Karl marx an Intellectual Biography Rolf Hosfeld

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  1. Dolf Sternberger, Panorama oder Ansichten vom 19. Jahrhundert (Frankfurt am Main, 1974), 27.

  2. Marx and Engels, Manifesto of the Communist Party, in MECW, vol. 6, 487, 489.

  3. Marx, Notebooks on Epicurean Philosophy, Sixth Notebook, in MECW, vol. 1, 491.

  4. Marx and Engels, Manifesto of the Communist Party, in MECW, vol. 6, 489f.

  5. Marx, “Illustrations of the Latest Exercise in Cabinet Style of Frederick Wil- liam IV,” in MECW, vol. 3, 209.

  6. Alfred Meißner, Ich traf auch Heine in Paris: Unter Künstlern und Revolutionären in den Metropolen Europas (Berlin, 1973), 103.

  7. Marx, Herr Vogt, in MECW, vol. 17, 79.

  8. Engels, “On the History of the Communist League,” in MECW, vol. 26, 318.

  9. Marx, “Critical Marginal Notes on the Article ‘The King of Prussia and Social Reform: By a Prussian,’” in MECW, vol. 3, 201.

  10. Waltraud Seidel-Höppner, Wilhelm Weitling (Berlin, 1961), 63 ff.

  11. Engels, “On the History of the Communist League,” in MECW, vol. 26, 319f.

  12. Seidel-Höppner, Wilhelm Weitling, 71f.

  13. McLellan, Karl Marx, 156.

  14. Engels, “On the History of the Communist League,” in MECW, vol. 26, 318f.

  15. Marx to Proudhon, 5 May 1846, in MECW, vol. 38, 39.

  16. McLellan, Karl Marx, 159.

  17. Marx to Annenkow, 28 December 1846, in MECW, vol. 38, 96.

  18. Gurvitch, Dialektik und Soziologie, 120.

  19. Quoted in McLellan, Karl Marx, 92, 63.

  20. Engels, “On the History of the Communist League,” in MECW, vol. 26, 313.

  21. Quoted in McLellan, Karl Marx, 170.

  22. Marx, Wage Labour and Capital, in MECW, vol. 9, 213.

  23. Engels, The Condition of the Working Class in England, in MECW, vol. 4, 581.

  24. Engels, “On the History of the Communist League,” in MECW, vol. 26, 321.

  25. Friedrich Leßner, “Erinnerungen eines Arbeiters an Karl Marx,” in Erinnerun- gen an Karl Marx, 174.

  1. Marx and Engels, Communist Manifesto, in MECW, vol. 6, 481.

  2. Marx, The Poverty of Philosophy, in MECW, vol. 6, 211.

  3. Marx and Engels, Communist Manifesto, in MECW, vol. 6, 497, 518.

  4. Hegel, Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences, §147, OUP, 208.

  5. Marx and Engels, Communist Manifesto, in MECW, vol. 6, 495.

  6. Sternberger, Gerechtigkeit für das neunzehnte, 79.

  7. Engels, “The Movement of 1847,” in MECW, vol. 6, 529.

  8. Engels to Emil Blank, 28 March 1848, in MECW, vol. 38, 169.

  9. Fanny Lewald, Erinnerungen aus dem Jahre 1848 (Frankfurt am Main, 1969), 22f.

  10. Croce, History of Europe, 168.

  11. Marx, “Persecution of Foreigners in Brussels,” in MECW, vol. 6, 567.

  12. Marx to the Editor of La Réforme, in MECW, vol. 6, 565.

  13. McLellan, Marx, S. 200

  14. Marx, “Persecution of Foreigners in Brussels,” in MECW, vol. 6, 568.

  15. Marx and Engels, Communist Manifesto, in MECW, vol. 6, 493.

  16. Engels to Marx, 8 March 1848, in MECW, vol. 38, 160.

  17. Carl Friedrich Graf Vitzthum von Eckstädt to his mother, 5 March 1848, in

Revolutionsbriefe 1848/49, ed. Rolf Weber (Leipzig, 1973), 40f.

  1. Carl Friedrich Graf Vitzthum von Eckstädt to his mother, 13 March 1848, in Weber, Revolutionsbriefe, 52f.

  2. Quoted in Wilhelm Blos, Die Deutsche Revolution von 1848 bis 1849 (Berlin, 1923), 112; quotation translated by Bernard Heise.

  3. Quoted in ibid., 128; quotation translated by Bernard Heise.

  4. Rudolf Virchow to his father, 19 March 1848, in Weber, Revolutionsbriefe, 68; quotation translated by Bernard Heise.

  5. Ibid., 70; quotation translated by Bernard Heise.

  6. Adolph von Menzel to Carl Heinrich Arnold, 23 March 1848, Weber, Revolu- tionsbriefe, 77; quotation translated by Bernard Heise.

  7. Ibid., 80; quotation translated by Bernard Heise.

  8. Marx to Engels, 16 March 1848, in MECW, vol. 38, 162.

  9. Engels, “On the History of the Communist League,” in MECW, vol. 26, 323.

  10. Engels to Marx, 25 April 1848, in MECW, vol. 38, 173.

  11. G. Mallinckrodt to his son Gustav, 5 March 1848, in Weber, Revolutionsbriefe,


  1. Engels to Marx, 25 April 1848, in MECW, vol. 38, 172.

  2. Otto Camphausen an W. Lenssen, 23 March 1848, in Weber, Revolutionsbriefe,

85; quotation translated by Bernard Heise.

  1. Gustav Mevissen to David Hansemann, 21 March 1848, in Weber, Revolu- tionsbriefe, 75; quotation translated by Bernard Heise.

  2. Marx and Engels, Communist Manifesto, in MECW, vol. 6, 518.

  3. Mehring, Karl Marx, 185.

  4. Jacques Droz, “Die Ursprünge der Sozialdemokratie in Deutschland,” in Droz,

Geschichte des Sozialismus, vol. 3, 20.

  1. Engels, “On the History of the Communist League,” in MECW, vol. 26, 325.

  2. Stefan Born to Karl Marx, 11 May 1848, in Weber, Revolutionsbriefe, 144; quo- tation translated by Bernard Heise.

  3. Marx, Herr Vogt, in MECW, vol. 17, 80.

  1. Engels, “On the History of the Communist League,” in MECW, vol. 26, 325f.

  2. Marx and Engels, “The Programmes of the Radical-Democratic Party and of the Left at Frankfurt,” in MECW, vol. 7, 49.

  3. Marx and Engels, “The Democratic Party,” in MECW, vol. 7, 27.

  4. Marx and Engels, “The Crisis and the Counterrevolution,” in MECW, vol. 7, 431.

  5. Marx and Engels, “News from Paris,” in MECW, vol. 7, 128.

  6. Marx and Engels, “The 23rd of June,” in MECW, vol. 7, 130.

  7. Marx, “The Class Struggles in France 1848 to 1850,” in MECW, vol. 10, 70.

  8. Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, in MECW, vol. 11, 111.

  9. Marx, “The Class Struggles in France 1848 to 1850,” in MECW, vol. 10, 71.

  10. Marx and Engels, “The 24th of June,” in MECW, vol. 7, 138.

  11. Hobsbawm, The Age of Revolution 1789–1848 (New York, 1996), 66.

  12. Marx and Engels, “German Foreign Policy and the Latest Events in Prague,” in MECW, vol. 7, 212.

  13. Marx and Engels, “The Russian Note,” in MECW, vol. 7, 308.

  14. Marx and Engels, “The Victory of the Counter-revolution in Vienna,” in

MECW, vol.7, 505f.

  1. Meißner, Ich traf auch Heine in Paris, 215.

  2. Marx, “The Revolutionary Movement,” in MECW, vol. 8, 214. 79. Ibid., 215.

  1. Marx and Engels, “The Danish-Prussian Armistice,” in MECW, vol 7, 421– 423.

  2. Wilhelm Ribhegge, Das Parlament als Nation: Die Frankfurter Nationalversamm- lung 1848/49 (Düsseldorf, 1998), 85ff.; quotation translated by Bernard Heise.

  3. Hegel, Philosophy of History, 117.

  4. Marx and Engels, “The Danish-Prussian Armistice,” in MECW, vol. 7, 422.

  5. Marx and Engels, “The Victory of the Counter-Revolution in Vienna,” in

MECW, vol. 7, 503.

  1. Engels, “The Magyar Struggle,” in MECW, vol. 8, 236. 86. Ibid., 238.

87. Engels, “Democratic Pan-Slavism,” in MECW, vol. 8, 372. 88. Ibid., 378.

89. Engels, “Democratic Pan-Slavism,” in MECW, vol. 8, 368. 90. Ibid., 365.

91. Ibid., 217f.

  1. Friedrich Wilhelm IV of Prussia to Christian Carl Josia Bunsen, in Weber,

Revolutionsbriefe, 331; quotation translated by Bernard Heise.

  1. Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, in MECW, vol. 11, 107.

  2. Engels, “Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Germany,” in MECW, vol. 11, 5.

  3. Marx to Engels, 23 August 1849, in MECW, vol. 38, 213.

  4. Marx to Engels, 23 August 1849, in MECW, vol. 38, 212.

  5. Engels to Harney, 5 October 1849, in MECW, vol. 38, 217.

  6. Francois Bédarida, “Der englische Sozialismus von 1848 bis 1875,” in Droz,

Geschichte des Sozialismus, vol. 3, 133ff.

  1. Marx and Engels, “Review (January–February 1850),” in MECW, vol. 10, 262f.

  1. Marx and Engels, “Review (March–April 1850),” in MECW, vol. 10, 340.

  2. Marx and Engels, “Universal Society of Revolutionary Communists,” in

MECW, vol. 10, 614f.

  1. Marx and Engels, “Address to the Central Authority to the League, June 1850,” in MECW, vol. 10, 377.

  2. Marx to Weydemeyer, 19 December 1849, in MECW, vol. 38, 220.

  3. Marx and Engels, appendices to the “Rules of the Communist League,” in

MECW, vol. 10, 634f.

  1. Marx and Engels, “Address to the Central Authority to the League, June 1850,” in MECW, vol. 10, 282.

  2. Bédarida, “Der englische Sozialismus,” 136.

  3. Engels, introduction to Karl Marx’s The Class Struggles in France 1848 to 1850, in MECW, vol. 27, 507.

  4. Marx and Engels, “Review (May–October 1850),” in MECW, vol. 10, 490f., 510.

  5. Marx and Engels, “Review (January–February 1850),” in MECW, vol. 10, 265f.

  6. Ansprache der Zentralbehörde an den Bund, 6/22/1851, MEW, vol. 7, 562. Quotations translated by Bernard Heise.

  7. Engels to Marx, 5 February 1851, in MECW, vol. 38, 280.

  8. Marx and Engels, “Review (May–October 1850),” in MECW, vol. 10, 490ff.

  9. Engels to Marx, 13 February 1851, in MECW, vol. 38, 290.

  10. Marx, “Revelations Concerning the Communist Trial in Cologne,” in

MECW, vol. 11, 426.

  1. Marx to Engels, 19 November 1852, in MECW, vol. 39, 247.

  2. Engels, introduction to Marx, The Class Struggles in France 1848 to 1850, in

MECW, vol. 27, 514.

  1. Heinrich August Winkler, Der lange Weg nach Westen: Deutsche Geschichte vom Ende des Alten Reiches bis zum Untergang der Weimarer Republik, 2 vols. (Munich, 2000), vol. 1, 184.

  2. Otto Pflanze, Bismarck: Der Reichsgründer (Munich, 1997), 314; quotation translated by Bernard Heise.

  3. Marx to Engels, 24 April 1867, in MECW, vol. 42, 361.

  4. Engels, Introduction to Marx, The Class Struggles in France 1848 to 1850, in

MECW, vol. 27, 523.

  1. Engels to Marx, 27 October 1857, in MECW, vol. 38, 488.

  2. Marx to Engels, 24 November 1851, in MECW, vol. 38, 492.

  3. Engels to Marx, 1 May 1852, in MECW, vol. 39, 98.

  4. Marx and Engels, The Great Men of the Exile, vol. 8, S. 267

  5. Marx and Engels, The Great Men of the Exile, in MECW, vol. 11, 259, 305, 311.

  6. Marx to Engels, 11 February 1851, in MECW, vol. 38, 286.

  7. Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, in MECW, vol. 11, 103, 142, 183, 140, 194.

  8. Engels, “Real Causes Why the French Proletarians Remained Comparatively Inactive in December Last,” in MECW, vol. 11, 215.

  9. Engels to Marx, 13 April 1866, in MECW, vol. 42, 266.

  1. Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, in MECW, vol. 11, 124.

  2. Engels, Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Germany, in MECW, vol. 11, 6.

  3. Marx to Weydemeyer, 27 June 1851, in MECW, vol. 38, 377.

  4. Marx to Weydemeyer, 2 August 1851, in MECW, vol. 38, 402.

  5. Wilhelm Liebknecht, Karl Marx: Biographical Memoirs (Chicago, 1908), 99.

  6. Marx, preface to A Contribution to the Critique of Politica1 Economy, in

MECW, vol. 29, 265f.

  1. Liselotte Ungers and Oswald Mathias Ungers, Kommunen in der Neuen Welt

(Cologne, 1972), 61ff.

  1. Marx to Engels, 8 August 1851, in MECW, vol. 38, 409.

  2. Marx to Engels, 9 April 1859, in MECW, vol. 40, 412.

  3. Marx to Engels, 23 January 1857, in MECW, vol. 40, 98.

  4. Marx, “Elections – Financial Clouds – The Duchess of Sutherland and Slave- ry,” MECW, vol. 11, 494.

  5. Marx, “Russian Policy Against Turkey – Chartism,” in MECW, vol. 12, 163.

  6. Marx, “The War Question – Doings of Parliament – India,” in MECW, vol. 12, 212.

  7. Marx, “Financial Failure of Government – Cabs – Ireland – The Russian Question,” in MECW, vol. 12, 231.

  8. Engels, “The European War,” in MECW, vol. 12, 556.

  9. Marx to Engels, 11 July 1857, in MECW, vol. 40, 145.

  10. Marx to Engels, 20 October 1857, in MECW, vol. 40, 191. (Revue refers to the Neuen Rheinische Zeitung Revue from November 1850.)

  11. Marx to Engels, 13 November 1857, in MECW, vol. 40, 199.

  12. Engels to Marx, 15 November 1857, in MECW, vol. 40, 201, 203.

  13. Marx to Engels, 26 September 1856, in MECW, vol. 40, 72.

  14. Friedrich Wilhelm IV to Groeben, 29 June 1857, in David Barclay, Frederick William IV and the Prussian Monarchy 1840–1861 (Oxford, 1995), 277.

  15. Marx to Engels, 18 December 1857, in MECW, vol. 40, 224.

  16. Ibid.

  17. Marx to Engels, 8 December 1857, in MECW, vol. 40, 217.

  18. Marx to Engels, 2 April 1858, in MECW, vol. 40, 298.

  19. Roman Rosdolsky, Zur Entstehungsgeschichte des Marxschen “Kapital,” 2 vols. (Frankfurt am Main, 1968), 28ff., 39.

  20. Marx, Outlines of the Critique of Political Economy, in MECW, vol. 29, 49, 343; vol. 28, 12.

  21. Roman Rosdolsky, Zur Entstehungsgeschichte des Marxschen “Kapital,” 2 vols. (Frankfurt am Main, 1968). 39.

  22. Marx to Lassalle, 21 February 1858, in MECW, vol. 40, 270.

  23. Marx to Engels, 13/15 January 1859, in MECW, vol. 40, 368.

  24. Engels, “Karl Marx: A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy,” in

MECW, vol. 16, 476.

  1. Mehring, Karl Marx, 264.

  2. Marx to Lassalle, 12 November 1858, in MECW, vol. 40, 354.

  3. Quoted in McLellan, Karl Marx, 310.

  4. Engels, “Karl Marx: A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy,” in

MECW, vol. 16, 472, 474, 475.

  1. Ludwig August von Rochau, Grundsätze der Realpolitik. Angewendet auf die staatlichen Zustände Deutschlands (Frankfurt am Main, 1972), 148, 146; quota- tions translated by Bernard Heise.

  2. Gustav Mayer, Friedrich Engels: Eine Biographie, 2 vols. (Frankfurt am Main, 1975), vol. 2, 79.

  3. Hans Peter Bleuel, Ferdinand Lassalle (Frankfurt am Main, 1982), 68ff., 93, 119, 192f.

  4. Quoted ibid., 215, 220; quotation translated by Bernard Heise.

169. Ibid., 240.

  1. Marx to Lassalle, 31 May 1858, in MECW, vol. 40, 317.

  2. Marx to Engels, 22 December 1857, in MECW, vol. 40, 227.

  3. Engels to Lassalle, 14 March 1859, in MECW, vol. 40, 402.

  4. Quoted in Bleuel, Lassalle, 243f., 284; quotation translated by Bernard Heise.

  5. Marx to Lassalle, 21 December 1857, in MECW, vol. 40, 226.

  6. Engels, Po and Rhine, in MECW, vol. 16, 215.

  7. Marx to Engels, 7 May 1861, in MECW, vol. 41, 280.

  8. Lutz, Zwischen Habsburg und Preußen, 412.

  9. Bleuel, Lassalle, 258ff.

  10. Marx to Engels, 28 May 1859, in MECW, vol. 40, 435f.

  11. Marx to Antoinette Philips, 18 March 1866, in MECW, vol. 42, 241f.

  12. Marx to Antoinette Philips, 13 April 1861, in MECW, vol. 41, 274.

  13. Marx to Antoinette Philips, 24 March 1861, in MECW, vol. 41, 270.

183. Ibid., 271.

  1. Ibid.

  2. Marx to Engels, 10 May 1861, in MECW, vol. 41, 288.

  3. Marx to Carl Siebel, 2 April 1861, in MECW, vol. 41, 273.

  4. Marx to Engels, 7 May 1861, in MECW, vol. 41, 280.

  5. Marx to Carl Siebel, 2 April 1861, in MECW, vol. 41, 273.

  6. Marx to Engels, 7 May 1861, in MECW, vol. 41, 281.

  7. Marx to Antoinette Philips, 13 April 1861, in MECW, vol. 41, 275; trans. note: the words here are translated directly from the German version, MEW, vol. 30, 594.

  8. Marx to Engels, 30 July 1862, in MECW, vol. 41, 389; trans. note: the words here are translated directly from the German version, MEW, vol. 30, 257.

  9. Quoted in Bleuel, Lassalle, 312; quotations translated by Bernard Heise.

  10. Marx to Kugelmann, 23 February 1865, in MECW, vol. 42, 102.

  11. Marx to Antoinette Philips, 18 March 1866, in MECW, vol. 42, 243.

  12. Quoted in Pflanze, Bismarck, 235; quotation translated by Bernard Heise.

  13. Lassalle to Bismarck, 8 June 1863, quoted in Mehring, Karl Marx, 554.

  14. Marx to Kugelmann, 23 February 1865, in MECW, vol. 42, 102f.

  15. Marx to Engels, 7 September 1864, in MECW, vol. 41, 560.

  16. Isaiah Berlin, Karl Marx: His Life and Environment (New York, 1978), 166.

  17. Marx to Engels, 18 February 1865, in MECW, vol. 42, 97.

  18. Engels to Marx, 13 February 1865, in MECW, vol. 42, 88.

  19. Marx to Engels, 3 February 1865, in MECW, vol. 42, 77.

  20. Marx to Engels, 4 November 1864, in MECW, vol. 42, 16.

  21. Marx to Lion Philips, 29 November 1864, in MECW, vol. 42, 47, 48.

  1. Marx, To Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of America, in

MECW, vol. 20, 20.

  1. Marx to Lion Philips, 29 November 1864, in MECW, vol. 42, 48.

  2. Marx, To Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of America,

MECW, vol. 20, 20.

  1. Marx, preface to the first German edition of Capital, vol. 1, in MECW, vol. 35, 10f.

  2. Marx, “English Public Opinion,” in MECW, vol. 19, 138.

  3. Marx, “The Crisis in England,” in MECW, vol. 19, 53ff.

  4. Marx, “A London Workers’ Meeting,” in MECW, vol. 19, 153f.

  5. Marx to Engels, 13 February 1863, in MECW, vol. 41, 453.

  6. Annie Kriegel, “Die Internationale Arbeiterassoziation (1864 bis 1876),” in Droz, Geschichte des Sozialismus, vol. 3, 187.

  7. Marx to Engels, 4 November 1864, in MECW, vol. 42, 16; trans. note: the words here are translated directly from the German version, MEW, vol. 31, 13.

215. Ibid., 18.

216. Ibid., 18.

  1. Marx to Engels, 13 February 1863, in MECW, vol. 41, 453; trans. note: the words here are translated directly from the German version, MEW, vol. 30, 324.

  2. Engels to Marx, 2 November 1864, in MECW, vol. 42, 9.

  3. Marx to Engels, 4 November 1864, in MECW, vol. 42, 19.

  4. Marx to Engels, 20 May 1865, in MECW, vol. 42, 160.

  5. Marx, “Value, Price and Profit,” in MECW, vol. 20, 145, 146, 149.

  6. Marx to Schweitzer, 13 February 1865, cited in Marx to Engels, 18 February 1865, in MECW, vol. 42, 95f.; trans. note: the words here are translated di- rectly from the German version, MEW, vol. 31, 446.

  7. Marx to Engels, 11 September 1867, in MECW, vol. 42, 424.

  8. Marx to Kugelmann, 14 January 1866, in MECW, vol. 42, 221.

  9. Marx, Inaugural Address of the Working Men’s International Association, in

MECW, vol. 20, 11.

  1. Marx, “Value, Price and Profit,” in MECW, vol. 20, 146.

  2. Marx to Engels, 2 April 1867, in MECW, vol. 42, 351.

  3. Marx, “Report of the General Council to the Fourth Annual Congress of the International Working Men’s Association,” in MECW, vol. 21, 70.

  4. Mehring, Karl Marx, 459.

  5. Marx, “Connections between the International Working Men’s Association and English Working Men’s Organisations,” in MECW, vol. 21, 26.

  6. Kriegel, “Die Internationale Arbeiterassoziation,” 192ff.

  7. Marx to Engels, 17 December 1869, in MECW, vol. 43, 405.

  8. Jean Bruhat, “Das Kapital in der Geschichte des Sozialismus,” in Droz, Ge- schichte des Sozialismus, vol. 3, 183.

  9. Marx to Engels. 4 November 1864, in MECW, vol. 42, 19.

  10. Marx, Confidential Communication, in MECW, vol. 21, 114.

236. Ibid., 115.

  1. Marx to Engels, 10 February 1870, in MECW, vol. 43, 424.

  1. Quoted in Mayer, Engels, vol. 2, 222; quotation translated by Bernard Heise.

  2. Marx, Confidential Communication, in MECW, vol. 21, 120.

  3. Engels to Marx, 20 November 1868, in MECW, vol. 43, 165.

  4. Marx to Sigfried Meyer and August Vogt, 9 April 1870, in MECW, vol. 43, 475.

  5. Marx, Confidential Communication, in MECW, vol. 21, 86.

  6. Marx to Lafargue, 2 June 1869, in MECW, vol. 43, 288.

  7. Marx to Engels, 20 July 1870, in MECW, vol. 44, 3.

  8. Ibid., 4.

  9. Engels to Marx, 15 August 1870, in MECW, vol. 44, 47.

  10. Engels to Marx, 4 September 1870, in MECW, vol. 44, 61.

  11. Marx to Kugelmann, 13 December 1870, in MECW, vol. 44, 92f.

  12. Marx to Engels, 17 August 1870, in MECW, vol. 44, 51.

  13. Marx, “Second Address of the General Council of the International Working Men’s Association on the Franco-Prussian War,” in MECW, vol. 22, 266.

  14. Marx to Lafargue, 4 February 1871, in MECW, vol. 44, 114.

  15. Marx to Hermann Jung, 18 January 1871, in MECW, vol. 44, 99.

  16. Marx to Engels, 6 September 1870, in MECW, vol. 44, 64.

  17. Marx, “Second Address of the General Council of the International Working Men’s Association on the Franco-Prussian War,” in MECW, vol. 22, 269.

  18. Marx, The Civil War in France, MECW, vol. 22, 319, 322; trans. note: some of the words here are translated directly from the German version, MEW, vol. 17, 230.

256. Ibid., 314, 317, 320.

257. Ibid., 319.

  1. Marx, To the Editorial Boards of the Volksstaat and the Zukunft, in MECW,

vol. 22, 287.

  1. Croce, History of Europe, 267.

  2. Marx, The Civil War in France, MECW, vol. 22, 331.

  3. Gurvitch, Dialektik und Soziologie, 133; quotations translated by Bernard Heise.

  4. Marx, The Civil War in France, in MECW, vol. 22, 328.

  5. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Aesthetics: Lectures on Fine Art, vol. 1, trans.

T.M. Knox, electronic edition (Oxford, 2000), 361.

  1. Marx, The Civil War in France, in MECW, vol. 22, 328.

  2. Hegel, Aesthetics, vol. 1, 361. Hegel, Vorlesungen über die Philosophie der Geschichte, S. 272.

  3. Marx, The Civil War in France, in MECW, vol. 22, 334.

  4. Engels, introduction to Marx, The Civil War in France, in MECW, vol. 27, 191.

  5. Quoted in Mayer, Engels, vol. 2, 228; quotation translated by Bernard Heise.

  6. Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, in MECW, vol. 11, 106.

  7. Marx, The Civil War in France, in MECW, vol. 22, 355.

  8. Marx to Kugelmann, 18 June 1871, in MECW, vol. 44, 158.

  9. Engels, “The Address The Civil War in France and the English Press,” in

MECW, vol. 22, 375.

  1. McLellan, Karl Marx, 402.

  1. Marx, The Civil War in France, in MECW, vol. 22, 328.

  2. Lenin, The State and Revolution (Whitefish, MT, 2004), 32.

  3. Kriegel, “Internationale Arbeiterassoziation,” 215.

  4. Marx, The Civil War in France, in MECW, vol. 22, 354.

  5. Leßner, “Erinnerungen eines Arbeiters an Karl Marx,” 181.

  6. Kriegel, “Internationale Arbeiterassoziation,” 213.

  7. Engels to Friedrich Adolph Sorge, 12 September 1874, in MECW, vol. 45, 42.

  8. Croce, History of Europe, 301.

  9. Marx, afterword to the second German edition of Capital, vol. 1, in MECW,

vol. 35, 20; Marx to Pyotr Lavrov, 18 June 1875, in MECW, vol. 45, 78.

  1. Robert Schnerb, Europa im 19. Jahrhundert: Europa als Weltmacht (Munich, 1983), 437. Quotation translated by Bernard Heise.

  2. Croce, History of Europe, 301.

  3. Marx to Engels, 14 August 1879, in MECW, vol. 45, 370.

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