Bakı 2002 N. Ş. Nəbiyev Rəy verən: b m. G. M. Mustafayeva Redaktor: b m. S. X.Ələsgərova

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Operating in both the public and private sectors, there are a number of different special financial institutions offering loan finance and equity capital. In the private sector they include finance houses; specialist leasing houses; factoring companies and venture capital companies, each providing an alternative to retail bank funding.

The financial markets. The City of London has long been the nexus of international activity in a number of highly organized financial markets. These include the London Stock Exchange, the sterling money and bond markets; the foreign exchange markets; eurocurrency markets; financial futures, bullion, commodities; shipping and freight.


Bank of England – İngiltərə Mərkəzi Bankı

building society – tikinti bankı

deregulation – dövlətin iqtisadiyyata təsirinin azalması

discount house – uçot bankı

merchant bank – tijarət bankı

national savings – milli əmanət bankı

option bond – təjili ödənən obliqasiya

premium bond – uduş zaymının obliqasiyası

retail bank – xırda müştərilərə xidmət edən bank

asset – əmlak (borjları ödəmək üçün), mülk, kapital

bill of exchange – 1) banknot 2) veksel

to mortgage – girov qoymaq

to pool – kapitalları birləşdirmək

securities – qiymətli kağızlar

trust - kredit


I. Suallara javab verin:

1.What is the National Savings Bank?

2.What is the Bank of England?

3.What do banking and financial market operations in Britain involve?

4.What are traditionally important roles of merchant banks in Britain?

5.What do merchant banks originate from?

6.Which countries represent their foreign banks in Britain?

7.How many branches of foreign banks were there in March 1994 in Britain?

8.When did building societies start their activities?

9.What do retail banks serve and provide?

10.What do commercial banks deal with?

II. Nöqtələrin yerinə aşağıdaki sözönülərdən uyğun gələnini yazın: in, to, of.

1.Some banking and financial institutions offer highly specialized services … individuals and companies all over the world.

2.Building societies started … the late 18th century to pool money to build houses and to buy land.

3.The Bank of England … the heart of the City of London is Britain’s central bank.

4.Retail banks primarily serve individuals and small … medium-sized businesses.

5.There were 518 authorized banks including retail banks, merchant banks, branches … overseas banks, discount houses and banking subsidiaries … both banking and non-banking institutions from Britain and overseas.

IV. Jümlələri tamamlayın:

1.Banking and financial market operations in Britain involve …

2.Many banking and financial institutions in Britain offer …

3.Commercial Banks are …

4.Retail Banks are …

5.The National Savings Bank is …

6.Merchant banks are …

7.International Banks are …

8.Building societies compete …

V. Nöqtələrin yerinə retail, central, account, aids, employ sözlərindən uyğun gələnini yazın:

1.National Savings … government borrowing via a range of savings instruments.

2.International Banks … over 60.000 British people.

3.The Bank of England in the heart of the City of London is Britain’s … bank.

4.Commercial Banks include the … banks and institutions which offer banking services.

5.Retail Banks provide current … facilities, including interest-bearing accounts, deposit accounts.

VI. Sözlərin hər birinə aid jümlələr düzəldin:

Market operations, to involve a number of special institutions, new legislative frameworks, to offer highly specialized services, sovereign bodies, in the heart of the city, regulator of monetary, credit conditions, supervisor of the banking system, to lend money, wholesale market, from Britain and overseas, foreign exchange dealings, the discount house.

Test yourself

VII. Altından xətt çəkilmiş söz və ifadələrdən biri səhvdir, həmin səhvi tapıb, verilmiş jümlədə onun düzgün variantını yazın.

1.By the beginning of next year, much of the people who live in that area may have difficulty finding employment.

2.Be careful to give the caterers a accurate count of the number of people whom you expect to go to the wedding reception.

3.Ever since he arrived, he has been complaining about constantly the weather.

4.The living room was enough large to accommodate two long sofas easily.

5.Approving of my choice of colleges, my father said that he was willing to completely pay for all the costs of my education.

6.In spite of the exceedingly favorable financial benefits she is receiving,

Linda now wishes that she was not stationed in Alaska for three years.

7.We all laughed when Helen said she could not remember what day was it.

VIII. Verilmiş fikrə daha çox uyğun gələn sözü tapın:

1.To share responsibilities, to let others to take decisions.

a) lead b) delegate c) manage

2.A person who motivates others and helps them to reach a common goal.

a) leader b) sales manager c)advertiser

3.The ability of a person to do something well.

a) activity b)acting c) performance

4.A document giving permission to sell something.

a) license b) contract c) agreement

5.Successful, prosperous.

a) important b) flourishing c) significant

6.A spectacular increase in business activity.

a) boost b) boom c) bull

7.A person associated with another, often in business.

a) employer b) partner c) founder

8.To give money temporary, on the condition that it will be returned.

a) lend b) borrow c) pay

9.Money made on an investment.

a) benefit b) return c) bonus

10.A company or a person is competing against you.

a) partner b) franchiser c) rival

IX. Dialoqu öyrənin.


Brown: Could you recommend me a bank of high credit standing?

Adams: In the first place I could recommend you the Westminster Bank in London.

B.: And can I take up credit in this bank?

A.: Certainly. The bank grants credits as well.

B.: What must I have to get a credit?

A.: You must have papers to prove your solvency as well as a voucher to get a credit.

A.: Could you vouch for me?

B.: Willingly. You are trustworthy person. I’m quite sure you’ll cancel your credit on time.

A. I’m very grateful to you for your confidence.

And there is one more thing. Before you sign a contract on opening a credit you should first know the credit regulations.

Thank you very much for your advice.

B.: That’s all right. You can always rely on me.

Lesson 10

Azerbaijan economy

Territory – 86,6 sq. km.

Population – 8,3 mln.

Monetary unit : manat (rate Azm. 4,850 $ 1)

The Azerbaijan Republic restored its independence following the desintegration of the USSR at the end of 1991.The head of the Republic is the president, elected by popular vote. The democratic system of management provides for multi – party system (there are about 25 political parties), freedom of speech (upwards of 150 titles of newspapers, magazines, other press bodies are issued in the country), freedom of conscience, as well as the economy on the basis of market relations.

The Azerbaijani economy is undergoing the transition period. The world practice stresses the necessity and decisive importance of the transition period for the future development of the countries which have chosen the path of free market natural resources and economic potential, achieved in 70s and 80s, and the most important aspect–state–running by President–Reformer Heydar Aliyev are reliable guarantees that we will be able to succssfully pass the transition period.

Reforms, including privatization which intends to integrate the Azerbaijan economy into the world economic system, represent a truly transformational change, a radical turn in the consciousness of the people, mode of life, and governing. A legal basis has already been formed in Azerbaijan to ensure the development of a free market economy.The privatization process itself is accelerating from month to month. The main stage of small-scale privatization has been fulfilled. The privatization of medium–and large–scale state enterprises enters a new stage–strategic enterprises are offered for sales.Thus, the importance and essence of privatization in Azerbaijan are acquiring the international character.

The creation of a propitious environment, designed for a more fluent functioning of foreign investors in the privatization process, is one of the positive aspects of carrying out reforms in our country.

In sum, the doors of Azerbaijan are open both to local proprietors and foreign investors.

The economy of Azerbaijan is diversified, including oil and gas production, oil refining, engineering, metallurgy, chemical, oil-chemical, light and food industry, building materials, agriculture (cotton, tea, tobacco, silk worms, wool vine – growing, vegetables, fruits).

After restoring independence, in 1991–1995 there was a slump in the production of all the branches of national economy. As compared with 1990, the real volume of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) fell down twice, industrial production–by 47%. Even worse, the living standards of the population deteriorated by 3,6 times due to the growth of inflation

For objectives and subjective reasons, the radical reforms in Azerbaijan started in 1995. In 1996, following the implementation of the 2 economic programs on macroeconomic stabilization and restructuring of economy agreed with the IMF and he WB, it became possible to ensure the growth of GDP by 1,3 %, the agricultural production and living standards of the population. The budget deficit is no more than 3% of GDP, average monthly inflation 0,5% against 22-25% in 1993 – 1994.

The investment process has stepped up as well. After the signing of the first oil contract (September 1994) and 5 others with the biggest oil companies worldwide worth upwards of $0 bn., the inflow of foreign investments into the Azerbaijan economy rose sharply. In 1995–1996, investments made up approximately $ 800 mln., and more than $ 1,2 billion in 1997.

Nowadays, intensive talks are being held with foreign investors from the United States, Germany, Japan, Great Britain, Saudi Arabia, etc. in the matter of radical refurbishment of chemical, oil–chemical, metallurgic, light and food industry.

Over the past two years, the foreign trade turnover increased by 25 % and reached $ 1,6 bn. Since 1994, the foreign trade ballance had been negative, but since early 1997–positive. About 75 % of export structure is oil related products and cotton, about 40 % of import–food stuffs and consumer goods, some 42% - industrial – technical products and transport vehicles.


as compared with – müqayisədə

basis of market relations – bazar münasibətlərinin əsası

branch – sahə

consumer goods – istehlak malları

ensure ( v.) – təmin etmək

growth of inflation – inflyasiyanın artması

gross domestic product – ümumi daxili məhsul

food industry – ərzaq sənayesi

freedom of conscience – fikir azadlığı

freedom of speech – söz azadlığı

implementation – həyata keçirmə, tətbiq etmə

inflow of foreign investment – xariji kapital axını

lght industry – yüngül sənaye

living standard – yaşayış səviyyəsi

medium-and large scale state enterprises – orta iri həjmli dövlət müəssisələri

monthly inflation – aylıq inflyasiya

oil-chemical – neft - kimya

oil refining – neft emalı

popular vote – ümumxalq səsverməsi

provide (v. ) – təmin etmək

radisal turn – əsaslı dönüş

reason – səbəb

restore – bərpa etmək

silk worm – ipək qurdu

slump – kəskin şəkildə azalma, böhran

successfully pass – müvəffəqiyyətli, uğurlu keçid

transport vehicles – yük maşınları

turnover – mal dövriyyəsi

upword – yüksəlmək, artmaq, yuxarı qalxmaq


I. Verilmiş sözlərdən uyğun gələnini nöqtələrin yerinə yazın:

addressing, requires, oil industry damage, ecological safety, polluting the invironment.

1. However, mentioned N.Aliyev, we should not charge only SOCAR and oil companies on the whole with … of Azerbaijan.

2. … to the Congress participants the chairman of Azerbaijan Parliament’s Commission on natural resources, energy and economy A. Manafova minutely dwelled on the ecolgical situation of country, the problem attracting key attention of the republic government and parliament.

3. According to her views active exploration, refining and transportation of hydrocarbon resources … high attention to their environmental aspects.

4. Expressing public’s opinion she called SOCAR and other oil companies, operating in the republic to pay most attention to …, taking into account the increasing rate of extraction, refining and transportation of oil and gas in the Caspian region.

5.Emphasizing the importance of energy in the life of country, Mrs. Manafova at the same time pointed to the fact, that namely energy branches, and especially … to the ecological situation of Azerbaijan.

II. Aşağıdakı sözlərin sinonimlərini tapın.

Population, management, basis, branch, growth, reason, reform, implementation, to ensure, worldwide, radical changes, pollution, to carry out, proprietor, to achieve, natural resources.

III. Verilmiş söz və ifadələrin antonimlərini tapın.

The inflow, foreign investment, to increase, negative, import, multi – party system, light industry, to fall down, large-scale state enterprise, free market.

IV. Aşağıdakı söz və ifadələrdən istifadə edərək jümlələr düzəldin.

1. in the construction, sector, oportunities, projects, begin, oil and gas, can, only, increase, as, large.

2. privatization, of, the, final, wave, large-scale, of Azerbaijan, industry, this year, is, to finally, expected, begin.

3. in factories, and, any investments, relating, equipment, construction, to newly, industries, privatized, likely, major, will, involve.

4. construction, at present, foreign, office buildings, investment, has limited, mainly, been, to, construction, or, of, hotels, renovation, houses, in, individual, Baku.

Y. Altından xətt çəkilmiş sözlərə sual verin.

1. Any visitor to Azerbaijan’s capital city of Baku cannot help but be struck by the amount of new construction currently underway.

2. New apartment blocks already dot the city and a number of existing buildings have undergone nearly complete reconstruction.

3. It is obvious that there is a market for the construction industry in this country.

4. Further, currently there is considerable discussion of potential several large pipeline construction projects.

5. If these projects go forward according to plan, a huge influx of foreign investment will ensue.

YI. İngilis dilinə tərjümə edin.

1. Bu il büdjə kəsiri 4 faizdən artıq, aylıq inflyasiya isə 0,2 faiz olmuşdur.

Axırınjı üç il ərzində xariji tijarət dövriyyəsi təqribən 33 faiz artmışdır.

2. İqtisadi islahatlar zamanı Azərbayjan Dünya Bankının və Beynəlxalq Valyuta Fondunun tələbləri ilə hesablaşmalı olur.

3. Son illər Azərbayjanda əhalinin həyat səviyyəsinin yüksəlməsi müşahidə olunur. Bu müsbət haldır.

4. Azərbayjan Respublikasının prezidenti ümumxalq səsverməsi yolu ilə seçilir.

5. 2002–ji il iyunun 13–də Respublikamızın prezidenti Heydər Əliyevin universitetimizə gəlişi böyük tarixi hadisədir.

6. Azərbayjan müstəqillik əldə etdiyi ilk illərdə milli iqtisadiyyatın bütün sahələrində istehsalın aşağı düşməsi müşahidə olunurdu.

7. Son vaxtlar Respublikamızda Ümumi Daxili Məhsulun xüsusi çəkisi ildən–ilə artır.

8. Hal–hazırda xariji investorları Azərbayjan iqtisadiyyatına jəlb etmək üçün qızğın müzakirələr aparılır.

9. Bəzi səbəblərdən Azərbayjanda köklü islahatlar prezident Heydər Əliyevin hakimiyyətə jəlişindən sonra başlanmışdır.

Test yourself

YII. Aşağıdakı jümlələrdə altından xətt çəkilmiş söz və ya ifadələrdən biri səhvdir, verilmiş jümlədə onun düzgün variantını tapın.

1.Did you hear many news about the political situation while you were in that country?

2.Since I have so many letters to write, I am going to buy several boxes of stationary.

3.Our friends got a bank loan for to buy a new car.

4.By the time Robert will finish writing the first draft of his paper, most of the other students will be completing their final draft.

5.Some members of the committee were opposed to use the club member’s money to redecorate the meeting hall.

6.I was very shocked to see how much my grand – mother she had ages since the last time we visited.

7.Our supervisor finally noticed that it was we, Diana and me, who always turned in our reports on time.

8.In our opinion that girl is enough beautiful to be a movie star.

9.The flag is risen at 6:30 every morning without fail.

10. That student from Mexico who is rooming with Bill Smith reminds me to my uncle.

11.When they travel to Europe, the Harrises like to stay in Paris and visiting as many art galleries as possible.

12. The passenger only had a five–dollar bill with him when he boarded the bus.

YIII. Bilirsinizmi?

I. What is the world’s biggest office?

The Pentagon is the largest office in the world.This famous fivesided building, which is the US Department of Defense was built in just 16 months during World War II, in Arlington, Virginia. It is designed to hold up to 40.000 people. It has 28 kilometers of corridors, 7754 windows, 284 bathrooms, and parking space for 8770 cars. 17.000 meals a day are served in its restaurants.

II. Charles Dickens the man.

Dickens had ten children, but he didn’t have a happy family life. He was successful in his work but not at home, and his wife left him. He never stopped writing and travelling, and he died very suddenly in 1870.

Lesson 11

The development of oil and gas industry in Azerbaijan

For the first time offshore oil was produced in the Caspian Sea in 1925 from a wooden well at Bibi–Heybat field. In 40–s first in the world Azerbaijan got oil gusher in the open sea conditions. That moment (7 the of November of 1949 ) can be considered as the beginning of offshore oil and gas production both in Azerbaijan and the World as a whole. The history of offshore oil and gas industry in Azerbaijan is divided into three epochs:

- Period from 1925 to 1949.

- From 1949 to the time when Azerbaijan has got its independence

- From 1991 up to nowadays.

During the first epoch exploration and drilling were carried out on the shore and nearby only due to the lack of appropriate facilities. In this period Pirallahi–daniz, Jurgan–daniz fields and Darwin Bank were explored and started work. Increasing their experience during the second stage the Caspian oilmen for the first time were able to drill wells at a depth of 15–20 meters. Further in 60–80s being provided with powerful floating installations they drilled over 200 meters of depth in the Caspian shelf. In 1970 offshore production reached its maximum 12,9 mln.tons.

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