Minutes of keyworth parish council meeting held in the

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Chairman: Cllr Grice.

Parish Councillors: Abbey (Borough/Parish), Keith Barton, Sheila Barton, Debbie Boote (Borough/Parish), Sam Boote (Borough/Parish), Butler, Cane, Chmara, Erwin, Harding, Pinder, Watts.

Also present: Neil Grocock (Clerk); County/Borough Cllr Cottee; one member of the public.
Prior to the meeting, Cllr Grice reported that he had written a letter of congratulation to local resident Derek Gee, awarded an MBE in the New Year’s Honours List for services to business, charity and the community.
15/8433 Apologies

  • Apologies were received from Cllrs Oakley and Wells, and the reasons for absence ACCEPTED.

15/8434 Declarations of Interest

  • Cllrs Sheila Barton, Chmara and Grice each declared an interest in item 15/8439a (reimbursements/chairman’s allowance).

15/8435 Minutes

  • The minutes of the meeting on 8.12.14 were APPROVED and signed by Cllr Grice as a true record.

15/8436 Matters Arising

  • (15/8423) Streetwise Presentation: Cllr Grice commented that the Facilities Manager had subsequently obtained quotations for RoSPA inspections from Streetwise, but these had not, in fact, proved to be competitive.

  • (15/8425) Parking: Cllr Sam Boote reported on a meeting which he and Cllrs Abbey, Debbie Boote and Cottee had had with representatives of Rushcliffe Borough Council; there was likely to be a further meeting in a few weeks’ time.

  • (15/8425) Remedi: Cllr Grice reported that he had received no further news regarding the possibility of young offenders being involved in various projects around the village.

  • (15/8428b) Table Tennis Club/Scouts: Cllr Grice reported that Keyworth Table Tennis Club and 1st Keyworth Scouts now wanted leases over the Rectory field pavilion and changing rooms respectively; he was trying to arrange a further meeting with the Table Tennis Club, and had invited the Scouts to make a presentation at the March Full Council meeting regarding plans to convert the changing rooms into a shooting range.

  • (15/8432) Groundsman’s Hut: Cllr Cane reported that she had not yet spoken to the Facilities Manager about the “mess” behind the groundsman’s hut.

  • (15/8432) Double-yellow Lines in Conservation Area: Cllr Cottee reported that he was still looking into the matter.

15/8437 Correspondence

  • The following items had been included in the briefing notes for the meeting:

  • Email correspondence re a proposed interment of cremated remains which was not strictly permissible following the recent change in Burial Ground regulations in respect of non-resident interments (15/8414b 3.11.14).

  • Cllr Grice had been handed a petition with some eighty signatures immediately prior to the meeting.

  • Cllr Grice explained that, whilst the deceased did not qualify as a ‘resident’ according to the revised regulations, she had been born, and had lived for more than fifty years, in the village, and had always had very strong family connections in Keyworth.

  • After due discussion, it was unanimously AGREED that the interment should be allowed, and that the wording of the regulations should be given further consideration at the next meeting of the Facilities committee.

  • Email from Keith and Carol Sutcliffe re Village Hall – NOTED_.__Email_from_Emma_Piper,_Keyworth_Show_Secretary_re_Keyworth_Show_–_NOTED'>NOTED.

  • Email from Emma Piper, Keyworth Show Secretary re Keyworth Show – NOTED.

  • Emails from two residents re Dog Fouling:

  • Cllr Grice suggested a watching brief for the time being and, if problems became widespread, he might consider making an appeal to dog owners via the Keyworth News.

  • Cllr Cottee commented that, if the Borough Council was made aware of problems, it could focus the dog warden on particular locations.

  • Guide to the Local Council Award Scheme – NOTED.

Late item

  • Letter from Keyworth Choir re possible donation of painting of Feignies: Cllr Chmara undertook to liaise with Keyworth Choir.

15/8438 Facilities

  1. Minutes dated 15.12.14

  • The minutes of the meeting on 15.12.14 were NOTED and the decisions therein APPROVED.

  1. Rectory Field – Fencing/Barrier(s)

  • Finance & Risk minute 15/7487 19.1.15 also refers.

  • Thee quotations for fencing and two for a barrier/gate had been included in the briefing notes for the meeting.

  • Cllr Grice explained that the proposals involved closing off the turning circle except for use by 1st Keyworth Scouts and in other exceptional circumstances, and that the fencing would incorporate sections which could be removed when necessary, e.g. for the Keyworth Show.

  • The expenditure was APPROVED as recommended by the Finance & Risk committee, and quotations of £1562 (barrier/gate) and £5074 (fencing) were ACCEPTED.

  • Cllr Pinder stressed the importance of contractors being aware of services (the danger of damaging power lines etc.) and the need to ensure that contractors had adequate public liability cover. Cllr Grice assured Cllr Pinder that the Facilities Manager would make appropriate enquiries before placing orders.

  1. Rectory Field/Memorial Gates Hard Standing

  • Finance & Risk minute 15/7486 19.1.15 also refers.

  • A quotation had been included in the briefing notes for the meeting.

  • Expenditure in the region of £4k was APPROVED, as recommended by the Finance & Risk committee, subject to at least one alternative quotation being obtained by the Facilities Manager.

  1. Play Area Surface

  • A quotation (£16012) for resurfacing and extra equipment, obtained by Keyworth Community Park Project, had been included in the briefing notes for the meeting.

  • Cllr Grice explained that the Community Park Project has offered to donate £14919 it had raised, on the understanding that the Parish Council would make up the rest of the amount in the quotation and get the work done; he added that:

  • Financial Regulation 11.1h would need to be suspended in this instance, in the absence of alternative quotations.

  • The improvements would be subject to approval by Rushcliffe Borough Council (in accordance with terms of legal agreement) and Notts County Council (in accordance with terms of lease).

  • After due consideration, it was AGREED that the Council should: make up the remainder of the amount required, suspending Financial Regulation 11.1h in this instance on the grounds that acceptance of the quotation provided was a condition of the donation; and, subject to approval by the Borough and County Councils, arrange for the work to be carried out. It was also AGREED that the various members of the Community Park Project should be commended for their efforts.

  1. Village Hall Kitchen

  • Cllr Chmara reported that she and Cllrs Cane and Oakley had met with interested hirers on 22.1.15, the following ideas being among those discussed:

  • New, probably smaller, warming cupboard.

  • New flooring.

  • New dishwasher, microwave and fridge.

  • New shutters.

  • New sink unit.

  1. Red Telephone Kiosk

  • Cllr Cane reported that she had secured outside funding of £1.5k for a defibrillator in the square or the telephone kiosk, and a further £1k would be required from the Parish Council.

  • After due discussion, it was AGREED that: the Parish Council would contribute £1k; the defibrillator should be located in the telephone kiosk and inspected weekly by the Facilities Manager; shops in the square should be asked to display signs drawing attention to the defibrillator.

15/8439 Finance:

  1. Schedule of Payments/Reimbursements

  • A schedule of payments and reimbursements, included in the briefing notes for the meeting, was APPROVED - see Appendix 1.

  1. Finance & Risk Minutes dated 19.1.15

  • The minutes of the meeting on 19.1.15 were NOTED and the decisions therein APPROVED.

  • Cllr Grice drew attention to the extra work to be done on the new heating system, to facilitate temperature control in the Centenary Lounge, and to improve the heating in the Feignies Room (15/7486); a quotation had been accepted for the former, and the Facilities Manager was liaising with the contractor in respect of the latter.

  1. 2015/16 Budget/Precept

  • The budget for approval had been included in the briefing notes for the meeting.

  • The Clerk pointed out that a number of relatively minor amendments had been made to the budget since it was approved by the Finance & Risk committee (15/7488c 19.1.15).

  • Cllr Grice pointed out that:

  • Whilst the budget proposed an increase in the precept, the Parish council tax would, in fact, reduce marginally due to an increase in the tax base.

  • Once again, the budget included a provision for an as yet non-existent activity park; this, surely, could not continue year after year.

  • The budget for gas and electricity had been difficult to work out with any degree of accuracy, bearing in mind the new heating system.

  • The budget included a provision of £10k for the proposed Village Hall kitchen improvements, but this was only a very rough estimate which needed to be firmed up as soon as possible.

  • The Clerk explained that:

  • Budgeting for no increase in hire fees might seem pessimistic, but fees had been significantly below budget in the first nine months of 2014/15, and this was not entirely a result of income lost while the heating work was underway.

  • The budget for Burial Ground fees might also seem low bearing in mind the level of income in the first nine months of 2014/15, but it would be as well not to draw too many conclusions until a clear pattern had emerged.

  • After due consideration, the budget, including a precept of £165k, was APPROVED – see Appendix 2.

  1. Precept Leaflet

  • The precept leaflet, included in the briefing notes for the meeting, was APPROVED – see Appendix 3.

  1. Reserves Policy

  • Finance & Risk minute 15/7488e 19.1.15 also refers.

  • The recommended reserves policy, incorporating a review of the Council’s reserves as at 31.12.14, had been included in the briefing notes for the meeting.

  • Cllr Grice commented that the basic policy was to continue maintaining minimum uncommitted reserves of £90k, which seemed reasonable bearing in mind that the Council was responsible for fixed assets valued at more than £1 million; however, the review of reserves highlighted the likelihood of substantial surplus reserves in the near future, and the Council needed to firm up its spending plans in respect of various projects as soon as possible, the proposed development of the Burial Ground being a case in point.

  • After due consideration, the reserves policy was APPROVED (see Appendix 4), and it was AGREED that, as recommended by the Finance & Risk committee, the aim should be to complete the following projects/initiatives by the end of the financial year (31.3.14):

  • Hard standing near Memorial gates.

  • Rectory field fencing.

  • Resurfacing play area.

  • Defibrillator.

  • Cllr Pinder raised the question of the proposed picnic tables on the Rectory field; Cllr Grice pointed out that no quotations had been obtained thus far, and Cllr Pinder undertook to attend to this.

15/8440 Planning

  1. Minutes dated 12.1.15

  • The minutes of the meeting on 12.1.15 were NOTED and the decisions therein APPROVED.

  • (15/2538e) Cllr Barton commented that the Parish Council had been criticised in some quarters for having voted against the application for an ATM at Sainsbury’s; Cllr Abbey pointed out that the objection by the Parish Council’s Planning committee (15/2519b 10.11.14) had been largely on safety grounds (narrow pavement, traffic alongside); the police had also raised concerns with the Borough Council; she added that the ultimate decision had been by Rushcliffe Borough Council, and that it had been a cross-party decision.

  1. Neighbourhood Plan Update

  • Cllr Abbey reported that the seven-week public consultation period had closed on 24.11.15; there had been lots of interest from the public, and many constructive comments had been received; it appeared that many residents had, as she hoped they would, inspected the full draft plan on the Council website rather than relying wholly on the summary booklet.

15/8441 Other Issues

  1. Old Co-op Premises - Feedback

  • Feedback received had been included in the briefing notes for the meeting - NOTED.

  • Cllr Sam Boote reported that he understood a firm cash offer to have been made for the freehold of the premises, and that there had also been an offer to rent.

  1. NatWest Closure

  • An email from Cllr Grice to the NatWest had been included in the briefing notes for the meeting, along with two emails received from residents.

  • The email from Cllr Grice was APPROVED and the other items were NOTED.

  • It was AGREED that Cllrs Grice and Sam Boote should represent the Parish Council, alongside representatives of Radcliffe-on-Trent Parish Council, at a forthcoming meeting with NatWest.

  • Cllr Sam Boote updated the Council as regards:

  • Demonstration outside NatWest on 17.1.15.

  • Petition – around one thousand signatures already.

  • Similar initiatives in Radcliffe-on-Trent.

  • Coverage in Nottingham Post and possibly, in the near future, on local television.

  • Further protest planned for 28.1.15.

  • Cllr Boote commented that credit was due to Pru Hobson-West and Alex Demetriou who had been active in leading the campaign.

  • Cllr Cottee offered to visit Royal Bank of Scotland Head Office in Edinburgh.

15/8442 Questions

  • Cllr Sheila Barton pointed out that there were concerns regarding fracking in the area; Cllr Grice commented that very little was known as yet, and suggested that the Parish Council was not in a position to comment at this stage.

There being no further business, the chairman closed the meeting at approximately 8.30pm.

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