St Mary’s – Ecclesfield

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letting your forgiveness touch

all I can't forget.

4. Take the little child in me,

scared of growing old;

help him (her) here to find his (her) worth

made in Christ's own mould.

5. Take my talents, take my skills,

take what's yet to be;

let my life be yours, and yet,

let it still be me.

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608 Charles William Everest (1814-1877) based on Mark 8, alt.
1. Take up thy cross, the Saviour said,

if thou wouldst my disciple be;

deny thyself, the world forsake,

and humbly follow after me.

2. Take up thy cross - let not its weight

fill thy weak spirit with alarm:

his strength shall bear thy spirit up,

and brace thy heart, and nerve thine arm.

3. Take up thy cross, nor heed the shame,

nor let thy foolish pride rebel:

thy Lord for thee the Cross endured,

to save thy soul from death and hell.

4. Take up thy cross then in his strength,

and calmly ev'ry danger brave;

'twill guide thee to a better home,

and lead to vict'ry o'er the grave.

5. Take up thy cross, and follow Christ,

nor think till death to lay it down;

for only those who bear the cross

may hope to wear the glorious crown.

6. To thee, great Lord, the One in Three,

all praise for evermore ascend:

O grant us in our home to see

the heav'nly life that knows no end.

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609 George Herbert (1593-1633)
1. Teach me, my God and King,

in all things thee to see;

and what I do in anything

to do it as for thee.

2. A man that looks on glass,

on it may stay his eye;

or, if he pleaseth, through it pass,

and then the heav'n espy.

3. All may of thee partake;

nothing can be so mean

which, with this tincture, 'For thy sake',

will not grow bright and clean.

4. A servant with this clause

makes drudgery divine;

who sweeps a room, as for thy laws,

makes that the action fine.

5. This is the famous stone

that turneth all to gold;

for that which God doth touch and own

cannot for less be told.

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610 Graham Kendrick (b. 1950) and Steve Thompson © 1993 Make Way Music
Teach me to dance

to the beat of your heart,

teach me to move

in the powr of your Spirit,

teach me to walk

in the light of your presence,

teach me to dance

to the beat of your heart.

Teach me to love

with your heart of compassion,

teach me to trust

in the word of your promise,

teach me to hope

in the day of your coming,

teach me to dance

to the beat of your heart.
1. You wrote the rhythm of life,

created heaven and earth,

in you is joy without measure.

So, like a child in your sight,

I dance to see your delight,

for I was made for your pleasure, pleasure.

2. Let all my movements express

a heart that loves to say 'yes',

a will that leaps to obey you.

Let all my energy blaze

to see the joy in your face;

let my whole being praise you, praise you.

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611 Timothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926), based on Psalm 34 © Timothy Dudley-Smith
1. Tell his praise in song and story,

bless the Lord with heart and voice;

in my God is all my glory,

come before him and rejoice.

Join to praise his Name together,

he who hears his people's cry;

tell his praise, come wind or weather,

shining faces lifted high.

2. To the Lord whose love has found them

cry the poor in their distress;

swift his angels camped around them

prove him sure to save and bless.

God it is who hears our crying

though the spark of faith be dim;

taste and see! beyond denying

blest are those who trust in him.

3. Taste and see! In faith draw near him,

trust the Lord with all your pow'rs;

seek and serve him, love and fear him,

life and all its joys are ours:

true delight in holy living,

peace and plenty, length of days;

come, my children, with thanksgiving

bless the Lord in songs of praise.

4. In our need he walks beside us,

ears alert to ev'ry cry;

watchful eyes to guard and guide us,

love that whispers, 'It is I'.

Good shall triumph, wrong be righted,

God has pledged his promised word;

so with ransomed saints united

join to praise our living Lord!

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612 Timothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) based on Luke 1:46-55 © 1961 Timothy Dudley-Smith From Enlarged Songs of Praise'. Used by permission.
1. Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord!

Unnumbered blessings, give my spirit voice;

tender to me the promise of his word;

in God my Saviour shall my heart rejoice.

2. Tell out, my soul, the greatness of his Name!

Make known his might, the deeds his arm has done;

his mercy sure, from age to age the same;

his holy Name, the Lord, the Mighty One.

3. Tell out, my soul, the greatness of his might!

Pow'rs and dominions lay their glory by.

Proud hearts and stubborn wills are put to flight,

the hungry fed, the humble lifted high.

4. Tell out, my soul, the glories of his word!

Firm is his promise, and his mercy sure.

Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord

to children's children and for evermore!

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613 Stephen Dean © 1994 Stephen Dean. Published by OCP Publications
1. Thanks be to God whose love has gathered us today.

Thanks be to God who helps and guides us on our way;

thanks be to God who gives us voice, that we may thank him:
Deo gratias, Deo gratias,

thanks be to God most high.
2. Thanks be to God for all the gifts of life and light;

thanks be to God whose care protects us, day and night;

thanks be to God who keeps in mind us who forget him:
3. Thanks be to God who knows our secret joys and fears;

thanks be to God who when we call him, always hears;

thanks be to God our rock and strength, ever sustaining:
4. Thanks be to God who never turns his face away;

thanks be to God who heals and pardons all who stray;

thanks be to God who welcomes us into the Kingdom:
Deo gratias, Deo gratias,

thanks be to God most high.
5. Thanks be to God who made our world and all we see;

thanks be to God who gave his Son to set us free;

thanks be to God whose Spirit brings warmth and rejoicing:

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614 Jean Holloway (b. 1939) © 1994 Kevin Mayhew Ltd.
Thanks for the fellowship found at this meal,

thanks for a day refreshed;

thanks to the Lord for his presence we feel,

thanks for the food he blessed.

Joyfully sing praise to the Lord,

praise to the risen Son,

alleluia, ever adored,

pray that his will be done.

As he was known in the breaking of bread,

now is he known again,

and by his hand have the hungry been fed,

thanks be to Christ. Amen!

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615 R. T. Brooks (1918 – 1985) © 1954, renewal 1982 Hope Publishing Co. Administered by CopyCare
1. Thanks to God whose word was spoken

in the deed that made the earth:

his the voice that called a nation,

his the fires that tired its worth.

God has spoken, God has spoken:

praise him for his open word!

2. Thanks to God whose Word incarnate

heights and depths of life did share;

deeds and words and death and rising

grace in human form declare.

God has spoken, God has spoken:

praise him for his open word!

3. Thanks to God whose word was written

in the Bible's sacred page,

record of the revelation

showing God to ev'ry age.

God has spoken, God has spoken:

praise him for his open word!

4. Thanks to God whose word is published

in the tongues of ev'ry race;

see its glory undiminished

by the change of time of place.

God has spoken, God has spoken:

praise him for his open word!

5. Thanks to God whose word is answered

by the Spirit's voice within;

here we drink of joy unmeasured,

life redeemed from death and sin.

God is speaking, God is speaking:

praise him for his open word!

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616 Martin Smith © Copyright 1993 Curious? Music UK / Bucks Music Ltd.
1. Thank you for saving me;

what can I say?

You are my ev'rything,

I will sing your praise.

You shed your blood for me;

what can I say?

You took my sin and shame,

a sinner called by name.

Great is the Lord.

Great is the Lord.

For we know your truth has set us free;

you’ve set your hope in me.
2. Mercy and grace are mine,

forgiv'n is my sin;

Jesus, my only hope,

the Saviour of the world.

`Great is the Lord,' we cry;

God, let your kingdom come.

Your word has let me see,

thank you for saving me.

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617 Susan Sayers (b. 1946) © 1986 Kevin Mayhew Ltd.
1. Thank you for the summer morning,

misting into heat;

thank you for the diamonds

of dew beneath my feet;

thank you for the silver

where a snail has wandered by;

oh, we praise the name

of him who made

the earth and sea and sky.
2. Thank you for the yellow fields

of corn like waving hair;

thank you for the red surprise

of poppies here and there;

thank you for the blue of

an electric dragonfly;

oh, we praise the name

of him who made

the earth and sea and sky.
3. Thank you for the splintered light

among the brooding trees;

thank you for the leaves that rustle

in a sudden breeze;

thank you for the branches

and the fun of climbing high;

oh, we praise the name

of him who made

the earth and sea and sky.
4. Thank you for the ev'ning

as the light begins to fade;

clouds so red and purple

that the setting sun has made;

thank you for the shadows

as the owls come gliding by;

oh, we praise the name

of him who made

the earth and sea and sky.

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618 Diane Davis Andrew adapted by Geoffrey Marshall-Taylor © 1971 Celebration l Kingsway Music
1. Thank you, Lord, for this new day, (x3)

right where we are.

Alleluia, praise the Lord, (x3)

right where we are.
2. Thank you, Lord, for food to eat, (x3)

right where we are.

3. Thank you, Lord, for clothes to wear, (x3)

right where we are.

4. Thank you, Lord, for all your gifts, (x3)

right where we are.

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619 Charles Coffin (1676-1749) trans. John Chandler (1806-1876) alt.
1. The advent of our King

our prayers must now employ,

and we must hymns of welcome sing

in strains of holy joy.

2. The everlasting Son

incarnate deigns to be;

himself a servant's form puts on,

to set his servants free.

3. Daughter of Sion, rise

to meet thy lowly King;

nor let thy faithless heart despise

the peace he comes to bring.

4. As Judge, on clouds of light,

he soon will come again,

and his true members all unite

with him in heaven to reign.

5. All glory to the Son

who comes to set us free,

with Father, Spirit, ever One,

through all eternity.

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620 Sabine Baring-Gould (1834-1924), based on Birjina gaztettobat zegoen
1. The angel Gabriel from heaven came,

his wings as drifted snow, his eyes as flame

All hail,' said he, 'thou lowly maiden, Mary,

most highly favoured lady.' Gloria!

2. 'For known a blessèd Mother thou shalt be.

All generations laud and honour thee.

Thy Son shall be Emmanuel, by seers foretold,

most highly favoured lady.' Gloria!

3. Then gentle Mary meekly bowed her head.

`To me be as it pleaseth God,' she said.

`My soul shall laud and magnify his holy name.'

Most highly favoured lady! Gloria!

4. Of her, Emmanuel, the Christ, was born

in Bethlehem, all on a Christmas morn;

and Christian folk throughout the work will ever say:

`Most highly favoured lady.' Gloria!

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621 Lionel Muirhead (1845-1925) alt.
1. The Church of God a kingdom is,

where Christ in power doth reign;

where spirits yearn till, seen in bliss,

their Lord shall come again.

2. Glad companies of saints possess

this Church below, above;

and God's perpetual calm doth bless

their paradise of love.

3. An altar stands within the shrine

whereon, once sacrificed,

is set, immaculate, divine,

the Lamb of God, the Christ.

4. There rich and poor, from countless lands,

praise Christ on mystic rood;

there nations reach forth holy hands

to take God's holy food.

5. There pure life-giving streams o'erflow

the sower's garden-ground;

and faith and hope fair blossoms show,

and fruits of love abound.

6. O King, O Christ, this endless grace

to all your people bring,

to see the vision of your face

in joy, O Christ, our King.

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622 Samuel John Stone (1839-1900)
1. The Church's one foundation

is Jesus Christ, her Lord; s

he is his new creation,

by water and the word;

from heaven he came and sought her

to be his holy bride,

with his own blood he bought her,

and for her life he died.

2. Elect from ev'ry nation,

yet one o'er all the earth,

her charter of salvation,

one Lord, one faith, one birth;

one holy name she blesses,

partakes one holy food,

and to one hope she presses,

with every grace endued.

3. 'Mid toil and tribulation,

and tumult of her war,

she waits the consummation

of peace for evermore;

till with the vision glorious

her longing eyes are blest,

and the great Church victorious

shall be the Church at rest.

4. Yet she on earth hath union

with God the Three in One,

and mystic sweet communion

with those whose rest is won:

O happy ones and holy!

Lord, give us grace that we

like them, the meek and lowly,

on high may dwell with thee.

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623 St John of Damascus (c. 750) trans. John Mason Neale (1818-1866)
1. The day of resurrection!

Earth, tell it out abroad; t

he passover of gladness,

the passover of God!

From death to life eternal,

from earth unto the sky,

our Christ hath brought us over

with hymns of victory.

2. Our hearts be pure from evil,

that we may see aright

the Lord in rays eternal

of resurrection-light;

and list'ning to his accents,

may hear so calm and plain

his own `All hail' and, hearing,

may raise the victor strain.

3. Now let the heav'ns be joyful,

and earth her song begin,

the round world keep high triumph,

and all that is therein;

let all things, seen and unseen,

their notes of gladness blend,

for Christ the Lord hath risen,

our joy that hath no end.

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624 John Ellerton (1826-1893)
1. The day thou gayest, Lord, is ended:

the darkness falls at thy behest;

to thee our morning hymns ascended;

thy praise shall sanctify our rest.

2. We thank thee that thy Church unsleeping,

while earth rolls onward into light,

through all the world her watch is keeping,

and rests not now by day or night.

3. As o'er each continent and island

the dawn leads on another day,

the voice of prayer is never silent,

nor dies the strain of praise away.

4. The sun that bids us rest is waking

our brethren 'neath the western sky,

and hour by hour fresh lips are making

thy wondrous doings heard on high.

5. So be it, Lord; thy throne shall never,

like earth's proud empires, pass away;

thy kingdom stands, and grows for ever,

till all thy creatures own thy sway.

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625 Thomas Aquinas (1227-1274) trans. James Russell Woodford (1820-1885) alt.
1. Thee we adore,

O hidden Saviour, thee

who in thy sacrament

art pleased to be;

both flesh and spirit

in thy presence fail,

yet here thy presence

we devoutly hail.

2. O blest memorial

of our dying Lord,

who living bread

to all doth here afford;

O may our souls

for ever feed on thee,

and thou, O Christ,

for ever precious be.

3. Fountain of goodness,

Jesus, Lord and God,

cleanse us, unclean,

with thy most cleansing blood;

increase our faith and love,

that we may know

the hope and peace

which from thy presence flow.

4. O Christ, whom now

beneath a veil we see,

may what we thirst for

soon our portion be:

to gaze on thee unveiled,

and see thy face,

the vision of thy glory

and thy grace.

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626 From William Sandys' Christmas Carols, Ancient and Modern (1833) alt.
1. The first Nowell the angel did say

was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay:

in fields where they lay keeping their sheep,

on a cold winter's night that was so deep.

Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell

born is the King of Israel!
2. They looked up and saw a star,

shining in the east, beyond them far,

and to the earth it gave great light,

and so it continued both day and night.

3. And by the light of that same star,

three wise men came from country far;

to seek for a king was their intent,

and to follow the star wherever it went.

4. This star drew nigh to the north-west,

o'er Bethlehem it took its rest,

and there it did both stop and stay

right over the place where Jesus lay.

5. Then entered in those wise men three,

full rev'rently upon their knee,

and offered there in his presence,

their gold and myrrh and frankincense.

6. Then let us all with one accord

sing praises to our heav'nly Lord,

who with the Father we adore

and Spirit blest for evermore.

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627 Thomas Olivers (1725-1799) based on the Hebrew Yigdal alt.
1. The God of Abraham praise,

who reigns enthroned above,

Ancient of everlasting Days,

and God of love:

Jehovah, great I AM,

by earth and heav'n confessed;

we bow and bless the sacred name,

for ever blest.

2. The God of Abraham praise,

at whose supreme command

from earth we rise, and seek the joys

at his right hand:

we all on earth forsake,

its wisdom, fame and pow'r;

and him our only portion make,

our shield and tow'r.

3. The God of Abraham praise,

whose all-sufficient grace

shall guide us all our happy days,

in all our ways:

he is our faithful friend;

he is our gracious God;

and he will save us to the end,

through Jesus' blood.

4. He by himself has sworn

we on his oath depend

we shall, on eagles' wings upborne,

to heav'n ascend:

we shall behold his face,

we shall his pow'r adore,

and sing the wonders of his grace

for evermore.

5. The whole triumphant host

give thanks to God on high:

`Hail, Father, Son and Holy Ghost!'

they ever cry:

Hail, Abraham's God and ours!

We join the heav'nly throng,

and celebrate with all our pow'rs

in endless song.

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628 George Herbert (1593-1633) based on Psalm 23
1. The God of love my shepherd is,

and he that doth me feed;

while he is mine and I am his,

what can I want or need?

2. He leads me to the tender grass,

where I both feed and rest;

then to the streams that gently pass:

in both I have the best.

3. Or if I stray, he doth convert,

and bring my mind in frame,

and all this not for my desert,

but for his holy name.

4. Yea, in death's shady black abode

well may I walk, nor fear;

for thou art with me, and thy rod

to guide, thy staff to bear.

5. Surely thy sweet and wondrous love

shall measure all my days;

and, as it never shall remove,

so neither shall my praise.

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629 Martin E. Leckebusch (b. 1962) © 2004 Kevin Mayhew Ltd.
1. The gracious invitation stands

for any who will come;

the Father runs with open arms

to children heading home

and all who trudge with weary feet

along life's dusty road

receive at last a welcome chance

to lose their heavy load.

2. No longer need we clothe our lives

in garments soiled and torn

when Christ gives robes of righteousness

for what was old and worn:

to those bereft of dignity

and yearning to be whole,

forgiveness brings the healing pow'r

which liberates the soul.

3. When all that busy lives produce

is dry futility,

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