Investigation of job satisfaction and burnout levels of turkish super league football referees

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According to the results of the study, the referees’ job satisfaction levels were found to be high. We can say that this highness results from the opportunities provided to Super League referees, prestige, fulfillment caused by working conditions, good relations between coworkers and the fact that referees can give their own decisions while practicing their profession.

A significant difference was found between football referees’ job satisfaction and burnout levels in terms of the variable of marital status (p<0.05). While the intrinsic satisfaction levels of married referees were higher, burnout levels of single referees were found to be higher than those of married referees. In their studies, Yıldız et al., (2001), Canbaz (2005), Sünter (2006) and Ataoğlu et al.,(2000) stated that since marriage provided a more regular life for individuals, job satisfaction levels increased based on the marital status. In their study, Alkan et al., (2011) found significant difference between marital status and burnout level. Besides these results, there are also studies which have concluded that the burnout levels of employees did not differ significantly in terms of marital status (Ilkım, 2016; Karataş 2009, Şirin, 2014).

According to the results of the study, no significant difference was found between football referees’ job satisfaction and burnout levels in terms of the variable of age. No statistically significant difference was found between age and job satisfaction and burnout in Kargün’s (2012) study which was conducted on football referees and Ilkım’s (2016) study which was conducted on wrestling referees.

Similarly, Can (2010), Ulucan (2011), Yerlisu (2006), Karlıoğlu (2000) and Yerlisu (2008) stated in their studies that there was no significant difference between the variable of age and job satisfaction levels. In the studies of Organ and Lingl (1995); Drakou et al., (2006), Göktaş (2007), Arabacı et al., (2003), which were conducted to find out job satisfaction levels, significant differences were found between the job satisfaction levels of trainers in terms of trainers’ ages and these differences were not in parallel with the results of our study. In a study conducted on taekwondo referees, no significant difference was found between the burnout levels of referees in terms of the varaible of age (Tekin, 2009). In another study conducted on football trainers, no significant difference was found between occupational burnout levels in terms of age (Anthanasıos, 2010).

A significant difference was found between job satisfaction dimensions in the analysis of refereeing post (p<0.05). According to the results, intrinsic and extrinsic satisfaction scores of assistant referees were found to be higher when compared with those of chief referees. At the same time, significant differences were found in burnout levels in terms of refereeing post (p<0.05). Burnout level scores of chief referees were found to be higher than those of assistant referees. It can be said that assistant referees had higher satisfaction levels than chief referees because of the feeling of achievement, because their decisions are approved by the chief referees, because of the feeling of being successful in an occupation other than their own and because they have less authority and responsibility than chief referees. It was concluded that chief referees had higher burnout levels than assistant referees. Casajus and Castagna (2007) showed that the chief referees were under as much pressure as midfielders. Chief referees’ high burnout levels can be thought to result from psychological pressure.

In the study, no difference was found between the job satisfaction and occupational burnout levels of referees in terms of their actual occupation (p>0,05). It should be considered normal for any occupation group to have an influence on job satisfaction and occupational burnout since referees love this job and choose to be a referee. This result of the study is in parallel with the results of Kargün et al., (2012) study.

Significant difference was found between referees who had experience in football and those who did not have experience in football in terms of the dimension of intrinsic satisfaction, while no difference was found between extrinsic motivation and burnout levels (p>0,05). Referees who played football previously were found to have higher intrinsic satisfaction levels. That is, having experience in football enables them to know about refereeing. In addition to these factors, being independent about the decisions given and the methods used in the field, being free in giving decisions, practicing their jobs with contentment can positively affect referees’ job satisfaction. The results of our study are in parallel with the results of Kargün et al’s (2012) study on the job satisfaction and occupational burnout levels of football referees.

No significant difference was found between the job satisfaction and burnout levels of football referees in terms of their educational level (p>0,05). In their studies, Doğan et al., Özmutlu (2013), Yerlisu (2006) and Yerlisu (2008) did not find association between the dimensions of job satisfaction and educational status. At the same time, Tekin (2009), Can (2010) and Biber (2010) stated that educational level did not have an influence on the burnout levels of trainers. No significant difference was found between referees’ duration of refereeing and the dimensions of job satisfaction (p>0.05). However, significant difference was found between duration of refereeing and burnout. According to the results, burnout levels of referees who had been referees for 7-9 years were higher than those who had been referees for shorter periods of time. We can conclude that burnout levels increased as the duration of refereeing increased.

Significant and negative association was found between the correlation results of the sub dimensions of job satisfaction and burnout scales. This is an indicator that as job satisfaction level increases, burnout levels decrease. In their study on wrestling referees, Ilkım (2016) found negative significant association between job satisfaction and burnout. This result is in parallel with the results of our study.

According to these results, it can be said that referees have high job satisfaction levels because of being appreciated for their job, getting on well with each other, being free to use their own methods while practicing their occupation, doing something by using their skills, feeling of accomplishment and having the chance to be a respectable person in society. Football referees can be made to practice their duties and responsibilities more effectively by keeping them away from unnecessary sources of stress since they have to meet mental and psychological requirements and apply the rules of the game wisely. Thus, senior referees and managers should support less experienced referees in terms of job satisfaction. At the same time, it is thought that this study will increase referees’ awareness and contribute to their development since the results of this study has determined the psychological factors that may be effective in the decisions of football referees. The study will cause job satisfaction levels to increase by removing the factors that cause the feeling of burnout.

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