History, formation and stages of development of phraseological units

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Tajiboyeva Fotimakhon Vohidjon qizi.

History, formation and stages of development of phraseological units.
Master's degree in Linguistics, English at UzSWLU Tajiboyeva Fotimakhon Vohidjon qizi.
Annotation: This article provides information on the history, formation and stages of development of phraseological units.
Keywords: Phraseological units, phrases, method, language, fixed expressions, semantic and grammatical features.
The history of the development of the science of phraseology in linguistics is divided into three periods can be studied.
1. Covers the period from the middle of the 18th century to the 30s of the 20th century.This period is the beginning of phraseological research. The first period is mature linguists M.V.Lomonosov, V.I.Dal, A.A.Potebnya, F.F.Fortunatov,The scientific activity of FI Buslayev, Charles Balli, AA Shakhmatov developed and plays a fundamental role in the formation of the industry. Phraseology at that time more lexicography, that is, practical lexicography and mainly the reflection of phraseological units in dictionaries, their special attention is paid to the interpretation of its meaning and etymology.
2. The 30-50s of the XX century were the second period in the development of the field of phraseology.This period as an independent linguistic field of phraseology.It can also be called the period of formation. In this period, the leading linguists E.D.Polivanov, V.V.Vinagradov, S.I.Abakumov, G.K.Danilov, G.O.Vinokur,Linguists such as AI Yefimov have worked effectively in the field of phraseology.During this period, many PhD and doctoral dissertationsdevoted to the study of phraseology. It is the third period of the phraseology period from the 1960s to the present.This period is the period of new methods in phraseological research application is associated with the development of phraseological theories many studies have shown that phraseology is a separate field in linguistics Prof. EA Malinovsky “Russian phraseology in the twentieth century.The formation of the theory ". In monograph, the scientist In the twentieth century, the formation of phraseological support can be divided into 4 periods.
1) Phraseological doctrine, which appeared in Russian linguistics in the early twentieth century;(1900-1920)
2) Phraseological in Russian linguistics before the Great Patriotic War development of doctrine; (1920-1940)
3) Phraseological doctrine in Russian linguistics in the 50-60s of the XX century development;
4) The study of phraseology in Russian linguistics in the 70-80s of the XX century.VV Vinogradov in the special development of the field of phraseology.His services are significant will be in class:
1. Phraseological confusions
2. Phraseological compounds
3. Phraseological associations
The first group of phraseologies is the whole meaning of the components units that are not related to the meaning of the units. For example:
heavy father - the main role in the play;
rich the bucket - to take;
red tape - bureaucratic method;
Phraseologisms such as are holistic and unambiguous gik is a phrase whose meaning is completely changed. Ammo phraseology unlike compounds, their meanings are of the constituent parts.The meaning of phraseological compounds is one are phraseologisms derived from the phraseological meaning of phraseology.Based on metaphor, the meaning is clear and concise. Phraseological the lexical components of compounds are the most stable expressions. For example:
-to look a gift horse in the mouth (to examine a person too critically.To fin
fault with smth one gained without effort);
-to ride the hide horse (to behave in a superior, haughtily, over
bearing way)
-a big bug (a person to importance);
-to fish out of water (a person situated uncomfortably outside his usual or proper environment) In recent years, phraseological material has become more complex and multifaceted.it is studied using a variety of methods.The following methods and techniques of studying units should be emphasized comes; the method of identification.The typical representatives are mature scientists Charles Balli and A.V. Kunin The contextological method is represented by NN Amasova, mainly in the text learns the following phraseological units. Variation method (V.L.Arkhangelsky), phraseological application method (V.P.Jukov) structrual-typological method (L.I.Rayzenson, Yu.K.Avaliani, Yu.P.Solodub),The comparative method (S.G. Gavrin), the study of phrases based on semantic circlesmethod (MT Tagiyev), lexemes and phrases into denotative and connotative semantics method of differential study (MM Kopilenko), etc,methods complement each other and different aspects of phraseological units,paradigmatic and syntagmatic properties, deeper valence possibilities allows to understand. Phraseological units are close to lexical units in terms of content plan according to the plan of expression, they are a syntactic unit (sox compound, sentence).However, phraseological units can be applied to a word, a phrase, or a sentence not exactly equal. The study of phraseology, the study of this field, is independent as a linguistic field. Theoretical and practically enriched. But such a field of phraseology has not been studied it should not be concluded that there are no problems left.The term of phraseology also served to express different meanings in Turkic studies. XIX Mirza Karimbek, a Turkic scholar who lived in the 19th century, came from the traditions of that time in his work, as in other figurative grammars written in Russian.Used the word "phrase" to mean "sentence" . Phraseological compound and understood large linguistic units from words. Azerbaijani linguists B.Chponzoda and F.Ogazoda wrote “Turkish language grammar ”and“ Semasiology ”.Along with the term "stylistics", it was widely used in linguistics at that time used the word "idiocy" against the term "idiomatism." Phraseology is one of the youngest fields of Turkic studies, because it is systematic study, semantic and grammatical units of phraseology.The study of the features and functional properties of the 40-50s of the twentieth century started. Phraseological units are functionally close to words given that some linguists refer to them as lexical words, combinations, or lexical units and the object of study of syntax or construction included in the scope. As in Russian linguistics, the field of phraseology in Turkic studies narrow and broad understanding continues. Extensive phraseology in the sense of all fixed compounds (proverbs, sayings, idiomatic compounds), they includes noidiomatic stable phraseological groups and pairs of words. Their the common feature that unites them is stability and readiness in language.SK Kenesbaev narrows phraseology among stable expressions singled out groups that are an indirect basis for understanding.In linguistics, “the object of phraseology as a separate linguistic unit are regular expressions that are used. ” Come up with this idea is a scientific study of the concept of "stable connection" in languages occurred.Phraseological units are different from fixed compounds. These differences are;
semantic integrity;
portable meaning;
Conducting comparative-typological research in the field of phraseology opens up a wide range of solutions to common problems. On the whole identification of sources of formation of phraseological units stable compounds has a much broader meaning than etymological analysis.This is a general philological problem, the oldest, the first phraseological determining the stages of model formation is an important semantic issue are listed.Phraseological units are related to different things, place names, person names study is also a topical issue in modern linguistics. Linguist D. Niyazmetova said, “In English, food has a component.Linguistic Study of Phraseology ”(Biblical Materials)the study of phraseology in linguoculturology is relevant and controversial is one of the issues.Food-related phraseology related to the Bible analysis of dictionaries in determining semantic, lingvoculturological features the use of linguistic analysis and statistical methods in doing so.Words and phrases from the Bible in English, written and spoken ”. “Scriptural phrases and allussions in modern ”chapter studied the etymology and made a scientific analysis.The study of biblicalism in Western linguistics is also known as L.P. Smith related to biblical phrases in his book, Phraseology of the English Language studied in the dedicated section. The author writes “Biblical circulation in English and the number of phrases is so large that they are very easy to collect and list it is not a task ”. L.P.Smith English is just a bible words, but also the ancient Jewish and Greek idioms literally also includes biblical idiomatic expressions that demonstrate translation says. The analysis revealed a biblical food component.Examples of phraseological units are:
-the apple of one’s eye, the pupil of the eye, the black of the eye;
-Adam’s apple double, throat apple;
-the apple of sodom is a beautiful but distinctly wet fruit;
-property and honey abundance, abundance;
-the fat of the land abundance, blessing;
-Manna from heaven to wait impatiently;
-A forbidden fruit is a forbidden wet fruit;
Bible-based phraseologies have a food component in English Phraseologisms include foods such as apple, bread, milk, fat, and olive.food names are available. Phraseological units related to place names in English Their analysis is found in the scientific work of the researcher M. Radjabova.The study of place names is not only a matter of linguistics, but also of history and is also considered to be the object of geography. Came with place names linguocultural research in the structure of phraseology, their national culture one of the current issues of modern linguistics is one. Phraseologisms related to place names are examples of the following units can do.
-have kissed the blarnly stone.There is a large stone in front of Blarny Castle in Ireland, and the English people are legendary According to him, the person who kisses this stone has the ability to flatter and flatter will be
-go for a Burton - to die, to turn a blind eye, to disappear without a trace.Burton-Staffordshire is a small beer-producing town. This The phrase was first coined by British pilots during World War II used to remember their comrades-in-arms who perished in the war. Most national and cultural phraseological units are people’s everyday tournament style, customs and traditions. Most of them formed in the national-cultural context and the phraseological layer of the language Intensity of expression of phraseological units in English studied in detail. In linguistics today, phraseology is broad and narrow Scholars who understand phraseology in a wide range, its composition proverbs, metal, aphorisms, and other phraseologies. Tor and the proponents of the phraseology of the circle are fixed units with a single portable meaning limited to learning. They are in their phraseological research by studying only phraseological compounds that are equivalent to a compound, proverbs, and they do not evaluate proverbs as objects of phraseology. A.V. Kunin, while studying phraseological units, moved to the fourth group including communicative phraseological units, proverbs and sayings are the same According to A.V. Kunin, “phraseological units are completely or in part, they are fixed units that represent a portable meaning ”. There is also an intensity scheme in phraseological units. Intensity markers: extremely, very, large, great, strong, deep, completely,much, many, the most, a lot of tribes. For example: dead beat, dead tired (informed) extremely tired, exhausted,dead weight something that is very heavy.Phraseological units are also analyzed on the basis of models.
Adjective + Noun:
a) dead drunk-completely drunk;
b) a dead weight-something that is very heavy;
c) a good drink-a large quantity;
For example:
Bill had a good drink at the pub last night. His wife wasn’t at home;
d) hard drinks-liquor-strong alcoholic drinks;
e) hard drugs-the strongest drugs which lead to addition most easily;
f) a high wind;
g) a dark horse-a person who has a greater capabilities that he shows or that people are aware of;
h) a flying visit-a very short visit;
e) a golden opportunity-avery good opportunity.
Verb + noun:
a) to earn good money-to earn a lot of money;
b) to do someone a world of good (good) -to do someone a lot of good (barm);
to be + prepositional phrases:
a) to be at a loss (to do something) -to be very puzzled;
b) to be at paints to do something-to take great trouble to do sit;
c) to be at one’s wit’s end-to be greatly perplehed; not to know what to do next;
d) to be in the money-to be earning or to love a lot of money;
e) to be in (the) pink-to be in good health; to be feeling very well.The semantic classification of phraseological compounds varies by scholars described. In the classification of NN Amosova phraseological units are divided into two groups divided into: idioms and phrases. In a phrase, the first component of the word is, in a sense, the second component and in an idiomatic sense, they are connected to each other in this way. For example: agolden opportunity-a very good opportunity.In an idiom, both components have an idiomatic meaning.
a) a pretty kettle of fish –mix up, a great state of confusion. It refers to asituation, not a person. Idiomatic words move away from their original meaning and stick with them is synonymous and is used only figuratively. Idiomatic words are made up of single words and have an idiomatic meaning means. But the phrase cannot mean the features it reflects. According to Academician VV Vinogradov, the development of phraseological compounds starting with phraseological units and becoming phraseological compounds. Phraseological confusion from phraseological integrity, followed by phraseological based on this idea, Uzbek In linguistics, phraseologist Sh. Rakhmatullayev wrote “Idiomatic words formed on the basis of phraseological compounds ”Idiomatic words in Uzbek has gone through the following stages of development. First of all, phraseological integrity is a phraseological mixture, a phraseological compound.idiomatic word. Apparently, the idiomatic meaning of the word idiomatic is its first inherited from Idiomatic words are in their infancyand as a result of development to a single word become However, idiomatic words are not expressions.bars are just a combination of words. That is why the expressions are external Depending on the situation, it can be classified as follows:
a) Phrases consisting of two words;
b) Phrases consisting of three words;
For example:
a) baker’s dozen; lion hunter; fortune hunter; dry nurse, printer’s devil, tailor’s dummy;
b) mad as a hunter; sheep without a shepherd’s pie; tillers of soil; white collar worker, blue collar worker;
Thus, phraseological units are a separate unit of language and are free figuratively formed in whole or in part semantically, equal to a link or sentence are stable expressions. Most of them were created by the people, they are expresses the customs, culture, way of life, living conditions of the people Phraseology in linguistics was formed as a science and entered its stages of development got.
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