General Information on the nekton range for Birds

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General Information on the

NEKTON range for Birds


Multivitamin Supplement with Mineral 

Elements and Amino Acids for all Cage Birds

There are a number of nutritive substances 

that must permanently form part of the dieta-

ry intake if an animal is to receive the correct 

nutrition. The lack of any one of these vital 

ingredients can have serious consequences 

for an animal‘s health and possibly lead to its 


Vitamins belong to these 

essential nutritional compo-

nents. They are parts of 

enzyme systems that 

catalyse and regulate 

the metabolisms of the 

various nutrients (prote-

ins, carbohydrates, fats) 

in the bird‘s organism, 

thus ensuring the 

smooth functioning of the 

bird‘s body.

A well-balanced diet 

covering all the nutri-

tional requirements in 

number and quantity 

is particularly impor-

tant for birds as they 

have a comparative-

ly high metabolic tur-

nover. According to 

reports from veteri-

narians, however, 

up to 90% of the 

ailments they treat 

in birds are due to 

an incorrect and 

inadequate diet, 

whereby the 

cause is not so 

much a lack of 

nutrients as 

a defici-

ency in the active substances vitamins, 

macro and trace elements.

Not only do a bird‘s needs in nutrients fluc-

tuate but so do the requirements in active 

substances, particularly in times of stress. 

The moult, breeding, re-caging, new compa-

nions, shows, illness and medical treatment 

with antibiotics and sulphonamides are all 

situations in which the body needs greater 

support to help the organism continue to 

function properly. At times like these, howe-

ver, the supply of vitamins is often either 

insufficient or not available to the body in full, 

namely, a hypovitaminosis. 

A hypovitaminosis is not easily recognised at 

first, but plumage problems during the moult 

and impaired fertility primarily result from 

these deficiencies. Any long-term deficiency 

will lead to considerable damage to a bird‘s 

health and finally to its death. A caring bird 

owner will therefore automatically ensure 

that his pet is given a good supply of these 

active substances to maintain its good health 

and performance as well as increase its resi-

stance to illness and disease.

NEKTON-S provides birds owners with a 

food supplement especially formulated to 

suit these needs. Its well-balanced composi-

tion of vitamins, amino acids and minerals 

will help prevent deficiency diseases, com-

plement the nutrients, improve their availabi-

lity and utilisation and thus increase the 

nutritional value of the diet.

NEKTON-S increases a bird‘s resistance to 

disease and improves its productivity, espe-

cially during breeding.

Because of the all-round beneficial effect of 

NEKTON-S, aviculturists, bird parks and 

zoological gardens have chosen it as a daily 

supplement for their birds for years with suc-



Vitamins: Vitamin A, vitamin D3, vitamin E, 

thiamine, riboflavin, D-pantothenic acid, nia-

cinamide, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin 

B12, vitamin C, vitamin K3, biotin.

Macro/Trace Elements: Manganese / zinc / 

copper / iron / cobalt / iodine / calcium.

Amino Acids: L-alanine / L-arginine / 

L-aspartic acid / L-cystine / L-glutamine / 

L-glycine / L-histidine / L-isoleucine / 

L-leucine / L-lysine / DL-methionine / 

L-phenylalanine / L-proline / L-serine / 

L-threonine / L-tryptophan / L-tyrosine / 



Being a powder soluble in cold water, 

NEKTON-S can easily be added to the drin-

king water or if preferred to the soft, moiste-

ned or egg food. Use NEKTON-S and 

NEKTON-E combined for even better bree-

ding results.


NEKTON-S is a pet food supplement formu-

lated to provide cage birds with the proper 

supply of the vitamins, mineral elements, 

and amino acids required daily to prevent 

deficiencies arising.

NEKTON-S helps the smooth functioning of 

the entire metabolism and increases the 

nutritional value of food.

NEKTON-S strengthens body resistance, 

which helps a bird withstand pressure and 

reduces susceptibility to infection and 


NEKTON-S improves a bird‘s general health 

and promotes proper functioning of all 

systems, particularly in breeding.


A Vitamin E Supplement to Keep Birds 

Healthy and Aid Fertility

Vitamin E occurs in multiple forms in most 

plants, particularly in leafy grasses (dried 

grass meal) and in the oils extracted from 

plant seeds (germinating grain). Of all the 

vitamin E forms in the plant kingdom alpha-

tocopherol is the most potent, being much 

more active biologically than the other seven 

combinations and the most easily absorbed 

form - an important factor in animal nutrition. 

Another decisive factor is the latent lack of 

vitamin E which frequently occurs because 

grain feed loses most of its vitamin E effec-

tiveness through drying, long exposure to the 

sun‘s rays, or long storage. In addition, 

during storage, unsaturated fatty acids can 

form substances which destroy the vitamin. 

That is the reason only the synthetically 

manufactured vitamin E acetate, which 

keeps its effectiveness for a long time and 

which the body changes into alpha-tocophe-

rol, is used in animal nutrition.

Vitamin E plays a vital role in maintaining 

bodily functions and in the fertility of most 

animal species. It protects cellular structu-

res, which ensures proper functioning of the 

cells in body tissues. It also takes over the 

job of disinfecting in the cellular metabolic 

process and is essential to cellular respirati-

on, making it important to the energy meta-

bolism. In addition, vitamin E plays an decisi-

ve role in the hormonal metabolic process 

and in forming and regulating the gonads 

(reproductive glands). A lack of vitamin E can 

cause degenerative changes in the muscular 

tissues (muscular dystrophy), weak heart 

muscles, liver damage and increased sus-

ceptibility to infectious diseases because of a 

reduced production of antibodies. A vitamin 

E deficiency can also harm the brain and red 

blood cell membranes.

For the aviculturist the most important fac-

tors of a vitamin E deficiency are naturally 

that it can cause reduced fertility in hens and 

sterility in males, and that considerably less 

eggs are fertilised. Some embryos die within 

4-6 days after fertilisation; fully developed 

embryos are often too weak to break open 

their shells, and even hatched babies suffer 

from damaged muscles and nerves as a 

result of an inadequate vitamin E availability.

Not only is the amount of vitamin E actually 

present in bird food strongly influenced by 

heat, light, storage and processing, as alrea-

dy mentioned, but a body weakened by 

stress, infectious diseases, medical treat-

ment, intestinal troubles and parasites is 

unable to fully extract the vitamin E in the 

diet, meaning the dietary intake of this vit-

amin must be increased to ensure a proper 


Because of vitamin E‘s decisive influence on 

animal health and reproduction, NEKTON-E 

has been used regularly by numerous avicul-

turists for years and with great success.


Vitamins: 50 000 mg vitamin E (per 1 000g).

Amino Acids: L-arginine / L-lysine.


NEKTON-E should be given as directed to 

animals regularly at least three weeks before 

the breeding period begins. There is no dan-

ger of an overdose with toxic side-effects.

When the hen has started laying, disconti-

nue the use of NEKTON-E. The continued 

use of „E“ during this period would cause a 

disruption of the hatching process because 

of an aroused mating instinct in the male.

NEKTON-E is composed of a special form of 

vitamin E. It should only be given together 

with other vitamins. Use it together with the 

multi-vitamin supplement NEKTON-S for the 

ideal combination when breeding birds.


NEKTON-E is a pet food supplement consi-

sting of the biologically effective and stable 

vitamin E form alpha-tocopherol.

NEKTON-E makes up for the deficiency of 

vitamin E in bird food and covers an animal‘s 

needs in this vital nutriment.

NEKTON-E protects the cell membranes, 

disinfects the cellular waste, promotes the 

synthesis of hormones and has a positive 

influence on the muscular system.

NEKTON-E encourages fertility in birds, 

improves the survival rate of embryos and 

strengthens the viability of young animals.

NEKTON-E has a positive effect on the enti-

re cellular metabolism and the production of 

antibodies, meaning improved immunity and 

resistance to disease.




Pet Food Supplements to Enhance Plumage 


Why is it that the plumage of birds living in 

the wild such as goldfinches, redpolls, cross-

bills or linnets is either just as brilliant or 

even more intensive in colour after the moult 

than before, while birds confined to the home 

(colour canaries, painted buntings etc.) 

generally fade to an insignificant muddy 


No doubt many bird lovers have asked them-

selves this question after finding their com-

panions only shadows of their former selves, 

in spite of giving their pets the very best in 

bird seed. It is a popular myth, however, that 

certain species live entirely off seeds. If the 

diet has never been supplemented with 

greens or vitamins, trace elements and nutri-

ents, their bird‘s plumage will automatically 

lose its brilliance and shine little by little after 

every moult. Eventually the red parts of the 

plumage have nothing in common with the 

colour red but are more a poor-looking, dull 

yellowish brown and the bird itself will begin 

to droop and lose its zest for singing.

Independent of the question of species-spe-

cific reactions we now know that the colours 

of the feathers have to do with the nutritional 

value of the food available and are connec-

ted directly with the intensity of the metabo-

lism determined by the amount of free flight, 

whereby the general health of the bird is a 

decisive factor.

Feathers are given their colours by the depo-

sits of carotenoids, red and yellow pigments/

lipochromes, found in plants and the fatty 

tissues of animals. Although the deposits are 

minute they are spread over the whole sur-

face of the feathers creating the various 


Carotenoids are the most widely distributed 

pigments in nature and are found in all parts 

of plants, even in the green parts, where 

they are overshadowed by the preponderan-

ce of green chlorophyll. The most important 

sources for carotenoids are carrots, palm oil, 

grass meal, Tagetes flowers, maize, saffron, 

and Paprika (peppers), among others.

An animal‘s organism is not capable of syn-

thesising carotenoids itself, which means 

these colour pigments must form part of the 

dietary intake. They then enter the gastroin-

testinal tract in the form of the provitamin A, 

Beta-carotene, where they are converted to 

vitamins or colouring agents and absorbed 

by the body. Apart from this function as pro-

vitamin A, carotenoids also have a decisive 

influence on the gonads, growth, maturity, 

reproduction and brood care.

Animals show a marked degree of selectivity 

in the absorption and deposition of the caro-

tenoids, but basically a bird‘s organism con-

verts the yellow carotenoids in the diet into 

red pigments through oxidation, and these 

derivatives are chiefly responsible for the 

wide spectrum of the carotenoid colour 

palette. The pigments are then deposited in 

the keratin, the horny part of the feather, 

where they are protected from the destructi-

ve effect of oxygen and light. This can natu-

rally only take place while the feathers are 


As the absorption of the ingested caroteno-

ids can be reduced in the small intestine by 

a lack of dietary protein or by nitrates, these 

NEKTON products contain numerous amino 

acids to avoid such a deficiency. For the 

same reason we recommend that the bird 

owner provides his pet with a diet and drin-

king water low on nitrates.

Today carotenoids are produced by industri-

al methods, and the most important ones 

used as feed additives are:




These lipochromes are nature-identical and 

therefore completely harmless to an animal‘s 

organism, which is the reason they are used 

as colouring agents in a variety of foodstuffs 

such as margarine, cheese, lemonade, fruit 

juices, instant puddings and so on.

The natural red and yellow pigmenting effect 

of these lipochromes is the reason NEKTON 

has chosen them as colouring agents in their 

following products.


NEKTON-R‘s secret is its canthaxanthin 

content. Canthaxanthin is the fatty pigment 

(lipochrome) most frequently found in the red 

feather parts. Thus NEKTON-R is based on 

a completely nature-identical carotenoid, 

which a bird‘s organism would normally form 

itself in the natural wild. After a regular dose 

of NEKTON-R all species with natural red 

parts in the plumage regain even and inten-

sive colours as well as glossy, healthy plu-


NEKTON-R is given shortly before and 

during the moult. The moult is a time of great 

strain on a bird‘s organism. Feather growth 

alone requires an abundant supply of vit-

amins, indispensable amino acids, minerals 

and trace elements. NEKTON-R has a well-

balanced formula of all these essential nutri-

tive and active substances to enable a bird 

withstand these pressures and produce a 

full, faultless and healthy plumage.


Vitamins: Vitamin A, vitamin D3, vitamin E, 

thiamine, riboflavin, D-pantothenic acid, nia-

cinamide, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B12, 

vitamin C, vitamin K3, biotin.

Amino Acids: L-alanine / L-arginine / 

L-aspartic acid / L-cystine / L-glutamine / 

L-glycine / L-histidine / L-isoleucine / 

L-leucine / L-lysine / DL-methionine / 

L-phenylalanine / L-proline / L-serine / 

L-threonine / L-tryptophan / L-tyrosine / 


Macro/Trace Elements: Manganese / zinc / 

copper / iron / cobalt / iodine / calcium.

Carotenoid: Canthaxanthin


NEKTON-R is in powder form and water 

dispersible, meaning it can be easily added 

to the drinking water (more practical for 

seed-eaters) or dusted over the egg/soft 

food. Begin using NEKTON-R as soon as 

the moult starts and continue until the bird 

has regained its plumage in full colour.

NEKTON-BIO can be used in addition to 

NEKTON-R for species with particular fea-

ther-growth problems during the moult. After 

NEKTON-R is no longer needed give your 

bird our multivitamin supplement NEKTON-S 

to help keep it healthy and free from infec-



NEKTON-R is a special bird food supple-

ment containing vital vitamins, numerous 

amino acids and a balance of macro and 

trace elements with the nature-identical fatty 

pigment canthaxanthin.

NEKTON-R boosts the red colouring in the 

plumage of such birds as goldfinches, lin-

nets, redpolls, crossbills, house finches, red 

canaries, red siskins, painted buntings, car-

dinals, sun birds, ibises and flamingos.

NEKTON-R is a formula of highly effective 

substances to prevent a bird‘s colouring 

from fading and maintain the natural gloss 

and brilliance of its plumage.

NEKTON-R supports and strengthens the 

metabolism during moulting.


The vitamin formula of NEKTON-R-BETA is 

enriched by a high percentage of Beta-

Carotene, the naturally 

produced pro-

vitamin and 

most effecti-

ve fatty pig-


B e t a - C a r o t e n e 

achieves a marked increa-

se in the colour intensity of 

the red parts of the plumage in 

canaries, which is the reason 

NEKTON-R-BETA was primarily 

developed as a pet food supple-

ment for colour canaries. Breeders 

an canary enthusiasts have been using 

this product during the moult and for a 

nestling‘s first set of real feathers with the 

greatest success for many years now.

Just how effective NEKTON-R-BETA is can 

be seen by comparing the content of this 

product with a natural dietary source of the 

carotenoid. If a breeder wanted to give his 

bird the same amount of beta-carotene as 

contained in a 1.23 ounce jar of NEKTON-R-

BETA, he would have to feed it about 71 lb. 

of fresh green fodder or approximately 22 lb. 

of carrots.

In addition to enhancing colours in the plu-

mage NEKTON-R-BETA is also extremely 

important during the moult and feather grow-

th because of the vitamins and minerals it 

supplies. The pressure growing new fea-

thers puts on bird‘s system is enormous and 

the active substance requirements increase 

correspondingly. NEKTON-R-BETA contains 

all these vital elements plus essential free 

amino acids to encourage feather growth.


Vitamins: Vitamin A, vitamin D3, vitamin E, 

thiamine, riboflavin, D-pantothenic acid, nia-

cinamide, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B12, 

vitamin C, vitamin K3, biotin.

Amino Acids: L-alanine / L-arginine / 

L-aspartic acid / L-cystine / L-glutamine / 

L-glycine / L-histidine / L-isoleucine / 

L-leucine / L-lysine / 

DL-methionine / 

L-phenylalanine / 

L-proline / L-serine 

/ L-threonine / 

L-tryptophan / 

L-tyrosine / 



Tr a c e 

Elements: Manganese / zinc / copper / iron / 

cobalt / iodine / calcium / magnesium.

Carotenoid: Beta-carotene


NEKTON-R-BETA can be added to soft food 

or drinking water, whichever is the most con-

venient. As the feathers can only be influen-

ced while they are growing in, begin adding 

NEKTON-R-BETA just prior to the moulting 

period or immediately after hatching and 

stop when the bird has a complete set of 

new feathers.


NEKTON-R-BETA is a formula of many 

essential vitamins, numerous amino acids 

and a balanced combination of macro and 

trace elements enriched with the natural 

fatty pigment beta-carotene.

NEKTON-R-BETA serves to intensify colours 

in the plumage of coloured canaries and 

particularly enhances the natural red parts.

NEKTON-R-BETA aids the smooth change 

of feathers by means of its nutritive and 

effective substances and encourages full 

feather growth in young birds.


The colouring agent in NEKTON-GELB is 

the yellow carotenoid chemically descri-

bed as Beta-Apo-8 carotenoic acid ethyl 

ester. The high proportion of this synthe-

sised carotenoid makes NEKTON-GELB an 

extremely effective means of heightening 

the colours and brilliance of a bird‘s plu-

mage. The synthetic carotenoid is physiolo-

gically identical with the natural product and 

therefore harmless to a bird‘s organism, but 

is much more stable and preserves its effec-

tiveness longer. It is bonded with and depo-

sited in the keratin, the protein sub-

stance of the feathers.

Because of the high concentration of 

„Beta-Apo-8-Carotinal“  NEKTON-

GELB is not only in a position to deepen 

the colours and enhance the brilliance of the 

plumage, in particular the yellows, but also 

to bring back the colours fresh, strong and 

glossy in birds that faded a long time ago.

As with the other special products, this effect 

can only be achieved while feathers are gro-

wing in, that is during the moult and when 

babies are losing their down and getting their 

first set of feathers.

In order to help a bird through this time of 

pressure and strain and maintain health in 

general, which also reflects in full and shiny 

feathers, the carotenoid has been added to 

a basic formula of important vitamins, indis-

pensable amino acids and a combination of 

macro and trace elements.


Vitamins: Vitamin A, vitamin D3, vitamin E, 

thiamine, riboflavin, D-pantothenic acid, nia-

cinamide, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B12, 

vitamin C, vitamin K3, biotin.

Amino Acids: L-alanine / L-arginine / 

L-aspartic acid / L-cystine / L-glutamine / 

L-glycine / L-histidine / L-isoleucine / 

L-leucine / L-lysine / DL-methionine / 

L-phenylalanine / L-proline / 

L-serine / L-threonine / 

L-tryptophan / L-tyrosine / 

L-valine. Macro/Trace 

Elements: Manganese / 

zinc / copper / iron / 

cobalt / iodine / 

calcium / 



Carotenoid: Beta-Apo-8 carotenoic acid 

ethyl ester


NEKTON-GELB is dispersible in water and 

can be administered via the drinking water or 

sprinkled over soft food. The plumage can, 

of course, only be influenced during moulting 

and when young get their first set of fea-

thers. Start adding NEKTON-GELB when 

the bird begins to moult, or for nestlings 

immediately after they have hatched and 

stop when it has a completely new set of 


Once the bird is in plumage in full colour use 

the pet food supplement NEKTON-S daily to 

strengthen and maintain good health.


NEKTON-GELB with its nature-identical and 

harmless yellow carotenoid colouring agent 

prevents plumage colours from fading.

NEKTON-GELB enhances yellow shades in 

the plumage of yellow canaries, orioles, 

pigmy chickens, finch mutations (especially 

yellow lutinoes), as well as in all birds whose 

feathers contain carotene.

NEKTON-GELB aids the bird‘s entire orga-

nism during the moult and while rearing by 

means of its valuable composition of nutriti-

ve and active substances.


Special Supplement to Help Improve 


A bird‘s feathers have various functions. Its 

body feathers regulate the body heat, 

while the wing and tail feathers are 

needed in flight and to guide flight. 

The bird‘s appearance and attrac-

tion are determined by its plu-

mage, which can also protect 

it from enemies through 

plain colouring, or, of 

course, birds who have 

little or no mating call have a distinctive and 

decorative feather dress to attract mates and 

avoid interbreeding among different types.

Whether in respect to a nestling‘s first set of 

feathers or a new set for a moulting bird, this 

is a highly complicated process which puts a 

great strain on the bird‘s entire organism. 

And as feathers make up 5% of the bird‘s 

whole weight and are largely protein in 

nature it is very important for the bird to get 

a well-balanced diet rich in protein and sup-

plemented by vitamins and minerals when a 

new set of feathers is growing in.

The majority of feather defects in cage birds 

are due to incorrect feeding. An incorrect diet 

is often the reason, too, that birds die during 

the moult, and not because of moulting dis-

orders as many owners claim, but due to a 

lack of protein and/or vitamins, macro and 

trace elements.

A bird reduces the protein contained in the 

food into its different components (amino 

acids) and uses them to produce its own 

protein. It is therefore particularly important 

to give a bird an exact and well-balanced 

diet of all the indispensable and limiting 

amino acids to enable it to produce sufficient 

protein of its own.

Most cage or aviary birds are fed 

on bird seed and vegetable 

matter, which are not always 

in a position to cover a 

bird‘s protein requirements 

because of their unfavourable 

amino acid composition. This 

means that in stress situations 

such as during the moult, parasitic 

infestations, infections, etc., pro-

blems in the metabolic processes 

and feather growth arise and result 

in death in some cases.

This poor amino acid composition has 

been taken into account in the develop-


tains not only 18 different free amino acids in 

the correct relationship, but all those vit-

amins necessary for feather growth as well 

as a great variety of minerals, for these 

substances are also particularly important 

for the smooth functioning of all metabolic 

processes and therefore promote feather 



Vitamins: Vitamin A, vitamin D3, vitamin E, 

vitamin B1, vitamin B2, D-pantothenic acid, 

niacinamide, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin 

B12, vitamin C, vitamin K3, biotin.

Amino Acids: DL-Methionine / L-lysine / 

L-arginine / L-alanine / L-aspartic acid / 

L-cystine / L-glutamine / L-glycine/glycol / 

L-histidine / L-isoleucine / L-leucine / 

L-phenylalanine / L-proline / L-serine / 

L-threonine / L-tryptophan / L-tyrosine / 


Macro/Trace Elements: Calcium / zinc / 

manganese / copper / iron / cobalt / iodine / 



Being in powder form and soluble in cold 

water, NEKTON-BIO can be added to the 

bird‘s soft food or drinking water without any 

trouble whatsoever. Use NEKTON-BIO in 

the given dosage during the moult 

for the best effect.


NEKTON-BIO is an ami-

no-acid-enriched vitamin 

supplement to prevent 

plumage defects and 

ensure good feather 



gives birds 

smooth, shiny 


NEKTON-BIO strengthens and supports a 

bird during the strain of the moult.

NEKTON-BIO helps prevent feather picking 

and eating due to a nutrient deficiency


Aid to Birds under Stress during Medical 


The many years of manifold experience in 

our authorised quarantine station proved 

invaluable in the research and development 

that went into the multivitamin supplement 

NEKTON-Q, whose effectiveness has been 

recognised among experts for a long time 


Imported birds in quarantine are under parti-

cularly heavy strain. Not only have they often 

been subjected to long and arduous trans-

port before arrival and confronted by a com-

pletely new environment and climate, resul-

ting perhaps in illness, they then have the 

added stress of obligatory medical treat-

ment. We can frequently read reports in 

veterinary journals that the damage and 

disturbances caused by such measures 

effect the entire organism. Treatment by 

injections of antibiotics 

and sulpha drugs , in 

particular, produces 

bleeding in various 

tissues and 

organs such as the hypodermis, muscles, 

intestines, duodenum, peritoneum and brain.

It was this knowledge and experience that 

formed the basis for formulating NEKTON-Q 

and placing specific emphasis on the vit-

amins A, E and K.

The principle role of vitamin A in the body 

appears to be in the maintenance of the 

integrity of the epithelial cells. As such it 

regulates the metabolism of cell structure, 

strengthening the cell walls in all the tracts 

and hollows of the body such as the alimen-

tary, respiratory, genito-urinary and repro-

ductive tracts. This means an improved 

functioning of the cells and better resistance 

to infections due to an increase in the num-

ber of antibodies in the bird‘s organism.

Vitamin E is of outstanding importance for 

physical health in the situations mentioned 

above. It plays a vital role in protecting cell 

tissue thus ensuring proper functioning of 

the cells in body tissues. Vitamin E is also 

effective in disinfecting the cellular metabolic 

process and is necessary to cellular respira-

tion, making it a principle factor in the 

smooth functioning of the energy metabo-

lism. In addition, it is a vitamin which plays 

an important part in the body‘s immune 

system as well as in the hormonal metabolic 

process and in forming and regulating the 

gonads (reproductive glands). A vitamin E 

deficiency results in deleterious changes in 

the vascular and reproductive systems, 

muscles, brain and liver.

One of the perhaps most important 

factors in NEKTON-Q‘s great effec-

tiveness is the amount of highly 

potent vitamin K3 it contains. 

Menadione, or vitamin K3 as it is 

commonly known, is extraordinarily 

important for proper coagulation of the 

blood. A deficiency results in slower 

coagulation, leading to internal bleeding. 

It is general knowledge that treatment 

with antibiotics and sulphonamides has a 

negative effect on the vitamin K produc-

tion in the body, making an increase in the 

dietary intake necessary. In fact medical 

treatment creates such a variety of detrimen-

tal side-effects for a bird‘s organism that a 

greater supply of the other vitamins must be 

made available as well.

NEKTON-Q has been formulated to ensure 

that a bird receives an adequate supply of 

these vitamins its organism needs during the 

strain caused by medical treatment. Apart 

from the vitamins mentioned above and vit-

amin C, a bird needs vitamin B2, B6, B12, 

biotin (vitamin H) and folic acid because of 

their interaction and considerable involve-

ment in the intermediary metabolic proces-

ses. Furthermore amino acids and trace 

elements have been added to ensure a 

balanced support of nutritive and active sub-



Vitamins: Vitamin A, vitamin D3, vitamin E, 

thiamine, riboflavin, D-pantothenic acid, nia-

cinamide, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B12, 

vitamin C, vitamin K3, biotin.

Amino acids: L-lysine / DL-methionine.

Trace elements: Manganese / zinc / copper / 

iron / cobalt / iodine.


NEKTON-Q in powder form is so easy to 

use. Just add to the drinking water or soft 


NEKTON-Q is intended for use on birds with 

an imbalance in the blood picture because of 

such situations as quarantine, under treat-

ment with antibiotics or sulphonamides, or 

for such species needing an increased sup-

ply of vitamin K3 (e.g. Fig Parrots). For nor-

mal health and condition maintenance use 



NEKTON-Q is the dietary supplement for 

use on birds in importers‘ quarantine stations 

or in the quarantine rooms of breeders or pet 


NEKTON-Q has been formulated as a suc-

cessful support to birds under quarantine 

stress and medical treatment, particularly 

during the detrimental effects of antibiotics 

and sulpha drugs.

NEKTON-Q supplies the increased vitamin 

requirements during quarantine and helps a 

bird overcome the pressures better.

NEKTON-Q is enriched with vitamins A, E 

and K to lower the risk of damages to a bird‘s 

organism and protect the epithelial tissues, 

cell walls and cellular metabolism, making it 

a considerable aid to reducing danger of 

bleeding in animal tissues and organs.


The NEKTON-B-KOMPLEX has been for-

mulated to combine and blend the various 

members of the vitamin B complex to a valu-

able and highly effective supplement for all 

kinds of birds.

The vitamin B group is important to the orga-

nism and its maintenance and is found both 

in animal and plant tissues. In many cases, 

however, a mixed bird food is still deficient in 

these essential vitamins so that birds require 

a dietary source.

Each member of the B vitamins takes part in 

a particular and vital type of reaction in the 

organism and is important for its mainte-

nance. They participate in a number of types 

of chemical reactions, most of which effect 

the transfer of energy. Hence they play a key 

role in the metabolism of proteins, fats and 

carbohydrates. In addition they are involved 

in the regular functioning of the gastrointesti-

nal system, nerve functions and the myocar-

dial tissues. Some of the B vitamins aid the 

formation of red blood cells and antibodies 

and most are necessary for a healthy skin.

Consequently, a deficiency of these essenti-

al substances reveals itself in a variety of 

health problems. The most serious conse-

quences of a B group deficiency are distur-

bances of the nervous system, skin diseases 

and reproductive disorders. This is particu-

larly obvious in retarded growth, curled toe 

paralysis, leg weakness, diarrhoea, anaemia, 

poor feathering, scaly dermatitis around feet 

and beak, reduced egg clutches, higher mor-

tality rate among embryos, poor egg 

hatchability and so on.

In spite of the great variety of pet foods offe-

red today, most of them are deficient in the 

majority of the vitamins contained NEKTON-

B-KOMPLEX, some of them up to 80% 

below requirement level. That is the reason 

for this special-purpose supplement.

Requirements for B vitamins increase pro-

portionally to the protein content of the food 

and are particularly high during treatment 

with antibiotics and sulpha drugs. This deter-

mines the usage and dosages of NEKTON-

B-KOMPLEX combined with NEKTON-S.


Vitamins: Thiamine, 

Riboflavin, Niacinamide, 


Vitamin B6, Vitamin 

B12, Folic Acid.


Water-soluble NEKTON-B-KOMPLEX in 

powder form is extremely simple to use. It 

can be added to either the drinking water or 

soft food.

NEKTON-B-KOMPLEX has been especially 

formulated for use in cases of stress such as 

treatment with antibiotics and sulphonami-

des, and as a crash therapy to cover particu-

lar requirements in the B vitamins. There 

should be long intervals between administra-

tion. For normal daily conditioning and health 

maintenance use NEKTON-S.


NEKTON B-KOMPLEX consists entirely of 

vitamins and is an ideal combination of all 

physi¬ologically important B vitamins.

NEKTON B-KOMPLEX is formulated to 

meet the requirements of a bird‘s organism 

in times of extreme stress.

NEKTON B-KOMPLEX alleviates the effects 

of a vitamin B deficiency, prevents metabolic 

disturbances, regulates important proces-

ses in the body and helps against neuro-

logical disorders.

NEKTON-B-KOMPLEX promotes healthy 

skin, improves feathering and supports 

fertility by producing better incubation, 

reducing embryonic mortality and increa-

sing hatchability.


High-Grade Mineral Supplement for Pets

Mineral elements are extremely important 

for maintaining good health, top stamina and 

uninterrupted reproduction.

Macro and trace elements are essential, in 

fact vital, components in the diet for an 

animal‘s metabolism. As they are repeatedly 

secreted by the body, they must be reple-

nished constantly by means of the food.

As the name TRACE ELEMENTS suggests, 

only minute traces of these mineral elements 

are needed, whereas macro or quantitative 

elements, can make up 0.1% - 2% of the dry 

matter in food. The most important factor 

either in respect to diets or food supple-

ments is not only the number of individual 

substances but, above all, their well-balan-

ced and well-matched composition. For 

example, it is a comparatively well-known 

fact that calcium and phosphorus have a 

complex relationship with each other and in 

correlation to one another can prevent rik-

kets and osteomalacia. In general a Ca-P 

ratio of 2:1 is regarded as ideal, but, of 

course, cannot apply to all species. In the 

case of the female bird of a species which 

lays a comparatively large number of eggs 

each time a ratio of 3:1 is more beneficial. 

Because of this, a large proportion of vitamin 

D3 has been added to NEKTON-MSA, as 

this vitamin is able to attune the Ca-P ratio to 

the requirements of each individual orga-

nism to a certain extent. Even when the 

dietary supply of these minerals is more than 

adequate vitamin D3 encourages a better 

calcium and phosphorus deposit in the 

animal‘s bones.

The relationship between the various macro 

and trace elements is highly complicated 

and sophisticated. For example, too much 

calcium in the organism has a negative 

effect on the zinc balance, as does an over-

dose of potassium in the food on 

the magnesium content. Thus 

an abnormal supply in quali-

ty and quantity of the 

various macro and trace 

elements can lead to 

health disorders and 

impaired functions in the 

body. Now we can see how 

vital it is for the diet to con-

tain a balanced blend of the 

correct mineral elements 

required by an animal‘s 

organism. Macro, trace ele-

ments, and, of course, vit-

amins and amino acids must 

complement and support 

each other.

With this in mind we have composed 

NEKTON-MSA, an ideal means of providing 

your pet with the benefit of all these essenti-

al substances.


Vitamins: Vitamin D3.

Amino Acids: L-lysine / DL-methionine.

Macro/Trace Elements: Manganese / zinc / 

copper / iron / cobalt / iodine / calcium / 



NEKTON-MSA is mainly intended for all 

brooding animals, for an animal needs more 

minerals and trace elements at such times. 

An increased dose of calcium reduces the 

fragility of cage-birds‘ eggs. It has been pro-

ved that NEKTON-MSA can help improve 

bone formation in animal suffering from a 

lack of calcium or while raising young.



a highly valuable 

mineral element 

s u p p l e m e n t 

enriched with 

vitamin D3 and 

amino acids in 

powder form intended for administration with 

pet food.

NEKTON-MSA helps support metabolic pro-

cesses in an animal‘s organism.

NEKTON-MSA promotes bone and teeth 


NEKTON-MSA helps protect against inter-

ruptions in the adsorption improves resi-

stance to infections.

NEKTON-MSA activates important enzyma-

tic systems.

NEKTON-MSA prevents fur or feather disor-

ders due to mineral deficiencies.

NEKTON-MSA supplies breeding and young 

animals with essential trace elements and 



The name NEKTON-TONIC covers 4 highly 

potential tonics, specifically  balanced and 

blended to meet the nutritional needs of the 

following types of birds and reptiles:


for fruit-eating birds


for seed-eating birds


for insect-eating birds


for nectar and fruit-feeding reptiles

The main value of NEKTON-TONIC as a 

supplement is that the majority of the more 

than 60 nutritive and effective substances it 

contains are in free form, meaning they are 

immediately and easily absorbed in full by 

the animal‘s body without having to be dige-

sted and degraded first and burdening the 

animal‘s organism .

The variety and combination of these ingre-

dients make the NEKTON-TONIC series to 

valuable tonics for strengthening and buil-

ding up an animal‘s organism. Heading the 

list of nutritive and effective substances are 

the amino acids and vitamins as well as 

macro and trace elements. The effectiveness 

of the NEKTON-TONIC products lies in their 

species-specific formulas which ensure full 

availability, immediate utilisation and correct 

physiological functioning and interaction of 

the components.

One of the primary sources of energy in the 

NEKTON-TONIC products are the proteins. 

The proteins in NEKTON-TONIC are already 

in their digested form, namely, free amino 

acids. Almost all the amino acids and espe-

cially the indispensable ones are contained 

in these supplements so that the entire pro-

tein requirements for these animals are 

covered. Parallel to the protein the nitrogen-

free compounds carbohydrates and fatty 

acids are on hand to supply mechanical and 

heat energy.

At the same the NEKTON-TONICs fortify 

normal diets with a balanced combination of 

the particular vitamins required by each spe-


The importance of a wide variety of mineral 

elements for the construction of certain tissu-

es and proper bodily functions has also been 

taken into account and the formulas enriched 

with an adequate supply.

All these nutritive and active substances 

together the other components in NEKTON-

TONIC ensure that the organism can utilise 

the health-maintaining, increasing and resto-

ring proper-ties immediately. Complete in 

nature, these products enable an animal to 

produce its own enzymes and hormones, 

which are necessary for the smooth functio-

ning of all body functions.

The result is a complex and sophisticated 

formula to round off normal pet food diets 

and therefore prevent deficiency symptoms, 

regulate processes in the organisms and 

activate body functions.

This makes NEKTON-TONIC particularly 

valuable during such stress periods as moul-

ting (skin sloughing), re-caging and acclima-

tion, shows, etc., and has proved an excel-

lent help in raising young animals. The 

TONIC products have the added advantage 

of being useful as diets as well as supple-



Vitamins: Vitamin A, vitamin D3, vitamin E, 

thiamine, riboflavin, D-pantothenic acid, nia-

cinamide, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B12, 

vitamin C, vitamin K3, biotin.

Amino Acids: L-alanine / L-arginine / 

L-aspartic acid / L-cystine / L-glutamine / 

L-glycine / L-histidine / L-isoleucine / 

L-leucine / L-lysine / DL-methionine / 

L-phenylalanine / L-proline / L-serine / 

L-threonine / L-tryptophane / L-tyrosine / 


Macro/Trace Elements: Manganese / zinc / 

copper / iron / cobalt / iodine / calcium / 



NEKTON-TONIC is in powder form and 

water soluble. NEKTON-TONIC can be 

sprinkled over moistened soft food or given 

as liquid nutrition.

It should be given two or three times a week 

regularly to prevent deficiency symptoms but 

can be given daily for a short time during 

stress periods.

When hand-raising 

young birds the 

solution can 

be fed into the 

beak by using an eye-

dropper or straight into 

the crop by means of a tube 

or needle. As soon as the birds 

are weaned onto a spoon, 10-15 

days old, a certain amount of 

roughage should 

be added.

Tips from our clients

Many bird breeders feed their birds on pure 


powder is just poured into a separate bowl or 

sprinkled onto a sheet of glass for the birds 

to peck at. Mountain Parakeets have proved 

to be very fond of NEKTON-TONIC-K this 


Grey parrots, amazons and cockatoos settle 

down easily and fast without the usual accli-

mation difficulties when given soft, moiste-

ned maize covered with a dose of NEKTON-


NEKTON-TONIC-K should be given to 

imported or new birds and NEKTON-Q 

added to the drinking water. Acclimation is 

faster and the birds soon reach peak condi-


Foreign siskins, particularly the sensitive 

types like black siskins and black-chinned 

siskins enjoy a diet of egg, insects (meal 

worms) and NEKTON-TONIC-K.

NEKTON-TONIC-R sprinkled over greens or 

fruit has proved very successful in such rep-

tiles as green iguanas, for example.


NEKTON-TONIC is a valuable supplement 

in four different formulas to suit the individual 

needs of fruit-eating birds (NEKTON-

TONIC-F), seed-eaters 

(NEKTON-TONIC-K), insect-feeding birds 

(NEKTON-TONIC-I) and nectar/fruit-taking 

reptiles (NEKTON-TONIC-R).

NEKTON-TONIC with its combination of 

over 60 nutritive and effective substances 

covers all the nutritional requirements these 

animals need.

NEKTON-TONIC‘s ingredients are immedia-

tely absorbed and available to the body.

NEKTON-TONIC is an effective aid to pre-

venting vitamin and mineral deficiencies, 

regulating physical processes and activating 

body functions.

NEKTON-TONIC gets pets into top condition 

and helps support all systems in times of 


Let NEKTON products help you enjoy your 

birds better and give them the best living 

conditions in captivity. 


Multi-Vitamin Supplement for doves, contai-

ning Amino Acids and Trace Elements

NEKTON-T is a vitamin supplement which 

has been especially developed with doves, 

poultry, pheasants, etc., in mind.

It is the result of many years of expe-

rience in treating cage birds.

NEKTON-T contains all those 

substances considered neces-

sary to a dove’s health, name-

ly 13 vitamins, 6 trace ele-

ments, calcium as well 

as 2 amino 


Vitamins are the vital organic substances 

contained in plants that the body needs 

regularly in small doses. They are essential 

factors for first-class functioning of the meta-

bolism, for growth, performance and health. 

Each vitamin has a certain job that only it, 

and no other vitamin, can do.


NEKTON-T contains a particularly high per-

centage of vitamin E and biotin (vitamin H).

Vitamin H was discovered comparatively 

late, but there is no doubt today of its impor-

tant role in keeping animals healthy. Biotin 

influences not only growth and viability but 

also improves skin and plumage. It encoura-

ges the growth  of leg bones, fertility, laying 

and the size of broods. The biotin content in 

the feed of breeding birds may have consi-

derable all-round effect on the resulting 


Deficiencies in vitamin E often result in infer-

tile eggs, dead embryos or young to weak to 

live. A lack of vitamin E can also cause mus-

cular dystrophy, which strikes the whole 

muscular framework as well as the heart and 

stomach muscles. Dove fanciers, therefore, 

are advised to start using NEKTON-T regu-

larly from the very beginning, namely when 

rearing, and not to wait until the bird is fully-


The calcium in NEKTON-T is important for 

stronger bones and eggshells and for impro-

ved growth, especially in young birds. 

Enough trace elements and minerals, both 

essential factors for a bird’s well-being, are 

also to be found in NEKTON-T.

A daily ration of NEKTON-T helps you to 

keep your birds strong and healthy.

It is particularly helpful in warding off rickets 

and promoting growth, easy moulting, fertility 

and laying and helps make up for any 

defects in a poorly balanced diet.

(Please note: Concerning the administration 

of vitamins during treatment with antibio-

tics or sulphonamides, please 

also read our product 

description for 


very careful-


NEKTON-T promotes health and helps to 

improve performance and supports the orga-

nism during the racing season. Given to your 

racing pigeons upon their return during the 

racing season, will help them to achieve a 

better condition and recover within a short 

period of time.

NEKTON-T has particularly proved its worth  

in cases of illness. A bird needs an increased 

ration of vitamins while receiving antibiotics, 

sulphonamides etc., if it is to overcome the 

negative effect of these chemical compounds 

on intestinal bacteria.

NEKTON-T is a powder soluble in cold water 

and therefore the ideal method  of supple-

menting your bird’s diet.


Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, Vitamin E, Vitamin 

B1, Vitamin B2, Calcium-D-Pantothenate, 

Nicotinamide, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin 

B12, Vitamin C, vitamin K3, Vitamin H, 

Amino Acids



Minerals-Trace Elements

Manganese, Zinc, Copper, Iron, Cobalt, 

Iodine, Calcium, Phosphor


Sterilizing Bath for Pet Food – and Drinking 


DESI-PLUS helps protect against stomach 


DESI-PLUS helps to prevent infectious 

diseases from spreading

DESI-PLUS helps guard against fungus 


DESI-PLUS helps keep pets healthy

DESI-PLUS is a final disinfectant for pet toys 

and vital for pet feeding and drinking vessels.

Logically, our dear pets whether dogs, cats, 

hamsters, mice, rabbits, guinea pigs or birds 

come in contact primarily with their feeding 

or drinking bowls or dispensers, and it is 

therefore extremely important that these ves-

sels are as clean and germ-free as possible, 

if we want to keep our pets healthy. 

Unfortunately the usual methods of cleaning 

these utensils are just not enough to ensure 

that they are really sterile, and as they are 

generally made of plastic, thay cannot be 


In order to achieve full results, meaning 

100% germ-free, in taking as little time as 

possible, NEKTON Products has developed 

the special disinfectant DESI-PLUS.



Kieselbronner Str. 28b • D - 75177 Pforzheim - GERMANY 

Phone: +49 (0)7231/9546-0 • Fax: +49 (0)7231/9546-26 

E-Mail: • Internet:

NEKTON GmbH CEO: Thomas Enderle, Sigrid Enderle

Obtainable from

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