A lyceum Student Uzbek transcript

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CultureTalk Uzbekistan Video Transcripts: http://langmedia.fivecolleges.edu

A Lyceum Student
Uzbek transcript:
A: Men Azamat Sharopov, Buxoroda tug’ilganman. Buxoro shaxrining o’zida 1990 yil. 9 yil 22-maktabda, o’zimizni Buxoroda ta’lim olib, undan so’ng litseyda hozirda ta’lim olyapman. Xudo xoxlasa uchinch kursga ham o’tib qolaman. Hozirda man ta’tildaman.
Q: Qaysi yo’nalish bo’yicha o’qiysiz litseyda?
A: Litseyda Ingliz tili filologiyasida o’qiyman. Fanlarimizga kelsak, boshida, ko’pgina fanlarni birinchi kursda o’tganmiza. Ikkinchi kursaga kelib ba’zi fanlar olib tashlanib, qisqartirilib, faqatgina o’zimizning yo’nalishimiz bo’yicha, ya’ni ingliz tili birinchi navbatda, undan so’ng ona tili, keyin yana boshqa, qo’shimcha shunga kerakli bo’lgan fanlar, masalan milliy istiqlol g’oyasi, o’zimizga kerakli bo’lgan fanlar o’rgatiladi.
Q: Litseyda o’qish sizga yoqadimi?
A: Albatta yoqadi, maktabdan keyingi orzuim edi bu, litseyda ayniqsa ingliz tili fakultetiga kirib o’qish. Men u yerda anchagina bilim, ikki yil davomida anhcagina bilim top’lab, hozida ingliz tilin yaxshiroq o’zlashtirayapman. Yoshim hozirda 18 da.

Oilada to’rt kishimiz, dadam, oyim, ukam1 va men. Dadam hay…shaxsiy manina bilan haydovchi bo’lib ishlaydilar, oyim esa uy bekasi, u kishi bo’sh vaqtlarida tikish bilan shug’ullanadilar, turli xil ko’ylaklarda gullar tikadilar. Ukam esa maktabda sakkizinchi sinf o’quvchisi.

Menga shu til o’rganish judayam yoqadi, ayniqsa ingliz tili, masalan, undan tashqari men qiziqishim texnika judayam baland, shu ko’p e’tibor berilganda, texnika ko’pisi, ingliz tilida ko’p narsasi, funktsiyalari, ko’p narsasi ingliz tilida yoziladi, chunki ingliz tili internatsional tan olingan til hisoblanadi, xalqaro, shuning uchun ingliz tiliga qiziqishim baland.

English translation:
A: I am Azamat Sharopov, was born in Bukhoro, in the city of Bukhoro in 1990. I went to school 22 for nine years in Bukhoro, after that, now I study at the lyceum. God willing, I will go to the third year. Now I am on holiday.
K: What is your concentration at the lyceum?
A: I study English Philology at the lyceum. As for the subjects, we study a lot of other subjects in the first year. In the second year, some subjects removed, decreased, only the subjects related to our specialty, i.e. first of all English, then native language1, then other different, additional subjects necessary for it, for example, Ideology of National Independence, the subjects that are necessary for us are taught.
K: Do you like your studies at the lyceum?
A: Sure, I like [them]. It was my dream after school, to study at the lyceum, especially in English faculty. I have gained quite a bit of knowledge there for two years. I am doing much better in English right now. I am 18 now. We are four people in my family, my dad, mom, younger sister and me. My dad is a driver with a private car. My mom is a house-wife. She sews a little when she is free. She embroiders flowers on different dresses. And my younger sister is in eighth grade at school.
I like this, learning language very much, especially English. For example, besides I am very interested in technology, if you pay closer attention, most of the technology, most of it is in English. The functions, most of it is written in English, because English is recognized as an international language, that’s why I am very interested in English.

About CultureTalk: CultureTalk is produced by the Five College Center for the Study of World Languages and housed on the LangMedia Website. The project provides students of language and culture with samples of people talking about their lives in the languages they use everyday. The participants in CultureTalk interviews and discussions are of many different ages and walks of life. They are free to express themselves as they wish. The ideas and opinions presented here are those of the participants. Inclusion in CultureTalk does not represent endorsement of these ideas or opinions by the Five College Center for the Study of World Languages, Five Colleges, Incorporated, or any of its member institutions: Amherst College, Hampshire College, Mount Holyoke College, Smith College and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
© 2003-2008 Five College Center for the Study of World Languages and Five Colleges, Incorporated

1 Uka – the word for “younger brother” in Uzbek is sometimes used for both younger brother and sister in some dialects. The speaker has a younger sister, though he is using the word “uka”.

1 native language referring to Uzbek

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