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- Profilakticheskie priviki
278 Signs of microbial eczema

- Upornoe for

+ Rezkie borders

- Sezonnost

- Harakterno for men only
279.chto characteristic of bladder

- izyazvlenie with ulceration and atrophy

- yavlyaetsya proliferative element

- obrazuetsya resulting edema papillary dermis

+ yavlyaetsya exudative primary element and contains fluid
280 How different from the bubble of the bubble

- subektivnymi sensations

+ razmerami - less than 05 cm bubble bubble more

- soderzhimym exudate

- lokalizatsiey elements
281 What layer of the epidermis

+ bazalny

- sosochkovy

- retikulyarny

- zhirovoy
282 that belongs to the skin appendages

- podkozhno-fatty tissue

- epidermis

- derma

- volosy
283 What are the primary elements of mofologicheskie

- follikula

- papula

- atrofiya

- vegetatsiya
284 What kinds of pustules you know

+ fliktena

- komedon

- skrofuloderma

- ekskoriatsiya
285 As a result, any process can patogistomorfologicheskih

form a bundle

- anaplaziya

+ granulez

- vakuolnaya dystrophy

- akantoliz

286 What types of papules vary in size

- lihenoidnye

- karlikovye

- tuberkuloidnye

+ nummulyarnye
287 What are the characteristics of the nodule

+ bespolostnoy primary element

- yavlyaetsya ephemeral

- soderzhit serous ekksudat

- pri involution leaves atrophic scar
288 What are the characteristics of the node, and for tubercle

- otnositsya to exudative elements

+ yavlyayutsya bespolostnoy elements

- infiltrat located in the epidermis

- yavlyayutsya ephemeral formations
289 Write to primary cells and histopathological them by appropriate processes

 - puzyrek - atrophy

- tuberkulum - secondary depigmentation

+puzyr - acantholysis

- uzel - Erosion
290 Find a secondary morphological elements

- papula

+ vegetatsiya

- fliktena

291 What are the characteristics of lihenifikatsii

- atroficheskie changes

- gipergidroz on the hearth

- anesteziya on the hearth

+ rezko pronounced skin pattern
292 What are the primary elements and their corresponding inverse

the development of secondary cells

 - puzyrek - atrophic changes

+ bugorok - ulcer and scar then

- papula - scar atrophy

- pyatno - flaking and crust

293 Call pyoderma specific to childhood

- gidradenit

- bazalioma

- diskoidnaya lupus erythematosus

+ psevdofurunkulez Finger

294. Call clinical variants of streptococcal impetigo

+ zaeda

- eritemato-squamous streptoderma

- ekssudativnaya

- papulo necrotic

295 What are the main clinical signs of scabies

- simptom Pospelov

- sgruppirovannnye bubbles

+ zud growing at night

- sledy bites itch mites
296 What tools are used to treat scabies

+ metod Dem'yanovich

- rastvor chlorhexidine

- seraya mercury ointment

- kerosin half with vegetable oil
297 What are the main clinical signs of lice

- nahozhdenie ticks

+nahozhdenie lice

- parnye papular elements

- simptom Gorchakov-Hardy
298 With what diseases differentiate scabies

+ pedikulez

- opoyasyvayuschy zoster

- leyshmanioz

- ekssudativnaya erythema
299 In what dermatoses appointed by the local corticosteroid ointment

+Psoriaz progressive stage

- Leyshmanioz

- Raznotsvetny zoster

- Opoyasyvayuschy zoster
300 For what dermatoses uncharacteristically strong subjective feeling


 - Dermatit Dühring

- Mikrobnaya eczema

+ Opoyasyvayuschy zoster

- Krapivnitsa

301 Find the inappropriateness of the rash - diagnosis

+Raznotsvetny zoster - roseolous-papular

- Kor - maculo-papular

- Trihofitiya - erythematous-squamous

- Bryushnoy fever - roseolous
302 Find the appropriate diagnosis - the nature of the rash

- Opoyasyvayuschy zoster - asymmetric vesicular

- Mikrobnaya eczema - monomorphic pustular

+ Krasny planus - monomorphic papular

- Krasnaya erythematosus - roseolous squamous skin atrophy
303 For what dermatoses characterized by defeat and nail polish


- Gribovidny mycosis

- Skrofuloderma

- Rozovy zoster Gibert

+ Rubromikoz

304 A sign of some dermatoses may be desquamation, hyperkeratosis,

cracks in the skin of the palms and fingertips

- Tuberkuloidnaya form of leprosy

+ Rubromikoz

- Sindrom Lyell

- Sindrom Stevens Zhonsona

305 What stage are distinguished within rosacea (rosacea)

- infiltrativno-suppurative

- eritemato-squamous

- atroficheskaya

+ eritematoznaya
306 What are the clinical signs characteristic of rosacea at

an objective examination

- ochagi lihenifikatsii

+ teleangiektazii

- flikteny

- gipo and giperpigmentnye spots

307 Specify the causal factor in the pathogenesis of rosacea

- gribkovaya infection

+ parazitirovanie mite Demodex

- patologiya kidney

- defitsit iodine
308 What diseases are characterized by localized skin rash


+ rozatsea

- krasny planus

- raznotsvetny zoster

- gidradenit

309 Specify the clinical signs of transformation in the pigment nevus


 - poyavlenie roseolous common rash

+ uskorenie exophytic growth rate of the hearth after mechanical trauma insolation

- gipo and anesthesia on the hearth

- keloidnoe scarring on the hearth

310 Specify the correct answers, which corresponds to a survey diagnosis

- puzyrchatka - blood eosinophilia

- ekzema - seeding tank with focus

- chesotka - examination for ticks Demodiks

+ raznotsvetny zoster - Balzer sample
311 Specify the correct answer, which corresponds to the designated drug


 - ekzema - sulfuric ointment

- fotodermatit - photosensitizing drugs

+ lepra - sulfone drugs

- dermatit Duhring - iodine

312 If any of the disease in the skin can be observed atrophic

changes and scarring

- vitiligo

+ krasnaya erythematosus

- dermatit Dühring

- pahovaya athlete

313. Specify for the diagnosis of disease which you

requires biopsy method

- ekzema

- opoyasyvayuschy zoster

+ sklerodermiya

- infiltrativno-suppurative trichophytosis

314 Specify the diseases where tests are assigned to fungi

+ mikrosporiya

- gribovidny mycosis

- opoyasyvayuschy zoster

- cheshuychaty zoster – Psoriasis
315 Specify the correct answers which correspond to the route of infection


 - gemotransfuzionny - shingles

+ transmissivny - leishmaniasis

- vozdushno-drop - warty tuberculosis of the skin

- transmissivy - trichophytosis

316 Specify the focal forms of skin tuberkuleza

- lihenoidny tuberculosis skin

- indurativnaya erythema

- miliarny tuberculosis

+ tuberkuleznaya erythematosus
317 Specify disseminirovannnye TB skin

- vulgarnaya erythematosus

+miliarny TB

- infiltrativny tuberculosis

- skrofuloderma
318 What are the signs characteristic of cutaneous leishmaniasis

- nahozhdenie viral cells from the lesion

- simptom "apple jelly"

+ transmissivny transmission

- rezervuarom infection is cattle
319 In what dermatoses appointed by the local corticosteroid ointment

+ Allergichesky dermatitis

- Leyshmanioz

- Raznotsvetny zoster

- Opoyasyvayuschy zoster
320 For what dermatoses uncharacteristically strong subjective feeling


- Dermatit Dühring

- Mikrobnaya eczema

- Krapivnitsa

+ Opoyasyvayuschy zoster

321 Find the mismatch harkter rash - diagnosis

- Bryushnoy fever - roseolous

+ Raznotsvetny zoster - roseolous-papular

- Strofulyus- papules, urticaria, vesicular

- Dermatit Duhring - polymorphic herpeticum
322 Find the appropriate diagnosis - the nature of the rash

- Mikrobnaya eczema - monomorphic pustular

- Krasnaya erythematosus - roseolous squamous skin atrophy

+ Skrofuloderma - Bugorkova

- Leyshmanioz skin - papular - patchy
323 For what dermatoses characterized by defeat and nail polish


 - Skrofuloderma

+ Epidermofitiya

- Rozovy zoster Gibert

- Dermatit Dühring

324 A sign of some dermatoses may be desquamation, hyperkeratosis,

cracks in the skin of the palms and fingertips

 - Sindrom Lyell

- Sindrom Stevens Zhonsona

- Disseminirovannaya form of lupus erythematosus

+ Ihtioz

325 What are the most common opportunistic infections in AIDS

- Leyshmanii

- Korinobakterii

+ Pnevmotsistnaya infection

- Trihomonady
326 What forms of Kaposi's sarcoma you know

- Pozdnoizyazvlyayuschaya

+ SPID-associated

- Nedifferentsirovannaya

- Paratravmaticheskaya
327.Call form on the prevalence of AIDS symptoms in the clinical

picture (according to WHO)

 + Legochnaya

- Gepatolienalnaya

- Gangrenoznaya

- Limfoproliferativnaya

328 Specify the ratio of T-helper / T-suppressor in carriers of HIV

+ within 10

- within 15

- <1

- more than 10
329 What laboratory methods allow to confirm the diagnosis

Vulgar lupus

- Mazki-prints

+Proba Mantoux

- Proba Jadassohn

- Reaktsiya Wassermann

330 What diseases are at bullous dermatosis


- vetryanka

- opoyasyvayuschy zoster

- streptodermiya
331 In what bullous dermatosis observed eruptions

- ekzema

- krasny planus

- streptodermiya

+ sindrom Lyell
332 The classification of true pemphigus included


+vulgarnaya pemphigus


333 What are the symptoms characteristic of true pemphigus



- "apple jelly"

334 In what diseases there is a positive sign


+ puzyrchatka

- dermatit Dühring

- bulleznaya streptoderma

- uzelki doilschits (false cow ospa)

335 What are the main rules of the COP in the treatment of hormone-


- primenyayut pulse therapy

- priem hormones administered on the evening

+ lechenie begin with a loading dose

- gormony prescribed only for external treatment

336 What are the complications observed in the treatment of pemphigus

- ugnetenie function of the hematopoietic system

- kushingoidny Syndrome

- amiloidoz

+ progressivny paralysis
337 What are the characteristic clinical signs of dermatitis Duhring

- vysypaniya consist of infiltrating elements

- polozhitelny symptom Nikolsky

+ povyshennaya sensitivity cereals

- porazhenie oral mucosa
338 What are the morphological features are characteristic rash

dermatitis Duhring


- bugorki

- uzly

- vegetatsii

339 What are the laboratory findings are characteristic of dermatitis Duhring

- limfotsitoz

- leykotsitozv cystic fluid

+ eozinofiliya blood

- gistomorfologicheski - acantholysis
340 Which dermatosis characterized by the appearance of rashes on

oral mucosa

- psoriaz

- opoyasyvayuschy zoster

+ puzyrchatka

- gidradenit

341 Call rash with a clear viral etiology

- dermatit Dühring

- krasny planus

- pemfigoid

+ gerpes
342 What are the characteristics of lesions in the herpes simplex

+ monomorfnye bubble elements

- subektivno - itching prevails over the soreness and burning

- sgruppirovannye cystic lesions

- polimorfizm rash
343 Call features of genital herpes from a solid


- bezboleznennost erosions

+ boleznennost

- regionarny bubo

- nalichie solid infiltrate the base erosion

344 What are the clinical forms of herpes zoster

- vegetiruyuschaya

+ abortivnaya

- mezhrebernaya

- infiltrativno-suppurative
345 Specify the drug has prtivovirusnym


- sera cleared


- Rifampitsin

+ Atsiklovir

346 Assign the drug to patients with a diagnosis of herpes zoster

+ viroleks tablets

- ampitsillin

- aevit

- natry-bromo drops
347 Specify the characteristics of molluscum contagiosum

- cheshuyki on the surface of papules

- simptom "grid Wickham" positive

+ vstrechaetsya preimuschestveeno children

- put transmission-transmissive
348 What forms of lupus are distinguished according to the classification

- pustuleznaya

+ diskoidnaya

- koltsevidnaya

- atroficheskaya

349 Call cardinal symptoms of lupus rash

- pustuleznaya infiltration

+ follikulyarny hyperkeratosis

- keloidnye scars

- lihenifikatsiya

350 What are the symptoms observed in discoid lupus erythematosus

- "mesh" Wickham

- "honeycomb" Celsus

- terminalnaya film

+ "ladies' heel"
351 What are the laboratory findings are characteristic of SLE (acute form)

+ "LE" - cells

- pozitivny PB

- bilirubinemiya

- ketoatsidoz
352 With what diseases nebhodimo differentiate red


- ekzema

- tuberkuleznoy erythematosus

- puzyrchatka

- kontagiozny clam

353 What are the stages are distinguished in the clinical course of scleroderma

- ekssudatsiya

- giperkeratoz

- izyazvlenie

+ atrofiya
354 What dermatitis are at kollagenozov

- dermatit Dühring

- ostrokonechnye warts

+ sklerdermiya

- leyshmanioz
355 What are considered benign neoplasms of the skin

- melanoma

- bazalioma

- bolezn Paget

+ lipoma
356 Specify malignant skin lesions

- papilloma

- lipoma

+ melanoma

- limfangioma
357 What are the clinical varieties of acne vulgaris

+ abstsediruyuschie

- konicheskie

- eritemato-squamous

- erozivno ulcerative
358 Specify the current stage of rosacea

- follikulyarny hyperkeratosis

- stadiya atrophy

+ eritematoznaya

- stadiya seals
359 Call exogenous factors which may cause pathological

condition in the skin

- immunodefitsit

+ patogennye fungi

- gipersensibilizatsiya

- organicheskie and functional disorders of the nervous system

360 Endogenous physiological factors that may cause

vospalitenye include changes in the skin

+ gipertermiya

- himicheskie

- fizicheskie

- bakterii

361Primary morphological elements can be

- indurativnye

+ ekssudativnye

- follikulyarnye

- nefollikulyarnye
362 Which of the following applies to exudative lesions

- uzel

+ puzyr

- tuberkulum

- papula
363 What are the primary elements of infiltrative

- voldyr

- vezikula

- bulla

+ uzelok
364 Spot is the primary element, resulting from

- Giperkeratinizatsii

+ Krovoizliyany

- Izmeneniya color as a result of acantholysis

- Izmeneniya color as a result of melanocytes hyperfunction
365 What kind of spots are distinguished

- disgidroticheskie

- seroznye

- melanotsitnye

- pigmentnye
366. Call species of vascular patches

- petehii

- lentigo

+ rozeola

- leykoderma
367.Call varieties of hemorrhagic spots

- lentigo

- hloazma

+ petehii

- teleangiektaziya
368 What are the characteristics of voldyrya

- voznikaet a result of acantholysis

+ yavlyaetsya ephemeral (quickly appears and disappears without a trace)

- reverse development process to secondary depigmentation

- harakteren for autoimmunnyhzabolevany
369 What are the characteristics of a bubble

- izyazvlenie with ulceration and atrophy

- yavlyaetsya proliferative element

- obrazuetsya resulting edema papillary dermis

+ yavlyaetsya exudative primary element and contains fluid
370 How different from the bubble bubble

- subektivnymi sensations

+ razmerami - less than 05 cm bubble, the bubble more

- soderzhimym exudate

- lokalizatsiey elements
371Call layers of the epidermis

+ rogovoy

- sosochkovy

- retikulyarny

- zhirovoy
372 that belongs to the skin appendages

- podkozhno-fatty tissue

- epidermis

+ nogti

- sosochki dermis
373 What are the primary elements of mofologicheskie

+ papula

- atrofiya

- vegetatsiya

- ekskoriatsiya
374 What kinds of pustules you know

- skrofuloderma

- ekskoriatsiya

- petehiya

+ Follikulit
375 As a result, any process can patogistomorfologicheskih

form a bundle

- anaplaziya

+ akantoz

- vakuolnaya dystrophy

- akantoliz

376 What types of papules vary in size

- lihenoidnye

+ miliarnye

- karlikovye

- tuberkuloidnye
377 What are the characteristics of the nodule

- yavlyaetsya ephemeral

- soderzhit serous ekksudat

+ bespolostnoy primary element

- infiltrat located in the dermis and hypodermis
378 What are the characteristics of the node, and for tubercle

- otnositsya to exudative elements

- infiltrat located in the epidermis

+ yavlyayutsya bespolostnoy elements

- yavlyayutsya ephemeral formations
379 Write by appropriate primary cells and their secondary


- puzyrek - atrophy

+ puzyr - acantholysis

- tuberkulum - secondary depigmentation

- uzel - Erosion

380 Find a secondary morphological elements

- papula

- vegetatsiya

- fliktena

- tuberkulum
381 What are the characteristics of lihenifikatsii

+ rezko pronounced skin pattern

- gipergidroz on the hearth

- anesteziya on the hearth

- borodavchatye growths on the hearth
382 What are the primary elements and their corresponding inverse

the development of secondary cells

+ puzyr - erosion

- puzyrek - atrophic changes

- papula - scar atrophy

- pyatno - flaking and crust

383 Call pyoderma specific to childhood

- gidradenit

- bazalioma

+ epidemicheskaya pemphigus

- diskoidnaya lupus erythematosus
384Call clinical variants of streptococcal impetigo

+ poverhnostny felon

- tsentrobezhnaya

- papulo necrotic

- seboreynaya
385 What are the main clinical signs of scabies

- simptom Pospelov

- sgruppirovannnye bubbles

+ parnye papular or vesicular papules elements

- sledy bites itch mites
386 What tools are used to treat scabies

- rastvor chlorhexidine

- seraya mercury ointment

+ 33 Interest sulfuric ointment

- kerosin half with vegetable oil
387 What are the main clinical signs of lice

+ 0nahozhdenie nits

- nahozhdenie ticks

- parnye papular elements

- simptom Gorchakov-Hardy
388 With what diseases differentiate scabies

- opoyasyvayuschy zoster

+ kozhny itching

- ekssudativnaya erythema

- psoriaz
389 What rash characteristic of the lepromatous type of leprosy

- gummoznye

+ uzly

- vegetiruyuschie papules

- ochagi lihenifikatsii
390 What are the symptoms occur due to various motor

disorders in leprosy

+ paw" monkey

- simptom "butterfly"

- medovye cell Celsus

- shatayuschayasya gait

391 What laboratory and instrumental methods used to

diagnosis of leprosy

- proba Mantu

- reaktsiya Cana

+ leprominovaya sample

- proba Jadassohn

392 Which of the provisions are considered correct

- tuberkulezny type - negative test

- lepromatoznaya - negative test

- nedifferentsirovanny type - ustochivaya trial

+ lepromatozny type - negative
393 Specify which considered contagious skin disease

+ chesotka

- psoriaz

- rozovy zoster Gibert

- dermatit Dühring
394 Specify zveno in the epidemiological chain of the disease Borowski

- palochka Hansen

+ leyshmanii

- krupny cattle

- blohi
395 Specify the reservoir of infection in the leishmaniasis

+ susliki

- komary and fleas

- leyshmanii

- tarakany
396 List the basic preventive measures when


- dezinfektsiya room and laundry

+svoevremennoe detection and treatment

- unichtozhenie stray dogs

- profilakticheskie vaccinations

397 What laboratory and instrumental methods of diagnosis

are used for the diagnosis of tuberculosis of the skin

- proba Jadassohn

- mazok-mark

- issledovanie on the LE-cells

+ proba Pirke

398 Specify the localized forms of tuberculosis of the skin

- papulonekrotichesky

+ vulgarnaya erythematosus

- indurativny

- miliarny
399 What are the current stage of psoriasis:

- latentnaya

- inkubatsionnaya

+ progressiruyuschaya

- progredientnaya
400 Specify the most frequent localization of sites on the skin

psoriatic lesions:

- kozha persons

+ razgibatelnaya surface of the lower extremities

- sgibatelnaya surface of the upper limbs

- kozha back

401. What medications are more likely to cause a fixed erythema


- analginum

 - Aspirin

 - tavegil
402. What should be differentiated disease spread


 - Herpes

 - pyoderma

 + vulgar pemphigus

 - disease Borowski

403. Enter the typical localization at multiforme exudative


 - scalp

 + rear brake

 - neck

- interdigital spaces of hands

404. What factors are important in the development multiforme

exudative erythema

- Hereditary

- photosensitivity

+ foci of chronic infection

- hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands

405. What dermatoses differentiate erythema multiforme

+ Lyell's syndrome

 - strofulyus

- scrapie

 - psoriasis
406. Specify the pathogenetic factors of pink lichen Gibert

 - introduction in skin mites

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