
Experience of Michelson – Morley

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4.13 Experience of Michelson – Morley

Initially, provide a description of the experiment of Michelson - Morley and attempts to present the current results of its study:   

"We have already said that in the past, attempts were made to determine the absolute velocity of the Earth through the imaginary" ether, "which was thought then permeates the entire space. The most famous of these experiments done in 1887 by Michelson and Morley. But after 18 years the negative results of their experience Einstein explained.

For the experiment of Michelson - Morley used the device, whose scheme is shown in Fig. 4.13.1 The main part of the device: illuminant A translucent silvered glass plate B, two mirrors C and E. This is rigidly consolidated at heavy plate. Mirrors C and E were placed at the same distance L from the plate B. The plate splits the incident beam of light into two perpendicular to one another; they are directed to the mirrors and are reflected back to the plate B. After passing again through the plate in both the beam overlap (D and F). If the passage of light B to E and back equal transit time from B to C and back again, the emerging beams D and F will be in phase and mutually intensify; if those days are a little different, then beams a phase shift occurs and, as a consequence, - interference. If the device is in the ether "at rest", while exactly equal, and if he moves to the right with a speed and then will be the time difference. Let's see why.

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Fig. 4.13.1

First we calculate the light transit time from B to E, and vice versa. Let the "there" is t 1 , and the "back" is t 2 . But as long as the light moves from B to the mirror, the device itself will go a distance ut 1 , so that the world will have to go all the way L + ut 1 with velocity. This path can therefore be denoted as a and ct 1 , therefore,  ct 1 = L + ut 1 or t 1 = L / (c - u) ( This result is evident if one considers that the speed of light in relation to the device is a - u; whereas time period equal to the length L, divided by the (with - u). Similarly, we can calculate and t  . During this time, the plate in the approach to a distance ut 2 , so that the light on the way back, will have to pass only L - ut 2 .

Then ct 2 = L - ut 2 or t 2 = L / (c + u)

The total time is equal to t 1 + t 2 = 2Lc / (c 2 - u 2 );

it is more convenient to record a


And now calculate how much time t 3, the light will come from the plate to the mirror At S. As before, in the time t 3 Mirror With moves to the right at a distance ut 3 (to the position C), and the light will pass through the hypotenuse BC distance ct 3 . Of the right-angled triangle should be

(ct 3 ) 2 = L 2 + (ut 3 ) 2 ,

2 = c 2 t 3 - u 2 t 3 = (c 2 - u 2 ) t 3 ,

3 = L / √ (c 2 - u 2 )

When you walk from the back light point S` have to go the same distance; It is evident from the symmetry of pattern. Hence, the return of the same time (t 3 ) and the total time equal to 2t 3 . We write it in the form of


Now we can compare both times. Numerators in (4.13.1) and (4.13.2) are the same - it is the time of propagation of light in a stationary device. As a member of the denominators u 2 / c 2 is small, if only with a lot less. The denominators of these show how changes over time due to the motion of the device. Note that these changes are not identical - the passage of light to C and back to slightly less than the transit time through E and back. They are not the same, even if the distance between the mirror and in the same. We can only accurately measure the difference.

Here there is one technical subtlety: but if the length L is not exactly equal to each other? Indeed, the exact equality still never achieve. In this case, you just have to turn the instrument on 90 °, the placing on the movement of the sun, a BE - across. The difference in the lengths of time ceases to play a role, and it remains only to observe the shift of interference fringes when the device is rotated.

During the experiment, Michelson and Morley have positioned the instrument so that the segment BE turned parallel to the movement of the Earth's orbit, but (at a certain hour of the day or night). The orbital speed is about 30 km / sec, and the "demolition of the ether" at certain hours of the day or night and at certain times of the year should reach this value. The instrument was sensitive enough to notice this phenomenon. But no difference in the times were not found - the Earth's speed through the ether was impossible to detect. The result was zero experience.

It was mysterious. This is alarming. First fruitful idea how to get out of the impasse, has put forward Lorenz. He admitted that all the material of the body when driving is compressed, but only in the direction of travel. Thus, if the length of a body at rest has length of the body, moving with velocity u (call it L|| , where the symbol || indicates that the motion occurs along the length of the body), is given by


If this formula applied to a Michelson interferometer - Morley, the distance from B to C will remain unchanged, and the distance from B to E shortened to L√ (1 - u 2 / c 2 ). Thus, equation (4.13.2) does not change, but L in equation (4.13.1) changes in accordance with (4.13.3). As a result, we get


Comparing this with (4.13.2), we see that now t 1 + t 2 = 2t 3 . Therefore, if the device is really reduced, as we have suggested, it becomes clear why the experience of May-Kelson - Morley gave no effect.

Although the hypothesis of reducing successfully explained the negative result of the experience, it was very vulnerable to the accusation that its sole purpose - to get rid of the difficulties in explaining the experience. It was too artificial. However, similar problems arise in other experiments to detect the aether wind. In the end, it seemed that nature has entered a "conspiracy" against the man that she resorted to conspiracy and now and then introduces some new phenomena to nullify each measurement u ".

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Lorentz transformation - an elementary task of propagation of waves in a material medium, the solution of which is not difficult for any high school student. Lorenz transform is recorded with respect to a light wave propagating in a stationary air, in accordance with Huygens wave theory of light propagation, being in contradiction with the corpuscular Newtonian theory. Michelson and Morley had a crucial experiment to test these theories and found that the wave theory contradicts the results of the experiment, while the Newtonian corpuscular theory is in full accordance with the received data. It would seem that once again triumphed Newtonian worldview and the issue was settled once and for all. But nothing of the kind!

The negative result of the Michelson-Morley experiment, unexpected for the authors, demanded an explanation. Extended H.A. Lorenz absurd hypothesis in the direction of movement in the ratio of the size reduction of the moving body  , for the salvation of the fashion at the time of the wave theory, due to what could be compensated for the difference in the path of rays, served as the basis for the withdrawal of relativistic transformations.

"Incompetent in philosophical and scientific thought / by definition Newton / 'clerk Albert Einstein Patent Office (and, possibly, according to some, his wife Mileva Maric ), in the" stupidity and absurdity ", went even further. It took him not only a reduction in the length, but also slowing down time. However, this folly was not enough, he postulated independence of the propagation velocity of motion of the light source and the receiver of light waves. And, since it was impossible to imagine a material medium in which light waves can propagate such an amazing mystical way as instructed Acad. A.F. Ioffe, "along with those of physics thrown in the ether was the same weed basket of history." That is, it was ejected material medium in which the waves could be disseminated. But if there is an environment in which we could spread light waves, then the Lorentz transformation, emanating from the presence of the medium on which the relativistic theory, lose all meaning and, consequently, the relativity theory simply suggests "in the same weed basket of history" ether instead. And it was not enough! A.I. Joffe and his comrades thrown "into the same basket weed stories" everything to Einstein's scientific and philosophical outlook! In this regard, a world-renowned scientist William Macmillan wrote: "We, the present generation, too impatient to wait for anything ... after trying Michelson to detect the expected motion of the Earth relative to the ether, we have given up everything we were taught before, created a postulate the most senseless of all, we were only able to come up with and created a non-Newtonian mechanics, consistent with this postulate. The success achieved excellent tribute to our mental activity and our wit, but there is no assurance that our common sense. "

Despite the attempts of Einstein and its apologists today the collapse of relativistic subconscious has no one in doubt and a return to the materialist dialectic views becomes obvious.

On this occasion, Professor V.V. Cheshev writes: "... study the Lorentz model and the Einstein model for the physical justification for the Lorentz transformations are equally ephemeral.

It seems to me that the debate should not focus on the longer distance traveled oppositions Lorentz model, the Einstein model. We need a search of the third way, for this would be followed, including the appeal to the ideas of the Ritz, forgotten because of the dogmatic worship of Einstein's model. The search for alternative ways of building electrodynamics actually never stopped. On this quest, we do not know only for the reason that the orthodox science puts an impassable barrier to such research to journals and publishing houses. Just open the possibility of publishing nonrelativistic work to get ready-made electrodynamics, which will eliminate the problem hopeless, for the sake of a phantom solution of which need either a little or a lot of both "restructure their thinking." Everything is very simple. We need to uncleaccustomed to penetrate into his house through the chimney, allowed to come to the door, which they so tenaciously guarded by wanting to touch the front handle. Then it turns out that the door was not locked, and the habit of climbing into the pipe just an amusing oddity. Protective ban on alternative - that's the reason ... " !

In fact, everything is very simple. According to the classical laws of Newtonian corpuscular optics, due to the fact that the light source, a translucent plate, interferometer mirrors and remain stationary relative to each other, the installer turns do not affect the rate of transmission and reflection areas at corpuscles NE and BEB. Consequently, the passage portions NE and BEB beam of light back and forth, regardless of the rotation will be equal to 

For clarity. If playing billiards in a standing or uniformly moving train with arbitrarily speed, the two balls sent simultaneously and parallel to each other, made in the barriers (semitransparent plate) simultaneously. Then, a ball, being reflected from an obstacle in the flies to the obstacles C (mirror) and is reflected by it back to the obstacle B, and the second balloon, bypassing the obstacle B will reach the barrier E (mirror) and reflected from it, having the same distance as the first ball. So they hit "heads" at the obstacles in time. So, as you can see, "the door is not locked!"

As predicted by the Nobel laureate Richard Feynman, a corpuscle of light, however, this also applies to other electromagnetic radiation emitted by portions with a certain frequency. Thereby bunches distributed in space and discharge at a certain frequency, which like the material to form waves with variable particle density. Consequently, there is no contradiction in the wave-particle duality arises in the classical approach to solving the problem, as opposed to insoluble contradictions mystic centaur - the wave-particle - geek quantum-relativistic subconscious.

The results of this study make it possible to justify the need for a return to the Newtonian corpuscular physical nature of light and electromagnetic phenomena.

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