Systemic scleroderma

part Of a chair with blood, mucus, pus, rectal tenesmus

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part Of a chair with blood, mucus, pus, rectal tenesmus.

  • Abdominal pain, sagging after a bowel movement.

  • Lihoradka, Weight loss.

    2549.What are the violations are not associated with systemic autoimmune shifts in patients with ulcerative colitis?

    1. Autoimmunny Thyroiditis.

    2. Autoimmunnaya Hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenic purpura.

    3. Porazhenie Biliary system and the liver, and a small sclerosing cholangitis intrahepatic ducts, fatty liver.

    4. Diffuse glomerulonephritis.*

    5. Amiloidoz With primary renal disease, nephrotic syndrome formation.

    2550.What are the variations in the overall analysis of the blood is not typical of ulcerative colitis?

    1. Gipohromnaya Anemia.

    2. Leykotsitoz Shift formula to the left.

    3. Eosinophils. *

    4. Increase ESR.

    5. Retikulotsitoz, Thrombocytopenia.

    2551. How 2 changes are most important in the pathogenesis of SSc

    1. functional disorders of other cells collagen*

    2. functional disorders of fibroblast*

    3. functional disorders of neutrophils and other white blood cells

    4. functional disorders myocytes

    2552.2 places of the body, which most often localized skin changes in SS

    1. Fingers*

    2. Face*

    3. Shoulder

    4. Trunk

    2553.What 2 characteristics appropriate for the stage of atrophy in the SSD

    1. tension and luster of the skin, pointy nose, creases around the mouth pouch shaped*

    2. flexion contracture, sclerodactylia*

    3. dry ablest and staining of the skin

    4. erosivedestructive changes in proximal inter phalangeal joints

    2554.What 2 signs are fit for early stage of SSc

    1. Esophagitis*

    2. Raynaud's syndrome*

    3. ulcer of skin

    4. calcinosis

    2555.2 Specify characteristics of esophagitis in the SSD

    1. pain and difficulty in the passage of food through the esophagus*

    2. need to wash down with water, dry food*

    3. belching

    4. hard passing of liquid food

    2556.What 2 features are characterized chronic SSD

    1. progressive vasomotor violations by type of Raynaud's syndrome*

    2. gradually develop thickening of the skin, formation of contractures*

    3. fast progressing changes of internal organs

    4. progressing seal skin

    2557.The main diagnostic features of scleroderma are

    1. local and diffuse nephritis

    2. Sindrom Shegren

    3. Raynaud's syndrome*

    4. True scleroderma kidney*

    2558.Additional diagnostic features of scleroderma include

    1. Basal Fibrosis

    2. damaging of Gastrointestinal tract

    3. Telangiectasia*

    4. Hyperpigmentation of the skin*

    2559.For articular syndrome in systemic sclerosis are typical

    1. Calcification of soft tissue in the joints of the fingers*

    2. nail phalanges*

    3. Osteofitoz

    4. Spondilit

    2560.Early side effects of corticosteroids include

    1. The Development of cataracts

    2. Steroid ulcer*

    3. Osteoporosis

    4. Cushing's syndrome*

    2561.Mark the characteristic clinical manifestations of CREST syndrome

    1. Proximal Myopathy

    2. Raynaud's phenomenon*

    3. damaging of Intestine

    4. angiotelectasis*

    2562.Mark clinical manifestations are not characteristic of CREST syndrome

    1. Proximal myopathy*

    2. Fenomen Reynaud

    3. The defeat of the intestine*

    4. angiotelectasis

    2563.Which of the following symptoms are typical for primary Raynaud's phenomen

    1. exacerbation of background of emotional stress

    2. Ulcers on the fingertips*

    3. The unilateral vasospasm*

    4. Start In childhood

    2564.Which diseases can develop Raynaud's

    1. Systemic scleroderma*

    2. CRESTsyndrome*

    3. Osteoarthritis

    4. Gout

    2565.Which of the following conclusions about the phenomenon of Raynaud's true

    1. Typical pain in the fingers during cooling*

    2. Can develop gangrene of the extremities*

    3. feature of Marfan syndrome

    4. Not A sign of diffuse connective tissue diseases

    2566.Which of the following conclusions about the phenomenon of Raynaud's true

    1. Can be the first manifestation of diffuse connective tissue diseases*

    2. feature of Marfan syndrome

    3. Not A sign of diffuse connective tissue diseases

    4. Part develops with vibration disease*

    2567.An early sign of some diseases could be Raynaud's phenomenon

    1. rheumatoid arthritis

    2. eozinofilous fasciitis

    3. systemic scleroderma*

    4. systemic lupus erythematosus*

    2568.Leading pathogenetic mechanisms of systemic sclerosis

    1. Intoxication from Medicines

    2. Activation of the synthesis of collagen fibrils and formation*

    3. Disturbance of microcirculation in the skin and inside, authorities*

    4. Reduce The synthesis of collagen fibrils and formation

    2569.In the etiology of systemic scleroderma presumptive role play

    1. Genetic position*

    2. Viruses*

    3. Bacteria

    4. Insolation

    2570.Systemic scleroderma is more common

    1. Men in middle age

    2. young women*

    3. medium age women*

    4. Men and women in equal degree

    2571.Renal disease in systemic sclerosis in the form of

    1. Chronic glomerulonephritis*

    2. Pielonefritis

    3. uric stone Disease

    4. True scleroderma kidney*

    2572.For "true scleroderma kidney" is characterized by

    1. Proteiunuria up to 1 g per day

    2. Quick development of renal failure*

    3. High arterial hypertension*

    4. an isolated urinary syndrome

    2573.Dermatomyositis is characterized by all except

    1. choke

    2. Disfagii

    3. Diarrhea*

    4. Obese*

    2574.What is the reason of pneumonia in dermatomyositis

    1. As a result of the defeat of the muscles of the diaphragm*

    2. As a result of the aspiration of tracheobronchial trunk*

    3. As A result of the defeat of the microcirculation

    4. As A result of heart failure

    2575.Dermatomyositis characteristic laboratory findings include

    1. Increased transaminases*

    2. Creatinuria*

    3. Leykopenia

    4. Increased total protein

    2576.The final diagnosis is confirmed DM

    1. Skin biopsy*

    2. Muscle biopsy*

    3. Biopsiey Infarction

    4. The study of joint fluid

    2577.In severe muscle weakness in dermatomyositis is used

    1. Neostigmine*

    2. ATP, cocorbaxilase*

    3. Triamsinolon

    4. Triampur

    2578.Dermatomyositis is characterized by damage to the kidneys in the form of

    1. Diffuse glomerulonephritis with the development of chronic renal failure*

    2. "Mioglobinuric kidney" with the development of acute renal failure*

    3. Chronic Pielonephritis

    4. Amiloidosis of Kidney

    2579."Advanced" criteria dermatomyositis include

    1. Calcification of muscles*

    2. damaging of Limb muscles

    3. Paraorbital Swelling

    4. Dysphagia*

    2580.For the treatment of dermatomyositis aminohinolin drugs used in

    1. Chronic course of the disease without signs of activity*

    2. Reducing the dose of prednisone to reduce the risk of exacerbation*

    3. Acute state of the disease

    4. When Pronounced activity of the process

    2581.Which of the following symptoms are observed in polymyositis

    1. Development exacerbations during pregnancy*

    2. Atrophia of Proximal muscles

    3. Development of dysphagia*

    4. Violation Kidney function

    2582.Which of the following conclusions about dermatomyositis are correct

    1. Gotron symptom is a characteristic feature of the disease*

    2. Frequently Develop muscle contracture

    3. Frequently Develops subcutaneous calcinosis

    4. Can develop conduction disturbances*

    2583.Mark characteristic features antisintetase syndrome in polymyositis

    1. Infarction

    2. Symmetric arthritis*

    3. Interstitial lung disease*

    4. bad Response to glucocorticoid therapy

    2584.Mark the possible reasons for the lack of increase in the concentration of creatinphosphocinase polymyositis

    1. Liver disease*

    2. Lung disease

    3. Development myositis with inclusions

    4. Kidney disease

    2585. Specify 2 ECG signs of the primary rheumatic heart disease

    1. I degree atrioventricular block*

    2. decreased amplitude of the T wave*

    3. rise of STinterval

    4. STsegment depression

    2586.Mark the possible reasons for the lack of increase in the concentration of creatinphosphocinase polymyositis

    1. Treatment with corticosteroids*

    2. The presence of concomitant diseases (DBST)*

    3. Lung disease

    4. Kidney disease

    2587.Which of the following signs of chronic pancreatitis can be detected on CT

    1. Pseudocyst*

    2. Narrowing of the terminal part of common bile duct

    3. Extended virsungov duct*

    4. Spasm of the sphincter of Oddi

    2588.Which of the following can be a complication of pancreatic pseudocyst

    1. Break into the abdominal cavity*

    2. Bleeding into the cavity of the cyst*

    3. The erosion of the aorta

    4. Eansion of the digestive tract

    2589.What are the methods used in the surgical treatment of pancreatic pseudocysts formed

    1. Alcoholism

    2. Internal drainage*

    3. Laser destruction*

    4. External drainage

    2590.Which of the complications of chronic pancreatitis may require surgical treatment

    1. Blockage of the bile ducts*

    2. Narrowing Wirsung duct

    3. Stenosis of the digestive tract*

    4. Repeated bouts of acute pancreatitis

    2591.For the pancreatic pseudocyst is not complicated by suppuration, is not typical

    1. Pain syndrome

    2. Fever*

    3. Toxemia*

    4. Abdominal swelling

    2592.Although designated pankreolipazy 4 tablets (4 500IUlipazy 1 tablet) for each meal, in a patient aged 42 years, with chronic pancreatitis complicated by steatorrhea, diarrhea continues Choose possible causes steatorrhea

    1. Lack lipase activity at a given dose*

    2. Inactivation of lipase in stomach*

    3. The use of cimetidine

    4. The use of omeprazole

    2593.Select correct statements concerning congenital pancreatic cysts

    1. They are distinguished by the presence of epithelial lining of pseudocysts*

    2. If they are solitary, then manifest as intraabdominal tumor*

    3. Multiple cysts are rarely associated with other congenital anomalies

    4. The method of choice in the diagnosis of a percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography

    2594.2 What are the reasons for constipation in the pancreatitis

    1. diet poor in fiber and fat*

    2. Round antispasmodics, Almagel, pancreatin and other enzyme preparations*

    3. dieta rich in carbohydrates

    4. reception antifermental drugs

    2595.2 What are the main tasks of pathogenetic therapy in acute Pancreatitis

    1. decrease in intraductal pressure*

    2. inhibition of enzyme activity in the breast tissue*

    3. podavlenie insulin activity

    4. podavlenie activity of glucagon

    2596.2 In what vasculitis affects mainly largecaliber vessels

    1. Diseases Burger

    2. Takayasu's arteritis*

    3. temporal arteritis*

    4. gemorragichesky vasculitis

    2597. 2 For what vasulitah mainly affects the blood vessels of medium caliber

    1. Arteriit Takayasu

    2. periarteritis nodosa*

    3. Wegener's granulomatosis*

    4. visochny arteritis

    2598. For Shegren's syndrome is characterized by three symptoms

    1. mainly joint damage with the rapid development of deformations

    2. dry mucous membranes*

    3. loss of epithelial tissue in general*

    4. the plural vistceritis

    2599. 2 Which of the following are included in the group of vasculitis giant cell arteritis

    1. Granulematoz Wegener

    2. Sindrom Chardjui Strauss

    3. Takayasu's disease*

    4. Temporal arteritis*

    2600 2 Specify the state with high cardiac output

    1. Thyrotoxicosis*

    2. Severe anemia*

    3. pleurisy

    4. hepatitis

    2601. 2 What vasculitis are more common in young adults

    1. Visochny Arteritis

    2. hemorrhagic vasculitis*

    3. Kawasaki disease*

    4. periarteritis nodosa

    2602. 2 Mark the most common manifestation of periarteritis nodosa

    1. Fever*

    2. Bronchial asthma

    3. Multiple mononeuritis*

    4. All The above listed

    2603. 2 Mark characteristic feature Chardjui Strauss syndrome

    1. Eosinophilia*

    2. More than frequent lung than in nodular periarteritis*

    3. Glomerulonefrit

    4. All of the above

    2604.Mark 2 feature Henoch Schönlein

    1. Relationships with streptococcal infection*

    2. Relationships with taking penicillin*

    3. Hives

    4. The Development of splenomegaly

    2605. 2 Mark frequent manifestations periarteritis nodosa

    1. Education aneurysms in the blood vessels of medium caliber*

    2. eozinofiliya

    3. Detection of serum HBs antigen*

    4. Decrease in the concentration of complement component C3

    2606.Mark 2 feature giant cell arteritis

    1. lesion of the popliteal artery*

    2. rasslaivayuschaya aortic aneurysm

    3. blindness*

    4. City loss in young adults

    2607. 2 Which of the following indicators allow confirm the diagnosis of polymyalgia rheumatica

    1. weight loss, fever*

    2. proteinuriya

    3. is a normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate

    4. efficacy of glucocorticoid therapy*

    2608. 2 For what diseases observed the development of vasculitis

    1. systemic sclerosis*

    2. rheumatoid arthritis*

    3. opuholevy dermatomyositis

    4. all of the above

    2609. Mark 2 clinical manifestations of Kawasaki disease

    1. erythematous rash on the palms and soles*

    2. irit

    3. "Raspberry" language*

    4. Headache

    2610.2 What abnormal laboratory parameters identified in patients with giant cell arteritis

    1. Anemia*

    2. Thrombocytosis*

    3. trombotsitopeniya

    4. ponizhenie concentration of liver enzymes

    2611.Drugs that reduce the incidence of sudden death and the incidence of reinfarction

    1. plus aspirin*

    2. betablockers without intrinsic sympathomimetic activity (propranolol, metoprolol)*

    3. betablockers with intrinsic sympathomimetic activity (trazikor, whiskey)

    4. verapamil (finoptinum)

    2612. List the symptoms associated with chronic heart failure

    1. Dyspnea*

    2. In the left upper quadrant pain*

    3. headache

    4. cough

    2613. What are the signs characteristic of cardiogenic shock

    1. Hypotension*

    2. Pulse pressure greater than 30 mm Hg

    3. Bradycardia

    4. Oliguria*

    2614. Clinical manifestations of myocardial infarction of the left ventricle

    1. Pain syndrome typical localization*

    2. Pain syndrome atypical localization*

    3. Paradoxical reaction to nitroglycerin

    4. The development of hypotension after taking nitroglycerin, which previously was well tolerated

    2615. The risk of thromboembolic complications in heart rhythm disturbances increases when

    1. Atrial fibrillation*

    2. Atrial flutter*

    3. Atrial tachycardia

    4. Ventricular tachycardia

    2616. The absence of the effect of antiarrhythmic drugs on mortality, including sudden death among patients with myocardial infarction

    1. Amiodarone

    2. Sotalol*

    3. Dofetilide

    4. Azimilide*

    2617. Absolute contraindications to thrombolytic therapy for acute myocardial infarction

    1. Acute bleeding*

    2. Hemorrhagic stroke in history*

    3. Hemorrhagic diathesis

    4. Duration myocardial infarction 12 hours

    2618. Dressler Dressler's syndrome occurs at 26 weeks of the disease, with the following 3 clinical and laboratory changes

    1. Increased temperature*

    2. Increase ESR*

    3. Decrease temperature

    4. normalization ESR

    2619.Call 2 consecutive actions during resuscitation from cardiac arrest

    1. A punch in the chest*

    2. Chest compressions*

    3. Direct cardiac massage

    4. Oxygen therapy nose

    2620.List 2 kinds of early complications of myocardial infarction

    1. Arrhythmia*

    2. Cardiogenic shock*

    3. Gastrointestinal syndrome

    4. Dressler's syndrome

    2621.List the two most revealing changes in laboratory methods for diagnosis of myocardial infarction

    1. leukocytosis in the first hours to 3 days, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate to 47 hours*

    2. Hyperenzymemia*

    3. leykopeniya

    4. Decrease acute phase indicators

    2622.List the three types of early complications of myocardial infarction

    1. Arrhythmia*

    2. cardiogenic shock*

    3. thromboembolic syndrome

    4. syndrome Dressler

    2623.List 2 clinical signs of sudden cardiac arrest

    1. loss of consciousness*

    2. tonic and clonic seizures*

    3. complete absence of breathing

    4. Easy pulsation on carotid arteries

    2624.What treatment should be assigned to patients with infectious endocarditis with negative blood culture results

    1. Penicillin*

    2. Aminoglycosides*

    3. Cephalosporins

    4. Surgical treatment

    2625. For acute infective endocarditis is characterized by

    1. the presence of fever, chills*

    2. leykopenia presence*

    3. the rapid emergence of signs of renal failure

    4. All of the above

    2626. Predisposing factor for infective endocarditis are

    1. Heart disease*

    2. Embolism

    3.   Bacteremia*

    4. Arrhythmias

    2627. List the factors of high risk of IE

    1. Aortic defect*

    2. Mitral stenosis

    3. Marfan syndrome

    4. Artificial valve*

    2628.List the factors moderate risk of IE

    1. mitral valve prolapse

    2. Aortic sclerosis with calcification*

    3. Valvular pulmonary artery

    4. Implanted pacemaker*

    2629.When bacteremia how microbes in 100% of cases develop and

    1. green strepthacoccus*

    2. Staphylococcus aureus

    3. Staphylococcus epidermidis

    4. Anaerobic bacteria*

    2630.The special features of the flow of anaerobic IE includes

    1. Part of the education thrombophlebitis

    2. High fever*

    3. Frequent arterial embolism in the pulmonary vasculature, the heart*

    4. Multiple valvular lesions

    2631.The factors contributing to the adhesion of bacteria to the endothelium, are

    1. Congenital and acquired morphological changes in valves

    2. Violation of intracardiac hemodynamics in heart defects*

    3. Pronounced changes in cellular and humoral immunity*

    4. All of the above

    2632.The causes of right heart chamber IE can be

    1. Longterm venous catheterization

    2. Intracardiac diagnostic and therapeutic manipulation (cardiac catheterization,catheters, subclavian and jugular veins, pulmonary artery)

    3. Injecting drug use

    4. All of the above

    2633. List the 2 major symptoms of IE

    1. Fever, chills*

    2. Noise regurgitation) vasculitis*

    3. Nephrotic syndrome

    4. unsleep

    2634. For stage I BE characterized by the following symptoms of laboratory

    1. Increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, leukocytosis with a left shift*

    2. Increase of fibrinogen*

    3. Slowing the ESR

    4. Leukopenia

    2635.For stage II BE 2 of laboratory characterized by the following features

    1. Leukopenia, anemia*

    2. Thrombocytopenia sharp increase in gamma globulin*

    3.  Leukocytosis

    4. Polycythemia

    2636. List 2 diagnostic criteria of infectious and toxic stage BE

    1. Identification of valve defects*

    2. Plus the existence of thromboembolic syndrome*

    3. Symptoms of uremia

    4. Hemorrhages in the skin

    2637. 2 Predispose to infective endocarditis factors should be considered

    1. Transient bacteremia*

    2. The presence of artificial heart valves*

    3. nephritis

    4. None of the above

    2638.In subacute infective endocarditis may occur

    1.   myocarditis

    2. Vasculitis of small vessels*

    3.   Embolism small vessels with development of abscesses*

    4. None of the above

    2639. The most common during infectious endocarditis

    1. Acute*

    2.   Subacute*

    3. Latent

    4. Progressive

    2640. Infective endocarditis most affected 2

    1. Tricuspid valve*

    2. mitral valve

    3. Semilunar valves of the pulmonary artery

    4. aortic valve*

    2641.When endocarditis, caused by the fungus, shows the assignment

    1. Ampicillin

    2. Tetracycline

    3. Amphotericin B*

    4. Fluconazole*

    2642.In the study of blood in patients with infective endocarditis without renal insufficiency detected

    1. Positive (nonspecific) Wasserman*

    2. Positive blood culture*

    3. LE cells

    4. anemia

    2643.List 2 echoscopy signs of dilatation cardiomyopathy:

    1. diffuse dilatation of the cavities of the heart*

    2. reduction of myocardial contractility*

    3. dilation of the left ventricle

    4. myocardial dyskinesia

    2644.2 ECG signs of dilatation cardiomyopathy:

    1. decrease in voltage teeth*

    2. diffuse myocardial changes*

    3. increase in voltage teeth

    4. degenerative changes in the myocardium

    2645.List 2 ECHO features of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy:

    1. reduction in the left ventricular cavity*

    2. The asymmetry indices of ventricular septal hypertrophy*

    3. symmetrically hypertrophy of the interventricular septum

    4. right ventricular dilatation

    2646.Call 2 clinical symptoms of restrictive cardiomyopathy:

    1. an increase in heart borders left and right*

    2. systolic murmur at the apex*

    3. diastolic murmur over the aorta

    4. the rhythm of quail

    2647.List 2 ECHO feature of restrictive cardiomyopathy:

    1. early rapid filling of the ventricles*

    2. an increase in pressure in the pulmonary artery*

    3. reduction of filling pressure in both ventricles

    4. reducing the pressure in the pulmonary artery

    2648.To carry restrictive cardiomyopathy

    1. endomyocardial fibrosis*

    2. fibroplastic parietal endocarditis Leffler*

    3. alcoholic heart disease

    4. dilatation cardiomyopathy

    2649.Restrictive cardiomyopathy Treatment (2):

    1. glucocorticoid treatment*

    2. treatment with cytostatics*

    3. coagulation therapy

    4. treatment with antidepressants

    2650. What kinds of 2 type of cardiomyopathy disturbed in diastolic myocardial function:

    1. restrictive cardiomyopathy*

    2. hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

    3. dilatation cardiomyopathy*

    4. for cardiac cardiomyopathy

    2651. 2 diseases leading to diastolic heart failure

    1. Hypotension

    2. CHD*

    3. hypertrophic cardiomyopathy*

    4. Alcoholism

    2652.List 2 echoscopy signs of dilatation cardiomyopathy:

    1. decrease differences mitral valve*

    2. increasing the diastolic pressure in the left ventricle*

    3. mitral regurgitation

    4. aortal regurgitation

    2653.Drugs used in the treatment of heart failure in patients dilatation cardiomyopathy

    1. Furosemide*

    2. Etmozin

    3. Uregit*

    4. Etatsizin

    2654. Therapeutic program dilated cardiomyopathy (2):

    1. treatment of heart failure*

    2. antiarrhythmic therapy*

    3. anti-hypertensive therapy

    4. lipid-lowering therapy

    2655.Glycoside intoxication Treatment

    1. Magnesium products

    2. Potassium supplements*

    3. Betablockers during tachyarrhythmias*

    4. Strophanthin when tachyarrhythmia

    2656.Factors correcting with poor prognosis in patients with chronic heart failure

    1. High blood pressure

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