Aa history Lovers 2004 moderators Nancy Olson and Glenn F. Chesnut page

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November 1952 AA Grapevine
And In Thanks
Two years ago, on November 16th, 1950, R. H. S., died in Akron, Ohio. It was

Thursday, close to noontime, one week before what would have been his 71st

Thanksgiving Day.

It was fifteen years and five months after his own last drink...and it was

fifteen years and five months in which he had personally ministered as

friend and teacher and physician to 5,000 alcoholics.

To each of them he was simply "Doctor Bob." And to history he will be

"Co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous." And to Bill he is "The Prince of

Twelfth Steppers"...and "The Rock Upon Which AA Is Founded"...and simply


He met death serenely, for he had to the fullest given himself to life. He

left the rich gifts of simplicity and love and service.

We who have followed him in The Way Out give him thanks anew for the message

he so tirelessly carried. And we think this man who learned true humility

would most like the memorial that is still to come...those thousands now

sick and despairing who will yet find our way out of dilemma into

recovery…strengthened by the invisible hand of Doctor Bob...
++++Message 1657. . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Bob Announcement Of His Passing


From: Lash, William (Bill) . . . . . . . . . . . . 2/15/2004 2:22:00 PM
December 1950 AA Grapevine
Dr. Bob
The tragic news of Dr. Bob's death came after this issue of the Grapevine

had gone to press. No hastily written words can possibly describe the

feelings of the thousands of AAs who knew him personally. And only the

loving God who has been so merciful to us all can truly measure the

greatness of his contribution not only to AA but to all mankind. We shall

make here no mere listing of his devotions to AA. How in-adequate for a man

who is a co-founder of something that has meant so much to so many. But even

'Co-Founder' does not serve. For Dr. Bob was the rock on which AA is

founded. None who saw and heard him last summer at Cleveland will ever

forget his characteristic statement -- the last he made in public -- " --

love and service are the cornerstones of Alcoholics Anonymous!"

In loving tribute, the January issue of the Grapevine will be dedicated as a

Memorial to our beloved Dr. Bob.
++++Message 1659. . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Bob Quote

From: Lash, William (Bill) . . . . . . . . . . . . 2/16/2004 5:23:00 PM

I have always heard this quote as being attributed to Dr. Bob:
"Carry the message. And if you must, use words."
Can anyone tell me where this Dr. Bob quote can be found? Thanks!
I found this other quote on a website attributed to St. Francis:
"Preach always. When necessary use words". We recognize the importance of


attention to the substance of our message, but that is not enough. The

manner in which

we make that message known is as important as the message itself.
Just Love,

Barefoot Bill

++++Message 1660. . . . . . . . . . . . Back to Basics - Compilation of

excerpts from Previous Posts

From: NMOlson@aol.com . . . . . . . . . . . . 2/17/2004 7:16:00 AM
The AA History Lovers list is getting so long that it is difficult if not

impossible to search the entire list. For example, when a question was asked

recently about Back to Basics I had forgotten that the subject was already

thoroughly covered on the list.

In an effort to clean up the list I am starting to combine posts on the same

subject. The post numbers will stay but the message will be deleted after

being combined in one message.
I am starting with Back to Basics. Some feel that this is not an appropriate

topic for the list, but I still think it is of interest to AA historians.

In order to avoid repetition the following are excerpts from the posts re

Back to Basics, usually not the entire message. I cannot verify the accuracy

of all the posts.
On September 29, 2002, Katherine E wrote:
I was wondering if anyone had any information on the the development of the

movement Back to Basic and their connection to AA History. I was recently at

a conference where I met some Back to Basic advocates who where making some

questionable statements about how things were done in the early days. I was

wondering how valid this back to Basic movement is in regards to actual AA

program and it's history.

Ernest Kurtz responded:
From what I have seen and heard in well over two decades of study, the

so-called "Back to Basics" movement is an attempt to re-create the Oxford

Group as it existed in the mid-1930s. AA as we know it grew out of that,

partially by rejecting aspects of those teachings. Some, from

Henrietta Seiberling and James Houck on, have effectively tried to deny that

separation and to bring "A.A." back under those auspices.

The "Back to Basics" movement has many strengths and apparently helps many

people. But its relationship to Alcoholics Anonymous is similar to the

relationship of Judaism to Christianity.
Mary in Michigan wrote:
Here in Michigan we are using a book Call Back to Basic, by Wally P. This

Book has information about the development of the movement. In Michigan

Meetings are starting to use the back to basic back as a class for taking

the 12 steps. ... Here is a web site to check it

Jim McG wrote:
That we use the AA Big Book to teach the steps, makes the claim that we are

attempting to re-create the Oxford Group movement seem odd. We DO feature an

Oxford Group staple, a pamphlet called "How to Listen to God" in our

practicing the 11th step. This we use as a guide to practice "quiet time and

guidance." ,,, We also feature a simplfied "assets/liability" 4th step

inventory that is described on the page next to the resentments/fears/sex

thing in the Big Book.
Cliff B. in Texas wrote:
One of the things I have appreciated and enjoyed about this Group has been

the lack of controversy. But in the past few weeks, we have seen it begin

and this topic is one that really has no place in this Group.
Any student of the Big Book readily recognizes that there is a lot of stuff

that has been written in the "Back to Basics" manual that is not Alcoholics

Anonymous. With 63 years of time tested, experience proven success, no one

has approached the success that is realized when an alcoholic PRECISELY

follows the clear-cut directions that are outlined in the Basic Text for

Alcoholics Anonymous which are obviously divinely inspired. ... I have been

around long enough to see our Fellowship slip from: "Rarely have we seen a

person fail....." to seldom do we see a person recover. Let's get back to

the real Basics; the Basic Text for Alcoholics Anonymous which is titled,


When questions appeared again recently I combined some of the responses as

From: goldentextpro@aol.com [6]

NO! "Back to Basics" is not the original AA program, and it had nothing to

do with Akron. And I have to be emphatic about this.

First, read Dr. Bob and the Good Oldtimers, on the Frank Amos report of AA

in 1938, pp. 130-136. You will find a good description of the real first

program as employed by Dr. Bob Smith. There were no Steps. There was no

classroom. There was the Bible, a morning Quiet Time, religious devotionals,

prayer, no drunkalogs, church affiliation, and frequent hospital visits to

new prospects.

The "Back to Basics" approach, kicked up by Wally P., is an off-shoot of

what Clarence Snyder was doing in Cleveland post-1939. Clarence said that

his only two source books were the Big Book and the Good Book. Following the

Cleveland Plain Dealer's outstanding articles on AA, membership exploded in

Cleveland, and to keep up with it, and so that the program wouldn't get

garbled, Clarence decided to start group classroom-type education classes.

He would take the folks through the first nine steps. The last three, of

course, was the daily program. Prayer, Quiet Time, a daily inventory

utilizing the Four Absolutes (honesty, purity, unselfishness, and love) as

yardsticks, and helping others.

From: "Robert Stonebraker" [7]
A view of how Dr. Bob sponsored Earl Treat through Six-Step process, as it

was at that time (1937), can be found on page 292 of the Third Edition (263,

Fourth Edition) of the Big Book. ...
I have in possession a rather thick binder from an existing Akron Group

called: "Back To the 40's." The cover of which states: "Taking the 12 Steps

in 5 one hour classes." Briefly, the meeting is chaired by a reader and a

commentator as they "teach" the Twelve Step process in five classes by going

through the Big Book. The person who gave me this is very involved in Akron

AA history.

From: "Arthur" [8]
BtB advocates that so-called original' AA (as practiced in Akron) had a

remarkably high recovery rate no longer achieved today. They further claim

that 90-180 days of their meetings "takes us back to the 'original' program

that produced a 50-75% recovery rate." Somehow, someway, someone has

concluded that BtB is getting a 50-75% recovery rate and the rest of AA has

only a 5-10% recovery rate, depending on which study you read. According to

BtB, contemporary AA is supposed to be errant due to its lack of orthodoxy

relative to 'original' Oxford Group methodology and principles. Please don't

take my word on it. Visit their web site and draw your own conclusion based

on its content. ...

A possible source of BtB's assertion of an "early AA 75% recovery rate" may

derive from Dr Harry Tiebout's paper "Therapeutic Mechanism of Alcoholics

Anonymous." It was originally published in 1944 and later reprinted [in

1957] in "AA Comes of Age." On pg 310, it states "Alcoholics Anonymous

claims a recovery rate of 75 percent of those who really try their methods."

I'd suggest that the key words are "really try" not "75 percent." ... Later

in commenting about Bill W's spiritual experience (Bill is called Mr. "X")

Tiebout states "According to Alcoholics Anonymous experience the speed with

which the spiritual awakening takes place is no criterion of either depth or

permanence of cure. The religious leavening, however little at first, starts

the process; the program helps to bring it to a successful conclusion." The

1944 paper, I presume, would serve as a reputable description of AA's

program of Recovery in its "early days." Tiebout goes on to list a series of

numbers for the initial 7 years of AA: 5 recovered at the end of the 1st

year [1935];15 recovered at the end of the 2nd year [1936]; 40 recovered at

the end of the 3rd year [1937];100 recovered at the end of the 4th year

[1938]; 400 recovered at the end of the 5th year [1939]; 2000 recovered at

the end of the 6th year [1940]; 8000 recovered at the end of the 7th year

[1941]. Jack Alexander's article in Sat. Eve. Post. It should be fairly

obvious that the figures cited as "recovered" are membership estimates.

While certain locales may have made claims of this or that success rate,

there is no way anyone can verify those claims with reasonable confidence.

The data to do so just doesn't exist. What appears to get used most in these

scenarios are statements of articles of faith based on anecdotal assertion

and sincerity. From a membership of 5 in 1935 to an international membership

in excess of 2,100,000 today, perceived issues in success rates seem far

more premised on imagination than information.
++++Message 1661. . . . . . . . . . . . Letter from Ruth Hock to Bill Wilson

dated November 10, 1955

From: NMOlson@aol.com . . . . . . . . . . . . 2/17/2004 10:47:00 AM
A photocopy of this letter was give to me by Rich B. in Minneapolis during

the 2000 international convention. Across the top in Bill's handwriting it

says "Ruth Hocks recollections."
I originally posted it in several parts hoping to keep it as close to the

original as possible. To clean up the list I am posting it here as one

document. I have made no effort to correct punctuation or grammatical

errors, so you language purists will just have to exercise tolerance.

Nov. 10, 1955
Dear Bill:
As I wrote to you last week it is difficult for me to get a long period of

uninterrupted time together to put down my recollections of those old A.A.

days - but I have about two hours - so here goes.
Let me say first that I do not guarantee the accuracy of any dates I may use

until I have the opportunity to check one thing against the other which I am

willing to do if it ever proves necessary - neither do I insist that my

memory is absolutely accurate - it will be easier if I can just sort of

meander along for present purposes.
As I remember it you had been sober just a little over a year when I first

met you. I think I went to work for Honor Dealers in about January of 1936.

The job I applied for was as Secretary to sort of a distributorship for a

group of service stations - naturally I had no idea what a surprise fate had

in store for me and what a change it would make in my personal life, in my

relations to and my opinions of my fellow man.

I walked into the Honor Dealers office in Newark, N.J. on Williams Street

one Monday morning - was interviewed by Hank - and started to work

immediately that morning. My immediate impression of Hank was that he had a

vibrant personality - that he was capable of strong likes and dislikes -

that he seemed to be possessed of inexhaustible energy - and that he liked

to make
quick decisions.

You arrived shortly thereafter Bill bringing with you an aura of quiet warm

friendliness - of slow deliberate decisions - and at least I thought at the

time, not much interest really in the Service Station business.
By the end of that very first day I was a very confused female for, if I

remember correctly, that first afternoon you had a visitor in your office

and I think it was Paul Kellogg. Anyway, the connecting door was left wide

open and instead of business phrases what I heard was fragments of a

discussion about drunken misery, a miserable wife, and what I thought was a

very queer conclusion indeed - that being a drunk was a disease. I remember

feeling that you were all rather hard hearted because at some points there

was roaring laughter about various drunken incidents. Fortunately I liked

you both immediately - I am not too easily frightened - and you were paying

$3.00 more per week than I had been getting - so I was willing to give it a

You will remember with me, I know, that in those days and for several years

to come, we talked about "drunks" and not "alcoholics" and therefore I use

those terms here.
The activity of Honor Dealers, as I remember it, was never of paramount

importance it seemed to me after I began to know most of you original men,

that it was only a means to an end - that end being to help a bunch of

nameless drunks. Having come from a thrifty German family I know what I

thought if you two would spend as much energy and thought and enthusiasm on

Honor Dealers as you did on drunks you might get somewhere. That would be

hard to prove either way and actually I've never known whether the original

premise of Honor Dealers was sound.

Anyway I soon stopped caring whether Honor Dealers was successful or not and

became more and more interested in each new face that came along with the

alcoholic problem and caring very much whether they made the grade or not.

All of you made me feel as though I were a very worthwhile person in my own

right and very important to you which in turn made me want
to always give my best to all of you. To me that is part of the secret of

the success of A.A. - the generous giving of oneself to the needs of the

Well - the activities of Honor Dealers slowly but surely declined and there

was more and more correspondence with drunks and more of them showing up in

the office. In those days it was part of the procedure, if the prospect was

willing to go along, to kneel and pray together - all of you who happened to

be there. To me, drunkenness and prayer were both very private activities

and I sure did consider all of you a very revolutionary lot - but such

likable and interesting revolutionaries!
Hank put a good bit of thought and effort into Honor Dealers but whether his

ideas had real merit or whether there was not enough prolonged effort or

whether it was just a poor time for that kind of an idea I was not capable

of judging then nor am I now. I only know that within about a year finances

were precarious enough to move us into a tiny office in the same building

and even then I was front man to explain to the superintendent why the rent

wasn't paid on time and the telephone bill, etc. Payday was an indefinite

affair indeed.

I am somewhat confused about the timing of the move into the small Newark

office because now that I think about it I remember that the book work was

done in the large office.
Anyway, early in my association with you, Bill, you began to dictate letters

to Doc Smith. You never liked to dictate to a shorthand note book - you

always dictated directly as I typed. In the amazing way these things often

happen, since word of what you fellows were doing in New York and by that

time Doc Smith in Akron was simply spread vocally from mouth to mouth,

inquiries began to float in from amazing distances and some of these you

asked me to answer in my own fashion. That is, to refer them to the closest

"educated drunk." "Educated" of course in the sense that they knew something

of this new possibility of an answer to alcoholism.
Somewhere during those first months I also first met Doc Smith who gave

everyone a feeling of great serenity - peace with himself and God - and an

abounding wish to share what he had found with others. Somewhere along in

there John Henry Fitzhugh Mayo also appeared (Offhand I have no idea of the

dates) with his warm sense of humor and the all abiding wish to give to

drunks what he too had found. This you all had in common to an exciting and

unbelievable degree.
During that first year at least I don't think I ever attended a meeting, but

through your dictation, Bill, through all I heard at the office and through

the letters I was answering myself in your behalf I began to absorb an

understanding of what it was all about and what you were trying to do and I

became aware that the possibilities of writing a book were being discussed.

Many of you thought it was an absolute necessity because even then the

original idea was often distorted in the hundreds of word of mouth

discussions. Its original basic simplicity was often completely confused

beyond comprehension and besides it was becoming more and more impossible to

fully expound the idea satisfactorily in letter after letter to various

inquirers. Also, especially to the advertising type of man, the spread of

the idea was going much too slowly and would become a sensation overnight if

only put out in book form!!
So far as I know there was never any doubt that you were the one to write

it, Bill, and I know that you spent endless hours discussing its general

form with everyone who would listen or offer an idea - especially with Doc

Smith, Fitz and Hank. As soon as you began to feel you had at least a

majority agreement you began to arrive at the office with those yellow

scratch pads sheets I came to know so well. All you generally had on those

yellow sheets were a few notes to guide you on a whole chapter! My

understanding was that those notes were the result of long thought on your

part after hours of discussion pro and con with everyone who might be

interested. That is the way I remember first seeing an outline of the twelve

As I look at it today the basic idea of each chapter of the book and the

twelve steps is still essentially today what you scribbled on the original

yellow sheets. Of course there were thousands of small changes and rewrites

- constant cutting or adding or editing but there are only two major changes

made that I remember, both fought out in the office when you and Hank and

Fitz and I were present.

The first had to do with how much God was going to be included in the book

itself and the 12 steps. Fitz was for going all the way with God, you were

in the middle, Hank was for very little and I - trying to reflect the

reaction of the non-alcoholic was for very little too. The result of this

was the phrase "God as you understand Him," which I don't think ever had

much of a negative reaction anywhere. We were unanimous that day and you got

a greenlight everywhere you showed that typewritten copy including Doc Smith

and the Akron contingent where a copy of everything was sent for O.K. or

The only other major change I remember during the actual writing of the book

was that originally it was directly written to the prospective alcoholic,

that is -- "You were wrong" -- "You must" -- "You should" and after a big

hassle, this was changed to read -- "We were wrong" -- "We must" -- "We

should" -- etc." This was quite a job because by the time this major

revision was decided on most of the book had been finished in its first

draft at least and each chapter as well as the 12 steps had been slanted

"you" instead of "We" to begin with.

At this time I had still attended very few meetings but I know that the

office confabs and final decisions were only made after the aforementioned

hours of discussion with all who cared to take part in them with you so that

the majority opinion of all who attended meetings at that time was reflected

in the final decisions.
During all this time, of course, there was plenty of discussion about a name

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