Research: Theory, Method, Practice
Lecture 2;
Stefan Arnborg, KTH
Why Greek science??
• Well studied and documented
• Greek classicism shapes our way of
seeing the world.
• Greek society cruel: Slaves, Wars,
Racism,Oppression of women
(i.e., like Europe)
Thales -585
Anaximander 611-547
Anaximenes -502
Pythagoras 570-508
Parmenides 510-
Zenon 488-
Empedokles 450 Herakleitos 540-480
Anaxagoras 500-428
Herodotos 425 Protagoras 420
Demokritos 460-370
Sokrates 469-399, Antisthenes
Platon 428-348
Aristoteles 384-322
Arkimedes -300 E Euklides
Epikureos 342-270
Epiktetus 50-125 Poseidonius
Theory of Evolution
• First account by Anaximandros,
including sketch of natural selection
• Based on mechanistic view, not
Intelligent Design
• Restated by Empedocles
• Rejected by Aristotle as implausible.
Teleological explanation. Important
paradim shift (in ’wrong’ direction).
Modern theory of Evolution
• Based on careful collection of supporting observations
(many of which can also be found in Aristotle: Parts of
• Refutable by age of earth (Kelvin could not know about
heating by radioactivity ) and lack of understanding of
genetics (Mendel’s work had been unnoticed)
• Still considered somewhat daring, but (almost) only
remaining hypothesis.
Greek Astronomy
• Relied on Eastern knowledge (Persia, India,…)
• Predict eclipses (Thales, 585 BC)
• Sizes of earth, moon, the zodiac to within 1%
• Size of sun : Aristarkos 180 times earth ->
Heliocentrism as a plausible model
• Poseidonius (teacher of Cicero):
Size of sun 6000 tim es earth (50% low)
Explanation of tidal water (sun, moon) -
made possible tidal water tables
• Aristotle Hipparkus and Ptolemai geocentrists
• Appolonius: Defined both conic sections and
the epicycle system.
… and in the west?
• Copernicus: Sun might be the center because of its majestic
appearance? (similar to Aristarkos quantified argument)
• However, predictions based on heliocentrism inferior
• It took more than 100 years before Kepler saved the
heliocentric view by using Appolonius conic sections instead of
his epicycles.
If the heliocentricists had followed a scientific method, they
should have rejected their hypothesis(Feyerabend).
Aristarchus On the Sizes and
Distances of Sun and Moon
Tycho Brahe’s system
• The moon and sun
circle around earth, but
planets around the sun
• Absence of stellar
parallax indicates
• Also convenient
and safe wrt church,
• Which made Kepler a
looser, undeservedly
because his system is
’almost right’.
Tycho Brahe: First ’Big Science’
• The construction of Uranienborg consumed a
sizeable proportion of Danish State Income.
• Tycho Brahe was the first (documented) ’Big
Science’ performer
• He had to motivate his needs by writing
horoscopes for kings and their like
• Todays big scientists also have to motivate
their needs by guessing about the practical
use of their expensive equipment
• Not unique for Greek philosophers
• Democrit, Leukippos, from observations of life
cycles and chemical processes
• Epikuros combined it with an ethics of no
after-life, explicated in one of the great
antique works of literature, Lucretius ‘ De
Rerum Natura’, On the Order of Nature.
The ‘Dark ages’
• Greek science and literature survived in the Byzantine and
Muslim worlds
• Applied to rational analysis of theological problems (Ibn Rushd),
medicine (Ibn Sina), social science (Ibn Khaldun).
• Grinding halt after destruction of Baghdad (1258) and conquest
of Constantinople (1453)
• Translated to Latin from Greek and Arabic (Plato, Aristotle)
• Aristotle surpasses Plato as ‘the Philosopher’,
treated as semi-god rather than human.
• Scholasticism - fascinating, but not in line with course
Islamic Science
• The first islamic law schools (ca 800), e.g., in Fez,
developed the academic degree system and CV
concept (Doctor’s degree, promotion and hat) which
were taken over by Bologna and Padua, and still exist
• Mufti -> professor of opinion (fatwa), mostly in law,
• Faqih -> Master, licenced to practice profession
• Muddaris -> Doctor, licensed to teach
Islamic Scholars
• Ibn Sina (Avicenna), ca 1000, practice
based medicine (antibiotics, vaccines
• Ibn Rushd (Averroes), ca 1200,
precursor of scholasticism, mixing
‘axioms’ in the form of Quran
statements with observations, deriving
new truth by syllogism. Saved Aristotle.
Ibn Khaldun (ca 1360):
• Politician, social scientist, historian, economist.
• First statements of market theory, importance of
stable institutions, property right, stable currency
• First scientific Marxist (without political program):
Power and wealth distribution depends on how
production is organized
• ‘Anyone can have ideas, but only through words and
language can you convince’
1665 - Alchemy
1666 - Calculus
1667 - Fellow, Trinity College
1669 - professor
1682-4 Principia
1689 - Parlamentarian
1692 - Opticks
1696 - Royal Mint
1703 - Royal Society
1733 - Daniel and Apocalypse
First modern or last ancient??
Modern Global University system: clever and delicate
merge of enlightenment inspired French ‘Grandes Ecoles’
and German idealism, worked out by Wilhelm von Humboldt,
Friedrich Althoff, and Eduard Spranger.
• Visualize data in such a way that the
important aspects are obvious - A
good visualization strikes you as a
punch between your eyes
(Tukey, 1970)
• Pioneered by Florence Nightingale,
first female member of
Royal Statistical Society, inventor of
pie charts and performance metrics
Three Inconvenient Germans
• Karl Marx (1818-1883) Class,
Organization of Production, Revolution,
’Making Hegel practical’
• Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900).
Aesthetics revolutionized, existentialist
and post-modernity icon
• Sigmund Freud (1856-1938), discoverer
of the unconscious
Social Science for improvement
• Naive positivism: Measure, analyze,
find causes of ‘bad things’, remove
• Intervention: Document indicators
before and after. Problems: Hawthorne,
outcome definition, spill-over,
confounders, ethics.
Social Science Agenda
• Critical Theory: Find obstacles for
emancipation, and implementation
• Scientific validity?
• Evidence based everything:
• Study phenomenon (education, health
care, civil service) as a preparation for
intervention study
Standard view on Math Phil
• Mathematical results are certain
• Mathematics is objective
• Proofs are essential
• Diagrams are unnecessary
• Mathematics is safely founded in logic
• Independent of senses
• Cumulative, setbacks trivial
• Computer proofs are kosher
• Some exotic problems in math are unsolvable
What is a good Math result?
• Somewhat difficult to find
• Fits into an existing paradigm (there are
several), ’significant result’.
• Correct if agreed to be correct by reviewers
• Most results are forgotten - if there are errors,
no-one finds them
• Most accepted results continue to be correct.
• However, acceptance is not proof of
Exemplar paradigms in math
• Socrates in Plato’s Meno - arguments less formalized
than ‘modern’ proofs. Similar methods applied, e.g.,
by Pytagoreans
• Aristotle/Euclid: Rigor stepped up, exemplary until
• Newton, Leibniz, Maxwell, Euler, Stokes
new math rather confused, carried by community of
practitioners (Wranglers)
• Critizised by Bishop Berkeley: The Analyst.
• Bolzano, Weierstrass, Cauchy, Dedekind:
Foundations of ‘rigorous analysis’.
Analysis ‘King’ of Math.
Cambridge Wranglers
-Created the math you studied:
Green, Stokes, Macauly, Routh
Maxwell, Larmor,
Cunningham, Dirac…
-Competitive math
examination aimed at ranking
candidates for fellowships --
-Appointments for life with no
particular duties -- often
awarded at age 20-25
Foundational Crises
• Hilbert last polymath: 23 centennium problems in
1900. Hilbert’s program.
• Russell, Whitehead: Realize logical foundation:
develop all of math within logic.
• Surprise: Math and computation undecidable (Gödel,
Turing). Several of Hilbert’s problems not solvable.
• Constructivism/Intuitionism: Only what can be
‘intuited’ can be real. Scientific Computation
• Computational Complexity (& Algorithms)
• Math ‘educational’ crisis: interest waning, culture
disappears (Matematikdelegationen).
Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory
with Axiom of Choice (ZFC)
• Extensionality: Two sets are the same if they have the same
• Empty set: There is set with no element.
• Pairing: for sets x and y there is a set containing x and y,
and nothing else.
• Union: for any set F there is a set containing every member
of every member of F
• Infinity: There is an infinite set, eg {{},{{},{{}}},…}
• Axiom (schema) of specification: For every set x and
property P, there is a set consisting of those members of x
satisfying P.
• Replacement:
Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory
with Axiom of Choice (cont)
• Axiom of separation (definition): For every set x and property P, there is
a set consisting of those members of x satisfying P (and only those).
• Replacement: For a function f and subset of its range x, there is a set
containing the image of x,
{y:y=f(z) | z ∈ x}
• Power set: For set x, there is a set consisting of the subsets of x
• Regularity: Every non-empty set x contains an element y disjoint from it.
• Axiom of Choice: Given a set x of mutually disjoint non-empty sets, there
is a set containing exactly one element from each member of x
Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory
• The safest and most accepted logical foundation of
• Consistency of ZFC cannot be proven within ZFC
• Consistency can be shown with forcing (Paul
Cohen), as well as the independence of the
Continuum Hypothesis (Hilbert’s first problem) and
other somewhat subtle things
Intuitionism/constructivism is
• Building on the positive integers, weaving a web of
ever more sets and more functions, we get the basis
structures of mathematics. Everything attaches itself
to number, and every mathematical statement
ulötimately expresses the fact that if we perform
certain computations within the set of integers, we
shall get certain results. Even the most abstract
mathematical statement has a computational basis.
(Bishop & Bridges, 1985)
This book argues that
conceptual metaphor
plays a central,
defining role in
ideas within the
cognitive unconscious-
from arithmetic and
algebra to sets and
logic to infinity in all of
its forms: transfinite
numbers, points at
infinity, infinitesimals,
and so on.
Alan Turing Halting Theorem
First result in computational
It is not possible for a computer
to decide whether or not a
computer computation
(with unbounded memory)
will terminate.
Prof by reduction: If such a
method exists, a program can
be constructed which must
terminate and also must not
The Art of Computer Programming
D.E. Knuth.
Started 1962.
Vol 1: Fundamental Algorithms, 1968
Vol 2: Seminumerical Algorithms, 1970
Vol 3: Searching and Sorting, 1973
TeX, ….
Vol 4: Combinatorial Algorithms,
Vol 5: Syntactical Algorithms
Vol 6: Theory of Languages
Vol 7: Compilers
• Measure performance asymptotically
• Multiplication Example:
as in school:
• Smarter: Fourier transform,
Multiplication lower bound: , since you must
look at every input bit.
• There is typically a (very) significant gap between
lower and upper asymptotic bounds
The Turing Machine
Opening a combination
lock is difficult
Unless you know its combination,
10 61 78 20 12,
you must try a billion combinations
Winners of Cipher Challenge
RSA cryptosystem uses that primality is easy, but factorization
is difficult (Rivest, Shamir, Amir, 1971)
Produce two large
primes and multiply
them. Produce a
pair of keys (E,D).
With the product and
E (public key) you
can encrypt messages
but you can only
decrypt if you have
D and the product,
or know E and the
RSA secrets are temporary!
Year Largest prime Biggest factorization
Long ago 10 digits
1957 1000 digits
1982 13400 digits 77
2005 8.7 million digits 155 digits
One day your key will be factorizable!
Or, this day may be tomorrow
Or yesterday for a paranoic cryptographer
With time, the chart of
complexity classes has
become embarrassingly
complex. And it rests on
unproved conjectures.
Logics of knowledge and belief
Combinatorial optimization
Feasible problems
Parallelizable problems
2006: 442 classes in the
complexity zoo
Zero-knowledge proofs
• Graph 3-colorability :
• Given graph (V,E), known by both
p(rover) and v(erifier). Only p has
access to a 3-coloring φ: V→{1,2,3}
• In each round:
p permutes colors, randomization π
sends each π(i) in sealed envelope to v.
v asks for two specific adjacent vertices i,j, and
p unlocks them. Now v can verify φ(i)≠ φ(j).
• v has probability ≥1/|E| to reveal a bluff in each round
- if there is one
Fundamental tool for cryptographic
protocol analysis:
•Key exchange and verification
•Digital Cash: Anonymity, check against
multiple spending …
•Voting: No cheating, anonymity, no selling
of votes …
=? 0100100010100010001111110
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