuval Gefen, Amnon Aharony, M, & Scott Kirkpatrick). Disordered Systems and Localization. Roma, 1981, Lecture Notes in Physics 149). Ed C. Castellani, C. DiCastro & L. Peliti. New York NY: Springer, 1981, 56-58.

1982 See also book(s) listed early in this document.
92 M 1982f. Comments on computer rendering of fractal stochastic models.
Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery: 25, cover and pp. 581-584.

• Reprint: Book d.

93 C18. M 1983i. Self-inverse fractals osculated by sigma-discs, and the limit sets of inversion groups. Mathematical Intelligencer: 5 (2), Front and back covers and pp. 9-17.

• Excerpt: Self-inverse fractals and Kleinian groups. Mathematics Calendar for 1981, New York NY: Springer, 1980.

94 Yuval GEFEN, Yigal MEIR, M, & Amnon AHARONY 1983. Geometric implementation of hypercubic lattices with noninteger dimensionality, using low lacunarity fractal lattices.
Physical Review Letters: 50, 145-148.

• Reprint: The Wolf Prizes for Physics. Singapore, SG: World Scientific, in progress.

95 James A. GIVEN & M 1983. Diffusion on fractal lattices and the fractal Einstein relation.
Journal of Physics
: A16, L565-569.

• Elaboration: Comment on transport processes on fractal structures

Journal of Physics: A17, 1984, 1937-1939.
96 C5. M 1983p. On the quadratic mapping z z2µ for complex µ and z: the fractal structure of its M-set, and scaling. Physica: D7, 1983, 224-239.

• Reprint in Order in Chaos. Ed David Campbell & Harvey Rose, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1983.

97 Jean VOLDMAN, M, Lee W. HOEVEL, Joshua KNIGHT, & Philip ROSENFELD 1983.
Fractal nature of software-cache interaction. IBM Journal of Research and Development: 27, 164-170.

• Reprint in CMG Transactions: 88, 55-60. Westmont, IL: Computer Measurement Group.

98 Yuval GEFEN, Amnon AHARONY, & M 1983. Phase transitions on fractals: I. Quasi-linear lattices. Journal of Physics: A16, 1267-1278.
1984 See also book(s) listed early in this document.
99 Yuval GEFEN, Amnon AHARONY, M, & Yonathan SHAPIR 1984.
Phase transitions on fractals: II. Sierpinski gaskets. Journal of Physics: A17, 435-444.
100 Yuval GEFEN, Amnon AHARONY, & M 1984. Phase transitions on fractals: III.
Infinitely ramified lattices
. Journal of Physics: A17, 1277-1289.
101 M, Dann E. PASSOJA, & Alvin J. PAULLAY 1984. Fractal character of fracture surfaces of metals. Nature: 308, 721-722.

• Abbreviated text: Book b, 7-9.

102 M M 1984e. Fractals in Physics: Squig clusters, diffusions, fractal measures and the unicity of fractal dimension. Statistical Physics 15, Int’l IUPAP Conf. (Edinburgh, 1983).
Ed David Wallace & Alistair Bruce. Journal of Statistical Physics: 34, 895-930.

• Excerpt: Each fractal set has a unique fractal dimension. Proc. of the IUTAM Symposium on Turbulence and Chaotic Phenomena in Fluids (Kyoto, 1883).

Ed Tomomasa Tatsumi, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1984, 203-206.

• Illustration: On the aggregative fractals called squigs, which include recursive models of polymers and of percolation clusters. Kinetics of Aggregation and Gelation. Athens GA, Apr 1984.

Ed Fereydoon Family & David P. Landau. Amsterdam, NL: North-Holland, 1984, 5-7.
103 M & James A. GIVEN 1984. Physical properties of a new fractal model of percolation clusters. Physical Review Letters: 52, 1853-1856.
104 M 1984f. Squig sheets and some other squig fractal constructions, followed by Comment on the equivalence between fracton/spectral dimensionality and the dimensionality of recurrence.
Journal of Statistical Physics: 36, 519-545 (=Book a).
105 C13 M 1984k. On the dynamics of iterated maps VIII: The map zλ(z+1/z) from linear to planar chaos, and the measurement of chaos. Chaos and Statistical Methods

(Kyoto Summer Institute, 1983). Ed Yoshiki Kuramoto, New York NY: Springer, 32-41.

106 M 1984w. On fractal geometry and a few of the mathematical questions it has raised.
Proc. of the Int’l Congress of Mathematicians (Warsaw 1983).
Ed Zbigniew Ciesielski, Warsaw, PL: PWN and Amsterdam, NL: North-Holland, 1661-1675.

• Revised second edition: Unanswered questions raised by fractal geometry.

Physics and Geometry (Barcelona, 1996). Ed Sebastià Xambó & David Jou.
Barcelona, ES: Institut d’Estudis Catalans, 1999, 161-176.

• Extensively revised third edition: Some mathematical questions arising in fractal geometry. Development of Mathematics 1950-2000. Ed Jean-Paul Pier. Basel, CH: Birkhäuser, 2000, 795-811.

• Revised fourth edition: Topics on fractals in mathematics and physics.
Challenges for the 21st Century; Fundamental Science. Mathematics and Theoretical Physics. Singapore, 2000. Ed Louis H.Chen, J. Packer Jesudason, C.H. Lai, C.H. Oh, K.K. Phua,
& Eng-Chye Tan. Singapore, SG: World Scientific, 2001, 461-478.

• Revised fifth edition: Selected topics in mathematics, physics, and finance originating in fractal geometry. Thinking in Patterns: Fractals and Related Phenomena in Nature.

(Fractal 2004, Vancouver CA). Ed Miroslav Novak. Singapore, SG: World Scientific, 2004, 1-33.

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