Confessions of an Educational Heretic

Chapter III A Short Personal and Institutional Computer History

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Chapter III

A Short Personal and Institutional Computer History

I present the following personal and institutional account of computing at BBA to give a historical perspective to the school's technologic transition. Human beings, their education, philosophies, experiences, strengths, weaknesses, foibles, etc., all contribute to the history of institutions. BBA’s transition from 15 Commodore PET computers using audio cassette tape recorders for program storage, through the implementation of a modest six machine IBM PC network offering Internet access, to the construction of a $7-million dollar technology facility and beyond is an amazing story. This story involves much technology education on the part of all players — technology that involves at least rudimentary understanding of networks and how they function. The story commences with a personal history of computing leading to a description of the first real network put to work at BBA.

Homebrewing. In 1979, I built the Heath central processing unit motherboard, daughter boards, power supply, monitor, extra memory boards and added twin 5-1/4 inch floppy drives (at a cost of almost $10,000). The construction involved soldering using a small pencil soldering iron. I had a burning desire to learn the latest electronic computer technology in order to interface it with my ham radio equipment. It is a life-long drive toward technical understanding and mastery.

In the last year of the 1970s, ham or amateur radio was popular in the United States with almost 700,000 licensed operators. Hams wanted to talk live with other ham radio operators around the world through wireless communications keyboard-to-keyboard using a computer. I was driven in this direction since the age of 15 when I interfaced a Swan ham radio transceiver to a surplus Western Union mechanical ticker tape machine and keyboard. The thought of exchanging ideas and opinions, of having discussions with people of differing points of views, backgrounds and cultures in foreign lands was exciting. It still is. Why does it seem difficult, with all the access to technology and information for people to think divergently and revel in new understanding and knowledge and be excited about it?

Part of the answer lies in the road to technological, i.e. computer ubiquitous usage. Much technology perpetuates short attention span and lack of motivation in creative thinking skills similar in fashion to the calculator syndrome heretofore mentioned. Technology has the potential of doing exactly the opposite, that is, of fostering interest in new ideas and immersing oneself in them while checking for authenticity and accuracy.

Human nature encourages us to take the easy road. As information access becomes easier, technology helps to further create learners with less and less interest in thinking for themselves, in taking more time to further explore the correctness of “answers” acquired. With more and more access to information why do more and more learners know less and less? I hope to answer some of these questions in this book and offer possible strategies for improvement.

In the Beginning. I came to BBA in the summer of 1985. I was hired to teach five classes: one Algebra I and four classes of Computer Seminar under the 45-minute instructional block known as the Carnegie unit. At the time that I arrived, BBA had a makeshift computer lab in the quaint but pleasant lower level of the library in the original “seminary” building. Constructed in 1832 , the structure is a landmark in Manchester, Vermont. Residing on Seminary Avenue behind the world famous Guinness Equinox Hotel, the campus is clearly visible with the seminary building's blue marble and tall belfry and eight spires. Inside, the building is historic with its depression era impression tin serving as wall paper. It is a silent but subtle reminder of what a techno economic downturn might bring. While many people equate depression era tin wall coverings as nostalgically antique and quaint, to those with a sense of history it is BBA's ever present link to the people's hardship of the Great Depression era.

The computer lab contained twelve Commodore personal electronic transactors, known as PETs. They sat upon tables confiscated from the school’s cafeteria and any other furniture that could be pressed into service. All across the United States schools were improvising, pressing meager resources into this new technology. A few visionaries and their school boards made early and substantial commitments to Apple (model 2e) based laboratory facilities. The Apple corporation was highly successful in getting its equipment and vision into primary and secondary education during the 1970s.

The Commodore PET is worthy of some respect. Originally selling for $795 in 1970s dollars, the machine was, “born at a time when only real techno-geeks could run computers.” (KRON-TV and Jones Computer Network) BBA quickly established that it had a good number of PET thirsty inquisitive learners on campus.
Newbie. There I was, a newbie staff member of 14 years teaching experience with fifteen or more students in each of the computer seminar classes in the 1985. The students came craving to learn about the “machine”, the PET model 4032, and how to program it. This computer long ago classified a museum piece, for all its shortcomings, is today thought of as a machine that broke down money, availability and usage barriers. The PET proved that, “computers could be more like appliances.” (KRON-TV and Jones Computer Network) That being said, this mid 70's “appliance” would today be considered unacceptable — too difficult to use and understand.

One might keep in mind that the Commodore PET only displayed text. Word processing software was crude. The state of campus computing affairs at the time might best be summarized by noting that BBA had two large typing laboratories employing IBM Selectric typewriters. The Selectric typewriter was considered state-of-the-art equipment in many schools at the time. It was IBM's most popular product. Introduced in 1961, the machine is known to most people as the “golf ball” typewriter. Its characteristic feature was a golf ball sized mechanism in the middle that contained the type which made impressions onto paper through a carbon film plastic ribbon. IBM no longer makes parts nor supports the Selectric. Many long-time technology people have a romantic fondness for Selectric typewriters. I admit to being one of them. Reconditioned Selectric machines can still be purchased from $200 - $250 depending upon the model. (Batchelor) “How do you deal with the task of filling out forms in the computer age? You dust off your old typewriter...” (Morton)

The PET as Teaching Tool. The PET computer was best used as a teaching tool for learning about the nature and operation of computers, program structure and programming. It required an in-depth understanding of the established standard set of control codes for such characters as space, backspace, enter, delete, etc. Called the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII, pronounced as-key), this seemingly cryptic code uses the numbers 0 through 255. Each decimal number individually standing for the letters of the alphabet (both upper and lower) became the new mental derigeur replacing the times tables for memory practice and neural development. Interestingly enough, those students who easily developed a command of the ASCII character set were the same ones who, unlike, many of their peers, also had a good command of basic mathematics skills, such as knowing the times tables.

Students used ASCII as an aid to programming in the Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code (BASIC). In those early days when you wanted to make the computer play according to your wishes there was no way getting around using the ASCII character set. Unique numbers stood for symbols like the quotation mark (63), the comma (44), a bell (7), letter “A” (65) or the small letter “a” (95). The codes for upper and lower case letters of the alphabet are different thus requiring one to become intimately familiar with the code.

Many students loved the challenge of knowing, manipulating, coding, decoding, programming and otherwise making the computer perform correctly according to their programmed set of instructions. It was as if some form of power, embarking into an unexplored landscape, was passed on to young people. In many cases, that power seemed as if it were discovered for the first time by the student programmers themselves. Perhaps, it can best be described as power that young people seized, a power that their most respected and educated teachers with very few exceptions did not understand nor relate, even feared. My classes were mostly closed, that is, filled beyond capacity.

Few schools had more than one or two teachers and/or staff people knowledgeable in computer technology. Call it technophobia or cyberphobia, up until the year 1991 when Microsoft’s Windows operating system became available, IBM compatible computer usage remained not for the technologically faint-hearted. Though Apple had produced “the computer for the rest of us”, the MacIntosh, (Macs) there were none on the BBA campus. (Today there is an entire computer lab devoted to journalism and desktop publishing using Macs — see Mac Lab). One could argue that the success of Microsoft Windows 3.1 in 1991 and Winodws95 in 1995 led to the first real step toward common usage by the population at large, the first steps toward ubiquity.

Techno-person. A school's typical techno-person was a teacher who not only taught a full compliment of classes, but, quickly became a cyber-guru, fixing machines, installing accessories, printers, sound cards, software, etc. I performed this multi-function job description from 1985 – 1997. My job included everything from teaching colleagues how to copy files and format disks through removing jammed paper in dot matrix printers and refilling ink in spent ink jet cartridges. I even sold computers to teachers on the side getting them the best deals possible, this at a time when only the bigger cities had any retail or consulting outlets. Though not specifically instructed to do so, I would play some roll in annually updating the BASIC computer program which a member of the administration used in running the weekly school-wide faculty and staff football pool. Having a dislike for football I did not participate. Like me, programming students quickly learned the power of a little knowledge. I and they were often called out of classes to solve many computer-related problems on campus. They still are (see in-house student help line).

Initially, there was much staff aversion (one could call it resistance) to computers at BBA. At the same time, many students were self-educating themselves on computer and technology related matters. At one point there were five separate computer seminar class offerings. Often, there were two students using and working on one Commodore PET machine. Students also took amateur radio classes lead to the acquisition of FCC station and operator licenses.

Here we were at the starting gate of the personal computer revolution, with its initial impact on education, teaching, instruction, learning and society, and the students were in the vanguard of the revolution. The typical and telling comment, then and now, is “If you want help with a computer, ask a student. ”

Another interesting point worth mentioning: while teachers have always struggled getting learners to memorize times tables, country and state capitals, president’s names, etc., the learners in my computer memorized the ASCII table voluntarily. Perhaps, rote memorization of 256 ASCII characters and their numbers is an exercise where perceived self-interest becomes the best motivation? Self-interest is, after all, a good reason for learning and the benefits of developing mental processing and memorization skills transferable over into other subject areas is worthwhile and useful.

Transference. Students who learned programming did well on social studies tests requiring memorization. Some wrote instructional programs that became learning tools turning the computer's ability to randomly pick sets of facts and display them on the screen in game-like fashion that replaced flash cards. Those who spent days on planning a method of attack in writing a complicated program found themselves developing critical thinking skills that helped in writing poetry and prose and in the analysis of complicated events such as in a contemporary problems social study class. Students with a natural interest in science and the scientific method quickly realized the relationship between data collection, the need for speedy analysis and program coding which eliminated the need for tiresome and repetitive calculation by hand, a process prone to error.

The programs that students wrote reinforced, modified and adjusted, and further reinforced the nature of the scientific inquiry and its conclusions. Some students developed the knack for writing quick BASIC programs useful in just about any other class. One student who was required to know the names of all the capitals in Central and South America overnight wrote a neat and handy little program that randomly chose the name of a country and asked that its capital be entered. It kept track of the total number of answers given, those which were correct and the final grade. The program eliminated a country and capital when the user answered the question correctly at least five times until there were none left. Equally importantly, it required the learner to type in the name of the capital thus reinforcing spelling. Learning how to program is empowering. Conversely, non-programmers “are confined to using applications in ways that ‘programmers’ have determined for them.” (Rossum)

We need to keep in mind that in the very early days of personal computing there were no hard drives, no Internet access and in many cases only audio cassette tape players for recording, that is saving, and loading BASIC programs. Not only were these programs authored by BASIC-savvy students, they required a much broader understanding of computer hardware than is expected today in the graphical user interface (GUI) environment of Microsoft Windows operating systems. In the drive toward computer ubiquity do students learn more about the world around them, or, do they become efficient technology users more apt to plug into the private profit-driven corporate system?
A Biology Class Project. Two students in my computer seminar classes during those early days wanted to write a BASIC program that collected, analyzed, summarized and printed results of precipitation data in Manchester, Vermont. The biology teacher at the time was part of statewide study of the effects of acid rain on the environment. Periodic results were to be printed in a variety of formats depending upon the user's wishes and desires. The year was 1987 and BBA did not have access to a database nor any other business software package. The Microsoft Disk Operating System (DOS) was king amongst IBM compatible PC users (for those who had them). BBA had no IBM PC-compatibles on campus being a victim of non-standardization through the competing technologies of Texas Instruments, Kaypro, Compaq, Apple, Commodore, Heath, Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) and many others. Lotus 1-2-3 and word processing programs such as Wordstar were some of the most popular programs in use at the time. Unfortunately, they were unavailable at BBA.

I distinctly recall the two rainfall project students working on a twenty-five foot long fan-folded printout of their precipitation collection BASIC program. Their work spread clear across three tables. They spent weeks on this program in collaboration with the biology teacher, the data collection logbook going back years to the first entry, the state authorities who were making use of the data, etc. In addition to programming, they learned flow charting and flow control. It is my contention that these two students participated in a form of self-driven, self-paced and self-motivated alternative education at its best. They taught themselves. I was fortunate enough to be available as their guide and mentor.

Flow Charts. Program flow charts are used to introduce programming logic. (Saret) Flow charts consist of basic symbols such as ovals, rectangles, parallelograms, non-regular hexagon, circle, and others, to represent the computer operations: begin or end, process, input/output, loop, connect, branching, subroutines, etc. Flow charts allow students to see and plan ahead through a graphic technique the direction by which the logic in their program (thinking) proceeds. Flow charting is common practice not only in programming. It is an invaluable tool wherever the decision making process is involved. Some non-professional applications include:

  • charting the steps in troubleshooting a motorcycle

  • choosing courses based upon previous performance and future needs

  • determination the direction that student might take in their last two years on their way to college

The benefit of flow charting the decision making process in programming is making the programming itself clearer and easier to complete. I find it a struggle to teach flow-charting concepts today. In my programming classes the prejudice toward winging-it, that is, getting on with the writing of the program through trial-and-error takes precedence and priority over the appreciation for a structured and planned approach.

Attention Span. Many teachers believe that the attention span of the secondary school learner is less today than it was ten years ago. Anecdotal evidence suggests that attention span is influenced by increased television viewing, video and computer gaming and computer usage. Thus, an interesting question needs to be asked. Does the drive toward computing ubiquity and media integration lead to further erosion of the ability to remain focused on the task at hand particularly if, the task at hand is not video related? This is a difficult question. Video monitors offer a capturing effect, that is, they are difficult to avoid. Just yesterday, my wife JeanneE and I, were having dinner at our favorite Szechwan restaurant. We sat two tables away from the bar near a family of three including a pre-adolescent. All three, who came to share a meal with each other, were focused on the bar television for long periods as if hypnotized. The programming was a weather report in Alabama. We are in Vermont. They did not speak to nor acknowledge each other.

One could hardly argue that my two rain measuring programming students were heavily involved and seriously committed to the successful completion of their rainfall project. Their involvement with programming was focused though they spent an equal amount of time between designing and debugging the program on paper and running and altering it at the computer terminal. They had a goal in mind and focused on it. Whether staying focused and achieving that goal is aided or abetted through video technology depends upon the person, their interests, learning style, distractibility, frustration level, knowledge, commitment, etc.

Attention Deficit Disorder. The issue of attention span is a complicated puzzle. It is further complicated by the catch-much phrase Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). ADD is diagnosed in as many as 12 - 20% of children in the United States. (Stein) While students not diagnosed with ADD can have decreased attention spans with increased video exposure, students with ADD often have increased attention spans during interaction with computers. I am not thinking about the interaction that takes place only with games, but, rather with the use of computers for learning.

I'm not suggesting that more computer time during the school day increases learning. I'm merely stating that I have seen how students with ADD can extend their attention span through using computers in a positive, rewarding and knowledge increasing manner. Our son, Dylan (who prefers to be called Flang, a self-initiated name) is such a learner and quite the computer savvy 14-year old.

A medically complicated highly intelligent person, Flang is diagnosed with ADD. His thinking can be scattered. He is forgetful, easily distracted. Over the years he has found ways using K’Nex snap-together building pieces to occupy his hands and mind and (enhance/make use of) his gifts of structural and spatial intelligence. I believe that the computer serves in the same capacity. The keyboard and computer mouse are tactile and audibly click. The added benefit is, that while K’Nex pieces are manipulatives, computer usage is also interactive. I have observed that if there is a task at hand, a homework assignment that can be completed using the computer, he can quickly become intensely involved and completes the assignment well. He can become focused on his work for hours without other distraction while using the computer. Some might suggest that Flang is distracted into performing.

Perhaps, it is the typical traditional classroom which relies upon lecture which fails the many students? That is a big issue and topic of discussion in itself. It might be safe to make the case that it often fails the 12 - 20% of children in United States diagnosed with ADD who do not engage well through lecturing.

Modifying and Adjusting. The necessities of constantly changing a computer program to get it to do what is desirable inculcates self-monitoring and adjusting skills. These skills serve students in good stead especially in science classes where careful observation and correct usage of the scientific method is taught and developed. One could even make the point that this frequent monitoring of student progress/feedback is one component of all good learning. One is after all one's best teacher.

Madeline Hunter in her “effective instruction model” emphasizes modifying and adjusting. Using a computer is modifying and adjusting. Other elements include setting objectives, standards, anticipatory set, teaching through input and modeling, guided practice, closure and independent practice. (Humboldt) All these aspects of Hunter’s model were incorporated by programming students banging on the keys of their PET computers in the mid to late 1980s mostly without their knowledge. They still are in most computer programming classes today.

The most amazing part of all this direct self-teaching activity was that it took place at a time when students who took the computer seminar course knew the class would be difficult. The level and amount of hard work was not an issue. Using technology encouraged them. Students loved to learn by using their personal electronic transactor. Perhaps, it was partly due to inubiquity of computers, their mystique in a world just beginning to recognize the possibilities of the future, that drew these students into a self-semi-organized society of venturers into the little known?
The Way It Was. That is where the personal computer revolution was at BBA throughout the years 1985 through 1989. Even though the Apple computer was popular (model IIe, IIc) BBA only had a few. Though IBM had standardized the personal computer with its introduction of the “PC” into the world marketplace (1981), limited budgets, lack of a technology plan and platform, lack of technology funding, lack of training (an on-going problem) kept the hesitant unenthusiastic. The growing consciousness that PCs were soon to be catapulted into prominence in all the nation’s schools was at its infancy.

It was the IBM corporation, who in a decade of varied platforms and operating systems through its corporate clout and financial resources, coined the phrase personal computer (PC). It was through Bill Gates and Microsoft that the IBM PC Disk Operating System (DOS) was created and marketed. DOS and other acronyms such as RAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, etc., became the new hip vocabulary of nuevo-technophile. The world, BBA and other schools were off-and-running. Where to? The race, unbeknownst to us at the time, was (and is) toward ubiquitous computing.

Infrastructure. One cannot have ubiquitous computing without the necessary infrastructure of knowledgeable personnel, hardware, software, network connections, building and wiring facilities, policies and budget that make it possible. Often referred to as the technology platform, BBA went for the big ball of wax by not only designing and building a network alone, but, by designing and constructing a building that houses it.

For BBA, the serious commitment to ubiquitous computing began with fundraising for and the eventual dedication of the multi-million dollar Smith Center for Science and Communications (Smith Center).

A growing and successful secondary school eventually requires additional space. The Smith Center offered the opportunity for BBA to promote itself as an early and important player in Vermont, New England and the nation, as a school with high academic standards operating within the most modern facilities using the most up-to-date technology. It also afforded the headmaster, Chuck Scranton, the opportunity to put his many talents in fund raising to use.

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