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December 8

Constitution Day in Uzbekistan is an important national holiday commemorating the adoption of the country’s founding laws. The Constitution of Uzbekistan was approved on December 8, 1992, having been preceded by 2.5 years of arduous work by the Constitutional Commission. When drafting the constitution, professional expertise from the UN, OSCE and other international organizations was implemented and the national situation taken into account. Uzbekistan’s constitution outlines the fundamental concepts of democracy and includes amendments introduced as late as 2017.
Constitution Day in Uzbekistan is a public, non-working holiday. Central streets in every city and town are decorated with the national flag and other patriotic décor. Concerts, exhibitions, sporting events and special performances are held in Tashkent and, despite the winter chill, receive a good turnout nearly every year.
What people do not like to have fun and relax? Perhaps, there is no such a nation. Uzbek people are very hard working. But after work it is necessary to get a respite.
There are holidays in Uzbekistan. Certain holidays are national, other religious, another sub-category of Uzbek holidays refers to those which came to the culture of Uzbekistan and densely settled in it since the Soviet times.
Holidays and memorials are established with the aim of preserving centuries-old traditions, observance of folk customs, taking into account their importance in the formation of high morality, and for enriching the spiritual life of citizens. Uzbekistan holidays and memorable dates are celebrated throughout the country. The state supports the initiatives of citizens, authorities and public institutions, commercial and non-profit organizations in terms of arranging and holding celebrations and other significant events.
National holidays of Uzbekistan reflect the path traversed by the Uzbek people in its struggle for independence, sovereignty and integrity of the country.
Each Uzbekistan holiday has its separate story and special significance for the people. As an example, such holidays and festivals of Uzbekistan as: Navruz, Ramazan Hayit and Kurban Hayit came from antiquity. The traditions of Zoroastrianism and Islam, from time immemorial have been living in the mode of the Uzbek people.
The residents of Uzbekistan pay tribute to the international significant dates: New Year - magical and beloved holiday in the world and the International Women's Day.

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